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How do you pronounce Rapier?

Gold Vanguard

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I've always said it 'Raa-pee-er',and even knowing it's incorrect, I will continue to pronounce it that way, in much the same way I still pronounce Mia 'My-ah' instead of 'Me-ah' and Marcia 'Marsh-a' instead of 'Marr-see-a'.

Until I meet a real person with those names who dislikes my pronounciations, at least...

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It's a real word that I used before I found FE, so the "proper" way.

Basically nailed it. Then again, as a kid I read this great big red encyclopedia named ARMS AND ARMOR, so I was a little bit of a sperg about it.

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dictionary.com if this was a question

Why... WHY did I laugh? XD

Must have weeb in here.



But... in all seriousness... what Kitty of Time there has with my name and "pee" in the same word.

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in much the same way I still pronounce Mia 'My-ah' instead of 'Me-ah' and Marcia 'Marsh-a' instead of 'Marr-see-a'.

both of these are arguably acceptable.

chalk me up to the "had heard of it before FE" list (i probably pronounce it incorrectly anyway cause I do that for everything)

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How do you lot pronounce Sieglinde? I always said it as "See-glin-day" and i think thats actually correct considering the source of the name. Just like Siegmund is "Seeg-mund"

Lughnasadh is an odd one. Isnt it Welsh or something? Anyway i always called it "Lou-nah-sahd(weird throaty noise here)"

Rienfleche to me was "Ree-en-flesh"

Super shocked face happened when RD came out and Narrator pronounced Naesala, Nealuchi, Dheginsea, and Caineghis the same way i did. :o

Also anyone who pronounces Sigrun as "Sig-run" and not "See-groon" is gonna get a boot to the head. :P

Edited by Florina Stark
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Ive known people named Marcia and "Marsha" is how they say their own name. So youre not wrong here.

"MAR-see-ah" is also a valid pronunciation for the name. In fact, that's the one the game actually uses, I believe. I like it way more than Marsha anyway.

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