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[FE12] Generic Units Draft

Fei Mao

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Bear with me since this the first time creating a draft, but welcome as the title says a draft of FE12 using generic units and see who can get the lowest turn count.

Participants will be give till Feburary 28th to finish (Hopefully it's a generous amount of time)those who don't finish past the deadline will be disqualified.


1. Game will be played on H1 (hard or normal if people want to) difficulty and type your MU class and build when signing up please.

2..Marth and Mu are free (Maybe Feena too if people want) to use while Arran is free till chapter 10.

3.You may choose to keep the four characters (Julian, Sirius, Minerva, Merric) that recruits the four sisters alive and benched till then. (Exceptions are: Palla is allowed to kill the thief that heads for Julian's village, Sirius is allowed to defend himself when he first appears, Merric when he appears, though Julian is allowed to loot chest and open doors) If you choose to keep them type 4 when you sign up please.l

4. Turn counts will begin at chapter 2 and you must visit all gaiden chapters and true ending must be reached.

5.The Arena in the preparation menu and map are allowed.

6.You may recruit a person for a weapon that he or she is holding. (For example you want Ellerans Thoron or Samtos Killing Edge.)There is no penalty if the recruiter enters combat unarmed however you must kill the recruit and recruiter after on the same map or the next one. If you're going to keep a recruiter type their names when signing up please. All participants can choose the same recruiter.

7.No Wifi or rainbow drops allowed.

8. Forging is allowed.

9. (Optional) You may keep a count of generic deaths and a death log if desired. (No penalty for excessive deaths) Screenshots are optional for chapter logs.

10. (Optional) You may do a narrative for logs if desired or whatever you like as long it tells how you completed it.

That's it for the rules hopefully everyone will enjoy this draft.







Edited by Generic Operator
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Interesting, but here come the questions/comments.

1. What exactly are we drafting? Generic names? Something else?

2. If we're not using MU, why is his/her class and build necessary?

3. You'll get no screenshots from me, as I intend on playing on my DS.

4. You might want to make Merric free on his joining chapter, on the basis that getting rid of all the nonsense around him so Ellerean can be recruited is rather difficult with a normal team (and Ellerean WILL kill him sooner than later).

5. Lack of Feena looks like it's gonna induce a headache.

Undecided on whether or not I want to join this.

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Interesting, but here come the questions/comments.

1. What exactly are we drafting? Generic names? Something else?

2. If we're not using MU, why is his/her class and build necessary?

3. You'll get no screenshots from me, as I intend on playing on my DS.

4. You might want to make Merric free on his joining chapter, on the basis that getting rid of all the nonsense around him so Ellerean can be recruited is rather difficult with a normal team (and Ellerean WILL kill him sooner than later).

5. Lack of Feena looks like it's gonna induce a headache.

Undecided on whether or not I want to join this.

Sorry if my stuff were lacking details or not clear.

1. No were not drafting generic names (though if people want we can or we can draft people for weapons they carry) pretty much I just wanted to see who can get the lowest count using generics is all. (Guess i shouldnt have called it a draft im the first place)

2.I goofed up and forgot to add MU as free sorry about that.

4 and 5 I will make Merric free on that chapter (forgot about that again sorry) and about Feena if people want she will be free.

@Horsebird While its true that generic stats wont catch up to the enemies its still possible to put them to use on this mode even if they end up dying more than killing.

Edited by Generic Operator
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With the clarifications, I'll give this a shot (eventually). Would prefer Feena free and Navarre/Feena free on Chapter 7.

PKL, go search "generic" in the FE12 forum, and read what TC did. It's doable, albeit messy.

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