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Pokemon Trading Card Game challenge run


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So recently, i've been looking into some challenges for some of my older games that seem to be too easy, and I think i've found one that we all can enjoy.

This is the Pokemon Trading Card Game on the gameboy color. For those familiar with the original sets of Pokemon trading cards, this is basically a pocket version of those sets, and contains most of the cards from back when the cards were first released. A few cards were removed due to issues with their pokemon powers IIRC. There was a sequel that was also released on GBC, but it's japan-only, so i'm not even gonna bother even trying to play it. There was a translation project for it, but it seems to have died off.

Also, I was originally going to do this as a let's play on youtube, but that came with the price of either having to play at a reduced speed (because VBA hates me like that for some reason), or hearing my oh-so-not-wonderful voice commentating the whole thing. So I opted against both, and just decided to do it this way.

So anyway, what would a challenge run be without some rules, right? Here's what i'll be subjecting myself to over the course of this game:


*Each club member and leader can only be defeated once

*Imakuni can only be faced once after each rival encounter

*Use of the energy trick is banned

*Trades are fair game at my own risk

*Free packs from Dr.Mason can be used

*I don't think this is possible, but if it is, no resetting after opening packs to try and get better cards

So with that out of the way, let's get started, shall we?

[spoiler=Part 1]


brings back memories, eh? Now, what to name myself... How about something unique and interesting









"Are you a bad enough dude to play with children's trading cards?"


Oh god Dr. Mason is Lyn in disguise, isn't he?


That doesn't sound suggestive at all




"why does Dr. Mason look like snoopy?"

"Do you even lift?"

"What is love?"

"If a train leaves the station at 1am..."


first time


i've been playing this game for over a decade

you thought I was going somewhere else with that, didnt you?

So finally, we start the tutorial


Psychic energy on a water pokemon?

seems legit

So after this long, boring ass tutorial that I wasn't going to bother torturing any of us with


The good kind


True fact: I actually had to click over to gamefaqs and look through all the walkthroughs until I found one that had the decklist for the starting decks. And trust me, none of them looked the way I was hoping. This is going to be a doozy.

Well, that ends the first part. And if you haven't guessed, we're gonna try to take this thing by making the best possible rain dance deck we can. But it's gonna be a tough one. I was hoping this deck had some psychic power like I thought I remembered, but I remembered wrong apparently.

So, tell me what you think. I don't think I did too bad, but other opinions can differ. I'd love to do more stuff like this in the future, but not if no one likes it.

And of course, there's finishing this challenge off.

Edited by FalconVegeta1986
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