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Nintendo Direct event tomorrow morning (Dec. 5)


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Say what now? Go back and listen to Vaike's voice in the announcement trailer.

At around 1:24, listen to Vaike say "It's Vaike time." Sounds like it's being pronounced "Vake" to me. =/

Oh OK, so the guy was just saying it wrong. Good to know.

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I'm a little disappointed that Liz's name was changed to Lissa, but it's cool to know that Flavia's name remained unchanged. On the other hand, I'm a little unsure how to pronounce Lon'qu. I'm okay with Callum's name getting changed to Kellam, at least I won't confuse him with the same named boss in FE10.

I'm usually cool with the English names and end up preferring them anyways.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Kellam reminds me of Kill'em for some reason, which just makes me like him more than I already did.

I don't mind Lissa, although I actually know someone named Liz, and I kind of hoped they would use it just because of that, but I like Lissa regardless.

Lon'qu reminds of L'arachel's name, which is nice.

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I think Lon'qu (Lon-kuu) is pretty straightforward in how to pronounce it unlike Vaike which needed the voice clip. I still prefer Ronku at the moment because standalone 'qu' makes no sense to me in any Latin alphabet-using language I know, although I get what they were referring to. Lon is a blackbird (represents his black hair and what he calls bad luck) while qù (with the u dragged by the diacritic like it was in Japan) means a bunch of things that relate to him, like his quiet personality, the departure of his friend and the yielding of his representative position. The ' separates both words and makes it look exotic like L'Arachel.

Yeah, if Chrom nicknamed Donnel as Donny, someone he just met, then he surely calls his sister, Liz out of formal settings or introductions.

Karamu/Kalamu to Kellam doesn't seem too far and makes sense if the first 'a' is supposed to sound like 'a' in 'aid' or they just looked for the closest name somewhere. Kellam is apparently Old Norse for the expression 'at the ridges' but I'm not sure what it means related to him (tall as a mountain? can't see him from here?).

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Seeing as Australia is handled by Nintendo of Europe, they will go with the "European" release.

There are also several possible reasons for the game coming out later.

First and foremost, that's how it was for the most part; Looking back a bit more than 10 years and you will see that some games took one year to get here after their US release. It's quite common.

Second, NoE handles things differently. They often do their own English translation, being the BE one. This means that they are handled more or less seperately, so the team in Europe could just be taking a little longer because of god knows what.

Lastly, there are different languages to consider: German, French, Spanish, Italian. Maybe even more. All these need to get their own translation and probably, although not necessary, their own voice acting. This means there are at least 6 teams that need to get the game done before release, as they always release all versions of one game at once. These teams do not only need to get done with their job in time, but it's also a communicational problem, as they probably work together on stuff like that. This means: there are a lot more potential problems. Maybe the French team does not know how to name that one character while the German team has problems naming one place? It could even be the ratings, as there are several institutions to consider. Austalians have their own rating, as do Germans with their USK. And then there's PEGI. So a lot more potential to "screw up", which results in the later release date.

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I always thought "Liz" sounded like a pretty common name for a princess

I'm not sure what you mean, other than Liz being short for Elizabeth. It would not seem right to refer to royality with shortened names. Not I'm a royalist or anything like that, just in the context of the world it would be pretty cringeworthy for me.

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Lon'qu is kinda odd-looking, but the katakana for it (Ronkuu) is kinda impossible to translate to something that doesn't just sound like a made-up name, at least to a native English speaker. (Ronku? Loncku? Ronkh? Lonque? Ron Coup?) I probably would've just gone with something vaguely similar like Locke or shortened it to Ron or something, but Lon'qu works, I guess. As for other changes, meh, I'm not really bothered. So long as the translated names fit the characters well enough, I'm cool with it, although I will still be confused by needless changes.

That aside Alm's Sword seems to imply we'll be getting the DLC characters from entries prior to 7, which is awesome, although getting Roy wouldn't have surprised me even if the others were excluded. I'm actually kinda interested to see what their names will be.

February 4th is an awesome release date, too. Can't wait!

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I'm not sure what you mean, other than Liz being short for Elizabeth. It would not seem right to refer to royality with shortened names. Not I'm a royalist or anything like that, just in the context of the world it would be pretty cringeworthy for me.

Referring to a princess by a diminutive is really pretty crass, but Lissa is just a diminutive for Melissa, isn't it?

That said, I think Lissa is an objectively better standalone name than Liz, so /shrug.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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I just assumed her full name even now would be Elissabeth. It's just another case of them changing a common name slightly just to annoy us.

Still not as bad as Jeorge I guess.

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Referring to a princess by a diminutive is really pretty crass, but Lissa is just a diminutive for Melissa, isn't it?

That said, I think Lissa is an objectively better standalone name than Liz, so /shrug.

Referring to any royalty by a nickname is pretty crass, I think. I can't imagine anybody addressing the Queen of England as "Liz," for example.

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Referring to any royalty by a nickname is pretty crass, I think. I can't imagine anybody addressing the Queen of England as "Liz," for example.

British people do it all the time, especially comedians. It's usually couched in terms such as 'Dear Ol' Lizzie' or somesuch.

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Seeing as Australia is handled by Nintendo of Europe, they will go with the "European" release.

There are also several possible reasons for the game coming out later.

First and foremost, that's how it was for the most part; Looking back a bit more than 10 years and you will see that some games took one year to get here after their US release. It's quite common.

Second, NoE handles things differently. They often do their own English translation, being the BE one. This means that they are handled more or less seperately, so the team in Europe could just be taking a little longer because of god knows what.

Lastly, there are different languages to consider: German, French, Spanish, Italian. Maybe even more. All these need to get their own translation and probably, although not necessary, their own voice acting. This means there are at least 6 teams that need to get the game done before release, as they always release all versions of one game at once. These teams do not only need to get done with their job in time, but it's also a communicational problem, as they probably work together on stuff like that. This means: there are a lot more potential problems. Maybe the French team does not know how to name that one character while the German team has problems naming one place? It could even be the ratings, as there are several institutions to consider. Austalians have their own rating, as do Germans with their USK. And then there's PEGI. So a lot more potential to "screw up", which results in the later release date.

They are all valid reasons, but I doubt they are unavoidable reasons. It seems every games company can get there games out worldwide within a week of release and they all have the same obstacles to navigate. I think it's safe to say that Nintendo are rich enough that if they wanted to get the game released worldwide fairly quickly, they could make it happen. It just seems they don't want to make it happen and are happy to let their fans down. It is a big reason why I switched to PS3 and Awakening will be the first Nintendo game i buy in about 2 years.

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let their fans down

If they actually wanted to let their fans down, they wouldn't release the game, period. It's coming out, and only around one year after the original release. That's not really bad at all, if you think "There's a good chance we might not have gotten this game at all".

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They are all valid reasons, but I doubt they are unavoidable reasons. It seems every games company can get there games out worldwide within a week of release and they all have the same obstacles to navigate. I think it's safe to say that Nintendo are rich enough that if they wanted to get the game released worldwide fairly quickly, they could make it happen. It just seems they don't want to make it happen and are happy to let their fans down. It is a big reason why I switched to PS3 and Awakening will be the first Nintendo game i buy in about 2 years.

Every game company gets their games out worldwide? What companies are these? Square-Enix's games take quite a while to reach here, for example. Heck, Theatrhythm was a very low-text game and it took several months to reach the West. No word on Bravely Default either. Level-5's Layton series takes over a year for each game to localize, so does Capcom's Ace Attorney series. Yes, companies do worldwide releases, but they are usually big name series or series with little amount of text to translate. Fire Emblem is neither of those. Edited by Jave
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