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High school is killing me...

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At least you just had a "wall." *-* I teach two "walls" that talk back to me... whenever I say a word. (The younger one can't do a single lesson without a word or protest.)

Wow, interesting teacher... If you've been playing for 13 years, then you should be fully capable of playing the Third Movement...

No, I haven't tried it before... I just listened to it, though. And yes, it is spooky... albeit a bit too slow for my taste. I tend to like more fast-paced songs, such as the aforementioned song (Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement), Chopin's Impromptu #4, Beethoven's Rondo A Capriccio, and I-forgot-his-name's Flight of the Bumblebee. (*Note* I've started all <-those songs, but I've never finished any of them... x_X I don't have enough determination...)

I like how you "know the keys." XD I've always just used "play the piano," never "know the keys."

Very interesting... Hence, you're the "master of the keys," huh? :)

Edit: @MancerNecro

True, skill/talent is necessary... but sometimes, you acquire talent by practicing/trying. After all, you can't tell if you're good at something by just doing it once.

The problem with my 13 years is I've been to different teachers with different styles of teaching. Back when I lived in the US(about 9 yrs ago, I live in India now) I had a teacher who taught me some pretty simple but effective pieces( like the titanic) and when I came back I ended up taking grades in Trinity College of Music. And after years of it I got fed up of its style of teaching because it felt very much like how studies feel- you feel limited to something. I had much higher potential than that so I quit. The teacher I've found is one who allows for growth of my potential, so I think I'm gonna stick with him for quite a while.

I-forgot-his-name= Rimsky Korsakov. I think the spelling is correct haha. Also you're better off if you have a teacher guide you while trying those pieces- teachers are great troubleshooters. :3

And yeah "Master of the keys" pretty much comes from that xD

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The problem with my 13 years is I've been to different teachers with different styles of teaching. Back when I lived in the US(about 9 yrs ago, I live in India now) I had a teacher who taught me some pretty simple but effective pieces( like the titanic) and when I came back I ended up taking grades in Trinity College of Music. And after years of it I got fed up of its style of teaching because it felt very much like how studies feel- you feel limited to something. I had much higher potential than that so I quit. The teacher I've found is one who allows for growth of my potential, so I think I'm gonna stick with him for quite a while.

I-forgot-his-name= Rimsky Korsakov. I think the spelling is correct haha. Also you're better off if you have a teacher guide you while trying those pieces- teachers are great troubleshooters. :3

And yeah "Master of the keys" pretty much comes from that xD

Cool. Fortunately for me, my teachers were always quite serious. (Maybe 'cause they're Asian?)

Anyway, yeah. You seem to be quite dedicated. Ever thought of being a pianist? :)

Me? No, as much as I love playing the piano, I don't want to specialize in the area or anything like that.

I'd love to get a teacher... the thing is... there's no one good enough to teach me where I live...

Still, it doesn't really matter. I'm fairly confident that I can play the song without teachers (aka "troubleshooters").

Besides, if I need something, I just get the music and listen to it. That usually helps. Well, for me, that is.

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Cool. Fortunately for me, my teachers were always quite serious. (Maybe 'cause they're Asian?)

Anyway, yeah. You seem to be quite dedicated. Ever thought of being a pianist? :)

Me? No, as much as I love playing the piano, I don't want to specialize in the area or anything like that.

I'd love to get a teacher... the thing is... there's no one good enough to teach me where I live...

Still, it doesn't really matter. I'm fairly confident that I can play the song without teachers (aka "troubleshooters").

Besides, if I need something, I just get the music and listen to it. That usually helps. Well, for me, that is.

I've thought of becoming a pianist and I'm pretty sure I'd take it seriously in the future but I realized a while back that I just cannot SOLELY do music. Too many things involved and I don't like sticking to one particular thing only so I'd rather have two careers- one in music and one in something else(hopefully involving biology). I'll find a way to manage(I mean I have to I dislike giving up things I like).

You should add me on to your skype if you have one(mine is on my profile I believe). Seem like a cool guy. :)

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I've thought of becoming a pianist and I'm pretty sure I'd take it seriously in the future but I realized a while back that I just cannot SOLELY do music. Too many things involved and I don't like sticking to one particular thing only so I'd rather have two careers- one in music and one in something else(hopefully involving biology). I'll find a way to manage(I mean I have to I dislike giving up things I like).

You should add me on to your skype if you have one(mine is on my profile I believe). Seem like a cool guy. :)

Whoa, that's exactly how I feel. XD

Well, except for the career part. I'd like to get a major in some science; a minor in music, hopefully... I still haven't decided.


Maybe I will...





I forgot my password... and my username....




I'll look for it later, then I can add you. :)

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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I'm not serious whatsoever actually.

Helios should know this. I hadn't even read his post I just saw he was the last person to post here, clicked on the thread, quoted it and stated that joking around.

Also question.

Since i responded to helios and even quoted a post what logical thought process made you think i was offended or taking him seriously? He's talking about a conspiracy theory that involves the government and drugs.

What about that could i take seriously enough to be offended? How would that offend anyone?

Well, I had no clue myself how it could offend anybody XD I was wondering the same thing!

But it looked like you did so I thought you did x3

Sorry about that then... it was me who was taking things too seriously ;~;

/hates self

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I'm not serious whatsoever actually.

Helios should know this. I hadn't even read his post I just saw he was the last person to post here, clicked on the thread, quoted it and stated that joking around.

Also question.

Since i responded to helios and even quoted a post what logical thought process made you think i was offended or taking him seriously? He's talking about a conspiracy theory that involves the government and drugs.

What about that could i take seriously enough to be offended? How would that offend anyone?


But ya, I dunno about freohr, but for me I was confused b/c it was like "i barely ever see shinori here is he just like 'I hate you' petulantly or bro'ishly or what." It's related to my terrible fascist hatred of mafia posters.

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But ya, I dunno about freohr, but for me I was confused b/c it was like "i barely ever see shinori here is he just like 'I hate you' petulantly or bro'ishly or what." It's related to my terrible fascist hatred of mafia posters.

Fuck mafia.

Also I love freohr. Freohr just doesn't know it yet. Don't tell.



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Private school sounds nice... It's just, whenever I think of private school, I think "school uniforms" and "rich people." No offense.

Not everybody can afford private school... (Heck, I'm going to have problems with the ludicrously high prices of college tuition unless I get scholarships. *sigh* It's so nice to hear my mom talk about how much cheaper college was in her days... but it makes me mad, too. Why in the world does it have to be so darn expensive?)

Well, as someone who really doesn't care about what he wears as long as it's comfortable, uniforms work well for me. As for rich people, well, I just avoid them for the most part. The only particularly wealthy people I'm friends with also don't make a big deal of their money. They also buy stuff for other people without making it about them having money, so it works. Mostly I hang out with people who, like me, are going because their parents value education over having a retirement fund. Of course, especially with the recession hitting my parents' jobs especially hard, I basically have to get a full ride scholarship to whatever college I end up going to and then make a bunch of money to send to my parents. And the things I enjoy most are music and theatre :/

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Well, as someone who really doesn't care about what he wears as long as it's comfortable, uniforms work well for me. As for rich people, well, I just avoid them for the most part. The only particularly wealthy people I'm friends with also don't make a big deal of their money. They also buy stuff for other people without making it about them having money, so it works. Mostly I hang out with people who, like me, are going because their parents value education over having a retirement fund. Of course, especially with the recession hitting my parents' jobs especially hard, I basically have to get a full ride scholarship to whatever college I end up going to and then make a bunch of money to send to my parents. And the things I enjoy most are music and theatre :/

Haha... Same here, same here...

I'll be needing a full scholarship... and I have an advantage - by law my family is in the "poverty" level. XD (Only in America and other Western countries will you find a family who's in poverty, but has plenty of clothes to wear, food to eat, and money to buy a widescreen TV, video games, and computers.)

Education is important, though...

Must be cool to hang out with rich dudes. :)

I've seriously never met a rich person.

(I enjoy music and science...)

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Meanwhile, in my experience, I kinda learned the hard way that while some people who might have less money to spend than I do are totally appreciative of (potentially expensive) gifts, some people in the same situation feel completely the opposite way about it. Possibly in some cases because if I'm trying to do give somebody something when they're not used to receiving that much even from closer relationships, it could seem to them like I'm trying to force my way in.

Like, it can effectively be imposing on somebody to get them, say, a new game for a situation like their birthday, if I'm not good/close enough friends with them to know for sure, even if we're familiar enough that I see them routinely and/or don't have that intention. I assumed a couple times that when giving people stuff, even if it's a situation in which it's supposedly appropriate and I tell them I have no intention of expecting to be paid back, it's still a 2-way street, such that it can be less than a benevolent thing if I try too hard to push them to accept it. Probably should've been able to learn that from Disney earlier, but anyway

also fuck this is a repetitious post, sorry about that. took me a while to realize I said the same thing like 4 times but internet's going bleh

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