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When your in a boss battle who do you attack first, the mooks or the boss?

Gold Vanguard


55 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you go for first?

    • The boss so I can get the battle over with.
    • The mooks to make the battle less difficult.
    • Both for the challenge.

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I usually go for the mooks, mainly when they heal the boss or buff it. But the only exceptions are if the boss is easy enought to kill right away or if it summons more mooks to replace the ones you've defeated.

Edited by Royal Guard
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GENERALLY SPEAKING, wipe minions, lieutenants, bosses in that order.

That said, generic strategies like that never hold up when considered across a variety of things. Infinitely respawning enemies I tend to try to ignore, low health high damage bosses always get my full attention, etc.

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Generally speaking, the mooks have to go first, unless they're stuff that you can't kill easily (e.g. In Tales of Eternia, the Empty Dolls that aid Shadow have high enough HP counts that you're better off ignoring them altogether and focusing on Shadow himself, as once he's defeated, they die as well; they also regenerate HP periodially). My strategy might change depending on other factors too.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I usually slay minions, specially when they are annoying and make the battle harder. However, if they are insignificant and almost always miss (like when you're super high-leveled on Xenoblade), I go for the boss. Otherwise, AREA ATTACKS/MAGIC.

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Usually the minions unless it's like that one boss in Nocturne where the little guys revive the main boss and make your life a living hell so you have to kill them all in a single turn or else the main boss keeps reviving the little guys as well.

But yeah, minions then main boss usually.

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I used to always go for the strongest target, until I actually grew a strategic mind and realised that extra STR and a defense buff each turn was making my life difficult, and I started to take out the mooks.

Always the mooks.

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Depends on the behaviour of the boss, but usually it's important to take the mooks out before they do something that ruins your day. Baten Kaitos Origins for example, the Holo holo bird wrecks you a new butthole if you don't kill the birds, PLUS the chicklets do a whole ton of damage and heal the momma bird, so even if they regen, you definitely don't want them alive under any circumstance. In some cases, the boss powers up without his mooks though, in which case I'd leave them alone. Or sometimes with respawning mooks, you want to keep a certain set alive that is the least damaging.

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Infinitely respawning enemies I tend to try to ignore, low health high damage bosses always get my full attention, etc.

These especially. Sometimes I'll also just go at the boss if I'm trying to get through the game with as few casualties as possible, or some other conditional thing.

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Mooks go first. Always. Unless theres some sort of reason why they should be ignored. Like when the boss heals THEM and not the other way around, or they simply exist to fuck up your targeting and junk.

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As Rein said, this question is flawed because it implies that all bosses in all games warrant exactly the same strategy.

So yeah, it depends on the mechanics of the game and any other conditions that may be present in a particular boss fight.

Usually, the mooks need to die first if they heal the boss, for example (unless it's such insignificant amounts that you can just ignore them).

Sometimes, the mooks are so insignificant compared to the boss that you're better off just ignoring them and focusing on the boss. Or maybe the boss just calls more of them if you kill them.

But in the end, there are simply too many possibilities to give a definite answer.

Then sometimes you have strong multi-target attacks and don't need to make a choice in the first place because you can just wipe out both simultaneously. ULTIMAQUICKULTIMAULTIMAULTIMAULTIMA

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  • 8 months later...

Some games, and by some I really mean SOME expect you to kill the mooks before the boss

And then theres games where you want to keep one mooks alive

CPU fight in FF4DS

Such as this

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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MOST games are designed with the mindset of having to take the mooks out first, as they either buff or heal the main boss and can cause a lot of damage by themselves. That's the classic mindset, anyway; things change depending on circumstances.

Also, fuck Nocturne.

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