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Let's talk movies.


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Let's just post about movies, we need more of this in SF.

I don't care what about, favorite movies, favorite actors, old movies, new movies, coming soon movies, or even shitty movies.

First thing I wanna ask is, how many of you guys saw Lawless(Came out in August of this year) and what was your take? I haven't been able to discuss it much.

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I saw Prometheus recently. It was awful.

Hey fuck you man that movie was awesome. The first half or so was some of the most suspenseful I've seen in years.

Why did this have to be an Alien prequel? Why did he have to ruin what this could have been? ;__;

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Revenge of the Sith is actually my favorite of the entire series. I thought Phantom Menace held up stronger than Attack of the Clones, but I do believe they're worse than the original trilogy. Although I didn't like Return of the Jedi much.

Either way, I thought all of them were a fun watch and not awful in the least.

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Hey fuck you man that movie was awesome. The first half or so was some of the most suspenseful I've seen in years.

Why did this have to be an Alien prequel? Why did he have to ruin what this could have been? ;__;

Prometheus was a good movie man. I mean sure I blacked out about an hour into the movie, but when I rewatched the entire thing it was legit. What parts did you hate specifically?

The first half of the movie is amazing, don't get me wrong. It sets itself up extremely well, but then... it flops. Half the shit that happened in the movie wasn't explained at all. Virtually the only thing that came full cycle was Charlize Theron's character--we were able to find out why a high-ranking CEO-person came on the mission. Nothing else was resolved. The alien guy committing genetic suicide at the start of the movie wasn't explained, the motivations of the Engineers were not explained, David's actions weren't explained... the list goes on. After the halfway point in the movie it was like everyone started speaking gibberish.

Then we have shit like Idris Elba's character. Who the fuck was this guy? He had a lot of screentime but not a lot of development. He makes some sex jokes about Theron then sleeps with her, and meanwhile seems to have random administrative duties. Then at the end of the film he's suddenly told to plow the ship into another ship and kill himself by some British woman whom he seemingly only met a few weeks before. Suddenly everyone in his ship is like OKAY LET'S CRASH THE SHIP W/E MAN. It's not like he even knew what the hell was going on, he just does it. This is really hilarious because Idris Elba himself said this about his character: "he's a realistic, pragmatic character. He has to get involved ... in a film with huge ideas, you need a character like this, who can go 'Wait...why are we doing this?'"

We learn nothing over the whole course of the film except that humans were made and then suddenly they were going to be destroyed. Suddenly they find an alien guy who seemingly has all the answers but then says NOPE and gets into his cockpit and flies away. Like, okay. He's been asleep for a good 20000 years or something and then wakes up to a bunch of humans and then decides to go flying. No "oh that's funny, you guys are supposed to be dead" or "hm what the fuck happened". He just wakes up and flies away.

Ah yes, then there's David. What the flying fuck was with his character? He acts all sinister for a good portion of the film and then has a character turnaround. No explanation whatsoever is given for his weird poisoning of the crew members. It's almost like it happens just to get the story to go somewhere. His nonsensical and unexplained actions are almost completely redeemed by Fassbender's magnificent performance but it doesn't outdo the fact that it just doesn't make any sense.

I understand that the script was written with a sequel in mind, but this was far too much. The action was extremely well done and there were some magnificently well-done CGI scenes but the plot just flew out of control after the halfway point. It tried to be all like YEAHHH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT but couldn't handle moving the plot forward and developing its characters at the same time and it suffered for it. Hence, it was awful.

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Revenge of the Sith is actually my favorite of the entire series. I thought Phantom Menace held up stronger than Attack of the Clones, but I do believe they're worse than the original trilogy. Although I didn't like Return of the Jedi much.

Either way, I thought all of them were a fun watch and not awful in the least.

I never said they where better than 4-6. Empire strikes back is still #1 imo

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The first half of the movie is amazing, don't get me wrong. It sets itself up extremely well, but then... it flops. Half the shit that happened in the movie wasn't explained at all. Virtually the only thing that came full cycle was Charlize Theron's character--we were able to find out why a high-ranking CEO-person came on the mission. Nothing else was resolved. The alien guy committing genetic suicide at the start of the movie wasn't explained, the motivations of the Engineers were not explained, David's actions weren't explained... the list goes on. After the halfway point in the movie it was like everyone started speaking gibberish.

Then we have shit like Idris Elba's character. Who the fuck was this guy? He had a lot of screentime but not a lot of development. He makes some sex jokes about Theron then sleeps with her, and meanwhile seems to have random administrative duties. Then at the end of the film he's suddenly told to plow the ship into another ship and kill himself by some British woman whom he seemingly only met a few weeks before. Suddenly everyone in his ship is like OKAY LET'S CRASH THE SHIP W/E MAN. It's not like he even knew what the hell was going on, he just does it. This is really hilarious because Idris Elba himself said this about his character: "he's a realistic, pragmatic character. He has to get involved ... in a film with huge ideas, you need a character like this, who can go 'Wait...why are we doing this?'"

We learn nothing over the whole course of the film except that humans were made and then suddenly they were going to be destroyed. Suddenly they find an alien guy who seemingly has all the answers but then says NOPE and gets into his cockpit and flies away. Like, okay. He's been asleep for a good 20000 years or something and then wakes up to a bunch of humans and then decides to go flying. No "oh that's funny, you guys are supposed to be dead" or "hm what the fuck happened". He just wakes up and flies away.

Ah yes, then there's David. What the flying fuck was with his character? He acts all sinister for a good portion of the film and then has a character turnaround. No explanation whatsoever is given for his weird poisoning of the crew members. It's almost like it happens just to get the story to go somewhere. His nonsensical and unexplained actions are almost completely redeemed by Fassbender's magnificent performance but it doesn't outdo the fact that it just doesn't make any sense.

I understand that the script was written with a sequel in mind, but this was far too much. The action was extremely well done and there were some magnificently well-done CGI scenes but the plot just flew out of control after the halfway point. It tried to be all like YEAHHH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT but couldn't handle moving the plot forward and developing its characters at the same time and it suffered for it. Hence, it was awful.

I'll give you that the 1st half was better than the 2nd, but didn't the pilot dude say he was gonna crash the ship as apposed to orders? If that's not right I apologize, I was really stoned drunk when I finished the film.

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I love the new ones and it makes me sad when I see all the hate they get. Is the acting bad and is Jar Jar annoying? Yes both these things are true but who cares. Personally I feel as if the new three are movies I grew up with. Episode 6 came out in 83 that's five years before I was born. I didn't get a chance to see the original three when they were first released in theaters but I sure saw the new ones. I thought episode 1 was awesome. Now as an adult compared to when I saw it as a kid I can see where somethings bother people. Like once again Jar Jar or the very long Podrace scene. One again who cares it was still cool. Episode 2 was just alright. I think it's my least favorite of all of them. Episode 3 is my favorite out of all the movies though. I don't care what anyone says I thought it rocked! I waited hours in line for it and it was worth it. I enjoy all the Star Wars films though.

If people want a different look on the three new films they should google the fall of the jedi. It's a fan edit of the films and personally while I love the new films as I mentioned above they do some interesting things with them. For example in episode 3 they remove all mention of Darth Vader. So, they don't call Anakin Lord Vader or Darth Vader and you don't see him become Darth at the end either. Not to mention you don't see the Emperor saving him at the end. So, if you lived under a rock your whole life and didn't know Anakin and Darth Vader are the same person you would assume Anakin died at the end of three in this edit. So, skip ahead to episode 5 and the big reveal at the end has a little more shock value if you somehow didn't know it already. Anyways they're worth a watch.

Edited by Guy Starwind
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The first half of the movie is amazing, don't get me wrong. It sets itself up extremely well, but then... it flops. Half the shit that happened in the movie wasn't explained at all. Virtually the only thing that came full cycle was Charlize Theron's character--we were able to find out why a high-ranking CEO-person came on the mission. Nothing else was resolved. The alien guy committing genetic suicide at the start of the movie wasn't explained, the motivations of the Engineers were not explained, David's actions weren't explained... the list goes on. After the halfway point in the movie it was like everyone started speaking gibberish.

Some of these I felt it was cool to leave unexplained to leave the audience with more mystery, but I was left puzzled about the widest majority of dangling plot threads. That said, I believe it's been stated that there are more movies on the way, which would help to flesh out many of the things that were quite puzzling, such as the reasoning for dressing up a young man to play as an old man an entire movie.

Then we have shit like Idris Elba's character. Who the fuck was this guy? He had a lot of screentime but not a lot of development. He makes some sex jokes about Theron then sleeps with her, and meanwhile seems to have random administrative duties. Then at the end of the film he's suddenly told to plow the ship into another ship and kill himself by some British woman whom he seemingly only met a few weeks before. Suddenly everyone in his ship is like OKAY LET'S CRASH THE SHIP W/E MAN. It's not like he even knew what the hell was going on, he just does it. This is really hilarious because Idris Elba himself said this about his character: "he's a realistic, pragmatic character. He has to get involved ... in a film with huge ideas, you need a character like this, who can go 'Wait...why are we doing this?'"

It was definitely clear to him that he was going to have to sacrifice himself to destroy the ship or risk the entire planet's safety. The presence of an alien spaceship was literally glaring him in the eye. In addition, from what I remember he was present by the comms for a majority of the events, so he'd have been at least halfway informed of things and probably knew what was going on.

Ah yes, then there's David. What the flying fuck was with his character? He acts all sinister for a good portion of the film and then has a character turnaround. No explanation whatsoever is given for his weird poisoning of the crew members. It's almost like it happens just to get the story to go somewhere. His nonsensical and unexplained actions are almost completely redeemed by Fassbender's magnificent performance but it doesn't outdo the fact that it just doesn't make any sense.

I kind of thought it was supposed to be a parallel of Ash from the original in some ways. But it also didn't make any sense, agreed.

I never said they where better than 4-6. Empire strikes back is still #1 imo

For me it's something like III>IV>V>I>VI>II

Edit: I think this is kind of relevant.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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If I had to put Stars Wars in any order it would be 3,5,6,1,4,2.

Ya I was a 92 child, even if my folks showed me all 3 original star wars films as a kid. I still found a place in my childhood heart for the 3 new Star Wars though. I can agree with that logic though, but for me it would be 5,3,6,4,1,2. Both 3 and 5 were masterpieces imo, because they captured the regret of defeat as well as the strength of the resolve of inferior forces. Plus who can hate on the development of one of the most badass mofos in history, which is Darth Vader.

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I feel like we have a lot of movie threads tbh. Haven't seen Lawless though. Have you seen the Usual Suspects?

Usual suspects was all about the plot twist. In my opinion everything else about it was just bad and the twist was predictable by the end of the movie.

Anyway, has anyone here seen 25th hour?

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I actually enjoyed the new Star Wars movies. Fuck me right?

I did as well. I agree with the consensous that episode three gets a bad rep from people. That movie actually had some great moments. There was a certain darkness to it that I really liked for some reason, but there remained the SMALLEST glimmer of hope.(Just that fact that in the end, you're actually not gonna think this guy's a dick)

holy shit redturtle806 said what I was trying to say in the underlined section so much better than I actually did. Shit, I'm tired.

I saw episode two when I was pretty young, I immediately thought it was the shit and fell in love with Sam Jackson's character. So that one is probably unfair for me to judge. I do however, I think the first one is undoubtedly the worst. I'd rank them: 3, 5, 4, 2, 6, 1

Usual suspects was all about the plot twist. In my opinion everything else about it was just bad and the twist was predictable by the end of the movie.

Anyway, has anyone here seen 25th hour?

I haven't.

I just watched Citizen Gangster on netflix. pretty cool movie about a Toronto gangster. Anyone else seen it?

Edited by Fenrir
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who here prefers the star wars trilogy more than the lord of the rings trilogy?

The short executive is Tyrion Lannister.

I'm...not quite sure if that ruins Elf or Game of Thrones. But something is different forever now.

hes pretty badass in elf. Doesn't he beat up will ferrel or something?

Edited by Bob!
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Last movie I saw was Skyfall. Everyone was going on about how great it was, but I thought it was bad. The villain was lame, and the plot was full of holes and rested entirely on deus ex hacking-a. It seemed almost more like a Bourne movie or some other franchise than actually a Bond movie.

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