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Unable to edit FE8 Myrrh in Chapter Unit Editor?


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Not a big deal if this ends up unanswered since it's not necessary for the premise of my project, but it would be nice to have some light shed on.

I'm trying to change things about Myrrh at the start of Ch16B (Eph route) in the Chapter Unit Editor. Unfortunately, nothing I do seems to change anything about her. I can change pretty much everything else in the chapter, such as enemy inventory, but Myrrh's inventory, class, level etc won't change. I'm pretty sure I managed to make her vanish at some point, after which I reverted all my changes to her quickly, but that's about all I've managed to do. I can't find any secondary occasion of her in Ch16 either, so I know that's not the problem. I can change things like her portrait in the Character Editor, too.

The instance of Myrrh I'm talking about has number 0x0A in the editor, I'm using Nightmare. This not only occurred in my heavily edited ROM, but also in a clean one.

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Myrrh is loaded as a unit in Chapter 12 and 13B. I'm pretty sure she's loaded as a blue unit there, so you could try changing those: although obviously if you're planning to change her class, it will be spoiled to anyone who watches the cutscenes in those chapters.

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It was definitely not during Ch15B, I checked that one already. If it's Ch12/Ch13B I should just give up since that would be quite tedious to test, not to mention that my ideas weren't very spoiler friendly anyway.

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