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January 17th English Demo Gameplay


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For those of you who couldn't actually play it yourselves for one reason or another.

Enjoy. The voice actors and actresses for English are very good. They are. And this is coming from a weeb that will always prefer the Japanese version of Awakening.

The commentary version I recorded with Mageknight404 and Seph1212 :

Lunatic Mode Playthrough of the Demo:

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I absolutely love the Voice Actors, they did a damn fine job. Especially Lissa's, she's just got such a great voice! Plus, the writing's not that bad.

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I absolutely love the Voice Actors, they did a damn fine job. Especially Lissa's, she's just got such a great voice! Plus, the writing's not that bad.

the writing is amazing

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I saw that video on my subscriptions list, clicked on it, and didn't hear The Weeb Troop. There was so much disappoint until I came here and saw this topic. Looking forward to the commentary version biggrin.gif

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I absolutely love the Voice Actors, they did a damn fine job. Especially Lissa's, she's just got such a great voice! Plus, the writing's not that bad.

the writing is amazing

I personally like Liz/Lissa's Japanese voice (lol weeb), but the dialogue. THE DIALOGUE in the English version for Liz/Lissa is FREAKING AMAZING.

Better than how I could ever sub from the Japanese version.

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I like the demo, and the voices, but

But Marth's voice is so feminine, it's almost obvious it is actually a girl

Edited by Knight
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I like the demo, and the voices, but

I'm sorry, figuring out the spoiler tag thing, haven't used it yet

(spoiler like this? (/spoiler)

Like this :

Make sure to lead the spoilers with the same thing, except without a forward slash (so it would look something like this: [spoiler ]


Make SURE It has the brackets like the ones above, as well.

Also, try preview post to make sure it worked too.

Edited by Diortem
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He will chase anything that looks feminine.

Even Marth? (I love this thing now!)

Thanks for the help earlier. I forgot preview post.

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Even Marth? (I love this thing now!)

Thanks for the help earlier. I forgot preview post.

Probably. Also, I think that they

kept her voice androgynous enough, so people probably won't catch on too much. It'd only be really obvious if one already knew. Plus, I think it does sound a bit like a girl trying to disguise her voice as a man's so it does kind of fit, considering that's what !NotMarth is trying to do.

No problem, by the way.

(Those are some SERIOUS SPOILERS by the way, for anyone who doesn't know about the plot)

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It seems awesome, but there's somthing that I noticed. I'm probably wrong, but I thought that my avatar couldn't double an opponent with 4 lower speed. I could just be a mathematical moron, but I thought I saw something like that.

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It seems awesome, but there's somthing that I noticed. I'm probably wrong, but I thought that my avatar couldn't double an opponent with 4 lower speed. I could just be a mathematical moron, but I thought I saw something like that.

Threshold is 5 now. Working with bigger numbers and all that.

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The writing is amazing, and really funny also^^ I lol'd upon reading Virion and Sully's dialogue.

I also like all the English voices so far, even Chrom's and.

Marth's. I think it suits him well.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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I like the dub. Especially

Marth's voice. He has that deeper tone compared to the Japanese so he's not that obvious about the identity crisis.

Might actually make me consider playing the game in English before Jap :O

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I like the dub.

Might actually make me consider playing the game in English before Jap :O

This is the precipice I stand upon as well. As much as I love Miyuki Sawashiro, Sugita, Hosoya, and Yu Kobayashi, Nintendo has done a fine, fine job on the dub and I am now not certain as to which I want to listen to first.

But I am also damn glad to be allowed to have this dilemma for once.

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