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Apotheosis (Secret Battles 4 & 5 Failing Scripts):

Alternate Fourth Battle (Failure):

*After more than 10 turns*

"Uh-oh! Time's up...

Better luck next time."

*Stage Complete*

Alternate Final (Fifth) Battle (Failure):

*After more than 7 turns*


"Uh-oh! Time's up...

Better luck next time."

*Stage Complete*

Edited by Linkmstr
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Well, here's part of my claims for Future of Despair 3
Severa > Libra

Libra: Severa? Where are you? She took such a terrible blow... I hope the gods have kept her safe.
Severa: ...Daddy? Is that really you?
Libra: Severa! ...Praise Naga! I feared you would be the next victim of this bleak future.
Severa: Then it really is you! I would know those cries of devotion anywhere. But I don't understand... Did Naga bring you back to life? I didn't think that was possible.
Libra: It isn't. ...Severa, I am not really your father. The gods saw fit to bring me here from another world.
Severa: You're not him? But you still came here because of Naga, right?
Libra: Correct.
Severa: What is WRONG with you?!
Libra: P-pardon?
Severa: Why does EVERYTHING you do have to be about the gods? You pray to them, you fight in their name, you cross WORLDS for them... And then, at the end, you leave ME so you can be with them. Why can't they save us for a change? Wh-why won't they give you back to me *sob*
Libra: Severa... For give me for seeming so shallow. But you mustn't lament your father. It was right for him to die. Especially if dying meant protecting you and joining the gods as a cornerstone of peace.
Severa: ......
Libra: I realize this hardly lessens the blow of his leaving you alone. But try not to blame him. I know that were it within his power, he would have stayed with you.
Severa: Y-you think I don't know that? I know what he was fighting for! I was proud of him! I loved him with all my heart! If only you realized...
Libra: I do, Severa. Thank you. Your love continues to warm him even as he sits with the gods. Now let me handle the Risen here and finish what you came here to do. Let me be a father to you for what little time I have here.
Severa: ...Hmph. You'd really do that for me?
Libra: Of course
Severa: ...All right. Thank you, Daddy. It means a lot to me.

Laurent > Donnel

Donnel: Laurent? You're all right!
Laurent: I know that voice... Father? But no... My father is dead. And anyway, you are far too young... Hmm. Father never spoke of a younger brother. And yet, nor do you bear the telltale signs of a Risen... This raises troubling questions. Very troubling...
Donnel: Uh, Laurent? Snap out of it! I done came from another world! I'm here to help ya out.
Laurent: There are other worlds?
Donnel: Yep! I don't get it either. I just sorta roll with these thing.
Laurent: Well, that explains why you look so young... Anyway, you need to take shelter, and quickly. You've come to a very dangerous place.
Donnel: Well, shucks, I know THAT! That's the whole reason I'm here! I'm not gonna leave my only son to face this nightmare alone.
Laurent: But you'll... Listen, I have already been through this once.
Donnel: I get it. You're worried I'll die like the Donny of this world did.
Laurent: ......
Donnel: Right?
Laurent: It's difficult not to. Every night I relive that scene in my sleep. You have your back to us as Mother and I flee... You're holding them off. And then I s-see it... The blade passing through your body... I can't endure that torture again. I won't!
Donnel: Well, don't you worry. Lightning don't strike twice, and I won't die twice. I reckon I'm a lot stronger than the Donny ya remember! Also, I ain't alone this time. I got a whole darn army with me! They got my back, just like I got yours.
Laurent: But...
Donnel: If you're that worried about it, you can watch my back too. Any son of Miriel oughta be able to analyze the enemy in a heartbeat! I tend to rush into things, so havin' a keen pair of eyes sure would help.
Laurent: All right. I can agree to that. Thank you, Father! You can count on me.
Donnel: Likewise!

Lucina > Sully

Sully: Lucina? ...Lucina, right?
Lucina: Who...? M-Mother?! Then that was you I saw amongst the reinforcements. But I thought it mere coincidence. How is this possible?
Sully: You're pretty damn sharp if you spotted me from that far away. I came herefrom another world. That's what you saw. We heard you were in danger and came here to set things right. I'm...sorry I'm not your real mother...
Lucina: You are my mother! Don't say that! It doesn't matter where you came from I'm still so glad to see you!
Sully: Kind of you to say, Lucina. I've been watching you too, you know. You put up one hell of a fight. I imagine you've seen some damned horrific battles over the years. ...Some mother I was, too, leaving you to fight them alone.
Lucina: I was able to fight them because you saved my life- you and Father both. Ever since your passing, you have lived on in my heart and kept me strong. You died to keep the exalted bloodline alive, and I will not let that be in vain. Your conviction has seen me and my friends through every trial.
Sully: I'm proud of you, Lucina. And I know the Sully here would have been too.
Lucina: Oh, M-Mother... *sob*
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My last claim here, and I'm done.

[spoiler=Gerome > Libra, TFP3]

Libra: Gerome! You’re alive. Praise the gods!
Gerome: Father, is that you? But your spirit is with the gods now…
Libra: Yes… It seems the Libra of this world did meet such a fate…
Gerome: Of this world?
Libra: Correct. I am a visitor from a world apart from this one.
Gerome: But…how…
Libra: Listen to me. I cannot stay long. But let me fight with you while there is still time!
Gerome: No…I can handle this alone. If you cannot stay, then save yourself the trouble and leave now.
Libra: Why would you say that?
Gerome: I’m used to fending for myself. For years, no help came. If we’ve made it this far, we can make it the rest of the way. So you can keep your little divine intervention.
Libra: Those are harsh words…but I cannot deny the truth in them. Very well. If I cannot fight with you, then I will be your shield instead. If need be, I will die for you.
Gerome: What? No! No, I will not allow it! I have already watched my father die once! You win. You may fight at my side. But stay alive! I beg you!
Libra: Are you that worried about me? I’m not your real father, you know.
Gerome: It…it doesn’t matter. Watching even a false father die sits ill with me.
Libra: Very well. Then my strength is yours.
Gerome: Thank you.
Libra: See? That wasn’t so hard. You push people away with harsh words, but I can see the love in your heart. I am proud my son turned into such a caring person. *Libra leaves*
Gerome: ……
You were my pride too, Father. I’m sorry I was never able to say the words…

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Well, here's part of my hotspring claims anyways.

Part 1

Aversa: Oh. Look who it is. Shouldn't crows be picking your bones clean for all the naughty things you did?
Gangrel: Hmph... You're one to talk, vixen. You caused Chrom and the others more trouble than I! And yet here you are, suckling off his army stores like a shameless she-leech.
Aversa: Guilty as charged. But you see...I've decided to put the past behind me. Ans as long as I see a path to happinesss, I intend to seize it.
Gangrel: Ha! Well, aren't you a resourceful little beaver. Stabbing people in hte back didn't work, so now you'll just try something else?
Aversa: Waggle your tongue at me all you want, dog. See if I cre.
Gangrel: I'm not the one retching forth nugget after nugget of half-witted provocation! Argh... Blazing hells! Just being around you fills me with rage!
Aversa: The feeling is mutual, I assure you. You remind me of past embarrasmetns I'd rather forget. So do us both a favor and don't slink so close to me next time.
Gangrel: Peh. Suit yourself, wench!

Part 2

Aversa: Well...if it isn't the Mud King Mongrel. I thought I told you to keep away.
Gangrel: You don't own this world or any other, you flabby-thighed hag. And the name is "Mad King," not "Mud King." Get it straight.
Aversa: Ah. Then I take it you have no objection to the "Mongrel" part?
Gangrel: Why would I? I AM a dog. Always have been. And I like it that way.
Aversa: Then go piddle on a tree and leave me alone.
Gangrel: ...I loathe you, woman. But I suppose I should be grateful someone more putrid than I is still around to vilify. I can't badmouth the rest of these saps- least of all Chrom. He's the only reason I still have food to eat and a head on my shoulders to eat it with.
Aversa: The boy is far too lenient. Can you believe it? There's a war going on, and where does he take us? Hot springs! Not that a lady isn't grateful for the luxury. ...Just to be clear, I don't want you anywhere near me when I bathe.
Gangrel: Ha! You bathe? I hardly noticed. Try not to freeze the water solid with that glacial charm of yours. No one wants to soak in COLD springs.
Aversa: You should talk. They'll have to DRAIN the springs after a toad like you upsets the mineral balance.
Gangrel: I hope you drown.
Aversa: I don't care what you do, as long as I get to keep denigrating you.
Gangrel: We'll see who denigrates who! I've got enough insults to last another lifetime. And who better to take out all this pent-up anger on than you?
Aversa: Shall we make it a contest, then?
Gangrel: Your mother was a contest.


Part 1

Gangrel: So, uh...Emmeryn.
Emmeryn: ......
Gangrel: Would you rather I left you be?
Emmeryn: ...No.
Gangrel: ...All right. Well, seeing as you and I now fight for the same cause... That is to say, I thought we ought to create more opportunities to converse.
Emmeryn: ...Yes.
Gangrel: Rrgh... I must make something clear to you- though you are free to dismiss it entirely. I have no desire for your forgiveness. I did as my position demanded me at the time. No more, and no less.
Emmeryn: ......
Gangrel: I simply clamored for justice! You were the one who leaped to her doom. Do I have the wrong of it?
Emmeryn: You don't...make any sense...
Gangrel: Heh. That I don't, sorry.
Emmeryn: Why are...you apologizing...?
Gangrel: What? N-no, that's not the same! I just told you I won't apologize! How dare you push me toward the precipice of remorse with your half-sentences!
Emmeryn: ......
Gangrel: Rrgh... Never mind. Forget we ever spoke.
Emmeryn: ...... Gangrel...

Part 2

Gangrel: Oh! Emmeryn... Fancy meeting you here...
Emmeryn: ......
Gangrel: Listen...I am just going to talk aloud for a bit. But these words are not meant for you! Certainly not! Sheild your ears from Gangrel's mad ravings!
Emmeryn: ...?
Gangrel: Even a dog like me knows the pangs of remorse. I laid legions of dead at my feet. But when I climbed that mountain of corpses... I found the vantage empty of any meaning. I failed to change anything.
Emmeryn: ......
Gangrel: I was supposed to be the one to... to fix everything... But these hands that I dreamed would shape the future... They reek of blood. And the blood won't come off... My hands were clean once, I swear! ...Weren't they? Or did I just never stop to notice? Gods, I only want to get away from this carnage that has become my brand... Is there no way out? Must this be my final mark?!
Emmeryn: ...... Don't cry, Gangrel...
Gangrel: Wh-why are you patting me on the head? Stop that!
Emmeryn: You're...precious to me...
Gangrel: ...What did you say?
Emmeryn: You're one of...my friends. Promise you...won't cry...
Gangrel: Ahh... Ahh, *sniff* Emmeryn! I'm not crying, damn you! I have nothing to cry about! N-nothing! *sob* AAAAAAH! Damn the gods above, one and all!
Emmeryn: ...... You can...change... I believe in you... So don't cry... Everything will be...all right...


Part 1

Anna: My, my, if it isn't Flavia. ...Or should I say Your Grace, East-Khan of Regna Ferox? I'm simply dying to here what matter would have you call me to a place like this.
Flavia: It's Flavia. Just Flavia. And I apologize for the sudden request. I need a favor.
Anna: If it's in my power, you need but command it. So what'll it be, Just Flavia?
Flavia: I'm told you can get your hands on pretty much anything. How much of that is idle legend?
Anna: Ooh, then it's a business inquiry! Excellent As for your question The legend is never ile. We stock literally everything, from drywall to dragon tears. Everything under the sun, and a few choice items from above it. That's our trade.
Flavia: Good. ...Then I'd like to buy some of these baths. To go, if you please.
Anna: Come again?
Flavia: Regna Ferox is snowbound the year around. Frankly, it's colder than a Risen's nethers That takes its toll on people. A place like this would warm their bodies and hearts.
Anna: I see... A lovely notion, really But hot springs aren't known for their mobility.
Flavia: It doesn't have to be a natural spring, obviously Have you seen anything similar?
Anna: Something to serve the role of a hot spring... That's quite the tall order. Hmm...
Flavia: My apoligies. It was a foolish request. I shouldn't have burdened you.
Anna: Now, don't be in such a hurry to leave, Ms. Flavia.
Flavia: Hm?
Anna: I told you I could get anything. I'm not about to be proven a liar. I have my pride as a merchant to defend. Might I have a little time to think on it?
Flavia: You're serious?
Anna: Hey, this is a job for a khan, right? Stands to reason it would be a khan-sized job. That only means it'll be that much more satisfying to fulfill!
Flavia: I see! Well, if you're sure, I suppose I'll lce my trust in your merchant's pride.
Anna: Heh heh. Always a wise bet. Now, time to see if the sisters have any ideas...

Part 2

Anna: Flavia!
Flavia: Oh, Anna. Need something?
Anna: I was hoping I could have a word. About your hot-springs acquisition?
Flavia: What? Don't tell me you've already found some magic bauble to do the trick?
Anna: No baubles, I'm afraid. I doubt such a thing even exists.
Flavia: I see... Well, even a legend can't be asked to find something that doesn't exist.
Anna: True enough. But I was hoping you might take a look at this
Flavia: Hm? What is it? A bag full of...what, some sort of powder? Rather pretty, really, with all the colors. There's white, blue...
Anna: This turns into your hot springs.
Flavia: What? This?! I'll thank you not to pull my leg, merchant! Even if I were to fill this to the brim, the bag is too small to carry enough water! Besides, you said yourself there was no such thing as an instant spring.
Anna: I said it didn't exist. Which is why my sisters and I made one.
Flavia: ...You did what?
Anna: Take a whiff of that stuff.
Flavia: ...I know this. It's the same as the smell from the source of the spring!
Anna: Exactly. Add a bit of that to a tub of water, and you have yourself a hot spring. Same smell, even the same therapeutic effects. It's a brand-new addition to our lineup! Consider that a free sample, love.
Flavia: Thank you, Anna! I'd heard tales of your feats as merchants, but I never knew you were genius inventors! I'm certain my people will love it.
Anna: Hee hee. Another satisfied customer! We happily await your next purchase, Just Flavia.


Part 1

Tiki: Khan Flavia of Regna Ferox, I presume? I have hoped for some time now to get this chance to speak with you.
Flavia: Well, that's funny. I've been meaning to break the ice with you too.
Tiki: Clearly this is our destined moment.
Flavia: Ha ha! Clearly.
Tiki: The realm you call Ferox certainly brings back memories... How do the people there fare today? I remember only a cold, harsh land. Have you found a way to cope with the heavy snowfall and barren soil?
Flavia: Well, we've struggled with the harvest for generations. Honestly, it took years and years of work before the soil was worth a damn... Still, I hope we've improved it some from what you remember.
Tiki: That's wonderful! Your people owe you much.
Flavia: My people owe me squat. It's my predecessors who did all the heavy lifting. The way I see it, I have yet to leave my mark on Regna Ferox. And if I'm lucky, my people and history will remember me as a good khan.
Tiki: That's very humble of you.
Flavia: Ferox has no future unless this war is brought to a favorable end. I must see it done within my lifetime.
Tiki: Well, you will. We all will-together.
Flavia: Damn right we well.

Part 2

Flavia: Tiki, tell me more about the Regna Ferox you remember.
Tiki: Well, all right... After all, I slept there within the ice for several centuries. As I recall, it was a frozen hell plagued by barbarians and mage dragons.
Flavia: So the legends go. I can tell you the barbarians, at least, are stil around.
Tiki: They are? But how do you keep them at bay? Are your villages not harassed day and night?
Flavia: Ha ha! I mean we're descended from the barbarians-the Feroxi people.
Tiki: Really?! But you're so...so civilized. I guess people really do change.
Flavia: Well, we did keep some of the old blood sport to fight boredom. Most of us love nothing more than a good brawl and a big keg to drown in after.
Tiki: Still it reassures me to see a woman as strong as you with wisdom to match. You have power, but I know you would never brandish it without cause. All that barbaric energy was sublimated into positive potential.
Flavia: Funny how that worked out. One wrong step and we'd have died the howling primitives we started as.
Tiki: But you didn't. That shows just how much the Feroxi can do.
Flavia: That's nice of you to say, Tiki.
Tiki: I hope I get to the northland again. It has been far too long.
Flavia: Then why don't you come down and visit once the fighting is done? The Voice of the divine dragon is always welcome in Regna Ferox.
Tiki: Thank you, Flavia. Now I long to finish this battle all the sooner!
Flavia: You and me both!

Yen'fay> Priam

Part 1

Priam: *Sigh*
Yen'fay: A sigh, Sir Priam? Whatever could ail a warrior of your stature?
Priam: What, can I not just be tired? We HAVE been fighting an endless number of battles. I mean, I did my share of training back when I was living on the island, but still... World travel takes a lot out of a man. Otherworld travel even more so.
Yen'fay: Aye, but 'tis strange to hear words of defeat from a champion of your caliber.
Priam: ...Did you really just talk about me using the D word?
Yen'fay: Pray pardon, sir. I meant no offense. This sie of you only makes you more fascinating. And it comes as a relief.
Priam: A relief?
Yen'fay: Aye, sir. On any day, you fight as mercilessly as a demon. Thus, whatever the cause of your present troubles, they come as a breat of fresh air. They show that the mighty Priam is human, you see.
Priam: Well, I've never thought of myself as anything else.
Yen'fay: And therein lies your power! Most men expose susceptibilities in their moments of conceit. Even me, it shames me to say... But not you, sir. Somehow you retain humanity, yet hover above human weakness.
Priam: That's a nice bit of poetry, but let me lay it all out for you. I'm just a man. See? A regular human. Not some super race, not some demon. And I swear to you now on this glaive that I intended no such affectations.
Yen'fay: ...The less you see it, the stronger you prove yourself to be.

Part 2

Yen'fay: Sir Priam.
Priam: Still need something, Yen'fay?
Yen'fay: Have you heard these waters are therapeutic? They soothe the body.
Priam: I have. So?
Yen'fay: You had insinuated our campaign was taking its toll upon you, sir. Thus I thought it prudent, perhaps, that you rest in the bath for a spell. After, of course, the Risen have been vanquished and business restored.
Priam: I take baths on my own time, I don't need to do it in a place so...exposed. Even if they let me take my weapon in, I still have to doff my armor, right?
Yen'fay: You fear the Risen will strike whilst you bathe?
Priam: Pretty much.
Yen'fay: Then put your fears to rest. We can bathe in shifts. Guards will always be posted.
Priam: I know, but...
Yen'fay: You trust no guard but yourself.
Priam: Well...
Yen'fay: My friend, I have little doubt your strength surpasses that of any among us. But the strength of one is easily broken by the strength of numbers. Without us by your side, how would you fare against a well-trained army of a thousand?
Priam: All right, Yen'fay. You've made your point. No man is an island...even if he did use to live on one. I'll take your advice and put a little more faith in the others.
Yen'fay: Splendid. ...And remember the bath. I promise you these waters will chase the fatigue from your bones.
Priam: Heh... Relaxing is hardly my bread and butter, but I'll give it a try. I never knew you were such a hygiene guru. What gives?
Yen'fay: Chon'sin had many such hot springs. Laugh it off as an old custom, if you wish.
Priam: I see. Well, I think it's a great custom. And I'm lucky to have a friend like you to give such good advice. Thank, Yen'fay.
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Gangrel... Oh, Gangrel... That's why I like him so much... He's hilarious and yet, he have a sweet side. Gotta love his conversations with Aversa and Emmeryn!

Wait a second... Did Anna just invented bath salts? :wtf:

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Okay, Tsamimi, I've updated/edited my "Secret Battles 4 & 5 Failing Scripts" post. The Final Secret Battle's Failing dialogue is exactly the same as the Fourth's. XP

Thank you so much for taking the time to collect the script. ^^



Yo, Inigo!


F-Father?! It can't be!


It can! It is! The Vaike is back from the dead to save his son's bacon!


Back from the dead? ...Then you're a Risen. And a dastardly one at that to try to disarm me with such a filthy ruse...


Huh? Wh-whoa! What are ya doin'? Put your sword away! I ain't a Risen! That's not what I meant!


Then...what are you?


I came from another world. I'm not your dead father. See? No rottin' flesh hangin' off me. No creepy glowin' eyes. ...Right?


Yes... All right, I believe you.


Heh, whew. I knew ya would! The Vaike wasn't about to get chopped down by the son he came to rescue! Inigo, I want you to know I'm proud of ya for stickin' by your friend at the bridge. That was manly! That was "Son of Vaike" levels of manly! I'm so proud of you, I'm gonna fight by your side. How's that sound?




...Uh, hello?


*Sniff* Ahh...


Whoa there, short stuff! Who turned the waterfalls on? Are you hurt? Or are you like Olivia and havin' a cry 'cause the wind smells nice?


It's not the wind! *sniff* I'm just glad you're not a Risen. If you were, I...I wouldn't have been able to do it... I wouldn't have been able to cut you down. *sob*


Hey... There, there, Inigo. The whole "back from the dead" thing was just a bit of Vaike humor. That would never happen to your real dad. Ain't gonna happen to you or me, either, if ya let me watch your back.


...All right. Thanks, Father.


Any time! Teach is itchin' to send these baddies back a grade. If you're not careful, I might just steal all the glory.


We'll see about that. Some say the Son of Vaike is all his father was and more...


Oh, you're givin' me lip now? Guess your pouty fit's all over. That's m'boy! Follow the Vaike, Son of Vaike!


Inigo! At last I've found you.


Father?! How is this possible?


I'm not your real father, strictly speaking. I came here from another world to rescue you. I don't know how long I can stay here, but let me fight with you while I can.


So...you're my father in another world? That's quite a story...but you don't look like you're lying. If you really are my father, can I ask you a question?


Of course. What is it?


Back there, what would you have done in my position? You used to be the Shepherds' greatest defender, right? It's just... I don't know. I find myself less certain I made the right choice by the bridge. What if there was another way and I messed it all up?


Well...if it makes you feel better, I would have done the same as you. There was no other way to defend your comrades from a distance. You had to make a quick decision, and like me, you chose to be their shield.


As long as I did what's right. My friends count on me to protect them, so I'm always afraid of making the wrong call.


I definitely know that feeling.


Thank you, Father. I feel better now. But I had better finish the job. These Risen won't quit until they're dead.


Wait... Inigo, let me fight with you!


No. I can't put you in danger like that. You just watch me fight. I feel my fortunes changing already just for getting to see you again.


Poor Inigo. It can't be easy keeping your friends safe in a world like this... Every decision is a matter of life and death. This time, though, there was no right answer. No matter what you chose to do, it would have cost you your life. I'm here to change that. I know you don't want me to interfere, but...I can't let you meet your end here.


Inigo! *huff, huff* Whew, I made it...


Huh? Who are you? How do you know my name?


Ah, I guess you wouldn't recognize me... Umm... It's me, Ricken. Your father? I came here from another world. Oh! Here, look. This ring should prove it. It's the same one Olivia gave you, right?


Yes...it is. Yours is newer, but there's no question it's the same ring. So...you really are my father?! Why do you have the ring and not Mother?


Heh heh. Olivia let me borrow it. She figured you might have questions. That's your mother. She's like the other half of my brain. ...Anyway, there' no time for this. Inigo, we need to get you out of here. Are you hurt?


Huh? Oh... Thanks, but it's nothing serious.


Oh, whew. I'm glad to hear that! Olivia gave me a whole pack full of medicine in case you were— ...Inigo. Your arm. What happened? It's bleeding like mad!


I've dealt with worse.


Are you kidding? That's a gaping wound! Hold on. I'll get a vulnerary...


I'm fine. You don't get far in a world like this fretting over a few scratches. And anyway, it looks worse that it feels...mostly.






Ahh.... *Sob* I'm so sorry...


Father, why are you crying?!


Why am I crying? *sniff* J-just look at you! You're a mess! You're bleeding and tired, and you pretend like nothing's wrong!


That's because I really am fine! Stop crying. Which one of us is the kid here?


Right now? M-me! Okay? I know that! I'm such a shrimp that I had to borrow Olivia's ring just so you'd recognize me! One of us has to cry. *sob*


...... Father, look...


I came all this way to save you, but I didn't realize how bad it was. You have to let me keep you safe. The other me couldn't, so let me. Please!


All right...


I'm going to get you home to Ylisse without another scratch. I swear it! Now stay by my side. We're going to fight this out together! *sniff*


I will... Thank you, Father. Should I, uh, lend you a handkerchief?


N-no! I can wipe my own face!


Inigo? Boy, am I glad you're still in one piece.


Father? It can't be... You're dead.


Nya ha! I wish! I know the Henry in this world died a long time ago. But see, I'm not him! I came from ANOTHER world to rescue you. I'm amazed you've managed to hold all these guys off. It must've been tough!


Huh? O-oh. Well, you know. I battle Risen like this almost every day. Heh... Maybe it's them you need to rescue instead of me!




Um...did I say something wrong?


Do you always crack jokes like that, Inigo? Do you think it's FUNNY?


Wh-what's gotten into you? You crack jokes all the time.


But when I do it, I mean it. I can tell your laughter isn't genuine, and that makes me sad. If you need to cry, cry. If you're having a rough time, say so. You don't need to pretend in front of your own father.


What?! I'm not pretending. Why would I pretend? Everything is p-perfectly... *sniff* Oh, gods, no, it's not... Ahh... *sob*


There, there, Inigo. It's okay. See how much better it feels to let it out? I used to keep things bottled up inside me too. I didn't know how to feel. It wasn't until I met your mother that I figured out what a real smile was. So now you need to let me put a real smile on YOUR face. It might not happen right away, but you have to promise to let me try.


...... ...No. No way.


Muh?! Why not?


Because I want you to leave! I don't want you to get killed again because of me! You and Mother already gave your lives to protect me. All the "real smiles" in my life died with you! How can you ask me to lose you all over again?




Just...go home. This is my fight. You can still make it out of here if you go now!


...... As fun as it sounds, I would never die knowing it would make you sad. And you know, you didn't lose us.




Half of Olivia and half of me still live on inside you. We'll always be close, as long as you take care of yourself and stay alive. The only way we'll REALLY be lost is it YOU die. Now, I really don't want to see you OR the other version of me croak. So let me protect you. Let me fight by your side. All right, Inigo?


But... ...... *sigh* All right. But promise me—PROMISE ME you won't get yourself killed. Otherwise I'll come back to haunt you. And considering I've got half of you inside me, I can be SCARY when I haunt people.


Nya ha! I believe it! All right, I'd better be extra careful.


Thanks, Father. I know you'll keep your promise.

Edited by Tsamimi
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Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[Note 2: Items not on list have been posted.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Conversations:

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Enter Battle Quotes:

Sully - Pikayoshi

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Panne - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi


Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Brady > Gerome - Ultimafangirl

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Ultimafangirl

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Ultimafangirl

Laurent > Brady - Ultimafangirl

Noire > Kjelle - Ultimafangirl

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 1]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)







[spoiler=Fathers]Chrom - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Pikayoshi


Libra - Wheels



[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 2]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Fathers]Virion - Ultimafangirl



Ricken - Wheels

Libra - Sangyul


[spoiler=Fathers]Chrom - Pikayoshi

Vaike - Ultimafangirl



[spoiler=Fathers]Frederick - Sangyul

Kellam - Wheels

Ricken - Ultimafangirl

Gaius - Zeem


[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 3]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Mothers]Maribelle - Pikayoshi


[spoiler=Fathers]Vaike - Wheels



[spoiler=Fathers]Vaike - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl



[spoiler=Fathers]Lon'qu - Zeem


Edited by Tsamimi
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Ah, I finished to read all the conversations of FP that are here already, some of them were a bit short than others mmm, but all are very good, and poor Ricken was treated like a kid for every one of his possible children hehe

Ah, too bad I can't help with the missing conversations, the only think I can transcrip that wasn't already posted is Gerome-Henry in FP3 :/

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Ah, too bad I can't help with the missing conversations, the only think I can transcrip that wasn't already posted is Gerome-Henry in FP3 :/

If you want, you can take Gerome-Henry from me. I won't be able to get to it until the end of the week anyway.

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[spoiler=Gerome x Henry]

Henry: Hey-o, Gerome! that's you, isn't it?

Gerome: ...Father?!

Henry: It IS you! Whew, good thing I made it. After that blow you took before, I thought I might find you in gooey, gloppy pieces.

Gerome: But you're the one who's supposed to be dead.

Henry: True! The Henry of this world definitely bit the big one. But I'm not him. I came here from another world. I can't stay very long, so point me at the bad guys so I can help out!

Gerome: No. If what you say is true, then I don't need your help. Go back to your own world.

Henry: Whoa, what? That's kinda harsh!

Gerome: I already watched you die once. Do you really think I want to see that again?

Henry: So instead you're going to make me watch you die? Sorry but I'm not scurrying off until I know you're safe.

Gerome: I appreciate the sentiment, but—

Henry: Good! Now that we're on the same page, I know the two of us will get through this.
(Minerva roars)

Gerome: What is it, Minerva?

Henry: Nya ha! Sorry, Minerva. I meant "the three of us." Together, we'll be an unstoppable force of death and destruction!

Gerome: You understand what she said?

Henry: Uh, well... she is family, you know? You and Minerva and Cherche are everything to me. You see why I'm fighting to hard to keep you alive, Gerome?

Gerome: Yes... I suppose I do. All right... Help me, Father. But you had better not die again.

Henry: Don't worry—not planning to!

Gerome: Good. Thank you.

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Looks like these two aren't claimed, so...

[spoiler=Brady/Virion (FP2)]

Brady: *Huff, huff* The Risen just keep comin'...

Virion: Are you all right, Brady?

Brady: Huh?! Who the hell are you, and how do you know my name?

Virion: Ack! C-calm yourself, young man! I have no intention of doing you harm! Don't you recognize me? It is I, Virion—Fatherest of Fathers—come from worlds afar to help you!

Brady: Pop? No... Can it really be you? I guess you do kind of look like him. And you're wearing Ma's matching scarf.

Virion: There, you see? No need to raise your voice and take years off my life... You may not have your mother's mastery of tirades, but you did give me a scare.

Brady: ...Sorry. So if you're really my old man, there's something I need you to hear.

Virion: Well, I am not the same man, but I shall endeavor to listen on his behalf.

Brady: Right, whatever. As long as I get to apologize. ...I really let my pop down.

Virion: Hm? Whatever do you mean?

Brady: My folks always taught me that nobles should be the shield of common folk. That we should defend others. But today I abandoned my friends... The only one I protected was myself. I failed you, Pop. There's nothing noble about me!

Virion: Are you upset over what happened at the bridge?

Brady: You saw it?

Virion: Perhaps I should teach you a noble's other great responsibility.

Brady: There's another one?

Virion: Commitment. Once you decide to do something, you must see it through. You cannot back down from hard choices the moment they start to sting. Make whatever losses you sustain count by finishing what you start. That is true nobility.

Brady: ...Commitment, huh?

Virion: Correct. And what have you committed yourself to at this very moment?

Brady: To deliver the Gemstones... Right.

Virion: Get to it, then. And as for me, my commitment is to protecting you. So allow me to exert my usual grace and escort you back into Ylisse.

Brady: Right. Thanks, Pop. I appreciate it.

[spoiler=Severa/Kellam (FP3)]Severa: *Huff, huff* They're not messing around. But I have to hold out... ...Ah! Archers? No... I'm finished... Huh? I'm still alive? What happened?

Kellam: Severa, are you all right?

Severa: D-Daddy? What are you doing here? I thought you were dead!

Kellam: In this world, I suppose I am... But I come from another world. I'm not the Kellam you know. That's why we're able to talk like this.

Severa: Oh... Well, thanks for protecting me just now. But don't ever do anything like that again.

Kellam: What? But the whole reason I came here was to keep you safe.

Severa: Well, then I guess you wasted your time, didn't you? It's MY job to protect people in this world. Not yours! You gave up your right to do it when you left us.

Kellam: And that's why you risked your life to protect Lucina before.

Severa: Yes! I don't need you anymore. I'm fine without you! And don't you dare make me question that now... Y-you...you don't have the right!

Kellam: You're right, Severa. I'm sorry. I didn't think about how you felt. I came here for selfish reasons, because... Well, because I don't want to watch you die.

Severa: Duh! You think I don't know that? You don't want to watch me die, so I have to watch you die instead. Right? Yeah, that's real fair. But whatever. I'm used to it by now.

Kellam: That's not what I mean. Listen, Severa, how about this... Neither one of us wants to lose the other, right? So why don't we watch each other's backs? That'll make the battle easier on both of us. Well, easier on me, anyway. I can see you don't need any help.

Severa: Hmph... Fine. But don't be embarrassed when I run circles around you.

Kellam: Nothing would make me prouder.

Severa: ...Okay. Thanks, Daddy. You may not be the father I lost, but it's still nice to have you back.

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"But I don't know much longer we have, so...can you stand strong for me now?"

Kjelle/Kellam. Did they mean "HOW much longer"? Error~... (I'm staring at it ingame right now, trying to figure out if it makes sense the way it is.)

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I noticed this wasn't taken either, so here it is.

[spoiler=Donnel > Gerome]Donnel:

Gerome? Is that really you? Reckon I made it just in time!


F-Father?! I must be dreaming...


Hmm? Now, why's that?


Not only am I seeing my dead father, but he's years younger than I remember! I must have hit my head... Either that, or I'm dead...


Oh, you sure ain't dead! And you ain't dreamin', neither! I'm here as sure as the sky's blue. ...Er, blood red.


How can that be?


Well, ya see...I came here from another world to help ya. I may not be able to stay very long, but I'll fight with ya as long as I can.


Another world, is it? Then you may as well be a dream.


What? Well, that sure ain't nice!


Don't get me wrong. I can see that you're no ghost. But a father from another world who isn't here to stay? That sounds like a dream to me. Tomorrow, I shall wonder if this even really happened.


...... Gerome, ya sure you're not just sayin' that to keep from gettin' hurt?


What would you know about my pain? Did you lose your father in some meaningless war? No, I thought not, so--


Actually, I did.




My pa died in the war. It darned near broke my heart too. Course, I can't say I know exactly how ya feel. At least I still got my ma. But I understand a wee bit, and I'm sorry I left ya on your own. At least let me make it up to ya now by fightin' at your side. You're my only son, Gerome.


...... Father...


I may not be the strongest warrior in these here parts...but I'll be damned if I let any harm come to you or Minerva!


Fine, but...how do I know I won't lose you a second time?


I promise! Your pa's plenty tougher than ya remember him, I reckon.


All right. Then lend me your strength, Father. Together we might just pull through this.

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....Uh. Okaaaaay then... FoD3 ending has silly gender differences. >_>

Female Avatar: Grr... Morgan has failed me twice... So much for manipulating the child's sympathies...

Male Avatar: Grr... So the Morgan I sent after your group failed as well. So much for manipulating the children's sympathies...

...Uh, yeah, okaaaay then... Differences just for the sake of differences... Le sigh.

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