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The Magical Adventures of Melanie in Ylisse!

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Also on the lookout for more here~ That was hilarious XD

I wouldn't have thought it, but the whole stream of consciousness thing really works.

(Also, another Persona fan yay!)

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I... wow. Thanks, you guys. This is... it feels awesome.

Also on the lookout for more here~ That was hilarious XD

I wouldn't have thought it, but the whole stream of consciousness thing really works.

(Also, another Persona fan yay!)

Haha... yeah, I'm surprised it worked so well.

(Hahaha... I don't really consider myself a Persona fan since I haven't play the games, but my knowledge of it is very strong.)

You really do seem to have made yourself part of the game by your reactions, I hope many others can have the same feeling. smile.gif

Lissa, War Cleric for Life! There is no other option!

I do, too! I hope everyone gets to experience how fun this game is!

I'm waiting for a Bolt Axe. *crackles*

That's a lot of stat boosts. Congratulations. :]

Thank you~!

Hey, hey. Defense is the best stat.

I know, but I clearly remember having Magic as my specialty and Speed as my flaw.

...You know what? I'll show you guys how ridiculous it is.

Melanie, lvl 8

HP: 22

Str: 8

Mag: 9

Skill: 8

Spd: 9 <-- Yeah, still trying to figure that out. It's my flaw.

Luck: 7

Def: 13

Res: 6

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You've now inspired me to do a blog/vlog of my challenge. Hello, fellow Asperger's FE fan! *holds out hand in greeting*

That was fun and hilarious to read at the same time. This just improved this rainy-and-windy day for me.

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...Frederick gathers rare mushrooms? ...Oh, now I get some of the jokes on pixiv...

~Time flows differently in the Outrealm. So, my idea of making the Outrealm an identical place as the realm of the Velvet Room has solid reasoning!

~... She was exalt before she was ten?! ...The hurt/comfort prequel fanfics plot bunnies are BREEDING!

I could imagine the fan fictions already...(Well, I have one idea too, but I ain't going start writing until I finish this game. I honestly hope many others do too.)

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You. Are such. A fangirl.

And that is just as canon as the pies in the game. Actually, I'm pretty tame here then I would be back as a FESS newb, so...


Please try making paragraphs... :(

Sorry! Unfortunately, I'm pretty comfortable with the formatting right now... I'll see if I can change it, however.

I could imagine the fan fictions already...(Well, I have one idea too, but I ain't going start writing until I finish this game. I honestly hope many others do too.)

Yeah, I'm mostly theorizing right now, I'm planing to do the same.

But my first fanfic will deal with a certain poster and Chrom/Fem!Avatar being a couple.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, as this being my very own topic, I'm certain I'm permitted to double post, yes?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have proceeded with the story!

Past 3- in which Chrom's voice makes me melt while I should be crying...

Also, my current stats is as followed-

Melanie- Lvl 10 Tactician







Def-14 (I'm starting to suspect I chose Def instead of Mag, because OMG WTF.)


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