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How Old Are FE13 Players? Will you ever "Quit"?



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    • 15-18
    • 19-22
    • 23-28
    • 29-35
    • 36+

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I dunno, I can see why people would. tbh, I'm not into games as much as I used to. I still play them but I don't devote that much of my time to it and I think that's a good thing. Let me put it this way; I don't wish I spent more time playing video games, I wish I spent more time writing or improving my social skills, or playing outside.

Edited by Tyrant Sage
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I'm 19 years old, gonna be 20 in July. I think I was 10 years old when I played the first Fire Emblem to be localized. Hard to believe that I've loved this series for ten years now. As long as they continue making the games, I do not intend to stop playing them. I love the series too much.

Edited by Kaze_Ninja17
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22, turning 23 later in the year and no, I have no intention of ever stopping playing video games. It's a huge part of how I was raised, and it's just silly for me to give it up because people expect me to grow out of if (my dad already thinks I'm way too old, especially for a girl to be playing still which is BS)

I don't doubt I won't have as much time when I'm older, since I'm already getting a little strapped for time in comparison to my teen days, but I'll keep playing when I can.

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Twenty-one year-old college student-athlete and a pretty busy one as well. I have found that I don't enjoy playing games as much, however, the only game series I follow is, of course, Fire Emblem. Occasionally, my friends may play Smash and I play along. I cannot play action games by myself because I don't find them really enjoyable alone. I moved away from console games entirely and only prefer hand-held ones (which is why I am not going to but the ShinMegamiTensei x Fire Emblem game). Surprisingly I am only a nerd about Fire Emblem, but I hardly know anything about other popular games like Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, etc. I will still be interested in FE as I get older as long as it stays faithful to the originals to some degree..

Edited by Leif
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I'll be 20 the day Awakening officially comes out~ and I've been gaming at least since I was 6. I highly doubt I'll be stopping anytime soon.

Hell, I remember when I was just ten or so I proudly declared that I would never stop loving Pokemon. Half my life later and it's still my favorite series.

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I'm 28 turning 29 in april (wonder if awakening euro will even release on my birthday?)

Not stopping unless the game industry takes turn i don't like, would still play my old games then.

Also thoose people scared they won't have time? Relax, it's almost impossible to not find some time in a day you can put into your hobbies.As long as there is a will there is a way, that said it's not a catastrophe to not get time for hobbies some days.

I got cats to relax me whenever i don't have time to play something :)

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I'm. . .old (but not the one that answered 36+). If my dad's to be believed, I've been playing since I was 3. My first memories of video games are from when I was 5.

My dad plays, but he thinks Fire Emblem is too boring. My mom will watch me play, no matter how late it is (she stayed up with me until 4:30 in the morning to see the ending of Baten Kaitos). She's a huge fan of the Tellius series, because of the characters. As for me. . .maybe I'll cut back when I get a family to take care of or something, but I'd rather have my kids play video games than sit in front of the TV.

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24 years old. I have the worldview of an old man and the skin of a teenager, so I basically have the best of both worlds. ; [

I was 15 when I started playing Fire Emblem, and around 18 when I joined the Gamefaqs community. The tier lists and debates we had back then were pretty bad in retrospect, but were a ton of fun anyway.

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I see what you're trying to say there... that our age is just an artificial number... I guess at work I feel that there's not a lot if any people I know that are into gaming let alone OWNING a 3DS. XD The only people I know who still game are friends from high school and of course the awesome peeps on SF forums! NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Yep, that's pretty much it. Well, that and don't go overboard trying to "fit in".

Yeah, although we can't assume that Avatar is DEFINITELY you the player, it's definitely a choice that it seems more than half of the players who responded on that thread on SF forums made... but yeah I think its awesome to have a character in-game that is you, represents you, reflects the choices you'll make and fight along other characters. I mean isn't it cool to be able to "live" in different mediums... to alternate between reality and fantasy?

I can see where people would find this an appealing prospect, but... I don't know, whenever I try to make a character who is me I just feel so incredibly awkward and like an egotistical idiot and it's just so much more fun to make an original character to fill that role. You get to be all kinds of creative, and the character is more likely to really fit in with the world and cast and not be out-of-place if they're made for that role rather that simply being "you". Besides, it's much more interesting hearing about someone's original character than it is hearing about their fantasy adaptation of themselves.

Not that I look down on people who do make self-inserts as their custom characters, it's just not my cup of tea.

Um, anyway, that said, I started gaming when I was, what, like 4 or 5? I'm 18 now, and I have no intention of stopping anytime in the remotely foreseeable future.

Do what you enjoy, unless it's illegal and/or harmful to yourself and/or others, in which case never do it ever for the rest of the eternity of time.

Edited by Starlight36
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i'm 17 i don't intend to stop playing games ever. if anything I'd say my love for gaming has improved since i was young.

and no, i wasn't introduced to the series via smash bros but rather a certain LPer named Mageknight404 about 3 years ago

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I'm 19, and I've decided that in the future, I'm going to keep doing what I love and loving what I do; that includes video games. In other words, I say if it makes you happy (and it's not an addiction or anything), keep gaming, and love the hell out of it.

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Did an average, using the band mid points, excluding the 1 vote for 36+ the average age on the poll is 21.something.

Anywho I fit in the first boundary, and don't see myself giving up gaming in the foreseeable future. As long as my GBA still works and I can play Silver, FE7 & 8, and HM:FoMT I'll still be gaming.

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