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The most satisfying thing about this game


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The sound it makes when you move the cursor across spaces on the map.

Seriously, wear some headphones and just immerse yourself in that satisfying clicking.

Like, oh my god, hnnnnnngg

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Yeah, the sound's freaking amazing.

...(Battery's on red)

I have to charge my 3DS once a day no nintendo, 5 hours after charged is NOT enough

Edited by Viyut
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The sound it makes when you move the cursor across spaces on the map.

Seriously, wear some headphones and just immerse yourself in that satisfying clicking.

Like, oh my god, hnnnnnngg

Ugh this is like torture I don't want to wait anymore I want the game now for the CLICKING NOISES.

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The quantity of sound effects for the UI is really pleasing to the ears. XD I remember old games like Pokemon only had that one clicky sound... Man, when I replay those games it grates my ears.

You mean BEEPING sounds. They were obnoxiously loud and it was hard to hear the music over them. otl

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You mean BEEPING sounds. They were obnoxiously loud and it was hard to hear the music over them. otl

Back then the music wasn't really that good... until Nostalgia came along, but I'm sure it would get annoying scrolling up and down wondering if tackle or fury attack was a better move :l

I think landing a crit with a silver lance and doing 72 damage while the soldier goes flying back is pretty satisfying. I like how the overkill numbers are in, now we can see just how much damage we did (without the math)

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I must agree with all of this. The sound quality is excellent.

The UI is great too, but I wish I could use the x or y button instead of the touchscreen to switch between the statscreen/minimap,

since most of the game can be played without touchscreen and x and y seem to have no other use. Oh well.

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I have to say though, the random 1-3 words that are spoken at the beginning of dialogue is a little awkward, especially when the word(s) they speak aren't even in the script.

But I suppose we'll get used to it lol

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I have to say though, the random 1-3 words that are spoken at the beginning of dialogue is a little awkward, especially when the word(s) they speak aren't even in the script.

But I suppose we'll get used to it lol

I'm PRETTY sure that there's a way to turn it off, so if you get tired of it... then there's a solution.

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I'm PRETTY sure that there's a way to turn it off, so if you get tired of it... then there's a solution.

There is. In the menu (press A) near the bottom is voice volume. Turn that down all the way, and you don't have to listen to it anymore! :D

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