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I saw the new Twilight movie and I loved it

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I haven't managed to see the newest movie yet, mostly because I know everything that happens in it, so I don't feel any need to rush and watch it. I figure it'll be as good as the rest of the movies in the series have been.

I bet this will be the only post in this thread by someone that likes Twilight.

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I have indeed heard the movie owned, actually. Exactly why is spoilers, but it ends differently than the last book, in a glorious and also stupid way.

[spoiler=]There's this MASSIVE superhero-odyssey-esque fight where tons of both the good and bad guys die relatively horrifically for no blood, and then they flash to some living McGuffin telling the bad guys [i]this is what will happen if you actually fight us you're going to get whomped[/i] and then they're like :{

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I have indeed heard the movie owned, actually. Exactly why is spoilers, but it ends differently than the last book, in a glorious and also stupid way.

[spoiler=]There's this MASSIVE superhero-odyssey-esque fight where tons of both the good and bad guys die relatively horrifically for no blood, and then they flash to some living McGuffin telling the bad guys [i]this is what will happen if you actually fight us you're going to get whomped[/i] and then they're like :{


That's like some kind of reverse-palantir or something XD

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Michael Sheen is just about the greatest comedian on this planet. They could make entire movie about him gaying it up. It would be just divine.

Gods i love Michael Sheen. Just, outright adore that man.

I havent seen this movie yet and seeing how Breaking Dawn was one of the worst books i ever read, i am like "errr....no" But then i heard Michael Sheen exceeds the awesome over-the-top ham-o-meter in this film and now...i really wanna see it. :awesome: I actually really liked his character in the books because he was really hammy and fun. I wanna see Aro drop the squee bomb now! Apparently its legendary.

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i've read books outside the twilight franchise so i have comparsion material

twilight is shite

it's supernatural teenage pregnancy melodrama

i could see myself liking it ironically thought, "supernatural teenage pregnancy melodrama" is such a sweet sweet description

pero guille tiene 18 la minita

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Seriously, Google translate is leaving me very confused here

if only because I'm dubious that Guilley is actually a pedophile

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