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What has Fire Emblem taught you?

Gold Vanguard

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Rings can make you larger(or stronger if you're playing shadow dragon), large axes can be used as boomerangs, enemies that join your side can instantly change the color of their clothes, you can take a lightning bolt to the face and be fine, and getting stabbed by a lance somehow hurts less when you are holding an axe than it would if you are holding a sword.

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fire emblem taught me how to live my life to the fullest and inspired to me be a better person in all things i do

it actually just taught me how to throw my gameboy at the same spot on the wall with perfect accuracy

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It's taught me that two people can hook up even if they have the compatibility of a Betamax tape and a Blu-Ray Disc player, or a hair dryer and an extension cord.

Edited by Little Al
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That a 99% hit chance is a guaranteed miss, but only when you are fighting the ONE foe who poses ANY chance of killing you at the end of a long level and that one foe has a >25% chance to hit you and a 1% chance to critical. Of course he will critical in return.

That I can make even a pudgy blob suddenly run faster than an athlete by changing his boots.

That younger kids are more powerful and fear-inducing than seasoned combat veterans.

That three conversations with a girl = marriage.

That, for some bizarre reasons, there are never any doors in a building unless they are protecting something REALLY important.

That Jack Sparrow wasn't a true pirate because he couldn't walk on water.

That I should never trust a tier list.

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FE taught me that the little innocent woman looking out for you and keeps your game going will also be the one to decide when it ends

It also convinced me not to be an archer because I'd have no self defense.

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-People die when they are killed.

-Laws against incest exist for a reason.

-Female knights will always choose mounts with less carrying capacity for some reason.

-If a story doesn't seem to make any sense, it might be because the story doesn't make any sense.

-American localizers will always prefer what they consider cool above what actually makes sense.

-German localizers are painfully insistent to maintain past mistranslations despite being pretty darn good otherwise.

Seriously: ElFire is ElfLight while the actual ElLight is still ElLightning in consistence with FE7's NoA trasnlation. The magic triangle is pretty messy here.

-Given enough time, everything you like will eventually turn to crap.

-Dual wielding Two-handed swords while riding a massive lion is the most badass thing ever.

-Gaming discussions are a good reason to insult and degrade others.

-High heels don't penetrate movement.

-Japanese developers seem to focus exclusively on pandering to Otakus these days.

Edited by BrightBow
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May I add the fact that a little arrow does more damage to a dragon than a lance pierced through the same spot.

And giving a sword to a noble turns it into a rapier, while giving the same blade to long haired swordsman makes it a katana, and when that same sword is passes to a hooded assailant, it turns into two separate knives.

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Wearing a robe gives you more durability. Reading books will help you hit things. Sprinkling dust on yourself makes magic attacks more powerful.

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Fire Emblem taught me that If i'm riding a horse and I pick up a tiny little mage girl I will be slowed down the same as if I picked up a large man wearing heavy armor.

And books break if you read them too many times. Thats right, they BREAK...

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FE is the first SRPG that taught me people die when they are ki--

-People die when they are killed.

oshit too late

Also, shields are useless

I'm forced to wait until my enemy's turn is over

I'm forced to take an attack to the face when it's my enemy's turn... or dodge depending on pure luck

Thunder is very easy to dodge and unlethal.

Ballistas are jokes. Unless it's FE4 Chapter 2.

Sitting on a throne like an Odipose Rex makes me stronger.

The power of LOVE and FRIENDSHIP gives me strenght (or other stat bonuses)

Rapiers are useless

Horses have fear of injections, I think this is why they are weak to Rapiers.

one man can easily handle many armies

Oh, yeah

An army of 12 people can beat an army double or triple their size, fight agaisnt an entire country and WIN, and survive without casualties.

Edited by Rapier
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Hey Rapier.

GBA!Heros use their shields to Parry.

Just saiyan

Parrying only exists on FE10, and I don't understand how the hell it is activated. >:

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It has also taught me that Rapiers are made just to kill cavalry and knights( I can understand the knights part since its all about thrusting but CAVALRY? srsly?)

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It taught me than in a desert, you walk further wearing a robe than riding a horse.

Also you can stay in a desert indefinitely without suffering dehydratattion or any negative , even if you're wearing a big armour on a horse.

Also, your horse or mount will never have any problem to support you, you will never have to change it. Even after passing days in a freezing forest or in a burning desert.

If you have long hair, everyone will think you're the best swordman alive.

Often, you can keep your horse or flying unit inside without move or ability consequences.

If you can't, you'll forget how to use an axe or a lance when not on your mount. Inversely, you'll forget how to use a sword when you're on your mount.

FE5 : You can miss someone 5 time in a row and miss with 99% accuracy if destiny said so.

Additionally, you can learn an ultimate skill just by seeing it.

Swords can shoot lasers. And fire. And tornados.

I read that as "you can shoot tomatoes"...

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