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Who else has *JUST* played GC, Wii versions?


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I love Fire Emblem. I claim it as the best SRPG ever. I've beaten the Gamecube and Wii version countless times - trying out different characters - most recently Jill, who I once thought was terrible and is now an absolute powerhouse (thanks to some item buffs to help).

Anyway, I never got into the handheld versions. Mainly because I could never connect with the characters like the console versions - the sprites looked like chess pieces and I've never been a fan of the cut scene animations (there are some exceptions for them, but to watch them over and over, no).

That being said, is there anyone else like me? Absolute Fire Emblem fanboy that is stoked that a new FE is coming to the 3DS - which means updated graphics and better animations.

Also, I'm new to this forum. So expect to see me more and more because I'm the idiot who bought a 3DS months ago because I thought the JAP release date was the USA release date ... the sorrow I had when I found out that FE might not even come to the US .... my 3DS has been collecting dust ever since. Nevertheless, Feb. 4 is around the corner and I got this sucker reserved with artbook.

Also excited to get into Monster Hunter when it comes out.

Anyway, that's me. Hello.

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I'm the opposite (Sort of XD) I've only played the GBA/DS versions, PoR just plain old refused to run on my computer, while I'm actually playing Radiant Dawn right now. I like the sprites more than the models of the map in RD (And I'm glad Awakening went back to the sprites for the world map) and I'm about the same on liking the 3D models over the sprite models. And for some reason, RD runs incredibly better on my computer than PoR does. It's magic! NewYearsEmoticon.gif

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I'm more of a sprites man, although I've played Radiant Dawn first. I love Awakening's animations though, they're nice, I just didn't like the console animations, they seemed unnatural, same attacks, same reactions, over and over. Awakenings look much more fluent, which is why I like them.

Edit: Oh, you're new here. *preparing pirate accent* Welcome aboard the ship matey, whether ye be a new landlubber to the series, or an old sea dog, your welcome above deck. Yarr.

Edit 2: Then again, the GC and Wii brought us Haar and Nolan, my first and fourth favourite characters respectively. (2nd Eliwood, 3rd Minerva)

Edited by Knight
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I'm more of a sprites man, although I've played Radiant Dawn first. I love Awakening's animations though, they're nice, I just didn't like the console animations, they seemed unnatural, same attacks, same reactions, over and over. Awakenings look much more fluent, which is why I like them.

Lets see Fire Emblem animations up and downs list:

FE SNES: Great map animations, battle animations either spectacular(most foot units) or so-so(armor Knights, paladins).

FE GBA: No Map Animations. Visually spectacular Battle animations for every class though they can get repetitive and characters always return to their spot. Great Palette swapping

FE GC: Great Map animations, Battle models good but rarely unique except for faces(EX: Largo's Berserker animations have a beard and a Sage boss has an old face on his model). The animation is stiff excluding skills and a few criticals.

FE Wii: Great Map Animations, spectacular battle models and good animated battles though perhaps not quite as striking as the GBA era.

FE DS: No Map animations, decent 3d Models but no palette swapping or unique character appearances. Battle animation is downplayed, going back to the NES style. Doubling animations exist but only for Axe/Sword classes(and Emperor's who are cool like that).

Fire Emblem Awakening seems to have great animations and models, the only thing is that there could be more palettes and unique faces for spotpass characters.

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I love Fire Emblem. I claim it as the best SRPG ever. I've beaten the Gamecube and Wii version countless times - trying out different characters - most recently Jill, who I once thought was terrible and is now an absolute powerhouse (thanks to some item buffs to help).

Anyway, I never got into the handheld versions. Mainly because I could never connect with the characters like the console versions - the sprites looked like chess pieces and I've never been a fan of the cut scene animations (there are some exceptions for them, but to watch them over and over, no).

That being said, is there anyone else like me? Absolute Fire Emblem fanboy that is stoked that a new FE is coming to the 3DS - which means updated graphics and better animations.

Also, I'm new to this forum. So expect to see me more and more because I'm the idiot who bought a 3DS months ago because I thought the JAP release date was the USA release date ... the sorrow I had when I found out that FE might not even come to the US .... my 3DS has been collecting dust ever since. Nevertheless, Feb. 4 is around the corner and I got this sucker reserved with artbook.

Also excited to get into Monster Hunter when it comes out.

Anyway, that's me. Hello.

- Jill is horrible? Unless you're talking about the highest difficulty (FE9 (GC) JP Maniac, FE10 (Wii) JP Maniac, FE10 NA Hard), I don't think so.

- Battle animations can be disabled, although it will never be as fast as FE10's, which is no animation at all.

I wouldn't avoid the 2D games just because they don't look good (and graphically, FE9 doesn't look as good as FE5 (Super Famicom) to me because the 3D models are meh). But anyway, if graphics is what you're after, the 3DS game would be good for you.

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You are certainly not alone. Plenty of FE fans have actually only played a few of the games. I can't blame them since most of the games never came out here. I would recommend trying out FE4, FE5, and Tear Ring Saga though.

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I'm the opposite. I've only played FE7, SS, and SD. I've rented PoR but I couldn't get into it. I thought the 3D character models seemed silly standing in place on the map. I like the sprites a lot more. Plus the battle animations are a lot cooler with the sprites.

One of these days I'm going to get PoR and RD and play both of them through.

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The map version of the character models in PoR do look silly. On the plus side, it's the first game to have map graphics that reflect the weapon type used by each unit.

With FE13 it's back to "sword-wielding Bow Knight carrying a bow on the map" silliness.

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I actually didn't get into Fire Emblem until about 2 months ago, when I saw the then latest trailer for Awakening. I thought it looked really cool, and then I remembered that I had SS on my 3DS, even though I never really got into it. I gave it another try and now I'm hooked. So far I like the way things are in Awakening the most (although map sprites should probably change weapons).

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No way! I'll stick to the handheld games thank you. I hated the GC and Wii fire emblem games. I tried them both and just quit after the first few chapters because the characters and stories felt to unappealing. They just felt to "unfire emblem" like. Although I just got done beating new mystery of the emblem for the 2nd time. (Best FE game eva tongue.gif)

Edited by Jagen
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No way! I'll stick to the handheld games thank you. I hated the GC and Wii fire emblem games. I tried them both and just quit after the first few chapters because the characters and stories felt to unappealing. They just felt to "unfire emblem" like. Although I just got done beating new mystery of the emblem for the 2nd time. (Best FE game eva tongue.gif)

FE games can be roughly divided into two types in terms of story: one type focuses on character development, the other puts focuses on a bigger scale, focusing on international relations and tends to put less focus on the individuals. The tales of Jugdral and Tellius fall into the latter type. I wouldn't call it unlike Fire Emblem, since all tales have something of both types.

Since you said you like FE6~8 and 12 better, I think you may find the exra features of FE13 (SpotPass and DLC) not serious enough for your taste.

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Me! I just finished PoR now! RD next!

and I'll preorder the 3DS bundle to get the limited artbook. (Thanks my friend who go study in the US)

at first, I'm not used to the 3D model thing in GC/Wii

because I start with, and always, play with 2D sprites (FE4 and so on) and I don't watch batttle animaion when I play.

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The map version of the character models in PoR do look silly. On the plus side, it's the first game to have map graphics that reflect the weapon type used by each unit.

In the Super Nintendo games, In the map animations A general carrying only axes would be wielding a lance in but switch to axes when attacking, same for the other classes.

I agree, that map animations like that are something this game could use.

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Moved to introduction since it doesn't really have much to do with fe13 per se.

And welcome to the forest! Fe6-8 are definitely worth playing if you haven't played them yet (they're the best in my opinion).

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Wow such interesting replies. I'm really surprised some people tried and dislike the GC and Wii versions, especially since you can transport your GC file to the Wii.

The maps were just amazing in both versions, IMO. There was nothing like have a 14-16 team on a massive map and breaking everyone up into groups to deal with different areas of the map.

As for turning animation off and watching characters attack - there's nothing like watching Nephenee stab someone with her spear and hear that crit noise. Or marching someone like Mia straight into a horde of Axe users and just watching her dodge every attack. Fire Emblem for the console was great, and you guys should def give it another go.

I do currently have the sacred stones and I'll try playing that again ... I need something to keep me busy until Feb. 4. Side note, my head almost exploded when I heard there was an SNES version =D

Thank you for the welcomes!

Edited by Volke29
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I played my first FE game yesterday, actually! I was getting tired of being the only member of the forum who didn't know what Fire Emblem was.

what the


@Volke that's an interesting... perspective you've got there (can't think of a better word). I played most of the games but FE9-10 definitely have more unique battle animations so I can see why they'd appeal more than the other handheld games, which mostly just have palette swaps. FE13 kind of has a mixture of both, I think, but the animations are relatively unique TMK (granted I've only played the demo since I don't enjoy watching other people spoil the game for me *insert rant about how stupid and noobish it is here*).

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