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I somehow made this game unwinnable...

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Well, maybe not unwinnable. But the Chapter 14 Eirika boss seems to take a lot of luck to beat.

I can get through the temple just fine, but no matter who fights the boss, they're either inaccurate, take too much damage or both. And I was one hit away in my last attempt, only to get hit with a crit that killed Seth again.

I'm starting to wonder where (or even if) I went wrong. Was it the early promotions? Did I use too many soldiers at once? Or maybe the RNG screwed me over one too many times. Or maybe even an overuse of Seth, despite my efforts not to.

I already have a second file going (I was planning to use it for an Epharaim route), where I have a set team and things seem to be going well. So I could always delete this one and focus in the other file.

Opinions? Questions?

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There is no overuse of Seth. Just soften the boss up with him, then finish with someone else. If you have literally nobody who can take him out after being softened/nobody else who can survive a hit, just solo with Seth. Obviously crits suck, but there's not much you can do about them right now. Just try again.

Edit: Some numbers, if that helps. Assuming easy/normal mode, Carlyle does 9x2 damage against lvl1 Seth, who has 30 health (assuming Seth has a lance equiped). Seth does 18 damage against Carlyle's 40 health with the silver lance. So Seth is 2RKO'd, Carlyle is 3RKO'd. Put Seth in front of the boss, let him get attacked on enemy phase. Next player phase, heal with a vulnerary, elixir, or a heal staff (make sure to rescue the healer afterwards so they aren't attacked). Let Carlyle attack on enemy phase again. Next player phase, attack and kill with Seth, seize.

Edited by Hawkeye
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Yes, a mage would get not many damages by Carlyle. Since he has more than 13-15 in mag.res And will hit Carlyle hard too.

At last I would add something, take tethys in your units and a healer. This way if you want to attack Carlyle with a 1 ranged unit, you will be able to heal it, make Tethys dance for the healer so he can get out of Carlyle 2 ranged Wind sword.

I don't know if you're like me who doesn't use Valni's tower to bring more difficulty. But to train your units at the first floor of the tower is a good way to... win easily. Even in Hard mode.

Good luck with the sword man =)

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chap.14? is that one the one with the Jehenna castle cuz if it is then so many bad memories. but I always trained a bit before attempting chapters(when the tower opened) so I had beat him with


Amelia- Great Knight


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Saleh with base only gets hit by 2 damage from afar. Just try attack him with Saleh and maybe add support from Innes with a longbow from some extra luckyt damage if it hits. I'm doing a prepromotes only PT and that's how I did it. You can also add Seth with a Silver Lance help and Saleh with a mend to heal when needed. However, the good part with Saleh is that he can't get critted.

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Get the biggest RES-tank you have, and park him/her two squares away from Carlyle. Add 7 to your tank's RES (via Pure Water or the Barrier Staff). If you absolutely, positively cannot touch Carlyle, you break his sword.

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Having just done this chapter myself, I found that Saleh, even untrained, destroys him at range. Try using him. Give him a Thunder or an Elfire, maybe feed him some pure water the turn before, and it's already over.

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You also get a swordreaver/slayer axe in that chapter. Give that to any axe users that you have trained if you are opposed to using the prepromotes. Otherwise, Saleh can handle him just fine.

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