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Who are you pairing with whom?


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With such a large selection of supports we have, translated by many fine members of this sight, we have a very good idea about the different pairing available in the game. So, I've been wondering, what is everyone's favorite pairing for all of the characters? And why?

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Chrom x Female Avatar, took me a while to get the humor in their B and A supports but now its an otp for me. I also laughed reading their C support.

Tiamo x Vaike, they both have one thing in common, Chrom. Tiamo has a crush on him and Vaike considers himself Chrom's eternal rival. I really loved their supports together as Tiamo tries to help Vaike win against Chrom.

Olivia x Henry, I loved their supports together so that became an otp for me because in the end, Olivia brought out Henry's real smile, not the one he usually wears, a genuine smile.

Lucina x Jerome, again I enjoyed their supports together, especially their S support.

Sully x Liberia, opposites attract given Sully's a masculine girl and Liberia is often mistaken for a girl even though he is a guy. laugh.gif

Liz x Ronku, Ronku is assigned to protect Liz even though he's afraid of women, their supports were fun to read.

Donnel x Nono, Liked their support, plus Nn gets Lightning Speed and Good Growths

Sumia x Frederick, No real reason, other than I had to work that one out for my first run of the game given Sumia's small support list

Miriel x Grego, leftover

Mariabel x Callum, the idea of a noble lady and a knight who is never noticed sounded humorous.

Sariya x Virion, I found the idea of a dark mage and a womanizing archer to be pretty funny given Sariya's jealous nature.

Serge x Sol, no real reason other than to give Jerome Holy Shield

Velvet x Gaia, loved their supports together

I'll probably think of more as more support conversations become available. I only have two otps at the moment though.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Uh, I really haven't read the supports, so I'm just picking people who look good with each other. (Put in spoiler tab to take less space.)

Chrom&Olivia- I couldn't think of much better for him.

Male MU&Miriel- She seems like a nice girl, and (I believe) she was kinda like a tactician (before MU) for Chrom's group, so two tactician people should work well.

Liz&Ronku- Same reason as AT.

Vake&Tiamo- Same reason as AT.

Virion&Serge- They just seem good together.

Sol&Sully- They also seem good together.

Donny&Velvet- I dunno, just cause.

Gaia&Nono- Same as D&V.

Frederick&Sumia- Same as above.

Henry&Sariya- Same as above.

Libera&Mariabel- Above.

And for the kids, well, they can be with whoever.

Edited by Konnor97
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Throwing people together, lol.

Chrom-Olivia- I dun like Sumia D: I like Olivia more, anyway.

Liz-Libera- I thought it would be an interesting pair. You know, I haven't actually read any f Liberas 'romantic' supports... hm.

Mariabel-Viole- They seem like they go together. Two nobles, and all that.

Sully-Sol- I just had to pair them. It should be cliche.

Sumia-Frederick- Dunno.

Tiamo-Callum- Chrom doesn't pay attention to either of them, :p

Serge-Vake- Dat str.

MU(F)-Henry- x3

Velvet-Grego- Strikes me as interesting. Velvet seems like one of the older people in the group, along with Greg. I think they'd be interesting people to interact with each other.

Miriel-Richt- Seems like it would be funny enough. I'd like to see more on their interactions with each other. I can imagine Miriel finding him annoying, or something.

Sariya-Ronku- Afraid of women VS stalker

Nono-Donny- LolixShota FTW(?)

Less decided on kids...

Nn-Chambray- Bunnie dragons. Yesss

Azure-Noire- Hahaha, I loved that support

Loran-Serena- Strikes me as interesting.

I'll probably pick more accurate favourite when I learn more about all of them.

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The only thing I have to complain about with Krom x Olivia Besides the fact that I married her myself is that you can't even view the S support until you beat the freaking game, and you have to see all the other ones A, B, and C on another file if you haven't beaten the game on the file where Krom and Olivia are married.

You also have to GO OUT OF YOUR WAY for Krom to stay away from any of his potential waifus until you recruit Olivia. Have a C support with any of them and you're SCREWED. And THEN you also have to spend time getting the two of them support points.

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Oh, I know SumiaxChrom is pretty much canon. I'll pair them up to complete the support library eventually.

Like, if there is a sequel, I won't have a fit if they get married or whatevs. Maybe I'll find Sumia less annoying in the english version, or something.

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On higher-difficulty runs, it tends to happen because anything else is too much trouble. So you can just do those and blame the game to get it in the support library with your conscience clear.

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KromxSumia: What can I say, I'm a canon whore.

Male!MUxSallya: Like I said, practically canon. I'm finding it harder and harder to imagine him as a self insert.

MariabellxGaia: Their support is great, and they have history together.

ViolexSerge: They have history together, and their personalities mesh really well. Good supports, too.

TiamoxSort: If you read through their support, they really complete each other.

SullyxFreddy: Great support, their personalities mesh.

OliviaxHenry: Just read their support. X3

RichtxNono: Only people I can ship either with and have a clear conscience. Not to mention a good support.

LizxDonny: Good support.

SelenaxBrady: Awesome support.

JeromexNoire: Adorable support. IntroxIntro is always awesome.

I also support woodxFemale!Mark, Velvet and Vaike, and AzurexLucina from what I've deciphered from that labyrinth some call google translate.

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Besides Krom x Sumia, there's so much flexibility with other supports. There's no "canon" practically besides those two, because Sariya's supports if you have a FeMU is a cut and paste. She is going lesbian for her.

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After much agonizing, I've decided (based on couples that were cute together)...

First playthrough:

Jerome x FeMU - 'cause he's hot, OK?

Frederick x Liz - bodyguard crush

Sol x Sully - Cain x Abel

Richt x Miriel - leftover

Chrom x Sumia - canon

Gaia x Mariabel - support is to die for

Vaike x Velvet - monstrous STR Chambray + Vaike doesn't seem stupid in this one

Ronku x Tiamo - cute support

Grego x Nono - bodyguard crush

Callum x Sariya - black-haired Noire

Henry x Olivia - cute support

Virion x Serge - master x servant *-*

Mark x Selena - leftover

Brady x Noire - IDK but they look cute together

Loran x Degel - leftover

Wood x Cynthia - cute support

Azure x Lucina - cute support

Chambray x Nn - dragon-bunny babies

Second playthrough:

Azure x FeMU - 'cause he looks like Chrom but hotter and acts more awesome

Vaike x Liz - blond Wood

Virion x Sully - leftover

Callum x Miriel - leftover

Frederick x Sumia - I refuse to pair Sumia with Henry or Gaia

Grego x Mariabel - Brady needs to get his looks from somewhere

Libera x Velvet - support seems OK

Sol x Tiamo - cute support

Donnel x Nono - leftover

Henry x Sariya - explains why Noire is whack

Chrom x Olivia - for blue-haired Azure

Ronku x Serge - cute support

No real reasons for the children...

Loran x Selena

Wood x Noire

Chambray x Degel

Jerome x Cynthia

Mark x Lucina

Brady x Nn

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And that's exactly why "MU x nobody" came before the egg.

Nn's gimmick is "Desu".

In Katakana, that is "Death".

So technically, she already HAS a support that qualifies as "Nono x Death".

Only if paired.

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I was thinking about Nono x Donny, but before he proposes, Nono says...

約束! 指切りしよう!

... and then I suddenly had problems taking the their relationship seriously if a pinky promise is Nono's idea of taking their relationship to the next level. So Nono x Richt the first time through.

Other then that, I'm still thinking. Probably doing Fred x Liz, and Krom x Olivia ,if only because I'll do my first play through on normal so I could probably afford to make Krom avoid people. Trying to decide one for Sol, since he shares my B-Day, but I can't decide.

Going for MUxAnna first I think.

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For the regular pairings, [spoiler=Not a spoiler, just a space-saver]

KromxOlivia, since I like Royal Weapon Azure, and it's kind of funny that he woos her completely offscreen.

LizxGrego, mostly so Wood gets Sol.

SullyxSol, because how can you not pair the red and green knights?

MirielxRicht, a whole family of mages (that I won't use)

SumiaxHenry, so Cynthia gets white hair and Life Absorb.

MariabelxVaike, pairing the royal's friends, passing Sol to Brady, and enjoying the prim noble with IT'S VAIKE TIME.

VelvetxFrederick, as they seem to be the most matured of their respective genders.

TiamoxRonku, no real reason I guess. I just like them both individually, so why not put them together?

NonoxDonny, because he and Richt are the only acceptable ones agewise, and he passes Dark Pegasus to Nn. Besides, it's hilarious to envision his mom having a heart attack learning the boy she sent off came back married to a DRAGON.

SariyaxGaia, mostly so Noire gets Lightning speed + Sol.

SergexVirion, because of their history.

For MU, [spoiler=Actual plot-important spoilers from Chapter 22, you've been warned]MUxLucina

When Lucina finds out Fauder can control MU, she realizes how her history went to hell and resolves to change fate by killing MU herself, even if such an act is unforgivable. Normally Krom has to charge in and intervene, but if they're lovers...

post-5023-066237100 1352259046_thumb.png

...they get a special conversation and she can't bring herself to do it. I found the whole thing far more interesting than any support, so they will forever be my OTP.

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Krom x Olivia (Azure with Aether)

M MU x Serge (with MU with Spd as best stat to fix Jerome's, Jerome is Batman so he's instantly one of my favourite characters)

Tiamo x Ronku (Speedy Mercenary)

Vake x Miriel (I need a Dark Knight)

Callum x Nono (defensive dragon)

Sol x Soiree/Sully (Who's name still reminds me of Monsters inc. I figure that they would cover each others weaknesses)

Frederick x Sumia (I figure I put the two I don't like together)

Grego x Liz (I'm not sure why)

Viole x Sariya (why must magic classes have weapon sons?)

Gaia x Velvet (Again, not sure)

Mariabel x Richt (More magic)

I haven't read the supports, and I don't want to spoil them for myself. These are mostly based on the results of their children.

The only child pair I have decided is Lucina x Jerome

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