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Sariya's Appeal


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Well..she has to be the most interesting character in the game and it's a miracle that Nino didn't end up violent moody like Noire did.

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I'm not sure if I'll pair up my Avatar with Sariya, but I just like the whole concept of these disturbing, almost evil characters in the army, rather than just the usual heroes. I like Henry pretty much for the same reasons.

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-Skimpy outfit.

-Large boobs.

-Obviously infatuated with self-insert.

I admit, it seems completely unappealing to me as well. Really, this is an incredible mystery, and when the game comes out, I will spend a great deal of time examining Sariya in detail in order to determine why anyone would examine her. See you around April, I'm guessing.

EDIT-Ah right, she has long black hair. No wonder. Explains everything.

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I think people like or dislike Tharja for the same reasons that they like or dislike Sonia. Sex appeal, cruel personality, less than wholesome relationship with their daughters...

I really don't think Tharja and Sonia are very similar at all. First off, I don't have any sexual attraction to either of them, so the fact that almost everyone in this thread says that's one of the main reasons that people like Tharja kind of confuses me. Second, the cruel personality. I don't think Tharja's as cruel as Sonia. Maybe one version of her from the bad future, but the present version of her isn't anywhere near as bad as Sonia.

I also have a point about the future versus present versions.

Say you have a guy. This guy in ten years, can either become a cop that ends up saving dozens of lives, or a murderer, that ends up taking just as many. Could you honestly blame the cop version, or the present version, for that matter, for something that a possible version of that person could do?

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I really don't think Tharja and Sonia are very similar at all. First off, I don't have any sexual attraction to either of them, so the fact that almost everyone in this thread says that's one of the main reasons that people like Tharja kind of confuses me. Second, the cruel personality. I don't think Tharja's as cruel as Sonia. Maybe one version of her from the bad future, but the present version of her isn't anywhere near as bad as Sonia.

I also have a point about the future versus present versions.

Say you have a guy. This guy in ten years, can either become a cop that ends up saving dozens of lives, or a murderer, that ends up taking just as many. Could you honestly blame the cop version, or the present version, for that matter, for something that a possible version of that person could do?

Somebody here has played Virtue's Last Reward.
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I find Tharja to be pretty funny, but I'd like her more if it wasn't for what she does to Noire.

That was Alternate Future Tharja. >_>

And it's revealed that she was more or less taught in the way of curses as a baby in her Noire support so yeah....

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I'm aware of that. I still like her, don't get me wrong, it's just that I have a bit of a hard time letting go of things like that, especially since I'm quite fond of Noire.

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The problem is with the "Can you fault present day Sariya for something she does in an alternate future?" argument, we see current day Sariya still experimenting curses on her child. NoirexFather C has her under the effects of a curse from her mother. From the support:

Noire: *Sniff*... *Sniff*... Uu.

Henry: What's wrong, Noire~ ? You're crying~ ?

Noire: *Sniff*... Dad... It's not that. Mom is just a trying out a new curse on me. A three-day nose dripping curse...

And when Henry, the father in this case, protests, and goes to ask Sariya to lift the curse on Noire, this happens in Support B:

Henry: Oh, I'm not crying~ This is just a five-day nose dripping curse~

Noire: Mom really turned the tables on you this time... You're just like your future self, Dad...

Henry: Well, I don't know how to break such a complex curse, after all~ But in exchange for being cursed, I got your curse broken~

Noire: That's also just like your future self... Dad would always get cursed in return for getting my curses broken...

It's the same in NoirexMU father support too.

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The problem is with the "Can you fault present day Sariya for something she does in an alternate future?" argument, we see current day Sariya still experimenting curses on her child. NoirexFather C has her under the effects of a curse from her mother.

You have a point. Tharja's far from perfect, as is everyone. I've always felt that, by the end, she's changed enough from meeting Noire to become a better mother. I can't remember if I read this in a support, or if I just made it up to make everything seem happier, but regardless, one of the big themes in this game is changing the future for the better. I think, without everything going to hell and all of the other events that happen in the future, Tharja is going to end up being a better person. This could, of course, just be wishful thinking on my part.

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Like I said Ein, my issue with her is her treatment of Noire, which I agree with Strunk in that meeting Noire would have probably changed her to become a better mother in the future, as she goes from "Oooh, I'm going to teach my daughter to be a great sorceress!" to "No, this isn't what future me must have wanted. I loved her, so I didn't want her to become like me."

Her support with Nono is downright adorable, and many others, again, I quite like or have no problem with. Ultimately, it's just her treatment of Noire that makes me dislike her.

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Character flaws are at their most interesting when they're actually adressed and explored/developed into something noteworthy, Tharja's "lol I curse u" is always used as comic relief and doesn't go anywhere. Even worse the game takes an apologetic attitude to her like we shouldn't think too hard about her cursing anyone around in the army, even her own daughter, and focus in her cute support with Nowi.

Poor Noire has a better mother figure in Selena than in her own mother. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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Character flaws are at their most interesting when they're actually adressed and explored/developed into something noteworthy, Tharja's "lol I curse u" is always used as comic relief and doesn't go anywhere. Even worse the game takes an apologetic attitude to her like we shouldn't think too hard about her cursing anyone around in the army, even her own daughter, and focus in her cute support with Nowi.

Poor Noire has a better mother figure in Selena than in her own mother. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

To be fair, everyone from Pelegia seems to be something of an asshole. Sariya herself mentions that she was 'learning dark magic from the time her umbilical cord was cut', which while probably something of an exaggeration, suggests that she considers what's going on (using her immediate family as test subjects) normal. Or at least not terribly noteworthy.

Besides, the supports in the game don't work very well if you have too many of them. You'll have characters overcoming their issues in one support, then complaining about them in another. If you do Sariya's supports intermixed, ending with NoirexFather and NoirexSariya, it tells quite a pleasant story.

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Well, Tharja does apologize and stops doing curses on Noire in their A Support, which means that when Present Noire is born, she won't be the antisocial psycho AU Noire ends up being. I guess that's kinda the point of having an alternate timeline, to fix things that went wrong for the new one.

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I find Tharja to be pretty funny, but I'd like her more if it wasn't for what she does to Noire.

Well....she is mad at being cursed and wants to spread it to her daughter out of jealousy. x.x

She's the type of person that wants to have some excitement in life and she does apologize in one of Noire's support convos. =3

Uh, Tharja tends to have a kind and caring side to her that's revealed in most of her supports.

Mostly in some of Nowi's and her daughters.

Well, Tharja does apologize and stops doing curses on Noire in their A Support, which means that when Present Noire is born, she won't be the antisocial psycho AU Noire ends up being. I guess that's kinda the point of having an alternate timeline, to fix things that went wrong for the new one.

That explains how Chrom survives Vahters wrath.

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So she

probably curses her own daughter to the point where her personality splits, and even if that's not the case, developed her regular (meek, cowardly, submissive) personality thanks to her mother's treatment, in NoirexFather, she talks to her father aabout how her mother would curse her, and he would do nothing because if he tried to stand up for Noire, Sariya would curse him too, he tries to fix things for her in the present, Sariya goes lolno and curses her husband. Also note that she was still being experimented on in the present by current day Sariya, as that's how the conversation started.

I personally, don't find just an apology to be redeemable here. She -damaged- her emotionally in a very permanent way, and even at the present day, still continues to do what she was doing. I find that to be just...it makes me incredibly angry, and I don't think a small sorry will fix things. Then again, it may just be it's something close to home for me, and I'm getting irrationally angry about it.

Look I am not saying I like it I am just saying what is true in the support she says that she loves her why the when I do this type of stuff people think I like it?

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Umh, what's wrong with her character?

I think she's naturally a little psycho, which means that she has a eerie side and a caring side, but isn't that what makes her lovely? :3

not everyone loves this kind of characters, obviously, and I'm not particularly fond of them either to be honest, but I don't have anything against them

Little extra for ya:


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So far i'm neutral about Sariya. As far as her personality is a nice balance between psycho and nice then I might grow to like her.

As for her outfit, well i've seen worse things to wear. I do however think her swimsuit pic is unapealing. The red doesn't really suit her, her pose is ackward and the look on her face is just weird.

She won't marry my unit though. So far I think i'm going with Miriel.

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