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Yes, hello guys a new member has joined the ranks!

Eh, well, it's more like... 'Long time lurker-first time joiner' but man I lurked for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGG time... like when serenesforest was serenes-forest(I still have this on my floppy disk) and before Sacred Stones was on the homepage(or was it PoR?) Anyway, I think I was the very last member to join FESS (YES, THAT LONG AGO) but I shan't divulge into the past too much (unless anyone gets curious).

Anyway, A little about myself: Um... let's see.. Well I'm a boring person, I play Games, a lot... I don't or can't for some reason, listen to any other type of music than VGM, um... I'm a sub-par hacker(or would it be programmer), somewhere in between beginner and intermediate in Japanese... I still have some trouble with kanji's that can have two different meaning and such and forming some sentences...

Moving on to FE specific stuff, Played them all(except THAT one), love em all I just cant dislike anything for some reason... I'll think of more after I catch a nap... Once I wake up, i'll lurk the Awakening boards!

Edited by Soledai
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Beware of the redheaded mod! :P:

I hope you don't mean me. </3

Hello and welcome to the forest! I hope you enjoy your stay here. :)

Since you hack to some degree, feel free to ask any questions in the ROM Hacking Questions forum! There are plenty of members who are able to help you if you need it!

And make sure to look over the rules, once you have time~

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