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Some FE8 issues.


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I'm new to the forums.. I've just registered, but I often follow the discussions since years...

So, I hope I'll find comfortable here..

I usually don't like getting into the public asking for help and whatever, but I'm experiencing some problems with FE8 hacking.. I've started the hack some months ago, it's something overall simple.. I've read the Ultimate Tutorial and managed to do most things alone.. Also I read the topics here which were really useful... ah and the tools made by you all were awesome too, thanks for that...

I'm not a total noob.. I've worked hard on my own.. I can insert sprites, animations, change stats and whatever, edit text and do some event assembly... (still not good though and FE8 is hard on events...)

But today I figured out there were still many questions unanswered which I really couldn't solve... So I decided to register and ask for you help.. that's it.

Enough with the presentation...

Here are my problems.. Please be extremely accurate if you can, it would help me much..

1) Skirmishes/Valni/Lagdou... is there a way to remove those from the game..? I doubt for Valni and Lagdou, but at least the skirmishes..? Most probably will be ASM and I'm not good at it... but some info would be appreciated... Beware that I don't want to put invincible foes to make them unbeatable.. I just want to prevent the player to play on those maps.. An idea of mine was inserting an event that makes the skirmish/valni floor end at the first turn.. so you can't do anything.. would that work..? But I don't know how to do events for valni or skirmishes... any info on this point too..?

2) I'll also tell you why I want to get rid of the skirmishes... mainly because I didn't want monsters in this hack... This because I'm putting new animations and classes and I have to overwrite the monster animations in the game.. so it would be unappropriate to fight a monster with the animation of something else, or without animation...

So my question was... can I expand the animation list..? How..? I've found some documentation about a certain 'checksum' for it but I don't understand it, can someone explain it to me, please..?

Also, can I expand the class list...? Does it work on FE8...? I know there was a tutorial somewhere but I can't find it...

3) This is some minor problem about Summons.... Every summoned ally has a default iron axe in his inventory... how do I edit this..?

4) How do I edit chapter names.... it seems like in FE8 they're graphic and not text... so can I edit them in GBAGE..? At which pointers are they..?

Thanks in advance..

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I have literally no knowledge in FE8 hacking but to expand the animation list

just go to class animation manager in FEAdv then where it says Max Index, just push the up arrow until you have as many extra slots as you want.

For the class list, you have to relocate your class list data to another place (You need to expand your ROM to do this) and then do some other crap. The tutorial is here http://www.bwdyeti.com/cafe/forum/showthread.php?tid=278

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