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I called Game Stop today.

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Anyways, 'twould be a shame to see FE get overshadowed by anything...

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I called a bunch of gamestops near me, and the answers ranged from "we won't be getting it til the 8th", to "we have no idea when we're getting it", to "it's very likely it'll be coming in tomorrow by noon". Taking an extensive trip tomorrow to drive to every gamestop that answered with the last until I get a copy.

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...ugh. Phone calls range from ok to ridiculous. And don't get me started on non-gaming parents asking about how to download a game off of the online stores for ANY system.

@Xeph Yeah, that happens for my store to, when a game that totally deserves to be hyped ends up behind the next cod or gta. Kids these days!

The phone calls ARE ridiculous, I got called today, a woman bought a 3DS back in august and it broke, and she was under warrenty. She didn't have the receipt and she took the serial number off the system, so I couldn't look it up for the warranty and she BLAME ME for her losing her information.

Also my store has a large amount of a Ni No Kuni left because no one has ANY IDEA what it is -_-

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The phone calls ARE ridiculous, I got called today, a woman bought a 3DS back in august and it broke, and she was under warrenty. She didn't have the receipt and she took the serial number off the system, so I couldn't look it up for the warranty and she BLAME ME for her losing her information.

Also my store has a large amount of a Ni No Kuni left because no one has ANY IDEA what it is -_-

The phone calls are easily the least enjoyable aspect of the job, but I love it regardless. And Ni no kuni is EPIC! Probably the only thing holding me off from pulling a solo angry mob tactic with nintendo and whoever else messed up.

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Just letting some Louisianians know that the game should be coming in on the 5th! At least that's what my GS said :l

Anyone in the Chicagoland area have success getting a copy from Gamestop? I want my artbook ...

If so, which location? Let me know. I called my GS and they say they dont have it. Then some kid on the phone said, "Nintendo never releases games on Monday."

He's telling that to a guy whos been following this game for a year. Like I dont know when release date is.

Anyway, if you're near Chicagoland, please post below if a location has it.


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Then some kid on the phone said, "Nintendo never releases games on Monday."

He's telling that to a guy whos been following this game for a year. Like I dont know when release date is.

Never releases on a Monday? Then he needs to see this:

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When I called all the Gamestops in the area they all gave me the same answer, "We have no idea what is going on, but we did a region wide inventory search and no one has the game in nor has a prospective date for the shipment to arrive." I broke down and bought prepaid cards to get the digital copy and the guy at my Gamestop, who also was waiting on his copy and was subsequently quite disgruntled, seems to think Nintendo is "pulling one over on us."

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Well, I just called in fear of hearing anything other than "You can pick it up today." and they said they're not selling it until tomorrow. Kinda surprised that I'd get it sooner because I wouldn't have thought that Kokomo would get priority.

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Well, I just called in fear of hearing anything other than "You can pick it up today." and they said they're not selling it until tomorrow. Kinda surprised that I'd get it sooner because I wouldn't have thought that Kokomo would get priority.

RAAAAAGE! Kokomo, Indiana? I'm Indianapolis based and had zero luck.

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When I called all the Gamestops in the area they all gave me the same answer, "We have no idea what is going on, but we did a region wide inventory search and no one has the game in nor has a prospective date for the shipment to arrive." I broke down and bought prepaid cards to get the digital copy and the guy at my Gamestop, who also was waiting on his copy and was subsequently quite disgruntled, seems to think Nintendo is "pulling one over on us."

Bah. Well, then I might as well not call my nearest local Gamestop at all. They'll probably just tell me the same thing.

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I just called my Gamestop right now, and they said that while my bundle hasn't come in, they assured me that it would be coming in tomorrow in the morning and that they would call to remind me as well. Considering that I live in the boondocks compared to other places in and around Pittsburgh, I think this should be a good sign that some places shouldn't have to wait until the eighth. And I haven't ever had any real problems with my gamestop, other than the fact that they pulled the same Tuesday release with Pokemon Conquest like right now, but I've been sorta expecting that for a while. I guess for now I'm content - just ONE more day won't kill me.....

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I just called my Gamestop right now, and they said that while my bundle hasn't come in, they assured me that it would be coming in tomorrow in the morning and that they would call to remind me as well. Considering that I live in the boondocks compared to other places in and around Pittsburgh, I think this should be a good sign that some places shouldn't have to wait until the eighth. And I haven't ever had any real problems with my gamestop, other than the fact that they pulled the same Tuesday release with Pokemon Conquest like right now, but I've been sorta expecting that for a while. I guess for now I'm content - just ONE more day won't kill me.....

Hey, I'm from Pittsburgh! Cool that you live by there! ^^

Maybe I should call the nearest local Gamestop and ask at least if they know when they're getting their shipment.

Edited by Anacybele
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Hey, I'm from Pittsburgh! Cool that you live by there! ^^

Maybe I should call the nearest local Gamestop and ask at least if they know when they're getting their shipment.

Oh thats cool! I never seem to know anyone from there on the internet. I live in the North Hills suburb area, but I usually just say I'm from Pittsburgh.

And yes, double check with your stores on when the shipment is coming in; after today, its not about whether they will sell it to you but when it will arrive in the store.

Oh gosh, I can't wait! Its so close guys! (to the people who don't have it yet XD)

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Oh thats cool! I never seem to know anyone from there on the internet. I live in the North Hills suburb area, but I usually just say I'm from Pittsburgh.

And yes, double check with your stores on when the shipment is coming in; after today, its not about whether they will sell it to you but when it will arrive in the store.

Oh gosh, I can't wait! Its so close guys! (to the people who don't have it yet XD)

Yeah, me neither. But great to find another Pittsburgher! I've always been proud to be from there. :3

Anyway, yeah, I'm about to call right now. I want to know at least SOMETHING, so yeah.

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When I went into my Gamestop yesterday, they told me that their shipments come in around 12-2pm. My pre-order would be in either today, tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm going to stop in again to see if it's in.

Apparently no one else in my little town pre-ordered this game...I feel kinda lonely.

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When I went into my Gamestop yesterday, they told me that their shipments come in around 12-2pm. My pre-order would be in either today, tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm going to stop in again to see if it's in.

Apparently no one else in my little town pre-ordered this game...I feel kinda lonely.

While I'm not completely sure, I'm willing to bet that I am one of few, if not the only person that ordered at mine. Like I said earlier, the fact that its coming on the fifth to a relatively low demand store is IMO a good sign. Maybe you people who have it coming in on Friday should check in often this week; it could just be that the 8th is only a projected day of arrival, and it may come earlier.

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