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MancerNecro's Collection of Random Sprites


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[spoiler=Fire Emblem]JinAlteriaT.png

















So, how are they? I did them more than a year ago for myself and as requests for other players on RP sites.

Edited by MancerNecro
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I already commented on these earlier when you showed em to me but I will say again these are pretty damn awesome. I think my favorite is the Valkyrie.

Also remember my Axe Cavalier request! I'm not asking for it right away I'm just saying remember you'd do it :P

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So, how are they? I did them more than a year ago for myself and as requests for other players on RP sites.

For the purposes of RP'ing... they're passable. I've seen a lot worse sprites in RP forums I've been linked.

Now, as for actual sprites? You're splicing random spell effects with single frames of battle sprite animations not even paying attention to any semblance of shading. Going off that standard... you have a... a lot of room to improve.

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For the purposes of RP'ing... they're passable. I've seen a lot worse sprites in RP forums I've been linked.

Now, as for actual sprites? You're splicing random spell effects with single frames of battle sprite animations not even paying attention to any semblance of shading. Going off that standard... you have a... a lot of room to improve.

Okay! I have a huge problem with shading, lol. Shading and eyes are my biggest weaknesses in spriting. I messed up the eyes of the last sprite (the Valk one) as well.

The shadow thing has to be edited when adding other effects in right?

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You also like to mix colors from FE7 and 8, and it seems you use paint defaults. Stick to one FE game for colors, and don't use defaults provided by whatever program you're using.

Okay, I won't mix the colours. I'll take note of that for future spriting attempts. I'll probably try to fix what I already have soon too.

I didn't (or don't remember) use the colour defaults though. I use the colours from other sprites for the colouring.

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Ephriam needs enough head room to account for a brain(make it go farther back). Canas's neck's too long. Other than that and the colors issue, not bad. Some of the battle sprites are interesting splices (sword master with a bow's a pretty cool action frame), though shading's not always taken into account.

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Some of the portraits bothers me...

Third one's head looks too large for the hair... suggest to make the hair larger.

Fifth one, both of their head feels too dug into their neck, I'd suggest to raise them up a little bit.

Eighth.... Long neck is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG

Eleventh... what the... He's bending his head down, and his head is still that FAR up? Lower it, and perfect.

Fourteenth, probably last one. Same problem with third. Though I think the hair color does not blend with the coloring of his face for my standing.

Other than that. Beautiful works.

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I will take your advice and I'll probably fix them when I have time (currently struggling with some issues IRL).

Thanks guys for the compliments and advice. I really appreciate it.

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