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why bizz?

like we see people who have similar reasons for finding people scummy all the time, so I'm asking BBM what his point is by bringing that up.

Does he find it scummy? or for what other reason?

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well obviously he finds it scummy doesn't he?

BBM, you mentioned that because you found it scummy, right? Or just because you found it peculiar?

idk I just didn't like that from Manix, it felt defensive

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Did everybody just ignore that post I found from Day 1?

I think the implications of that post is enough to pseudo-prove that Elieson is scum.

That combined with the fact that both Rapier and Elieson have mentioned some things about mislynches makes me inclined to believe that both of them are scum.

Note that Rapier sidestepped my main arguments against him while attacking another post of mine where I summarized my original post and this left out a lot of the elaborations.

Manix still looks bad due to his constant unhelpfulness.

Players I want a lynch on:




Players I don't mind lynching:

Psych - because of Elieson hard defending him.

Aleph - play reminds me too much of OC Basics and ToS where he was scum in both.

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Sorry, Mancer; I saw the post, I just haven't been very thorough today because RL stuff. I understand where you're coming from though and Prims and I both agree we would lynch Elie today so that is an option.

There just aren't enough people agreeing on a lynch and TOO MANY NON-VOTERS (any number above zero is too many)

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I want to mention that I don't mind lynching Othin either because of him defending Manix in roundabout ways earlier on in the Day.

I would actually propose either an Elieson/Manix/Rapier/Psych scumteam or an Elieson/Manix/Psych/Othin scumteam.

Would 5 scum be okay for this game, though? I'm not sure about scum balancing and such.

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I think 5 scum would be too many, especially with an ITP in play too but we shouldn't spectate too much, we don't know what the host knows

although i said that to othin and he was right about kdanger (WHICH I STILL THINK IS TOO SPECIFIC TO BE A COINCIDENCE) but whatever

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Sorry, Mancer; I saw the post, I just haven't been very thorough today because RL stuff. I understand where you're coming from though and Prims and I both agree we would lynch Elie today so that is an option.

There just aren't enough people agreeing on a lynch and TOO MANY NON-VOTERS (any number above zero is too many)

As long as you saw the post and are considering it, it's fine.

I personally loled at the second paragraph. I personally think that Othin and Psych have been around long enough to be able to decide who they find are the scummiest players so I don't see any reasons for them to have not place their votes. For Rapier, I shall give him the benefit of the doubt since he has even very inactive.

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I don't really think you should give Rapier benefit of the doubt, in fact we should be more scrutinizing of him by how lazily he worded his post. "Oh we're in the latter half of D2? ehhh I'm reading manga let me think about a vote first" even though he apparently spent the day reading the thread and made that wall of text for nothing?????? and then dismissed me and Prims cases for nothing???????

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okay on reading elie's posts in depth i feel a little (note: not much) better about him in general but still find him quite scummy

snarky response, not the best way to go about being accused of something

Also pushing a lynch, apparently avidly, within te first 1/3 of the first day, seems like an encouraged waste of our remaining time.

uh pushing for a lynch is fine and all because it gives reads and reactions (ie: that's kinda what RVS is meant to do as well), it's just a matter of balancing around and not powerlynching someone without getting good information from it

ok I'll humour you all by voting for someone I feel is less obviscum.

elie implied that prims was "obviscum" with this statement; also in that his reasoning for finding prims scum at that point were weak imo

then there's the associative tells on flip with mancer (dependent on elie's flip) but that can't be dealt with until there's a flip

Bizzu is coming across to me as scummy with her more recent posts.*snip* She isn't really doing anything about Othin either. Just asking him "what else so you think" essentially, is giving me a bizzuOthin Scumteam.

i what

i don't even understand how this works elie. how is asking someone for opinions make them scumbuddies together? i don't feel good about this statement at all (considering the circumstances at the time)

Psych seems exceptionally town this game, and I can't really explain why.

and this actually kills me. let me demonstrate. calling psych out like this means that you must think he's at least being strange, so has your opinion changed? if so, it's a super sudden jump which irks me. if not, then it's slightly contradictory

look at the first line of this,then look at this. notice that elie initially found prims scummy for his vote change and then he changed it to because he voted me without putting in reasoning (which i explained in following posts)

that's changing the story and feels off to me as well

I'd have to say out of the inactive bunch, I like the Thirtrein slot the least, but they all could shift pretty quickly.

elie put out a bit of reasoning on the three people in question (13th/rapier/aleph) but never gave a full definitive reason why 13th was scummier over rapier/aleph, just a "he's worse".

re eliequote from mancer: i don't think it's quite as big a deal as you're making out to be, mostly because of the wording (read: that's what he thought and he wasn't being definitive about it)

see above for stuff i find scummier than the quote you pulled out

Manix still looks bad due to his constant unhelpfulness.

uh okay

i'm trying my best

mancer i need to ask you again:

mancer: got opinions on anyone else at this point?

like in the "back it up with evidence" way

i don't think you've really addressed much of my play from d2 and have mostly been hanging onto d1 stuff which is ?????

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I would do mega quoting but I'm at school now so I can't do that many quotes and reading the thread from my phone is hard.

@Levity: Rapier was reading the thread for a whole day? I can't really see the readers list on my phone.

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Also Prims says to look at Manix's post #207; it sounds like he was driving the town hard into a lynchproof test without even considering that kdanger may be scum.

the post in question

this is why we policy lynch lynchproof claims

because scum lynchproof is OP as shit (and if they are scum, chances are they're faking it and we get a scum lynch anyway)

from #212

just wanna point out that I was full aware of consequences but i honestly wasn't expecting a fool

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Elie and Othin, will you vote 13th with me? If we keep going at the rate we're going we aren't going to get a lynch today/end in universal loss and time is short so please think about this

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as promised a look into rapier and rein/13th

rapier: his recent content post overall wasn't that bad at all, if only a little contradictory with the meta statements (calls shinori out on it but then uses it on 13th)

he's climbing back, and I wouldn't lynch him yet (although he still needs to be more active :/ )

rein/13th: rein didn't feel too bad on a read actually, his points were valid imo and I didn't really see much of a problem with them (although his inactivity was blah)

13th has said like almost nothing. let's break down this post real quick in summary form

- disbelieves bizz's mason claim, saying that shinori was a more believable mason claim; regardless of shinori retracting his claim

- metareads elie but doesn't say specifically whether he's scummy or not

- jumps on rapier for basically being inactive

first point has been argued to death

second point strikes me as not wanting to give concrete opinions

third point just irks me because it could be an easy way out

13th also has no opinions on the people that the town are finding scummy (eg: me/othin/technically elie (because he wasn't specific enough)) which as i've mentioned about other people, is just waiting to be able to turn and say "I told you so"

i could totally jump on the meta train and mention his play from schoolgirl where we were scumbuddies together

13th hasn't left a good impression on that playerslot honestly and I definitely wouldn't mind lynching him at all

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also i very possibly may not be here around deadline so hopefully before i leave there's some consolidation efforts to which i can assist with (seriously we only have like 3 votes (from memory) on the leading wagon at this point which is kinda lame)

basically i'd be good with a othin/psych/elie/13th lynch in no particular order

let's get moving

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##vote 13th

I haven't had much to say about the accusations against me because there isn't much I can say about them. It's true, I haven't had much to offer, especially outside of evaluating other peoples' scumreads. The most I can say is, it's been two years since my last game, and the ones around here seem quite a bit more thoughtful than any I've ever played before, so I'm taking time to get used to this stuff. That all said, I agree about 13th seeming odd.

If it'll help to clear things up so we can focus on a lynch, I can claim if you guys want me to. But make it clear soon; I'm going to be away for the last eight hours or so of the phase.

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Sorry, Mancer; I saw the post, I just haven't been very thorough today because RL stuff. I understand where you're coming from though and Prims and I both agree we would lynch Elie today so that is an option.

There just aren't enough people agreeing on a lynch and TOO MANY NON-VOTERS (any number above zero is too many)

Elie and Othin, will you vote 13th with me? If we keep going at the rate we're going we aren't going to get a lynch today/end in universal loss and time is short so please think about this


What you said you wanted to do and what you're doing contradicts each other.

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Yeah, my reason for pointing out that Manix was using a lot of my reasoning was that I didn't like it. It seemed like sheeping but with more effort put into it. Also the way you responded to it was pretty passive aggressive, a tone which I'm getting from a lot of your posts this game. Also your posts about Elie and 13th were rather indecisive. You started each one with a small line about why they might not be scum before you said a bunch of stuff about why they might be scum, which felt like you were giving yourself an out while pushing the lynch.

Anyways, I may or may not be here for phase end, and since Othin isn't going to be there either, I'd prefer if he claimed before I got back home in the evening.

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Kiryn hasn't done much of....anything, but i feel like this is a repeat FAYZ and such where an überlynch consolidated during d1 turns out to be another mislynch.

Psych seems exceptionally town this game, and I can't really explain why.

Quoting this again because people seem to have missed this.

Look at the emphasised portion. Elieson had implied that he knew that kdanger was going to flip non-scum. Even if it is not definitive, the fact that Elieson phrased it that way allows him to be off the hook for the kdanger lynch if kdanger does flip town, which is definitely inherently scummy. Both ways to interpret the first emphasised point points to Elieson being scum.

Second emphasised point: He had absolutely no reasons at all but posted that Psych appears towny, even admitting to having no reasons. Listing your town reads is also inherently unhelpful, since you're not really contributing and are helping scum find targets in doing so. This is a scum read too.

This post screams scum, and I definitely want town to vote and lynch Elieson today please.

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I wouldn't mind lynching Elie either I guess. I haven't really mentioned him much this phase, partially because he hasn't been here very much. I can't remember him saying anything at all yesterday. I also take issues with that post Mancer is quoting, though for slightly different reasons. The bit about Psych feels like he's buddying up to a possible mislynch target.

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You started each one with a small line about why they might not be scum before you said a bunch of stuff about why they might be scum, which felt like you were giving yourself an out while pushing the lynch.

opinions are opinions. elie had some alright content in some of his posts, but most of his play was scummy to me. rein was playing okay but 13th squandered it.

i'm more confident in them being scum then town and should they flip town i'm not gonna say that i told you so because that's dumb (considering how much i'm finding people scummy for it, it's a huge contradiction on my part)

mancer yes we get it. i already addressed this but i'll point out what i'm talking about
Kiryn hasn't done much of....anything, but i feel like this is a repeat FAYZ and such where an überlynch consolidated during d1 turns out to be another mislynch.

like what i bolded implies that elie isn't completely sure about his statement, like he's not stating it like it's a 100% fact

yeah it's weird but honestly it's not the be all end all to find him scummy (see my case on him for things I find scummier about him)

have you got any other reasons to find elie scummy mancer or is it just for that one quote?

also yes i did already address the second part of that quote in my case against him, so yeah

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