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[FE7] Lucy's Draft


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CR picked Renault, so that leaves Hawkeye with Karel.

My thoughts:

[10:11:49 PM] Vincent ZM: My team is awesome

[10:12:01 PM] Vincent ZM: Though I should've drafted Priscilla instead of Erk >_<

[10:12:07 PM] CR: ;/

[10:12:22 PM] √Lucina: :P

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Ch.11: 6/6


Ch.12: 4/10


Ch.13: 4/14

Oswin and Rebecca hit Merlinus' house while Marcus is a ferrybot for Hector.

Ch.13x: 7/21


Ch.14: 4/25

Marcus goes cray cray

Ch.15: 7/32

more defend. Oswin is boss.

Ch.16: 5/37

Marcus and Flo get Hector to the goal.

Ch.17: 10/47

Marcus goes up while Florina takes Hector. Prissy gets Raven and then Lucy.

Ch.17x: 4/51

Florina flies to Fargus

Ch.18: 3/54

Florina flies promoted Oswin down.

Ch.19: 7 (I think)/61

Florina flies Oswin down. Not too sure on the TC because Oswin ended up criting Uhai on the EP. I'll check this when I see epilogue.

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So I ended up with a really strange team because I wanted to try something, namely whether a strong Warper can save similar amounts of turns to a flyer and whether they're worth a first pick. Obviously they're not going to compete with Florina and probably not even Fiora, but I feel they have a chance at beating out Heath. I chose Pent because I like him better and he's less prone to RNG shenanigans, but Lucius would have worked as well. Unfortunately it backfired a bit so it pretty much turned into "what happens if you use a bunch of prepromotes". Should be interesting nonetheless and although I don't expect to win, I can at least get an idea of how useful some of these units are (as I rarely if ever have used some of them, like Isadora, Rath, and Vaida).

Chapter 11: Another Journey (6/6)

Chapter 12: Birds of a Feather (5/11)

4-turning this chapter is unfortunately impossible (or at least it must rely on some stupid hitrates) without Oswin, and Serra is completely useless here.

Chapter 13: In Search of Truth (6/17)

I am unfortunately forced to go west here which costs me one or two turns. Serra tanks the stuff near the start, really shows how awful the enemies in this game are

Chapter 13x: The Peddler Merlinus (7/24)

Chapter 14: False Friends (4/28)

Marcus just kills everything here, Hector deals with the stuff near the start and the pirates below. Serra lures one soldier who was too far out of the way over to Erk, who kills it.

Chapter 15: Talons Alight (7/35)

Marcus kills the boss, nothing special here

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ZM: Fiora, Eliwood, Erk, Dart, Bartre/Karla, Wil, Louise



Chapter 11 - 6 turns (6)


Chapter 12 - 4 turns (10)

Hector handles the top just fine without any help, and Marcus rushes to help him out. Thankfully Hector got some much needed STR and SPD. Eliwood and Bartre get some kills as well. Hoping Marcus spawns at the far right...

Chapter 13 - 4 turns (14)

Annnnd he did! Standard four turn. Eliwood and Bartre went for the village while Marcus rushed Hector down south. Eliwood and Hector got good levels up in the process of this, while Marcus got a ZM level (bad), and Bartre got SKILL and SPD. Woo!

Chapter 13x - 7 turns forced (21)


Chapter 14 - 4 turns (25)

Erk was recruited, and his level got him EVERYTHING...except MAG. Sigh.

Typical Marcus rush.

Chapter 15 - 7 turns forced (32)

Training for EVERYVUN. Erk, Eliwood, and Bartre score some good levels.

Chapter 16 - 5 turns (37)

I'm really liking this team.

Marcus rushes Hector while Erk, Eliwood, and Bartre stay back for EXP. Wil gets fed some kills while Kent and Lyn buy shit.

Chapter 17 - 8 turns (45)

And thus concludes the final Marcus rush. Thanks for the help, compadre. Killed Raven, though could've had Priscilla talk to him. Oh well.



Chapter 17x - 4 turns (49)

Erk trucks forward. Man, I resetted this so many times. >_<

Chapter 18 - 4 turns (53)

Not enough MOV for three hhnngghnggnghjghg.

Erk's amazing, though, so who gives a shit.

Chapter 19 - 7 turns (60)

snueineiuneunweunewubnieu no mount until Fiora sucks. ;n; At least Fiora and Dart got some awesome levels here.


I thank Kitty for blessing JERK.

Chapter 19x - 4 turns (64)

9 SPD Hector doubling Aion before Kishuna arrives FTW. Fiora dropped him over the mountains and even got a few levels for herself.

I even got the goddess icon for some gold later. Woo!


I know I'm anal about me not picking Priscilla, but Erk is WELL WORTH IT. Time to start staff spamming!

Chapter 20 - 6 turns (70)

Man, midgame SO BAD. If I organized my team better, I'd be at a better turncount. Oh well.

Legault gets recruited because why not. Brave bow get. Erk gets some heals in.

Chapter 21 - 3 turns (73)

Not enough MOV for two. Erk rushes to the boss while Hector, Dart, and Fiora gain some EXP. Erk gets a few more heals in.

Chapter 22 - 4 turns (77)

I'm literally a turn behind in EVERY chapter. >_< (I could've early promoted Fiora, but screw that, I want her to gain some levels.)

Oh well. I think this is the last chapter I'll be behind in, thank God. Erk and Fiora rush to Eubans while Hector recruits Heath and Lyn recruits Rath. Eliwood and Dart gain some EXP.

Chapter 23 - 3 turns (80)

Fuck yes. FUCK YES.

Fiora is so awesome, I love her. <3 Erk gets some heals in, as well, and Eliwood and Dart keep trucking. Ocean seal get. No gaiden, but meh.

Chapter 24 - 2 turns (82)

Fiora promotes at level 19 (17 STR GG Fiora) and weakens Lloyd on EP 1, and Eliwood kills him during turn 2.

Dart will promote next chapter, and Bartre promoted this chapter because lul.

Chapter 25 - 4 turns (86)

Dart bromotes. Erk and Bartre go north, Dart goes south, and Fiora goes east. She also gets the Elysian whip since she had some time, which will be raked in for some dough. Erk hit D staves during the strategy, which made me happy.

Wil hit level 10, which made me laugh. His stats are so BAD.

Chapter 26 - 11 turns forced (97)

Training. Eliwood gets to level 18 and I feed Wil as many kills as I can. Erk is almost to C staves. Hammerne get.


SO BRO. She visits the armory later for some KILLERS. Also, Pent's hot wife joins as our final member.

Chapter 27 - 5 turns (102)

Two turns behind my usual turncounts at this point, but at least I caught up!

Wil promotes beforehand. Fiora ferries Hector to Kenneth, and Dart follows along just because. Louise and Erk get bolting, and the latter hits C staves.

Holy crap, Eliwood has 19 STR at level 19. HE MIGHT CAP IT.

Chapter 28 - 15 turns forced (117)

Eliwood promotes after hitting level 20, and he spends the chapter gaining tons of kills. Erk also hits A staves spamming torch, which was just awesome.

Both of them will be training next chapter to get SPD (Eliwood) and MAG (Erk) up. All treasure opened, too. Thanks, enemy thieves!

Chapter 28x - 17 turns (Free)

Training! Bartre gets to 10/5, so looks like we get Karla. :P

Fiora maxes our STR, SKILL, and RES, adding on to her maxing out of SPD. Eliwood caps STR, and Erk has high MAG and SPD. Hector maxed out DEF, what.

Even Wil gets a good level here.

Edited by ZM456
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Chapter 11 - 6/6 turns

Matt <3

Chapter 12 - 4/10 turns

Matt helps out Hector while Dorcas and Marcus charge right.

Chapter 13 - 5/15 turns

Damn you Guy, costing me a turn. ;/

Chapter 13x - 7/22 turns

Rebecca died and not a single shit was given by anyone.

Chapter 14 - 4/26 turns

Marcus CHARGES because yes

Chapter 15 - 7/33 turns

There's so much defend in this game, agh.

Chapter 16 - 5/38 turns

Marcus rushes right with Hector while Kent GOES UP to snag himself some kills. Also, Sain died. Oops.

Chapter 17 - 7/45 turns

Thank you for making Marcus last til here. Two mounts allowed Marcus to ferry while Kent got some much needed kills to get his strength and speed up. They swapped off here and there. Ignored Raven and Lucius and charged right through while Dorcas, Matt and Guy got some more kills. Matt's strength is so beautiful right now hrnnng. I think I'll have him kill the chapter 18 boss.

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Starting a new post because dayum.

Chapter 29 - 4 turns (121)

Turns out I didn't get all the treasure in C28; I missed the brave lance somehow. >_< Oh well, hopefully I'll be able to kill Limstella just fine and get the 4 turn without it.

Anyway, Louise handles the myrmidons at the beginning, Erk rescues Eliwood, who trucks all the way to Linus, Erk then helps Dart with the infantry, Fiora fetches the warp staff, Bartre takes care of the horses near the starting point, and Hector, Wil, and Merlinus stay put.

Chapter 30 - 3 turns (124)

Erk warps Eliwood and Hector to Kaim. Standard 3 turn clear.

I'll finish up tomorrow. Bed.

And it continues!

Chapter 31 - 11 turns forced (135)

Erk finishes with 26 MAG, hot damn.

Hector trains a ton, and Eliwood gets to A Lances.

Chapter 31x - 5 turns forced (140)

Lul I forgot to give Bartre the iron rune, so Karla slaughtered his ass the first time. GG 10/9 10 SPD Bartre.

After Karla was recruited, Hector and Louise gained some levels in the arena while the others bought stuff.

Chapter 32 - 4 turns (144)

Haha, fuck you, brave lance! Who needs ya?

Erk starts off by rescuing Nils with the staff, while Eliwood rescues Hector and Fiora rescues Dart. Turn two, the group gets a bit closer to the throne. Turn three, Erk had enough MAG to warp Eliwood and Hector past the snipers, and he warped Dart (who was dropped off by Fiora last turn) up to pick Limstella off on turn four.

Yet another bolting tome get.

Chapter 32x - 1 turn (145)

i was bored kk

Final Chapter - 4 turns (149)

Lul only Eliwood and Fiora were my mounts. Anyway, Dart is warped up to the Reeds, Eliwood handles Brendan before trucking up to Kenneth, Fiora kills Jerme and Ursula, Athos and Erk kill Uhai and some others with bolting, and Hector handles Darin. Wil, Bartre, and Louise were actually useful here, which surprised me. After all was said and done, Erk warped Athos up to Nergal, who was then Luna'd. Three turns.


The dragon was taken down by Eliwood, Hector, Athos, Erk, and Fiora. 1 turn.

172 - 17 - 6 = 149. Boom, sub-150 without Florina or a cavalier. I'm so proud. :cry:

Unit analysis, a video, and a screenshot after school.

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Ch.19x: 4/75

Went around because Flo-Flo's dodge against Boltings is not that good.

Ch.20: 6/81

Go Up. get Legault. Wolf Beil Darin. gg

Ch.21: 4/85

Flo drops Oswin en route to Oleg, then she heads up to get Whip.

Ch.22: 4/89

Flo ferries Horseslayer!Oswin down for the bosskill.

Edited by Loocy
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[spoiler=Fiora <3 Oh, and some others:]


Pretty bro. Had 9 SPD for pretty much the entire draft, though, haha. Still, Hector's cool. 65 WINS


You all know Eliwood's the fucking man. Right when he promoted, things just soared for him. He capped STR unpromoted and capped it promoted at like, 20/6. Such a beast. 119 WINS


Bartre, I know I promoted you at level 10, but that's still no excuse how you only got SPD in one level after promotion. Oh well, Karla still blew. 47 WINS and 2 WINS


Believe it or not, Erk here was the MVP for midgame and was an awesome warper. Thankfully Erk's stats decided to cooperate since he was my only warper (thanks Kitty!) and the Afa's drops gave him an extra boost. He, Fiora, and Eliwood made a great team. 110 WINS


Wil. I'm disappoint.

Oh well, at least he wasn't COMPLETELY useless this time around. Still, stats and efficiency could've been better. :( 27 WINS


DAAAAAAAAAAAART. Pretty much a stronger, faster Hector, and did everything better. And haha, this is probably the third draft in a row I got him. 83 WINS


Fiora <3~ I didn't even have to give her the Afa's drops for maximum awesomeness (I gave her a dracoshield in endgame, though, but 20 DEF hot damn.)

I could've gotten a better turncount if I drafted Lowen, but Fiora was WELL WORTH IT. 105 WINS


Pretty much a superior Wil. I really like how Louise turned out, for some reason. Usually Rebecca or Wil turns out better than her in drafts for me, but it was the other way around this time. Heh. 24 WINS





Base Athos with body ring: 3 WINS

CR, you better not beat me. >_< You too, Lucy!

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Chapter 17x - 4/49 turns

This is awful without an OP cav or Florina. And Kent is pretty bro.

Chapter 18 - 3/52 turns

Matthew's strength is so beautiful~ And holy shit, Kent got some amazing levels.

Chapter 19 - 5/57 turns

KENT I LOVE YOU. MATT I LOVE YOU TOO. GUY WAS OKAY, BUT DAT KILLING EDGE WAS WORTH IT. Kent takes the killing edge and smacks around people for a bit. DORCAS COOPERATE MORE. Also now I need to work on Kent's lance rank ._.

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Slow down guys!

Chapter 11

Go left! 6 turns.

Chapter 12

Go up! 4 turns.

Chapter 13

Go down! Lowen also gets the torch. 4 turns.

Chapter 13x

Defend! Marcus goes to the forts, then up for the village. Oswin meatshields behind him. Hector and Lowen get plenty of training in the middle island. 7 turns.

Chapter 14

Marcus rushes, Lowen and Hector go down. Serra recruits Erk because I don't have time to visit the village. 4 turns.

Chapter 15

Defend more! I spare the boss for a while to let the reinforcements come, Hector handles the south and Lowen handles the right. Marcus eventually takes out the boss and all the enemies are killed except the thief. 7 turns.

Total: 32 turns

Unit    	Level	HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS  WL
Hector  	10.17	25 13 /  8  9  5  13 3   B Axe
Marcus   XX/5.33 	35 15 /  17 12 10 10 9   A Lance A Sword B Axe  
Lowen   	9.05 	29 10 /  8  8  8  11 3   D Lance D Sword
Priscilla   3.47 	16 /  6  6  8  7  3  6   C Staff

Guys I have to say that I'm really enjoying this. This is the most satisfying playthrough I've done in a while, and I'm just starting. Clearly I need to draft more.

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Ch.25: 5/97

Hawkeye and Oswin go to the northwest castle. Flo takes the northwest castle. Hector and Lucy take the south castle.

Ch.26: 11/108


Ch.27: 5/113

yay kenneth. Flo takes Hector over to him.

Ch.28: 15/128


Ch.28x: free/128

training for nino, as useless as she'll be.

Ch.29: 5/133

Flo takes Hector up over to the warp village, while Oswin, Lucy, Jaffar and Hawkeye catch up and kill along the way.

Ch.30: 3/136

Lucy warps Hector and Flo over to Kaim for a kill.

Ch.31: 11/147


Ch.31: 5/152


Ch.32: 7/159

Lucy warps Flo+Hector over to Limstella. Hawkeye is warped over next turn. Flo Brave Lances Limstella while Hawkeye Killer Crits.

Ch.32x: 1/160


Final: 3+1/164

Lucy warps Swordslayer!Hawkeye over to the Reed bros. Flo-Flo takes Jerme and Ursula. Hector takes on Darin. Jaffar fights Brendan, while Athos and Oswin take on Uhai. Athos is later warped over to Kenneth who gets Luna'd. Lucy warps Athos up to Nergal who also gets Luna'd, then he also Luna'd the Fire Dragon.

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