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Pokemon Adventures R/B/G/Y Mafia


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Kay for how she has played the entire day phase on day 2. And the way she jumped on to me. She originally prodded me with a few things and said a few things, then when helios kinda joined in on the thought process she voted me. She didn't vote me until after it looked like she would be safe for voting me.

Also her vote sat parked on neko the entire day phase. What happened to her nek suspisions.

Also I'm still extremely suspicious of JBWCK(shatter) because I mean he's not even here or doing anything either. He was scummy ish day 1 and has been scummy ish day 2. He hasn't done much noticeable stuff and has just been sliding by for most of the game it seems. I keep forgetting he's playing.

Those are top two scum reads, no particular order.

My Neko suspicions are still there. Note that I said I'd also be okay with lynching him.

However, unlike him, you're just making yourself look worse and worse. JB has done plenty of stuff. And yeah Eli could be Lynchproof I guess, but he's definitely not that scummy. I voted you when you didn't reply to my post with anything except defending yourself, pretty much right away, I don't see where you're getting the "didn't vote until it was safe" thing aside from that the entire game hasn't jumped on me for voting you or something and I didn't vote in my first post that said anything about you. Your scumdar appears to be based entirely on whether people are suspicious of you.

So from what I understand is that we're voting Cam since we need a lynch +he's posted and ran? Latter isn't too good of a reason, but :F. I'll vote for him too since there really isn't a chance of another wagon forming in the next 2 hours; personally I think Kay and Boron are kind of scummy but that's just the vibe I got when I skimmed through.

Well, also that NekoRex was kinda scummy before Cam subbed in, but you got the basics of it.

My vote is staying put, since we have enough votes for a deadline lynch on Cam. I think I'll be able to come online before phase end anyway, but don't count on it.

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MancerNecro (1): Camtech

Shinori (3): Boron, Kay, Elieson

Kay (2): Shinori, JBCWK

Camtech (6): Mancer, Baldrick, Strawman, j00, Helios, Iris L-1!

Not Voting (0): Nobody

1 hour and 49 minutes left in the phase.

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i've a) not caught up b) SAID i would be scarce over the next few days and c) posted like two things that nobody has bothered responding to

i'm like watcher-voyeur (brock)

i learn the roles of the people who target X in the night

neko didn't send in an action

SO IN OTHER WORDS go ahead lynch the watcher ;/

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since there's no way this lynch is going to get off me in ~1 hour scumspects are thus far mancer (for stated reasons) and straw (gut and i'm not sure what his reasons were other than "cam has been busy and neko was busy before he subbed out")

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well shit

how did he not send in an action if he's a watcher

Um I'm still here but I doubt we can change lynch in hour w/o someone else unvoting on your wagon

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really hope i don't get modkilled

On notice that I'm going to be a/fk for several more hours. [mildly personal details]

[insert notice of idling]

Drat, I thought the day would start later.And by "later" I mean "not during Christmas"

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Everyone was so tired from the previous night that they fell asleep at the meeting table! By the time they woke up it was already late evening and they had barely enough time to decide on anything, so they just chose the most quiet person as the most likely member of Team Rocket.

"Erika was my friend," someone said resolutely. "She was a friend to us all. And for that, there must be revenge. There are infiltrators among us who led to her death. And we must weed them out. Look at Camtech. Look at him just sitting there, doing nothing, even now. He must be a member of Team Rocket."

People started murmuring in agreement behind him, until finally someone strapped the still quiet Camtech into a chair and electrocuted him with a Thunderbolt. His role PM was retrieved gingerly from his fried body, and it read:

Dear NekoRex CT075, you are Brock, the League Voyeur.


You are the Gym Leader of Pewter City, and are a master of Rock pokemon.

You possess many different types of Rock pokemon, one of whom is Onix. Your Onix has the ability to burrow underground and follow a target. Therefore, every night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Watch USER>. You will send your Onix to follow USER, and at the end of the night, will learn the roles of the players who visited USER during that night.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

Everyone was saddened by the death of yet another of their Gym Leaders, and they decided to get a night's sleep before continuing.

Night 2 has started. It will end at midnight on December 30th, EST.

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As you sit around the table, this time, only nine of you are present. Shinori and Baldrick both seem to be missing. The first house that is visited is Shinori’s. He is found dead in his chair, his mind destroyed. He was:

Dear Shinori, you are Bill, the League Role Swapper.


You are a genius inventor, and are the creator of the Pokemon Storage System.

The invention you are currently working on is a Pokemon Transfer System. It is a prototype, however, and needs to be tested. Therefore, every night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Swap USER1 and USER2’s pokemon>. You will convince USER1 and USER2 to test your prototype for you, but since it is slightly faulty, for that night, their roles will be swapped, instead of their pokemon. This cannot affect kills or killing roles, however, and both USER1 and USER2 must have active roles that they choose to use that night.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

You are shocked that such a great mind is now dead, but can do nothing but move onwards to Baldrick’s house. Murmurs ripple throughout you as you approach. His house has completely collapsed. A few among you are brave enough to search through the wreckage, and after a while, his dead body is retrieved. He was:

Dear Baldrick, you are Daisy Oak, the League Two-Shot Kill Checker.


You are Green’s older sister and Professor Oak’s granddaughter, as well a research assistant in his laboratory.

Your work as a researcher has made you particularly adept at digging up information about other people and discovering their background. Therefore, every night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Research USER>. You will spend the night researching their history of violence, and by its end, will be able to determine whether or not they have the ability to kill another player in the game. However, since you have your real research to do as well, you only have the time to do this twice.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

Saddened at the death of yet another comrade, you go back to the meeting table to plan your next move.

It is now Day 3. With 9 people present, it takes 4 votes to lynch at deadline and 5 votes for a hammer. Phase ends at 10:30 PM EST on January 2nd.

Edited by Thomas Raith
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A Kadabra just spoke to me last Night, and he clarified a lot of things about this game.

I'm going with a Shatter or Helios lynch today, for reasons already mentioned in Days 1 and 2.

If anyone would like me to repeat my reasons, ask and I'll repost them.

##Vote: Shatter

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A Kadabra just spoke to me last Night, and he clarified a lot of things about this game.

I'm going with a Shatter or Helios lynch today, for reasons already mentioned in Days 1 and 2.

If anyone would like me to repeat my reasons, ask and I'll repost them.

##Vote: Shatter

You're Sabrina aren't you.

Can you repeat your reasons for lynching either of us again for me? I don't mind a JB lynch either but I'd like to see your reasoning for it.

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You're Sabrina aren't you.

Can you repeat your reasons for lynching either of us again for me? I don't mind a JB lynch either but I'd like to see your reasoning for it.

I'm not Sabrina. I can talk to Pokemon, unlike her.

I vaguely remember I wanted to lynch Shatter over his Shinori jumps in Day 1, and I remember not liking some of his responses in Day 2, which were actually very related to him defending you on my point in Day 2 about you having some extra information.

I know I wanted to vote you out over your interactions with Elieson (or Kay) in Day 1. My reasons for voting you in Day 2 is because you seemed to have some extra information, particularly when you asked Kay for her character claim.

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