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Just Smarty and I in a Parallel Universe.


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* @ChanServ (services@darkmyst.org) Quit (betamatrix.ny.us.darkmyst.org paranoia.il.us.darkmyst.org)

* FreohrDatia (darkmyst@dm-25162.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net) Quit (betamatrix.ny.us.darkmyst.org paranoia.il.us.darkmyst.org)

* Desdemona (darkmyst@dm-29962.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) Quit (betamatrix.ny.us.darkmyst.org paranoia.il.us.darkmyst.org)

* Fireman (darkmyst@dm-39955.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) Quit (betamatrix.ny.us.darkmyst.org paranoia.il.us.darkmyst.org)

* Zephrion (darkmyst@dm-29274.gci.net) Quit (betamatrix.ny.us.darkmyst.org paranoia.il.us.darkmyst.org)

* skwirl2 (skwirl@dm-11923.buffalo.res.rr.com) Quit (betamatrix.ny.us.darkmyst.org paranoia.il.us.darkmyst.org)

* @Sevensins (Shoukanjuu@dm-17235.101.8.67.cfl.res.rr.com) Quit (betamatrix.ny.us.darkmyst.org paranoia.il.us.darkmyst.org)

* emeraldfox_09 (darkmyst@dm-25738.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net) Quit (betamatrix.ny.us.darkmyst.org paranoia.il.us.darkmyst.org)

* Cymbeline (darkmyst@dm-29962.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) Quit (betamatrix.ny.us.darkmyst.org paranoia.il.us.darkmyst.org)

* Wil (rerestarti@dm-1770.nycmny.east.verizon.net) Quit (betamatrix.ny.us.darkmyst.org paranoia.il.us.darkmyst.org)

* +Makoto (Makoto@dm-4627.buffalo.res.rr.com) Quit (betamatrix.ny.us.darkmyst.org paranoia.il.us.darkmyst.org)

<@SmartRutter> CRAP

<@SmartRutter> :(

<Song|Dinner> ............

<Song|Dinner> WTF

<Song|Dinner> LOL


<@SmartRutter> netsplit

<Song|Dinner> Why am I the only one still here? XD

<Song|Dinner> Ah XD

<Song|Dinner> How did we get protected?

<@SmartRutter> protected? XD

<Song|Dinner> Oh.

<Song|Dinner> We're not?

<Song|Dinner> LOLOL

<@SmartRutter> no its just that...

<@SmartRutter> well irc networks are made of different servers

<@SmartRutter> our server somehow got disconnected with the rest

<@SmartRutter> so we can't see everyone else

<@SmartRutter> they can't see us

<Song|Dinner> D:

<@SmartRutter> i reconncted with another nick and am currently observing the other side of the netsplit

<@SmartRutter> the servers usually fix themselves after a while

<Song|Dinner> Okay XD

<Song|Dinner> This calls for a new thread. XDD

<@SmartRutter> heh netsplits are a pretty common thing to happen to irc servers every one in a while

<@SmartRutter> they aren't that special

<Song|Dinner> LOL wow.

<Song|Dinner> Never happened to me before. :o

<@SmartRutter> heh it happens every so often

<@SmartRutter> i've seen many of them


I find this very amusing.

Smarty teaches me the way of IRC while we stay in an alternate #Serenes_Forest. XD

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