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Ethicality of Video Responses for Promotion?


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What I'm referring to is making video responses to popular LP videos in order to promote your own. I've been thinking about this because I want to promote my videos more, but without using any sleazy/stupid marketing tricks, you know? I mean, to me, when I think about it, I get the image of those annoying adds that sometime pop up during, say, Avatar: The Last Airbender, that say "HEY, WATCH THIS EPISODE OF ADVENTURE TIME, OR THIS, OR THAT!", but, on the other hand, even dudes like Underlordtico don't seem to condemn it, and some LPers like RoahmMythril allow it (though he asks that the content at least be SOMEWHAT related to what he's doing, rather than be an LP of an entirely different game), but...I just wanted to know what you guys think.

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It's a video response. It's not like those ads you mentioned. If you hate those ads, get adblock plus.

A video response is not going to generate a lot of clicks even if it's on a popular video.

For example:

Original Video: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Special Movie: Double/Dual Final Smash Montage

View Count: 970,459

Video Response 1: 49,705 views

Video Response 2: 2,581 views

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I seemed to remember hearing that people had to approve requests for video responses, in order for the potential response to be shown under their videos. Is that not the case?

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I don't see anything wrong with it, so long as it is related in some way.

I mean, Youtube is a social media website, things are meant to be shared and people are meant to interact. I know a lot of youtubers I watch even say at the end of their videos to leave a comment or video response (does it make them more money? I am not quite sure, haha). Of course, I don't watch a lot of LPs on youtube but I assume they don't mind video responses either.

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