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Don't know what mode to play anymore X_X


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I tried hard mode but when I tried to do the children sidequests the enemy forces were well out of my league, I started a normal mode I just steamrolled right through it. Should I keep going with normal or do hard mode again now that I know what I'm up against. Also when is a good time to start doing the children sidequests.

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I would recommend hard, and I used one focused team (I paired up the characters I didn't use via grinding) and I did most of the children's quests as soon as they were available. (Wanted to recruit my Avatar's children first, so I did 10 then 12, and the rest in a random order.) Although I had a few promoted units (Avatar, Chrom, Virion, Cordelia, and Sumia) so that helped.

FYI the Children's sidequests are for the most part harder than the main story.

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At around chapter 15-16, Cynthia's was relatively easy. Noire's is a bit difficult but definitely doable, and Jerome's is still basically impossible at my point (roughly chapter 18), unless there's no point in protecting the villagers.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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I know morgan, Kjelle, and Owain's are the easiest. so i should save the rest til post game? cuz the all the other ones destroy me

I wouldn't say until the post game, but it all depends on your skill level/whether your units have gotten good level ups/you have a few promoted units that aren't Frederick, because if I remember correctly a lot of the enemies have forged silver weapons. (I did this all on hard mode)

I managed to do most of them after Chapter 13, then wanted to progress the story so I did the remaining four (8, 13, 14, 15) as I progressed through the story.

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