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Challenges and strange rulesets


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I know most folks will play through normally first, but could be nice to make a lill list of odd rules or challenges to spice up later runs. I know about drafting but not sure on the rules for them. Some ideas i got.

Cavalry charge.

Any difficulty

May only use mounted units, this does not include flying units.

All units that can be mounted classes must be as soon as possible, penalties apply past chapters with easy access to change seals

Only units you are forced to take/use can be unmounted, but if possible must reclass to mounted at earliest possibility.

Lords united

Any difficulty

You may only use former/current lords. (Spotpass ones are allowed but may not class change)

No reclassing, but promotions are allowed.

That's what i got so far, not sure on what rules to add for lords run. Add your own rulesets and challenges if you want.

"Edit" Lesse if this actually works now. Added some stuff to lords united. Might be too easy as is it is now, will keep thinking on how to balance this.

Edited by Deshiva
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Five Unit Challenge

Only use five units, selected at random. You can't use any units not selected for anything except recruiting other units.

This means, if you don't have a Thief, you buy keys or you say goodbye to all loot.

This means, if you don't have a Healer, you buy healing items.

If you don't get the Lord selected, too freaking bad!

Extra limitations would be :

No prepromoted units

No class change

No Avatar

No mounted units

Keep everyone alive

No classes that go above level 20.

[spoiler=Spoiler Limitations]Don't use any children characters, even if you pair two of your units together to create them, unless they get selected as one of the five units you can use.

Of course, there are a ton of ways to modify this, and I suppose you could select the units personally, if you wanted.

The point is, each time you do it, it'll be different, thanks to having a different set of units, which should provide some fun and interesting challenges.

Edited by Strunk
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I guess the Lords challenge would pretty much amount to using only Chrom/Avatar/Lucina? ...Would we count Avatar as a Lord? TVTropes' FE: A character page does, but I'm not sure.

I have a few I'm considering doing after I've played normally enough times to require new stimulation:

Inexperienced Forever: Cannot promote your units. Avatar must stay a Strategist. Any pre-promoted units you are forced to deploy cannot participate in battle. If contact with the enemy is unavoidable, they must have their weapons unequipped.

Lady Brigade: Use only female units. Forcibly deployed males may be relegated to visiting, but cannot engage enemy forces. As they may give EXP, they cannot use event tiles.

Having yet to play the game, of course, I'm not sure how feasible these are. Should be okay on Normal; Lunatic is definitely and utterly impossible.

(@Deshiva: It may well be an iPad issue. I haven't had anything like that happen on a computer.)

Edited by Tarquin
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Abhor the Witch, Kill the Witch: No magic users, clerics may be allowed on higher difficulty. Also, any magic users in the enemy army must be targeted and killed first.

Ylisse Rangers: Bowman and as many "light" classes as possible (Archers/Snipers/Bow Knights, Myrmidons/swordmasters, Mercenaries, Thieves/Assassins etc.)

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I guess the Lords challenge would pretty much amount to using only Chrom/Avatar/Lucina? ...Would we count Avatar as a Lord? TVTropes' FE: A character page does, but I'm not sure.

I have a few I'm considering doing after I've played normally enough times to require new stimulation:

Inexperienced Forever: Cannot promote your units. Avatar must stay a Strategist. Any pre-promoted units you are forced to deploy cannot participate in battle. If contact with the enemy is unavoidable, they must have their weapons unequipped.

Lady Brigade: Use only female units. Forcibly deployed males may be relegated to visiting, but cannot engage enemy forces. As they may give EXP, they cannot use event tiles.

Having yet to play the game, of course, I'm not sure how feasible these are. Should be okay on Normal; Lunatic is definitely and utterly impossible.

(@Deshiva: It may well be an iPad issue. I haven't had anything like that happen on a computer.)

Well the lords challenge would include spotpass characters, but not avatar. Not sure where to draw a line for a "Lord" maybe only characters that have actually been classed as a Lord in their former games and current.

I suppose that would include. Chrom, Lucina, Lyn, Hector, Ephraim, Eirika, Roy, Marth, Sigurd, Leaf and Eliwood.

Yepp it was ipad issue

Also great ideas so far.

@Strunk, how would you randomly determine what units to use? Just wondering how you would do it.

Edited by Deshiva
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The might of the Halidom

  • No dark magic
  • Ylisse born only
    That means no Avatar
  • Classes able for use are the Falcon knight, General, Paladin, Great Knight, Battle monk/ cleric, Valkyrie, Sage, Lord and all unpromoted versions
    What do you guys think for that one?

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Weakest Spotpass units only: Excluding Villain spotpass teams, after chapter 3 you can only recruit(using whichever units you wish(e.g. Frederick) for the spotpass battles to recruit them) and use from then on unequipped Chrom and the 11 characters who appear in slot 1 of the Spotpass lists(Nyna,Clea,Norne,Diadora,Fee,Nana,Wolt,Florina,Eirika,Mist and Edward).

Edited by arvilino
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Lucky Seven Flights: A flyers only run.

Rules: Up until one gets Sumia, you may play any way you please, but the second you get Sumia, only her and Chrom are allowed until you get more Flying Units, either by reclassing or story characters. Chrom is also not allowed to do anything as soon as Sumia is recruited, other than be a double partner for her. An on-foot healer may be chosen, if necessary, but must be dropped the second you have possible access to a Falcoknight. You may grind for supports in skirmishes if you feel you need more flyers, but you can have NO MORE than 7 flyers total on the team at any time. No flyers in reserve, either, they must be used at all times. If you are to use Avatar, he/she must have a penalty to their defence. Using the DLC and Skirmishes (other than for the above rule on supports) is not allowed. Reclassing to other class trees for skills is also not allowed. The difficulty must be on Hard or higher. You also may not use any characters obtained after Chapter 15. Class Changing at Level 10 under some circumstances is recommended. Other than that, anything goes.

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* No Donnel

* Frederick Only

* Final Destination

I see what you did there. lol

Lady Brigade: Use only female units. Forcibly deployed males may be relegated to visiting, but cannot engage enemy forces. As they may give EXP, they cannot use event tiles.

Normally this would be somewhat of a challenge, but considering how most of the cast is female I'd say males are probably the more challenging gender for this game. :x

Speaking of which I will most likely do that eventually. I know I did that in FEDS. ONLY GUYS. THE FEMALES MUST DIE. I am so sexist against myself LOL

A sword-only run is also one I'll take up.

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