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Awakening Localized Name Discovery Thread

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So Darksphere is now Sable? What does that mean for Camus the Sable and the Sable Order?

I don't see why it has to mean anything; in-universe there's a good thousand or so years between the Sable Order and these names being given to the Spheres by whoever, and from a real life examining fiction perspective it's even less meaningful. They just happen to have the same names. Besides, we survived "Archanea" being the name of both the continent and the simultaneously existing nation.

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Hel is a part of Norse mythology, so it's not totally out of the blue. I saw some theory that breaks down the etymology of Ichival, where ichii = yew, and val = shortened for valley. Yew is also valued as a material for bows. Otherwise I can't think of other reasons why it was changed to Yewfelle but I'm more or less indifferent to the change.

Disclaimer: If this turns out wonky it's 3 am here.

Yew, if I recall correctly, was one of the trees associated with Yggdrasil, the world tree. So Yewfelle would be a bow made out of the wood from Yggdrasil and that would be why it would make sense as a legendary weapon, I suppose.

As for Hel, I did a quick search and she's apparently the ruler of the location of the same name. Incidentally she does receive a portion of the dead. So Helswath = many dead(due to its' power)?

Maybe I'm seeing connections where there aren't any.

@RJW: Probably not much because this game's placed at least a thousand years after the Archanea saga occurred. Also what Acacia said minus archaic because that makes me feel old.

Edit: I need to use Speedwings to keep up, it seems.

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According to this very site, Ichival (or however, you spell it, the fan community's never been totally consistent about this one) was supposed to be an indirect reference to the Norse God Ullr's dwelling of Ydalir, which means yew-dale. Ichii = yew in Japanese is pretty clear cut, but the -val/-bal part is pretty unclear. Using an abbreviated form of the English word valley would be pretty unusual, but I haven't seen any better theories out there after searching the internet for a while.

Yew has already been established as the only part of the name that makes clear-cut sense. The best I could find on 'felle' on the internet, is that it's the Norwegian word for trap, which... well, if you squint at it, is sort of reminiscent of a dale. It's about as ambiguous as the -val/-bal part of Ichival in Japanese, which... does make Yewfelle a fitting translation, in a sorta roundabout way.

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Thank you for siding with my opinion for once, even if it wasn't on purpose.

I guess I should start to forgive you, Camtech059.


my opinion is fundamentally different from yours in that i don't see the need to bitch at people for using the official translations (for one i like 'helswath' a lot better than 'swanchika')

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I dunno what happened to this topic, but...


That's a negative.

Woohoo! Thanks.

I'm so glad I held back from renaming every instance of Renewal.

Although, I still need to be careful with Conqueror->Conquest and Overlord->Conqueror >___<

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According to this very site, Ichival (or however, you spell it, the fan community's never been totally consistent about this one) was supposed to be an indirect reference to the Norse God Ullr's dwelling of Ydalir, which means yew-dale. Ichii = yew in Japanese is pretty clear cut, but the -val/-bal part is pretty unclear. Using an abbreviated form of the English word valley would be pretty unusual, but I haven't seen any better theories out there after searching the internet for a while.

Yew has already been established as the only part of the name that makes clear-cut sense. The best I could find on 'felle' on the internet, is that it's the Norwegian word for trap, which... well, if you squint at it, is sort of reminiscent of a dale. It's about as ambiguous as the -val/-bal part of Ichival in Japanese, which... does make Yewfelle a fitting translation, in a sorta roundabout way.

Well, thank goodness it's actually a reference then. I still think it sounds a bit silly, but I can totally accept it now.

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I am OK with Swanchika being changed because it apparently weren't actually a reference to anything, and was just cool sounding.

And Helswath is better sounding.

Also, didn't that guy make a thread to whine about this exact topic? Sorry to clutter this important thread with more bullshit.

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Which reminds me, Genealogy of the Holy War is confirmed as the official name of FE4. The SpotPass notice specifically uses the game name. Not that there were many doubts, but there will be no more fears of Zigludo's Jihad, I guess.

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Regarding the names of the 12 Deadlords, it makes more sense when you consider that they used the animals from the Chinese Zodiac. For example since the rat is the first animal in the Chinese Zodiac, it's fitting that Eins would be named after it. The rest of the group follow suit, which is why we wind up with things like Draco the Sniper and Porcus the Assassin.

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Which reminds me, Genealogy of the Holy War is confirmed as the official name of FE4. The SpotPass notice specifically uses the game name. Not that there were many doubts, but there will be no more fears of Zigludo's Jihad, I guess.

May I ask about the SpotPass notice's contents and context for naming FE4?

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May I ask about the SpotPass notice's contents and context for naming FE4?

From the paragraph it was in.

"First of all, I've dropped a little something in your Bonus Box:

Bonus Items: Tyrfing

Bonus Teams: Sacred Stones

Tyrfing was used by an ancient crusader in the 4th title of the series, Genealogy of the Holy War (Japan only)."

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Don't be surprised if the nest game if the next game is a Genealogy of the Holy War remake using updated graphics/mechanics. Or they could re-make it without making any real improvements, a la Shadow Dragon. You move, IS,

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Don't be surprised if the nest game if the next game is a Genealogy of the Holy War remake using updated graphics/mechanics. Or they could re-make it without making any real improvements, a la Shadow Dragon. You move, IS,

The fact that FE12 is so much better than FE3 makes me think they would put effort into a FE4 remake.

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The fact that FE12 is so much better than FE3 makes me think they would put effort into a FE4 remake.

Especially since it would be so soon after FE13 (probably), and SMT X FE.

Plus, they couldn't screw up Jugdral's official overseas debut after all the publicity this game'll give it.

Also, may I just say, I kinda like the name Tyrfing for that sword. It's at least is better than Tyrhung, or Tailfing.

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