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I'm back


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Sooo yeah, no-one heard from me all summer. Well, technology is an evil sod like that.

It doesn't help that Bell Canada are completely incompetent and took about a month to get over here and give us our internet back.

After that, it just sort of devolved into 'oh crap I'm in college now nothing prepared me for this wat the fuuuuu-' followed by a few actual migranes.

I guess deciding to replay the entire Mass Effect trilogy didn't help much either, but whatever...

So yeah, I'm back.


I guess.

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Welcome back. Sounds like you went through hell had a good time.

The upside of no computer means a lot of D&D was played with people in similar situations.

The summer was almost worth it just for that moment when the Rogue started Mario-hopping on the Kraken heads...

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I agree! Bell is completely incompetent. :( Which sucks because their internet is like, the fastest where I live...

And welcome back!

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