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Pokemon Adventures R/B/G/Y Mafia


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j00, Helios, me, and Paper if he counts are all in favor of a massclaim. How many people do you need to agree to it? You sounded much less reluctant to claim earlier.

I really don't get what you're trying to say, or where this "you sounded less reluctant" or "what made you change your mind so fast" stuff is coming from. I don't like claiming needlessly if there is no reason for me to do so. But I know that massclaiming is "standard practice" in certain scenarios. Also, it's not "how many people need to agree with it", but "how much pressure I feel there is on me to claim." Stop putting words in my mouth and saying I'm being hesitant.

Whatever. I'm Green, and I'm safeguard. I was on Mancer N1 because he seemed town to me and I didn't feel that he would be targeted by anything. I targeted Baldrick on N2 because I thought that scum would try to kidnap him again.

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BBM, could you prod the players who have not made their votes (and who do not have a reason to be inactive)? Players like Strawman and Elieson.

Ok I'm here now. I can officially place time back into these, and will begin as of right now.

Also Mancer, for the record, just because I haven't shared my reasons with you personally does not mean that I don't have a reason (or many) for being inactive, so I'd appreciate if you climbed off of your high horse and kept the snide remarks to yourself.

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Ok I'm here now. I can officially place time back into these, and will begin as of right now.

Also Mancer, for the record, just because I haven't shared my reasons with you personally does not mean that I don't have a reason (or many) for being inactive, so I'd appreciate if you climbed off of your high horse and kept the snide remarks to yourself.

If you did have a reason, I believe you would have told BBM about it and he would announce it (like he did with me). Instead, you went AWOL without telling anyone anything.

Elie, what do you think of the situation at hand right now?

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Mancer, not everyone feels the need to tell the host that they're going to have IRL issues so that they'll be away from the thread. I mean, it's irritating but not a reason by itself to suspect him.

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Given that I've only given a speedread, and currently have 4 tabs open as I break D2 down, I can, for right now say:

I support a Massclaim

I think the Kadabra situation could mean a variety of things, and I originally assumed a Courier-type of role before other examples were brought into play.

There is far too much dependence on Flavor in all of this scumhunting

I'm pretty sure when you said "Typical Scum!Shatter", that it implied that you knew something we didn't, or were basing your opinion primarily on Meta. So others assuming it seems very likely to me, since I genuinely assumed that you were bringing meta into this, as well as flavor.

j00's post here seems like a pretty serious scumslip IMO.

TBH I kinda think you are scummy. I think JB is more scummy (even though i think the Kadabra assumptions were difficult to interpret, I don't feel as though sincerity is behind the defense), and that j00 is more likely to be scum than any of them. Therefore, I would

##Vote j00

primarily based on that slip, and his less-than-stellar opening posts for d2 where he outed a few obvious things and demanded that inactives jump back to life.

I'll read more of the day, and try to develop some more concise reads, but I'd really like some help with this Strawsloth case, because either I'm completely oblivious (actually, that's pretty likely), or something's being made up that I just can't figure out.

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Also I'm plain Vanilla Professor Oak now. As if it wasn't obvious, but I'm just re-outing it to keep everything current.

[spoiler=Not Quite Game Related]Mancer, I did actually inform our host that I would be inactive until the 27th. Unfortunately, things got out of my control and I wasn't able to dedicate myself to here and update my situation. If you feel the need, I can inform you of what is going on in private, but as several current players and nonplayers can verify, it's not something that is typical of SF-goers to deal with, especially during a holiday season.

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j00's post here seems like a pretty serious scumslip IMO.

TBH I kinda think you are scummy. I think JB is more scummy (even though i think the Kadabra assumptions were difficult to interpret, I don't feel as though sincerity is behind the defense), and that j00 is more likely to be scum than any of them. Therefore, I would

##Vote j00

primarily based on that slip, and his less-than-stellar opening posts for d2 where he outed a few obvious things and demanded that inactives jump back to life.

So this is "I find j00 scummy, but I find JB scummier. But I'm voting j00 even though I find JB scummier"? It doesn't make sense, since you should be voting your scummiest read. Are you JB and Strawman's scum buddy trying to defend JB by shifting the lynch to another person (j00)?

I know you are a proven Governor, but that proves only role and not alignment, so.....

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Also I'm plain Vanilla Professor Oak now. As if it wasn't obvious, but I'm just re-outing it to keep everything current.

[spoiler=Not Quite Game Related]Mancer, I did actually inform our host that I would be inactive until the 27th. Unfortunately, things got out of my control and I wasn't able to dedicate myself to here and update my situation. If you feel the need, I can inform you of what is going on in private, but as several current players and nonplayers can verify, it's not something that is typical of SF-goers to deal with, especially during a holiday season.

[spoiler=Non-Related Stuff]It's fine. Boron told me what happened in Skype. The same thing kinda happened to me recently too. My condolences, Elieson, for that.

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So this is "I find j00 scummy, but I find JB scummier. But I'm voting j00 even though I find JB scummier"? It doesn't make sense, since you should be voting your scummiest read. Are you JB and Strawman's scum buddy trying to defend JB by shifting the lynch to another person (j00)?

I know you are a proven Governor, but that proves only role and not alignment, so.....

Are you illiterate? I didn't actually say that, and you either misread my post, misinterpretted it, or both.

And I am no one's scumbuddy, as I'm not a member of scum or Team Rocket or anything other than the League.

So it makes tons of sense to me to be voting j00, as he is my strongest scumread (as I said)

My scumchart, from most likely to least likely.



you (which, was Mancer if you couldn't figure that out when I said it 2 posts ago).

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If you did have a reason, I believe you would have told BBM about it and he would announce it (like he did with me). Instead, you went AWOL without telling anyone anything.

Elie, what do you think of the situation at hand right now?

--Cut off by the lone Boron post--

TBH I kinda think you are scummy. I think JB is more scummy (even though i think the Kadabra assumptions were difficult to interpret, I don't feel as though sincerity is behind the defense), and that j00 is more likely to be scum than any of them. Therefore, I would

##Vote j00

So this is "I find j00 scummy, but I find JB scummier. But I'm voting j00 even though I find JB scummier"? It doesn't make sense, since you should be voting your scummiest read. Are you JB and Strawman's scum buddy trying to defend JB by shifting the lynch to another person (j00)?

I know you are a proven Governor, but that proves only role and not alignment, so.....

Clarity for you, scum wordbender

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Given that I've only given a speedread, and currently have 4 tabs open as I break D2 down, I can, for right now say:

I support a Massclaim

I think the Kadabra situation could mean a variety of things, and I originally assumed a Courier-type of role before other examples were brought into play.

There is far too much dependence on Flavor in all of this scumhunting

I'm pretty sure when you said "Typical Scum!Shatter", that it implied that you knew something we didn't, or were basing your opinion primarily on Meta. So others assuming it seems very likely to me, since I genuinely assumed that you were bringing meta into this, as well as flavor.

j00's post here seems like a pretty serious scumslip IMO.

TBH I kinda think you are scummy. I think JB is more scummy (even though i think the Kadabra assumptions were difficult to interpret, I don't feel as though sincerity is behind the defense), and that j00 is more likely to be scum than any of them. Therefore, I would

##Vote j00

primarily based on that slip, and his less-than-stellar opening posts for d2 where he outed a few obvious things and demanded that inactives jump back to life.

I'll read more of the day, and try to develop some more concise reads, but I'd really like some help with this Strawsloth case, because either I'm completely oblivious (actually, that's pretty likely), or something's being made up that I just can't figure out.

How is j00's post a scumslip? I'm not sure what you're seeing there.

The Strawman case is mostly that his only content has been pretty opportunistic, first voting me for being more active on D2 than D1, then saying Shinori was scummy late D2, which I'm not sure about in retrospect because didn't he not even vote for Shinori? Also because JB is scummy and JB watched Strawman, so according to Helios, Strawman would be able to have told JB that no one visited him somehow. (also watching Strawman would be really weird anyway because no one ever targets him)

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How is j00's post a scumslip? I'm not sure what you're seeing there.

yes i'm a girl

If this is about jigglypuff, I don't understand it either. I too can't think of anyone else having a jigglypuff, and the pokemon mentioned in my PM is another one. Of course, for all you know, I could be lying and actually hooked Baldrick, but you have the Word of Mod that I was trying to target Elieson. If I could roleblock, targeting Elieson who was just proven to be gov would be the biggest waste of time regardless of my alignment. Even if I truly am that retarded I don't think any scumbuddies would be stupid enough to let that happen.

Unless someone else owns a jigglypuff I'm wondering if it really is mine and that it was refering to redirecting Wren's actions to Baldrick, and by extension meaning that Wren hooked Baldrick. It's still a weird way of saying it since I had to target two people for my redirection.

Mancer, you sure you read your PM right and it was "roleblock" not "redirect" or something?

1. Something entirely unprovable and unnecessary to even mention, as it does absolutely nothing to help back up an argument where he's in question of your activity.

2. Doesn't seem interested in arguing himself as town

3. Flipflops on his own Pokemon.

The Strawman case is mostly that his only content has been pretty opportunistic, first voting me for being more active on D2 than D1, then saying Shinori was scummy late D2, which I'm not sure about in retrospect because didn't he not even vote for Shinori? Also because JB is scummy and JB watched Strawman, so according to Helios, Strawman would be able to have told JB that no one visited him somehow. (also watching Strawman would be really weird anyway because no one ever targets him)

So...Watcher!JB is as explainable as scum killing scorri N1...which is isn't. TBH I never understand why people even target you early game, and the fact that Baldrick of all people was silenced when he was under heavy suspicion even after his role claim is beyond me, and look how that turned out.

I have no reason to assume as to why JB wouldn't target me (the only confirmed anything) because I'm the closest to mass-confirmed town there is, aside from Wren claiming alt-night doc. Actually, I kinda see this case now that I'm bitching about not understanding it....it's making sense to me. I had only paid attention to his posts and I overlooked his actual claims (aside from Watcher).

Ok, well since I already doubted his case and had him as a secondary scumread, this ridiculous watching does make sense if they were both scum, as why else would JB watch Strawsloth of all people anyway.

##Unvote (j00)

##Vote Shatter

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Whatever. I'm Green, and I'm safeguard. I was on Mancer N1 because he seemed town to me and I didn't feel that he would be targeted by anything. I targeted Baldrick on N2 because I thought that scum would try to kidnap him again.

Why would you target someone you didn't feel would be targeted by anything?

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Why would you target someone you didn't feel would be targeted by anything?

Because in all honesty, I hate safeguard and I wasn't sure what to do with it. I felt that a hypothetical town cop might scan Wren or Baldrick after the D1 fiasco, so I didn't want to target them and Mancer seemed town to me in D1.

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Boron, can I ask why you chose to not idle?

Also pointing out this:

03:02 Paperblade btw

03:02 Paperblade if stss is modkilled

03:02 Paperblade and is town

03:02 Paperblade it makes today mylo

03:02 Paperblade and we lose

03:03 Kay what

03:03 Paperblade it's 3/6

03:03 Paperblade if stss is town

03:03 Paperblade and is modkilled at the end of the day

03:03 Paperblade it becomes 3/5

03:03 Paperblade meaning a mislynch makes it 3/4

03:03 Paperblade nightkill

03:03 Paperblade 3/3

03:03 Kay oh right

03:03 Kay yeah

03:04 Kay that makes lynching JB kinda worse

03:04 Kay since everyone pushing on them wants both lynched

03:04 Kay dontcha think

03:04 Paperblade yeah

So, if the lynch must be between JB and Strawman, I'd prefer to lynch Strawman, actually.

That said, I don't think there's any way Mancer and j00 can both be telling the truth, and Mancer seems much scummier to me. j00 would not have claimed the way he did as scum, I'm pretty sure. Plus, another roleblock is strange. Therefore, IMO a Mancer lynch would be ideal. Even if no one agrees that Mancer is scummiest, I don't like the number of people basically tying Strawman and JB together, and it's pretty much 50/50 between j00 and Mancer.

(I still want to see j00's fullclaim.)

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Boron, can I ask why you chose to not idle?

... You know what, I'm not sure why I didn't just idle. >_> I guess I just didn't consider it.

Also, my computer is starting to ragequit on me so I think I'm going to get off soon.

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So, if the lynch must be between JB and Strawman, I'd prefer to lynch Strawman, actually.

That said, I don't think there's any way Mancer and j00 can both be telling the truth, and Mancer seems much scummier to me. j00 would not have claimed the way he did as scum, I'm pretty sure. Plus, another roleblock is strange. Therefore, IMO a Mancer lynch would be ideal. Even if no one agrees that Mancer is scummiest, I don't like the number of people basically tying Strawman and JB together, and it's pretty much 50/50 between j00 and Mancer.

(I still want to see j00's fullclaim.)

I don't mind this because again, I can always just use my role to prove his claim. I don't think we should be so hesitant though because if those two are actually town then we have quite the amount of PR fakeclaimers without ccs which sounds a little weird.

I disagree that Mancer is scum right now just because he's scumhunting, contributing, and overall play feels town to me right now. Plus he has quite the role to be faked so simply. I thought Shinori used his roleswapping role between Scorri and J00 or whatever and that's why a jigglypuff hooked someone. Isn't that what happened?

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I know I said that Strawman would get modkilled at the end of the phase, but in that case the rest of the game would have to come up with 4 votes using only 8 people, and you guys could barely hit that with 12 people on D2. So if Strawman doesn't post by the time I wake up in the morning (somewhere between 8 and 10 hours from now), he'll be modkilled then. He's passed the 48 hour mark already. And according to his profile it's been more than 30 hours since he last signed on anyways.

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I thought Shinori used his roleswapping role between Scorri and J00 or whatever and that's why a jigglypuff hooked someone. Isn't that what happened?

Shinori swapped the roles of Baldrick and scorri, j00 redirected Wren to Baldrick (intended to be Elieson) so after actually thinking about that it makes no sense at all.

But regardless, Mancer said he only hears from the Pokemon mentioned in someone's flavor, j00 said Jigglypuff isn't mentioned.

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Does Daisy have a jigglypuff then? Yeah this is actually really confusing now and here I thought things actually made some sense. I'll think about it tomorrow when I'm not falling asleep I guess.

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Honestly, I'm confused as well.

All I know of my claim is from what I have in my role PM's results.

Are there any other Jigglypuffs in the R/B/Y/G manga? Some kind of renegade Jigglypuff or something?

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