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Request - Faction Logo Sprites

Relentless Halberdier

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Greetings, artistic folks!

I've been spending the past few days creating/formatting a custom UI for my game, thanks to SuicuneSol donating some awesome sprites to the cause, though I eventually found that I had a pretty large space where there was just nothing, which was both boring and ended up showing the plain black parts of the battleback sprites.


I decided to fill this space with a small window that shows the faction logo/emblem/sigil's of whichever two groups happen to be battling in any particular fight.

The window itself isn't particularly pretty, but it's doing the job so no need to worry about that just yet. You can see it below.


More importantly, I realized (after a disastrous attempt to create one myself) that getting good-looking faction logo's is going to be tough.

Then I remembered you're allowed to make sprite requests here, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

For anyone interested, this is how the faction logo's will be formatted:


The maximum possible size these logo's can be and still fit neatly in the box is about 29x29 pixels, but I personally think they would look better at about 24x24.

I'm not gonna be picky about this, though, so feel free to experiment with the size.

The second thing is that I will need rather specific logo's, not just any logo that fits in the box. The logo's will need to fit their faction as well, in a symbolic sense.

However, I don't wanna scare anyone away with details, so I'll wait until at least one person volunteers for the job before I mention what the logo's need to look like.

There will only be rough guidelines, so you'll still have a fair amount of creative freedom to do what you want with them.

Thanks for reading, and please post a reply if you think you might be able to do this!

EDIT: Specific logo details can be found below for people who want to give this a shot.

Okay, I need one logo for every faction. There are planned to be 5 factions in the game. I'll organize them like this:

Faction Name - Faction Color - Divine Alignment - Brief Description

Logo specifics

If you don't understand some of these terms, don't worry, you won't need to know everything about these groups to do the sprites. If you WANT to know more, though, go ahead and look up my game in the Projects section!

Faction list is below.

Lucent Creed - Gray - Order - A small, elite military unite specializing in the organized extermination of heretical individuals known as the Untouched. They work directly under the Pantheon's command.

LOGO DETAILS: The Lucent Creed faction logo would be an actual coat of arms or a distinctive sigil due to their prestigious reputation in this game's universe. The word 'official' springs to mind.

The general opinion of the Lucent Creed is that they are guardians of the realm, protecting powerless citizens from violent Untouched murderers. To maintain this outlook, their logo would be more defensive than offensive -

An ornate shield with some sort of engraving on it could be fitting here, perhaps an engraving of the God of Order or the Pantheon tower. PM me if you want extra info on either of those.

As their signature color is gray, the logo would have to either be dull or fully monochromatic. Certain colors could be used at full saturation though - blue, for example, fits with their image.

If you wanna be really awesome with it, putting in something to hint towards their darker deeds would be very fitting. A bloodsplatter on the shield, for example.

Untouched - Purple - None - Mortals who recieved no divine blessing at birth. Forced to band together and fight to survive due to prejudice against godless mortals.

LOGO DETAILS: There are two ways you could take this. Either the Untouched have never given themselves an official emblem and one have instead been branded with one by the Gods,

in which case the logo would be very malevolent and blatantly evil - A serpent coiling around a bloodied blade, for example.

Or you could actually give them an emblem of their own design, which would be less blatant. Purple and black are key colors here,

particularly purple being on the outer side and black being on the inner side. I actually think a plain black circle

with a kind of fiery purple aura around it could be really good for the Untouched, but the aura would need to be pretty well done to compensate for how simple it would be.

'Saligia' - Red - Chaos - A mysterious band of warriors who seem to be working with the Untouched. Some believe they are a small group, others suspect they number in the thousands.

LOGO DETAILS: This needs to be playful and stylish. Some sort of tribal design would be really fitting here, as would a fire motif, or some sort of animal motif relating to a very dextrous creature.

A wolf, a raven, something along those lines would be pretty fitting. Main color would have to be red, but you could pair that up with any color you like - black, yellow, green, up to you.

Alternatively, you could make this logo SUPER imposing. Saligia really likes to mess with people's expectations.

You could also just make something out of that letter 'S'. They're a secretive group, so making a logo out of their own name would definitely fit.

General Enemy - Red - Both - This is just an extra UI color for when I need general enemies that aren't necessarily Untouched, or when Untouched are fighting other enemies.

LOGO DETAILS: It's not vital that these guys have a logo. If you do want to give them one, though, literally anything that seems kind of evil will do. This group will most often be used for monsters,

bandits, etc etc, so there's no political baggage to work with here.

??? - Black - ??? - Not going to divulge any details on this one for spoiler purposes, but I will try to make it possible to make the logo regardless.

LOGO DETAILS: This needs to be very dark, eerie and with a strong emphasis on empty or abyssal spaces, but it also needs to be very simple. Like the Untouched,

a simple mash-up of geometry with some well-done background effects would fit this group.

I apologize if these guidelines are too vague, I just don't want to limit what people can do with the logo's too much. I'd rather give people some room to mess around and see what kind of things they come up with when given creative freedom.

Edited by RiskyPLUS
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Well, I'm not withholding the details of the job, just didn't think it would be a good idea to post all the minor details until I knew at least one person was up for giving it a shot.

If you think I should post them now, though, I will. Give me a minute and I'll edit the original post to include them.

Okay, full details are now available at the bottom of the original post. Take them as suggestions rather than outright demands - as long as the logo is at least semi-fitting and looks good, I'll take it and be ultra grateful for it.

Edited by RiskyPLUS
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Are logos limited to a specific amount of colors?

Also, would you like them to be pixels (like sprites) or graphics?

Oh, thank you for reminding me about this, I forgot to note:

There are absolutely no color restrictions. This is being made on FEXP, so the same graphical limitations do not apply.

And I don't have any desire to impose restrictions myself, so no, use any and however many colors you want.

And I would like them to be pixel sprites just so they fit in with the rest of the game's graphics.

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Just a question...

How large would you prefers them to be?

Edit: Clarifying: I didn't say max, I asked what's your preferred size.

Edit: So I managed to do Untouched, working on Saligia logo.

I can't do Lucent Creed at all. I'm a no talented idiot.

Final Edit:



Left to Right- Untouched, Saligia, and ??? (You wanted a background effect didn't you?)

Not really a best effort, but whatever. I think I probably made ??? too big, but I don't really care for it. (No I didn't check the whole sizing thing I'm too lazy right now, and sleepy)

Edited by Ubel Engel
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Wow, these are actually really good so far. Thanks guys!

I decided to quickly shoop them onto the UI to see how they'd look.





I won't say whose I like better because that would be a dick move, but I have to say, Solaris, your Saligia emblem really strikes me.

I dunno what it is, but it just looks right. I'm almost definitely gonna use that.

How large would you prefers them to be?

The size you guys are doing them at right now would have been my preference, really. Big enough to contain some detail but not so big that they start pushing up against the borders of the emblem box.

(You wanted a background effect didn't you?)

I did, yeah, though when I said 'aura' I meant kind of a wispy outlinearound the sprite. If there's a squarish background effect to it, it'll look a bit odd because there's already a background texture to the emblem box, and the emblem's background would be obscuring it.

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Very nice Solaris, many thanks! Is there any chance you could put something black in the middle, though? A glowing orb, maybe? I could probably do it myself but it might not match your style, and I'd like to see if you have any better ideas for what could go in that space.

A thought occured to me just now - do you guys think it would be necessary to have an emblem for Guests, as well? I can't really think of something fitting for a group that could potentially include anyone, but... Hmm.

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They are indeed still green.

The flag thing could work, for anyone who wants to try their hand at that. A plain red flag or perhaps just a plain skull would also be really nice for the generic enemy faction.

I'll be honest, I'm basically just using RisingSolaris' emblems at this point. Not that yours are worse, Ubel, Solaris' are just a bit closer to what I envisioned. Thanks to both of you for the effort in any case!

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Thanks again, Solaris!

Don't worry about the basicness, they need to be bare-bones in order to fit such vague factions.

I'm more or less set now, I think. If anyone thinks they can do better than the emblems already posted, then I'd still be VERY interested to see the results. Otherwise, this request has basically been fulfilled.

Thanks everyone.

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