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Does Fire Emblem inspire you?

Murdok Dracul

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I'm currently writing a high fantasy novel involving magicians, dragons, enchanted swords and everyone's favourite typical archetypes...and while I was revising a part of the prologue the other day, I realised I have a character who wears a big cloak and wields a curved blade, and is referred to for the duration of the prologue as 'the Swordmaster'.

I then realised that the governing force of the country that it's set in is made up of Sages, who take on Mages as their apprentices.

Afterwards, I recalled the actual process of creating a good few of the characters: I think I must have subconsciously based most of them off Fire Emblem classes. I have a raggle-taggle band of characters in the first chapter: a mercenary with a huge sword, a former-assassin with two daggers (who used to be, and is now again, a simple thief), others who would easily pass as members of the Soldier or Halberdier class... More or less everyone except the main three characters is directly assignable to a class from Fire Emblem. Obviously, these are character archetypes that appear in loads of other fantasy series. This is nowhere near the level of similarity that you'd find in a fan-fic. Only a fan of Fire Emblem would ever read it and think 'Oh hey, what a coincidence, this Swordmaster is just like something out of Fire Emblem'. But I'm the writer and I'm thinking that. I'm not going to change any of it, because it's still my story, and I can get away with recycling a few stereotypical character traits and names.

The point of this post is just to show how much I am both consciously and subconsciously influenced by this series. For me, it's probably about as significant as The Lord of the Rings is for most writers of high fantasy, or as significant as The Beatles are for rock musicians, Star Wars for film makers, Mario and Zelda for game developers.

So I want to ask everyone: does Fire Emblem inspire you? Do you write fantasy, or maybe fan fiction? Or has it inspired you to learn to draw? Has it inspired you to get into game-developing or hacking, or editing graphics? Music remixing? Anything?

I'm not too sure how great a topic this is for a message board, but please do tell, share stories, and discuss.

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I wrote a report about medieval castles last year, and Fire Emblem kind of inspired me to write about them, since medieval times. Also. I wrote a few stories about FE a while ago.

That's cool/ What did they involve? Which characters did you write about? Maybe you could link us to them.

I use FE in my D&D campaign

You mean by roleplaying a Fire Emblem character?

When I write a program for practice, it's probably always Fire Emblem themed.

Maybe this is a silly question, but do you mean 'program' in terms of computers, or as in a TV script?

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I remember the story I wrote on this forum a few years back was heavily inspired by FE, if not down right stealing from it in some places. I believe took a lot on the wyvern riders and morphs, along wit the general feel of some of the characters. Particularly the villains, who were based off the typical FE type of antagonists. My latest novel I think sitll has some inspirations, but which are nearly as obvious.

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Statistics class makes me want to program a brand new averages calculator with a "plug in your own stats" function to see how likely it is to have your character's stat at that level

I don't write much though if at all I kinda suck at that

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I'm also working on a fantasy story, one that I've been working on since I was very young, long before I knew about Fire Emblem. One villain in my story has been greatly influenced by Nergal from FE7, the main character, although he's probably more like myself, Eliwood had some influence there too. FE 10's Black Knight's name was used as a nickname for one character, which coincidentally helps the other reference to Lego I was trying to make in his name. (My story is based on a game I played with my friends with Lego characters, the Black Knight was a villain in old Lego castle sets, as well as his real name is Cedric, while his other alias is Tauros, which is the bull zodiac, which references another Lego castle villain, "Cedric the Bull.") Many of the castle designs, at least in FE10, have greatly influenced castles I build out of Lego, so I guess Fire Emblem has done quite a bit.

However, my main villain is more influenced by Arkham City's Joker and Harry Potter's Voldemort, with a bit of the classic evil genius in there. Other characters take mostly from Lord of the Rings characters, although one of the love interests takes a bit from Ninian, and one of the other villains is much like Lyon mixed with a vengeful lover.

Edited by Knight
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Oh yeah, FE inspires me a lot. When I was revising my Zelda fic and working on ideas for a sequel, I started using elements from FE. Because, for example, Hyrule's military (Hyrule is the main Zelda setting) usually sucks butt. So I used a few FE elements to improve it. I've designed horse-back knights to look somewhat like FE's, only with of course, a touch of the original Zelda style as well.

I'm also going to have Hylian armies (Hylians are the human race of Zelda) fight other Hylian armies as well, instead of just monsters all the time. I mean, the monsters are cool and all, but it'd also be awesome to see Link (the character the player controls) fight, say, enemy Hylian soldiers as well. I mean, it's already been made clear that Hyrule isn't the only place in the Zelda world that has Hylians (thanks to settings like Termina, Labrynna, Holodrum, etc.), so yeah.

And, obviously, FE also inspires me when I write FE fics involving many original characters and settings. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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Sorry, that's not what I was trying to get across. The point is that even if it's not obvious, I was inspired by Fire Emblem.

Because someone who has mastered swords is known as a 'Swordmaster'?

What about you?

It spurred me to create a (low, no magic) fantasy world with armies that make logistical sense, rather UNlike FE's in every way. That's about it.

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My art style was kick started by a mix of Fire Emblem and Golden Sun, and later Ragnarok Online. I tried to do an FE-like RP but it didn't really pan out. Now, my story settings are a lot more influenced by SMT, minus the demons and religion.

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I am pretty sure that due to Fire Emblem, I have become a lot better art drawing armor. I'm still not that good, but I always used to balk at the idea of having to draw metallic things and even weaponry.

I don't really grab plot or story ideas from Fire Emblem though. It's kind of not magic-based/fantastical enough as a universe.. a touch too mundane with a magic system that's lacking in complexity. XD

On the other hand, I did name one of my characters after Cormag from Fire Emblem (because the name got mentioned in my dream). My Cormag's almost nothing like Sacred Stones Cormag though. I think i just really liked how the name sounded.

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I wrote a story once where one of the characters was named Murdock

Nice choice.

I did name one of my characters after Cormag from Fire Emblem (because the name got mentioned in my dream). My Cormag's almost nothing like Sacred Stones Cormag though. I think i just really liked how the name sounded.

I named an old guy in my story after FE's Castor (whose name is much more awesome than his abilities) before I realised it's the name of one of the Gemini twins, which happens to be my birth sign. So that was nice.

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I've written a fanfiction about Mia and Rhys, that's about it sadly. Any ideas I get nowadays go unused because I can never think of a plot for them...lol.

And damn, it'll be cool to end up in the FE universe. Where's a parallel universe when I need one? XD

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