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What Really Grinds Your Gears?


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You know what really grinds my gears?

When I bake cookies according to the instructions, and they still fricken burn. I followed your god damn instructions Pillsbury Doughboy, and yet your cookies still dry up the minute I take them out if the oven.

I mean, I have even tried baking for a 10% shorter time period, and they still come out kinda dry. Do you know how to bake your own cookies? Maybe you should rewrite your side packet instructions. I have a college education and yet cannot bake cookies properly because you can't properly explain how to bake them yourself.

I bet you don't even eat cookies. You probably just but yours from a bakery, stupid selfish pile of dough.

And that folks, is what grinds my gears. What grinds yours?

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Fire Emblem fans that have a fit when you don't like the characters they like.

If you like them to the point where it sounds like you want them as your waifu or husbando then you shouldn't CARE if other people like them.

The less people to share with the better.

This is also applicable to games. They have a rant on you on why their favorite games are better than yours. And you shouldn't be wasting your time with such a horrible game.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Fire Emblem fans that have a fit when you don't like the characters they like.

If you like them to the point where it sounds like you want them as your waifu or husbando then you shouldn't CARE if other people like them.

The less people to share with the better.

This is also applicable to games. They have a rant on you on why their favorite games are better than yours. And you shouldn't be wasting your time with such a horrible game.




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The spelling of the word "lasagna" grinds my gears.

I work in a grocery store and one brand spells it "lasagnA" and the other spells it "lasagnE". WTF, is it an "a" or an "e"??

That grinds my gears.

Disclaimer! - regardless of spelling lasangna/e is delicious.

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The spelling of the word "lasagna" grinds my gears.

I work in a grocery store and one brand spells it "lasagnA" and the other spells it "lasagnE". WTF, is it an "a" or an "e"??

That grinds my gears.

Disclaimer! - regardless of spelling lasangna/e is delicious.

Lasagna IIRC. It's how it's pronounced anyway.

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I have only one thing-- ONE THING --that grinds my gears to the point of sparks and breakdown.

That is, when parents bring their unruly children into a restaurant.

ohhhhh my god

I could freaking rant all day about this crap


it's just so bad



Edited by Esme
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People leaving time on the microwave. Honestly, does it take that much effort to press the clear/reset button?

And odd numbers.

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