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Pokemon Adventures R/B/G/Y Mafia


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geez, if JB flips town I'll wonder if remaining scum is Mancer and Helios, using their flavourbased fakeclaims to throw us completely off into flavourspec. Flavour can't be this important, my redirect is wobuffet and this arc is first gen.

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Kay was torn apart by telekinesis rip in pieces

Dear Kay and Paperblade, you are Blaine and Mewtwo, the League Non-Consecutive Night Vigilante.


After you caught Mewtwo, you were able to calm his rage, and have fused together. You now train and fight together to help your brethren and atone for your past sins. Therefore, at night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Unleash Mewtwo on USER>. You will unleash Mewtwo, who will easily defeat and kill USER. However, since your training together has begun only recently, being separated from each other for an extended amount of time is very difficult and the night after you do this, you must both rest to recover your power.

In addition, since you both reside in the body of Blaine, he is the only one that can communicate to the outside world. However, you may communicate with each other as much as you want.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

and then a thunderbolt struck elieson and he couldn't talk (aside from voting and unvoting)

It is now Day 4. you have 72 hours. with 6 alive it takes 4 to hammer and 3 to deadline lynch

Town is in Potential MYLO

Edited by cyborg sammy davis jr.
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geez, if JB flips town I'll wonder if remaining scum is Mancer and Helios, using their flavourbased fakeclaims to throw us completely off into flavourspec. Flavour can't be this important, my redirect is wobuffet and this arc is first gen.

Guys, I think I know who scum is.

Look at the bolded line in that quote. He seems to know that JB will flip town, and is trying to setup lynches based on that. He did not say anything abou JB being scum, so I think he has already ruled out that possibility. The only way I think he has enough information to do that would be if he was scum.

You've slipped up, j00.

##Vote: j00

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dammit paperkay you weren't supposed to die yet

so i used my role on wren/iris and they're town (didn't get a result from them).

So yeah I'm town, Wren/Iris is town, Elieson is town. This leaves Boron, Mancer, and j00 as the last two scum. Mancer/j00 are opposite affiliation most likely (won't say 100% cuz this could be some elaborate mafia plan to have contradictory evidence to mess with the town).

##Vote Boron

By POE she's scum which really leaves Mancer and j00 as the final scum but i won't worry about that until after this phase ends.

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That's actually quite true, Helios.

There's the thing that Boron was very reluctant to claim, and that she has mostly been inactive and coasty throughout Days 1 to 3.

Her Night 1 Safeguard claim on me also sounds very far-fetched. It's almost as if she is trying to buddy up to me on Day 3.

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geez, if JB flips town I'll wonder if remaining scum is Mancer and Helios, using their flavourbased fakeclaims to throw us completely off into flavourspec. Flavour can't be this important, my redirect is wobuffet and this arc is first gen.

Guys, I think I know who scum is.

Look at the bolded line in that quote. He seems to know that JB will flip town, and is trying to setup lynches based on that. He did not say anything abou JB being scum, so I think he has already ruled out that possibility. The only way I think he has enough information to do that would be if he was scum.

You've slipped up, j00.

##Vote: j00

I also want to take note that j00 has conveniently left out Boron as a suspect from his post, so it could be that he is trying to distract town from Boron and hope that he can push a mislynch onto either of us.

##Unvote: j00

##Vote: Sangyul

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PoE, PoE, PoE. I am getting sick of hearing that word. Unless you want elaborate more on your "role" that you used on Wren/Iris/SB/this playerslot can fuck off and die, then I really have no reason to believe you. In fact, after that whole "JB's flip will confirm Straw's alignment" shtick, I'm wondering if you're perhaps scum.

Strawman being scummy, yes I can see why he was scummy. And he did flip scum. But throughout D3 you were trying to say that JB's night results of watching Straw would prove both of their alignments if one flipped. This reasoning is literally the most idiotic, nonsensical, non-sequitur piece of logic I have ever heard, pardon my language. And you weren't even right in the end. The fact that you kept on trying to tie them together makes me think that you're Straw's scum buddy trying to both push a mislynch and bus a buddy to get yourself town cred at the same time.

You're trying to look pro-town and you've done a good job of it. But you were bullshitting scum in another game and I'm not going to fall for it again.

##Vote: Helios

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Boron, that post looks a lot like an OMGUS post. It's not making you look better to me.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm wondering if this could be a ploy by a hypothetical Helios/j00 scumteam to try and push a mislynch.

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So you're saying that every person who makes a case against someone who voted for them first is doing an OMGUS vote? Please.

Also, forgive me that I'm annoyed that I have to spend my last day in California defending myself instead of having fun! -_-

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PoE, PoE, PoE. I am getting sick of hearing that word. Unless you want elaborate more on your "role" that you used on Wren/Iris/SB/this playerslot can fuck off and die, then I really have no reason to believe you. In fact, after that whole "JB's flip will confirm Straw's alignment" shtick, I'm wondering if you're perhaps scum.

The bolded parts have so much negativity that it sounds a lot like an OMGUS.

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Also, forgive me that I'm annoyed that I have to spend my last day in California defending myself instead of having fun! -_-

I apologize in advance to everyone playing this game, but I would REALLY rather be doing something FUN during my last day at home. Not getting stressed over this.

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I don't like the fact that Boron is trying to coast it out again. That's typical scum behaviour.

Also, Elieson, can you Vote the person you find most scummy right now? If you have more than one scum read, just Vote/Unvote them all from the least scummy to the most scummy (and leave the most scummy one voted).

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Okay. So when other people have issues in real life that make them not want to post it's okay. But when I have issues that affect my mood and make me not want to post then I'm coasting? I knew that I was going to have activity issues this game and I told you guys that.

What, EXACTLY, is making me so scummy?

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The fact that you keep posting throughout all the Days that you are busy, promise to read and make decent posts and do not fulfill your promises. I actually went back to read your ISOs and this is something that is blatantly obvious to me. You make occasional okay posts, then coast a lot with a lot of small one liner posts and make a lot of "I'm busy now, I promise to post later" posts.

This feels like coasting to me, because you show that you can actually devote your time and effort to the game and did not.

Also, you just gave a very nice comparison: Incident in real life vs mood.

Mood is really relative, and you can just as easily say that you're never in a good mood and never post ever.

I feel that your "poor moods" is you giving a horrible excuse for coasting and not contributing.

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Everything else be damned. Can I kill you for that post just now?

I kept on posting throughout the days because I didn't want to be modkilled for inactivity and because I actually DID care about this game, believe it or not. Turns out I really was that busy. You want to assert otherwise? Then prove it. It's really hypocritical how you can say that you have something going on in real life and not post, but when I say that I have similar issues that make it hard for me to post you just think I'm making excuses to coast.

You need to stop tunneling and take a step back. Seriously. You make assumptions and assertions about people that you cannot prove and you don't EVER change your mind. It's one thing to argue on scum tells and scummy behavior. It's another to tell a person that they're making up everything when you really don't know a thing about it.

Also, I don't like how Helios made a case on me about how I'm scum because of "PoE" then disappeared.

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That's actually quite true, Helios.

There's the thing that Boron was very reluctant to claim, and that she has mostly been inactive and coasty throughout Days 1 to 3.

Her Night 1 Safeguard claim on me also sounds very far-fetched. It's almost as if she is trying to buddy up to me on Day 3.

Might I point you back to this.

As far as I can tell, both you and j00 hesitated on your claims. You were both very reluctant to claim, and claimed almost at the very last moment. I see this as scum buddies trying to think about and devise a good claim while making up excuses that they don't want to full claim unless necessary to stall for time to come up with a proper claim.

See the points against you now?

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Not at all. Where the hell is everyone getting this "Boron was reluctant to claim" from? I wasn't sure whether an official massclaim was happening or not. It sounded to me like people were saying, "a mass claim sounds good" but there was no official "let's do a mass claim" statement. So I decided not to. I don't like outing my role unless I can get scum lynched or I'm about to be lynched. Am I scummy because I felt that there was no reason to claim and I didn't feel any pressure on me to claim until I actually did? I am really sick of people misrepping me.

Claiming your role out in public like an idiot =/= town.

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You do realise that you've slipped up now.

You told town that you would claim, then come back later and say that you will not claim, not until the next Day or just before phase end. After that you randomly claimed right in the middle of the Day. I call this a huge reluctance to claim because you were still pondering your character and role claim and that you suddenly claimed because you were able to find a suitable claim earlier than you expected.

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You do realise that you've slipped up now.

No, I don't see how.

You told town that you would claim, then come back later and say that you will not claim, not until the next Day or just before phase end. After that you randomly claimed right in the middle of the Day. I call this a huge reluctance to claim because you were still pondering your character and role claim and that you suddenly claimed because you were able to find a suitable claim earlier than you expected.

I really feel that I am being misrepped here. I said I wouldn't claim because I saw no reason to at the time. Then people started talking about a mass claim, so I said that if everyone wanted me to claim my role than I would. I didn't because I felt no pressure from people to do so. And no, I don't consider "Boron really should claim" as pressure. If you guys wanted me to claim so badly, you should've said, "Boron. Claim. Now." I claimed because I was sick of people MISREPPING ME.

I'm getting really irritated and I had some wine earlier, so I think I'm going to leave before I say something I regret.

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I guess I'm not allowed to have a life :(. I checked this on my phone and came back on my laptop to try and make a decent post.

Well basically my role is as follows (yes I explained this already). I'm Red, the protagonist of the manga, and future Pokemon League Champion. Every night, I battle a player in the game of my choosing. If I gain experience, that means they're a strong trainer (which would be a pokedex holder, a gym leader, or a Team Rocket member since they're gym leaders too technically). I battled Kay and Mancer N1 and N2 respectively, and they gave me experience. I battled Wren/Iris/SB last night, and I didn't get a result. Therefore she can't be a Team Rocket member and is in fact Nurse Joy. Elieson is Oak, the governor, and a cleared townie. So that's three cleared players.

We know there's two scum left, and there's three suspects. Based on their interactions, it's a 99% possibility that j00 and Mancer are on the opposite sides. Therefore, by default, you Boron are 99% probable scum. If I'm wrong about this then I applaud j00 and Mancer for pulling off this contradictory role bullshit since that's pretty well played. If I'm right though, then this is an autowin for town.

Your case on me Boron is based off my one flaw this game, which was thinking JB was Straw's buddy. I agree, my logic for that part was shit, and I just had gut feeling that JB's watcher claim was really convenient. Add on the other reasons why I thought he was scummy and things felt like they were falling place. Glad JB was a good sport about it though. Other than that though, has there been anything about my play that has been scummy? Would I have been so aggressive on Straw when no one had any pressure on him if I was scum? If you want to pull meta bullshit on me, then you do know that I despise bussing my teammates unless it's necessary. So why would I bus Straw? I wouldn't. The rest of my play has been pretty obvtown. If you're really gonna argue that I'm scum because I've been scum before I think we can just stop here. Rest of the defense was emotional stuff that I'd rather not get into so I won't.

As for why you're scummy: you defended JB pretty hard which looked like scum trying to gain towncred, you overreacted when I made an observation that you said a lot of the same things I did, you've been using a lot of emotional appeal this game (but you've been in bad moods so ehh this is hard to read), you keep delaying and putting off posting content, you were reluctant to claim, and you've been trying to lynch off the claimed, now proven doc since who knows how long. So yeah there's my case for you.

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Elieson, I'm curious as to why you think I'm scummy.

Unvote me then Vote/Unvote me again if you're replying to this post's questions, by the way.

Are you finding me scummy solely because of JB's flip? (Vote/Unvote Helios for this option)

Are you finding me scummy for my N1 claim because it contradicts j00's? (Vote/Unvote j00 for this option)

For both reasons? (Vote/Unvote Boron)

Or for another reason? (Vote/Unvote Helios)

I believe I do need to explain myself better on certain things, and I do admit that my scumhunting is bad. I wouldn't object to being found scummy for my bad scumhunting, though. I just want to know why you find me scummy.

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