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Weed is legal now!


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I predict that Washington and Colorado never having state debt ever again. (You know they are gonna be taxing the FUCK out of that shizz! And people will be cool with it because legal Mary Jane!)

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Good to hear. I write some of my best posts while being to high to think straight, so that's very convenient.

On a less serious note, it's probably a good thing. I don't see while you should disappear into prison for the rest of your life for harming your own body.

Edited by BrightBow
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I just hope they can take advantage of this in the medical field

I don't support using drugs either, but I don't mind them legalizing it. And hopefully the economy boost can make this worth it...

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Good to hear. I write some of my best posts while being to high to think straight, so that's very convenient.

That actually explains a lot

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