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Avatar's Mother? And Summer Bonds DLC Clarification


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1. Do we ever get to meet MU's mother ingame? I heard this game has a happy ending... so it would be nice if MU (I) get to meet my (in-game mother)...


Chrom x Tiamo DLC Convo

Tiamo: The sandy beaches of mid-summer... How nice. The atmosphere is romantic... If I could come here with that one person, just the two of us, I'm sure we'd definitely feel happiness... Ah!? No no no, what am I thinking? I already decided thay I should lay off..!

Chrom: Lay off what?

Tiamo: Eh!? L-lord Chrom!? N-n-n-nothing!

Chrom: Hm? Aren't you a little jumpy today?

Tiamo: N-no no..! I'm not--

Chrom: Is that so...? A-alright then... Ah... but Tiamo... It's hot here.

Tiamo: Y-y-yes... Yes it is... H-ha..ha....ha..

Chrom: Hey, you're breathing roughly!? You're having a hard time breathing because it's so hot!?

Tiamo: U..um, No! This isn't because I'm hot, it's just that it's too soon that my emotions can't keep up... but to be able to have a rare conversation with you, Lord Chrom, that I'm trembling with happiness...

Chrom: ...?

Tiamo: u-uh, I'm sorry! SUddenly saying strange things...

Chrom: ...Is it really that unusual for me to come talk to you?

Tiamo: N-No! You are always kind to those under you, like me, Lord Chrom. (As in Higher class of person thatn TIamo) S-So it;s not that it's unusual, but I always thought that I'd like to be able to talk to you a lot more... ...Ah!! No no! Even after I decided to lay off!

Chrom: What are you saying..?

Tiamo: P-pardon me! Maybe I am getting affected by this heat. My head is starting to fel dizzy...

Chrom: What!? Say that earlier! Can you walk, Tiamo!? Here, hold on to my arm! I'll take you to a shadede area!

Tiamo: Y-your arm!? Me... Hanging on to Lord Chrom's arm!? T-that makes me too happy... I could just... Die like this!

Chrom: Tiamo!? Don't die! Make sure you're certainly conscious!

Tiamo: Y-yes, I;m fine! I will definitely not die in front of Lord Chrom! W-well then,excuse me for holding your arm... arm... ................

Chrom: What's wrong? Aren't you going to hang on?

Tiamo: N-no! Definitely not! As if I could touch Lord Chrom with these hands! Just imagining it... N-no!

Chrom: WHAT!? H-hey Tiamo!? Hang on! Tiamo!! Tiamooooo!!

Tiamo: I-I can't believe that I had fainted... Behaving this way in front of Lord Chrom! If ord Firein knew of this, I can't imagine what he'd say... Alright, the only way to redeem myself of this failure is on the battle field! Yosh!!!

Chrom: Tiamo! What are you thinking! COming out to a place where the rays (of sunlight) is strong even after what happened that day..!

Tiamo: H-heeeeh!? Lord Chrom!? W-we meet very often today, huh...

Chrom: Its not"We meet very often today"! I was worried about you so I purposely stayed close to you. It'd be dangerous if you fainted again like before.

Tiamo: !! T-Thank you very much... For me... That makes me happy... However, I apologize. I will not be the only one to be sitting around and resting.

Chrom: ...I acknowledge your seriousness, but I want you to take better care of yourself.

Tiamo: What...?

Chrom: To be strict to yourself is a good thing about you, and I;m always helped by that talent of yours... but when your health isn't it's best at the time... I want you to take it easy and rest. You can be a little spoiled towards me, you know...

Tiamo: L-lord Chrom... Thank you very much...

Chrom: As long as you understand. Now, hurry back to your toom. Even if you faint next time, I;m not going to carry you.

Tiamo: Y-yes... Please pardon me... ...w-wait, carried!? Carried as in, carried me? Lord Chrom, you had carried me!?

Chrom: Ah, yeah.

Tiamo: Eeeeeeeee!? I-I'm sorry Lord Chrom! I am sincerely sorry... I... I was heavy, wan't I...?

Chrom: Um.... Yeah.

Tiamo: AAAh, I'm sorry! You don't have to answer that!! It doesnt matter whether you think I'm heavy or not! Knowing will not erase my guilt! Um, I think I'll actually go fight now! I'm fine already!

Chrom: Are you sure?

Tiamo: Yes! Even if I return to my room now, I'd die from self loathing.... I mean, to make up for the amount of time I rested, I have to take down a large amount of enemies! I'll show you by protecting the peace of the sandy beaches!!

Chrom: R-really? Then I'll leave that to you.

Tiamo: Yes!

Chrom: ...haa. Tiamo is always like that whenever I start a conversation with her. Although I think she is just worrying too much because she's a pegasus knight.... She was even weirder today so I'm a lot more worried. Maa, I guess I;ll keep an eye on her to make sure she won't push herself too far.

Tiamo: ...haa... I've talked to him for the first time in a while... Lord Chrom was kind... But those eyes are already looking at someone else... I'm not allowed to think about happiness. I have to give up some day. I know. I really know. Alright, instead of thinking about these things, I'll concentrate on stopping those pirates!

If there's a part that doesn't make sense don't understand what it means, just say something and I'll try to answer the best I can.

Does this only happen if Tiamo has not married anyone yet?

So if Tiamo is already married to say, Donnel, this DLC convo will not trigger right?

If so, when can this DLC convo be accessed? I may want to not pair Tiamo off so early so as to trigger that convo. Can anyone help me?

Edited by GamingPandas
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From the DLC conversations page

In Summer of Bonds, Krom and Tiamo's conversations (+) only trigger if Tiamo is single.

So, I would assume they wouldn't have that conversation if she's paired. As for when that DLC comes out...It was released 1st of November in Japan, or just under 7 months after release

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From the DLC conversations page

In Summer of Bonds, Krom and Tiamo's conversations (+) only trigger if Tiamo is single.

So, I would assume they wouldn't have that conversation if she's paired. As for when that DLC comes out...It was released 1st of November in Japan, or just under 7 months after release

Thank you for the confirmation... as to when the DLC content can be accessed... I was referring to WHEN ingame a player can unlock and play those DLC quests? Like after which chapters?

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Chapter 4 is when the Otherrealm Gate opens, so then.

Thanks! Its really nice and realistic how these DLCs work... if Tiamo is single then none of that convo will be present. If she is single, then it will activate... quite realistic and well thought out!

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