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How I should use seals??


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Alright I really need some help because I'm confused.

Since seals are kinda rare right now, i dont wanna use em all up so:

(1) Do Master and Second seals become more common later? (after chapter 10?)

(2) Which order should I use the seals? I want my avatar to be a dark knight. He's a lvl 18 Tactician. Do I make him a dark mage with second seal and lvl him and then use master seal? Or do I make him grandmaster and get him to 10 and then use second seal? Which is faster?

(3) Will I be able to re class/promote most of my favorite characters? It would kinda suck if I could only have like 2-3 classes that were still lvling up and being stronger, etc.

(4) Which class changes are most beneficial?

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1. They're buyable after Ch. 12 and Ch. 14 respectively

2. Crossclassing to Dark Mage is quicker since if you promote to Grandmaster, you will gain EXP as a promoted unit. However, you will also be somewhat weaker for that period. However, going to Grandmaster and then to Dark Knight will probably make you stronger overall since Grandmaster has better skills.

3. You should be able to do this.

4. It depends. Usually you want to class change into classes that let you keep your weapon ranks and/or that have skills that synergize with what you currently have

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Grandmaster will get you some amazing skills, as well as better strength growth. Grandmaster gets Ignis at 5 and Rainbow Cry at 15. Ignis can add some major damage to your attacks(on skill activation) while Rainbow Cry is probably the best skill in the game. GM will take you a little more time but I'd definitely recommend it.

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Well, as long as you think I'll safely slide into a decently leveled Dark Knight by end game?

Further more, would Gerome be more useful as a Wyvern master or a hero?

Also, if one of my characters is already level maxed, but im on chapter 11, Should i spend one of my only seals on them, or wait till theyre more abundant?

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Well, as long as you think I'll safely slide into a decently leveled Dark Knight by end game?

Further more, would Gerome be more useful as a Wyvern master or a hero?

Also, if one of my characters is already level maxed, but im on chapter 11, Should i spend one of my only seals on them, or wait till theyre more abundant?

1st question don't know. Not that far yet. If anyone can go through a reclass without grinding though it'll be the MU because of Veteran.

EDIT: Although I will say the MU should be strong enough to where leveling as a dark knight shouldn't be necessary to be strong. Especially with swords and tomes both transferring over.

Second question depends on preference. Wyvern Lord has Quick Burn, Hero has Sol, both have weapon breakers. Wyvern has more move but wind/arrow weakness. Hero has more speed/skill. What do you value more?

Third question depends also depends on preference. If s/he is only unit that's near the 20's you might want to just use it because other people will have levels to gain before they need to use a seal. If you've got other guys getting up to 17 and 18 you might want to wait till one of them hits 20 and promote/reclass them instead. Either way you'll want to ration how much you use the character because of EXP loss.

Edited by Darth_Lavos
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