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Fateborn Who Can't Sprite


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So you suggest to increase the arm's thickness by 33%?

i'd say 100% lol GOSH

gotta give dat kawaiiiuguuuuanimugurl human proportions, man

Edited by D'Artagnih
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i'd say 100% lol GOSH

gotta give dat kawaiiiuguuuuanimugurl human proportions, man

What Miss Nih says, definitely.

Reference Marisa, her posture matches your sprite perfectly.

Also this. Bring her OPV arm down to more match how Marisa has hers - Right now it's bent at an inhuman, impossible angle.

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Putting Jibril on hold for now as she's troublesome at the moment, (I did manage to fix her slim arm rest assured haha)

I'm working on AthenaWyrm's Minerva mug that she posted on Exalted Legacy.

Here's her original. DDnwlxi.png

Here's what I got and fixed up so far. xqpCzZ4.png

I'll actually get her armor be the same as the original Minerva later on, just needed to have different color and shade it to look right then I'll add the gold trimming from the original.

Any errors so far that need addressing?

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You changed the base color and added swaths of lighter shading....That's not really fixing up. Especially since the lighter color is extremely blendy and difficult to make out. (So, in essence, star there.)

You should likely have posted after making more substantial changes.

Edited by Siuloir
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As noted in the request topic, her overall scale is kind of enormous. It was a great start, but I think you'd probably need to shrink it down more and allow more room for the body instead of just a head.

I don't think her head is actually that big. But I'll see what I can do to ease it.

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Rotten little hobbiteses doubling post as they please.

Progress update:

Took lot of trial and error.


I changed the eye colors to brown.

I think I got the collar gold trim to be appropriate as well adding in the shoulder straps.

Darkened the lightest hair color to match better with Minerva.

Been referencing a lot from the official Minerva artwork.

I also cleaned up a bit of the black shadows on her armor to expand out a bit more and enclosed the pieces a bit more.

Still thinking of how to do the gold trimming without messing up the flow. Lot of trial and error to come. :\

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I don't think her head is actually that big. But I'll see what I can do to ease it.

It's about 8 pixels higher and wider still than Oswin's, who is an adult male almost certainly larger than Minerva.

Edited by Siuloir
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It's about 8 pixels higher and wider still than Oswin's, who is an adult male almost certainly larger than Minerva.

You need to consider that the mugs aren't to scale.

Sometime you need to scale it up to looks good.

Sometime you need to scale it down to look better.

It's a similar case as Idoun.

Her dragon mug aren't certainly that scaled size, yet it looks good.

I think her head is fine the way it is.

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You need to consider that the mugs aren't to scale.

Sometime you need to scale it up to looks good.

Sometime you need to scale it down to look better.

It's a similar case as Idoun.

Her dragon mug aren't certainly that scaled size, yet it looks good.

I think her head is fine the way it is.


Idenn is a tiny, waiflike girl as a human. Put her mug next to say, Hawkeye's. (Her dragon mug is also pretty heinous, but that's another story.)

Proportion is pretty important in art.

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. . .


Does this look better?

The only reason why I didn't really want to shrink it was because I'm not talented enough to replicate the face if I have to go further. (Two pixel down, one pixel from right, and another pixel from left)

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Her dragon mug aren't certainly that scaled size, yet it looks good.

nothing in fe6 looks good lets get serious.

Does this look better?

she's just as wide as Jasmine or whatever that desert lunk is. so that should answer your question

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You need to consider that the mugs aren't to scale.

...eer. Most of the humans are scale to each other. If you go through all them and measure their heads they're all 48 to 51 pixels tall(excluding small children mugs, I believe. Now, characters like Myrrh and other really young characters aren't in scale when it comes to their actual height, but the GBA games don't use enough screenspace to account for that anyway), if we're using that as our measuring point.

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I'm going on a vacation for three days, no idea if I'll have access to a computer and internet, so here's the latest update. I think I'm quite fond of it now.


I'll be back on Friday night central time for anyone curious. I'm going to Chicago with my half brother's family as part of their 'final' family spending time since two of his children were about to disappears from their house. (One going to college, another almost finished with H.S) They invited me and my mother (who is his mother so he's my half brother) to go along too.

This will be either wickedly fun.

Or it'll end in a disaster.

Hoping for the former...

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nothing in fe6 looks good lets get serious.

Kneel before Perceval.

I'm going on a vacation for three days, no idea if I'll have access to a computer and internet, so here's the latest update. I think I'm quite fond of it now.


I'll be back on Friday night central time for anyone curious. I'm going to Chicago with my half brother's family as part of their 'final' family spending time since two of his children were about to disappears from their house. (One going to college, another almost finished with H.S) They invited me and my mother (who is his mother so he's my half brother) to go along too.

This will be either wickedly fun.

Or it'll end in a disaster.

Hoping for the former...

It's really hard to tell where you're going with this since your updates are very small, but trim should usually be edged in the darkest armor shade, and the trim itself needs more colors (which I assume is what you're working on.)

Edited by Siuloir
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It's really hard to tell where you're going with this since your updates are very small, but trim should usually be edged in the darkest armor shade, and the trim itself needs more colors (which I assume is what you're working on.)

I will when i get home, no paint on these computer apparently, oh well. Wanted to get rough sketch of the trim to make them easier on me since i forget things when i don't do them. I think doing trim with lightest color is easier than darkest color but i hadnt tested that.

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I will when i get home, no paint on these computer apparently, oh well. Wanted to get rough sketch of the trim to make them easier on me since i forget things when i don't do them. I think doing trim with lightest color is easier than darkest color but i hadnt tested that.

I only meant the edging of the trim (the surrounding metal of the armor that is). Sorry.

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Back home, and already started on the minerva again.


Shaded armor, trimified her trimming, and fixed up a bit of her hair.

Debating whether to put on the white pluff of cloth on her collar or not.

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I know it was addressed earlier in the thread, but she is still way too big if you plan to insert her into a hack or display her alongside other characters. Here she is posed next to Miledy (her FE6 expy):


They don't look like they belong in the same game - so I agree with earlier crits and hope you will consider them. Her trim looks very jagged as well and needs more smoothing.

Good luck with the rest though, you have some great stuff to work with.

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