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BigKlingy's Playthrough Log 2: Awakened

Big Klingy

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And speaking of Anna..... ARRRRRRRRRRGH! You already know why she makes me angry, so I'll save it. I've lost a LOT of respect for her, seriously. I've actually decided not to pair my Avatar with her in any furure playthroughs, unless she does something REALLY amazing when I actually get her...

Hey, the "THUNDERATION!" guy is back! And a Physic staff! Great, I was thinking I could use one of those about now... wait, you want me to use it to heal Anna..............


Oh, so you give me the staff that could have healed for from range NOW, when I'm now in range of regularv staves, AND the danger has long since passed?!?!?! You couldn't have SOMEHOW gotten one to me EARLIER?? Then I COULD HAVE AVOIDED THIS WHOLE AI FIASCO!!!!! AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGHHH!

Okay, it's official, whoever designed this chapter is a troll. It's now my most hated chapter in the game.


Trolled. xD

I seriously dread to think how hard saving her on Lunatic would be. It'd probably be a pure luck-based affair.

She'd be dead.

And as if I didn't need any more relief, Mariabelle leveled up... and got Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Luk, Res. "One step closer and I'll be forced to maim you.", she says. "Fighting is not really my thing, I'm more into tea... BUT I'LL RIP YOU TO PIECES IF YOU TOUCH ONE HAIR ON RICKEN'S..."


HP: 32

Str: 19

Mag: 1

Skl: 18

Spd: 18

Luk: 25

Def: 16

Res: 7

That's Lv 1, by the way.

And learned Armsthrift! Now that's interesting, the skill activates on Luck x2 %, so with his ridiculous Luck of 25, he's got a 50% chance of not reducing weapon usage on every attack!

Wait a minute.

Nintendo nerfed that ability now? It's supposed to be infinite in the Japanese version.

Speaking of reclassing, due to the fact you seem to keep most of your stats when you do it, it looks as though changing or promoting early might have its advantages. I may do so with Panne. Thing is, my current FE mentality considers it unthinkable to promote at anything but 20. It's going to take a LOT of willpower to resist it.

That's why I often promote early.

Especially recommended if their secondary weapon level, that was locked before starts at E level and wanting to get enough time to put it to higher levels.


They only need to be at level ten whenever changing them with a Change Seal.

Seciondly, 3DS capture cards don't work on XLs at the current time, only regular 3DSes.

And the fact that it is needed to record this damn game!

First village saved, and hi again THUNDERATION! guy! A Rescue staff... that would have been good, were Anna merchants on the world map not giving them out like candy. I already have one, though I've never had to use it yet.

Were thankful that these staves can be bought to endure rescues at all in this game.

Edited by Katarina
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The way to get around it is, set your location to Alberta Canada. The US store won't accept credit cards outside the US, so you'll have to pay extra to import eShop cards to use. The Canadian store however, lets you use an Aussie credit card, and has the lowest tax. Champion's Pack was $4.20 for me, and Golden Pack was $6.30

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NOTICE: I woud REALLY appreciate help with how to get DLC with my Australia card soon. We're about ready to take on Champion 3 and we could REALLY use some grinding about now.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Wheels. Am downloading Champions Pack as we speak.

Why did you stop using stahl and sully? They become extremely useful after you get out of the desert.

I know. It's just that, while I like them, they;re not my fovourite characters. I choose the people in my main team based off who I like, not just who's most useful. I play for story more than gameplay, after all.

That said, I havent "stopped using them". Characters not on my 'main' list will be used (and often moreso) in skirmishes, paralogues and DLC. And I'm making sure they're all promoted and Lv 5 at least by the time the children come. You'll be seeing more of Stalh and Sully, trust me.

Katarina, while your comments are great could you try not to reply inside my quotes? Because I'm having trouble re-quoting them. I'm pretty sure Armsthrift never always worked, but (Luck x2)% is VERY high. Donny's max Luck is 48. That means a 96% chance of not lowering weapon uses, which means you can effectively treat anything on him as being infinite use. Well, not quite, but them may as well be. Donnel's cap mods are actually pretty bad overall, so he actually kinda struggles once everyone else hits max, but I still consider him amazing for that skill combo alone.

Also, I haven't mentioned, but he's going Demon Fighter the moment that DLC is released. I think being able to do a wide variety of things will really suit his great overall growths.

Okay, this update is gonna be LONG. One paralogue, two story chapters, several significant skirmishes, a reclass and a whole slew of S supports. I hope you're all ready.

Firstly, a merchant spawned... selling Hammerne??? Wow, that's generous. I'll take that even if I have to sell some of my weapons! I also happened upon another Sigurd's Lance, and realised about now that Sumia can use them. They're very powerful, but now that she Dual Strikes with Chrom so much I'm a little worried about giving her rare weapons, for fear of burning their uses quickly. Then again, I do have two.

Sigh... looks like it's time for Paralogue 3... I'm NOT looking forward to this.... So we meet who I like to call Derp, Herpderp and TiddlyTudd, the Three Villager Stooges! Will they dethrone the generic Caelin soldiers of FE7 and Lachesis' three knights as the worst NPCs in the series? Let's find out!

Oh well, at least they start reasonably close to you, and there's a lot of hindering terrain between the Risen and them. But you still need to get there fast: with no rescuing system blocking the enemies is the only way to help them. So Sumia gives Chrom a little Pegassistance to kill the closest enemies. The Vaike and the Cordelia meanwhile are tasked with the zombie pegasi on the western mountain. I have a feeling they're going to be annoying. Nowi and Donnel, needing more quality time togeather, make their way toward the village, aiming to head for the lower boss, who's a Soldier for some reason. And stuck on a mountain moving 1 space a turn. We won't have to worry about him for a while.

It's at times like these when the Lock In All Ranges button comes in REALLY handy. If a villager is in the purple death zone, it means you have to do something about it FAST. A few got hammered by the Armour's javalins from across the river, but as long as they're not being doubled they're fine. But when you take half your health from a Nerfalin you KNOW something's wrong...

Speaking of the Stooges, they seeem to be running sideways. Huh, I half expected them to charge foward, so that was kinda a relief...

Until turn 4, when one of them ran right into range of the pegasus knights. And I couldn't block all routes of attack, as I'd just had Vaike get a kill, which means he and Cordelia were stuck with on-foot movement for the turn! I proceeded to learn the hard way that if a pegasus so much as TOUCHES one of the Stooges, they're dead, dead, dead. Period. Restart time!

Okay, so this time I remembered to send the Cordelia to the mountain and lure the pegasi early. It seems the best strategy here is to kill them quickly early on, because they're right in the villagers derp route. Sigh.

In other knews, Nowi found an event tile and "Practiced her dragon RAWWW!" so she could scare more bad guys. Aww, isn't that adorable... and utterly useless, since that's her WEXP quote and Manaketes don't have weapon ranks! ARRGH!

The village nets us a Blessed Bow, which not only recovers HP every turn, but it's effective against zombies (read: Revenants and Entombed). Didn't Gaiden have a weapon like that? Or am I thinking of Tear Ring Saga?

Then I found out Chrom can talk to the villagers. Yes, I really hope this is like FE4 and it makes them leave them map instantly...

Of course not. They promise to repay us if they survive the battle. That's a really big if, Stooges.

Speaking of which it seems they're all trying to escape via that little path below the mountains in the bottom left corner of the map. The pegasi are gone, but there's still a fighter there and... yep, they all ran into his range. Well, we know who's dying next!

Meanwhile the boss got destroyed by Donnel and Nowi. "You like dragons?"

And so we're in the clear, all three Villager Stooges are finally safe. And they're about to give us our promised reward...

Seraph Robe, nice, nice...







Okay.... calm down.... calm down...

I take it back, Paralogue 2 is no longer my most hated chapter. This one isn't hard, really, it's just... so

pointless. No new characters, no significant story, annoying NPCs and the reward isn't really worth it. It's not even connected to any other paralogue subplots, in fact, it's got virtually no plot at all: the enemies are generic Risen, and they're attacking villages. Like they always do. I was half expecting something interesing about the village not letting refugees in, like the mayor was secretly a Risen or something, or it was an underground Grima cult. But no, they're just dicks who think the Risen are someone else's problem. This is probably the only time the game dissapointed me, thank goodness the next story chapters made up for it.

Donnel and Nowi finally reached C. She talks about cooking things with her dragon breath, and he says he'll just make a fire instead.

"Now's not the time to be turning into a dragon."

"But I like turning into a dragon."

Nowi does have some good lines, I'll say. But Manakete attacks seem more ice-oriented in this game...

I'd also like to point out Donnel says "Horse Apples". There's no way that could be a coincidence.

Lissa and Lon'qu also reached S, but I held off on that till a bit later. Yet another skirmish just spawned on the north road.

And it seems the difficulty is a lot lower than I've had in others. Skirmishes at Donnel's place has regular enemies around Lv 12, and bosses as high as 17. Here they were all 7's with the boss at 9. I'm guessing that, like the Reeking Box says, Risen strength varies by location. Phew, and here I was worrying they were getting exponentially stronger.

Not much to say about this one other than Miriel getting possibly the best combination of crit quote and victory quote so far:

"Your demise is nigh..." ,crit, "Asine knave."

At this point, I felt I needed a little more grinding for both stats and supports. But there were no Risen left on the map. Hmm...

Let's look through the Spotpass teams again. Let's see now... not Nino... but Serra looks promising. After all, we get a boss that can't fight and lots of innacurate axe users. As well as her three "husbands".

So it's decided.

Team Dragonkin VS Serra and her Harem!

Funnily emough, they spawned over at Donnel's place. Let's git'r done!

Okay, she's a Lv 14 Cleric (with better Speed than Lissa, mind) with Physic. "Not Erk" has Arcfire, "Not Oswin" has a Silver Lance and "Not Matthew" only has a Steel, but very high speed. They look the toughest of the bunch, and they're all above us. Some of the fighters have hand axes, others don't.

And yeah, they don't kind when they say "the team may be stronger at higher difficulties". It seems HM gives they guys bigger boosts than main story enemies. But that's fine, I like a challenge.

Donnel manages to find Gaius' Confect, so I had him use it before fighting "Not Matthew". He's not to tough but... damn it Serra stop Physicing him! On the lower front, Stahl and Sully team up again, but Sully needs exp more... but that's a serious problem against those axes with her WTD. In the end, I settled on her leeching off enemies the Vaike and the Cordelia weakened.

"Not Matthew" goes down, but neither Donnel nor Nowi can put a dent in "Not Oswin"'s defence, and "Not Erk" is ready to blast them from behind him. Looks like it's time for Ricken to show his stuff... and not double. Drat. Oh well, it weakened him quite a bit, and Serra's out of Physic range, though she's closing in. I'm not gonna let that happen.

I'd just like to mention how much Acrfire looks like Flamethrower from the Pokemon games. Seriously.

Eventually "Not Oswin" goes down, but "Not Erk" and his Not Flamethrower sill put a pretty big dent in us. But Sully and Stalh just took Serra down with a Dual Attack, so I've almost got this.

One last husband left (and coincidently the one I prefer Serra with. Cue flame war in 3...2...). Ricken deals the first hit, then Donny and Nowi finish with a Dual. Serra Get! (I still want Karl and Jaffar...)

So Nowi and Donnel get to B, and they talk about the rock his father gave him. He says it has some kind of hidden power in it, and while it looks like nothing it actually has amazing potention. cough*metaphor*cough. Actually I'm getting a serious Bugs Life vibe from this. It's a rock!

Meanwhile the Vaike and the Cordelia get to A. More training to beat Chrom, blah blah blah.

Fred and Miriel also hit A. She always wondered what friendship could be, so she wants Frederick to share its magic with her. She says it could help her fight better. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that only works if you're a magical unicorn, but you're welcome to go ahead and try it!

Aaaaand that's as far as they go for now. Unfortunatly she's been regulated to "playing the field", if you know what I mean. Libra is coming soon, and she'll build supports with him. I'll then decide based on whose I like the most.

And I thought it was about time: Lissa and Lon'qu are now Husbando and Waifu! Shame we can't really benefit from the awesome dual strikes while she's still a Cleric though. Their support is pretty much what I remember, and I still like them. Though I understand why Frederick and Vaike are also popular. It'll usually be one of those three for me, except in my Chrom Family Challenge Playthrough, where it'll be Donny, because I need SOMEONE with Aptitude.

I can't wait till Owain though, I hear he's awesome.

And not to feel left out, Ricken and Mariabelle reached S too! How fitting that the two best friends get engaged at the same time.

Now this one I found really sweet, especially the end. I actually really like this pairing, for some reason I can't quite explain. A few hilights:

Maribelle: …This is a signet ring. And it bears your house crest! Ricken, I cannot accept this. Such a token is best reserved for your future wife.

Ricken: Yes. I know.

:facepalm: I picture him facepalming here.

Maribelle: Oh, moldy caviar! How could I have been so daft? It seems you and I are proposing the same thing.


Ricken: Oh, Maribelle! I’ve been in love with you since the moment we met! I’ll make you happy! I swear it!



No, NO. NO. Oh come on. That's just ridiculous. There's no way that could have just happened. That can't possibly be...

Okay, it's official. Mariabelle is reminding me a little too much of a certain somepony now. Now I need to promote her. And get her a forged weapon. I already have an idea what I'll call it...

On an unrelated note, all the talk of tea in her supports makes me picture her going Tea Time. I'm soooooo playing this when she promotes:


And that's all for supports now. Phew.

And well, I've put it off for too long. Time for tragedy.

Chapter 9: Emmeryn

Nice short, simple chapter title. I like it. Anyway, a random Plegia reports to Gangrel and Aversa that they can't tell for sure if Chrom is with the attacking force due to the desert. Nice plan in-game me, nice. Though I would appreciate you telling out-of-game me first.

Anyway, first law of evil empires: never EVER report your failure to your boss. Especially if they're know as "Mad King". Seriously, just send a letter. "Just wanted to tell you I let them get away. And that I'm taking an extended, unplanned vacation. With my family and everyone you could possibly hold hostage. Bye." But this guy's an enemy grunt in an FE game, of course he's an idiot. And so the inevitable happens. I preffer to immagine the scene going something like this:

Avera: ...Actually you've done a very good job. I think you deserve a hug...

Soldier: Oh wow, yeah, of course I'ld like a GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH [Chainsaw noises]

Avarsa: Aaah, that was a good hug.

Weirdly enough she executes him with a sword. Which she can't use. Hmm...

And then the Avatar gets one of those occumency of whatever that Creepy Vloxymort Dream thing that happens in Harry Potter 5 is. But anyway, here we go.

...So Plegia is makinh Emmeryn walk the plank. Sorry, that's the first thing that sprang to mind. And then we have one very well-aimed hand axe. Hmm, so I'm guessing Flavia is an Axe Hero. That sounds interesting.

And so begins Operation Inevitable Tragedy. Now I'm going into this chaptter knowing something happens, but not whwn or how. Anyway, the first thing I notice is that Gangrel and Aversa are on the map. Ah, the obligatory "major boss shows up early to show off his awesome stats them leaves" thing, a Fire Emblem classic. But astute players will notice Aversa's stats are much higher than Gangrel's. Hmm...

And taking another scan of the map, we find two new allies hee: Libra von Girlymonk and Yandere Tharja. I'm pretty sure both are recruited with Chrom, so he'll need to move fast. Libra's an NPC with okay stats and a Killer Axe, but I know full well just how quickly NPCs die in this game, so I won't take any chances. Tharja on the other hand is an enemy, presumable with Matthis Syndrome. But that's fine: she's long-ranged so I don't have to worry about accidently counterkilling her.

So, who's going in? Well, Chrom and Sumia for a start, as well as Lissa and Lon'qu. Emmeryn's siblings and siblings-in-law, natch. We've got 12 people this time, and PLEEEEASE tell me that's not all we ever get. I really hated FE12's low deploy counts. But anyway, I need myself and Panne, since I want us at S before the end of the first arc. Plus she's sooooo close to Beastbane, but her stone is fast running out. I've given her a Second Seal and Bronze Sword for when the time comes.

Vaike and Cordelia could do with a little more grinding. Donnel and Nowi will go too. That leaves room for... aww heck, newlyweds Ricken and Mariabelle go! Let's do this!

Okay, so you're in desert for the start of the chapter, but we get on to plains quickly. That's nice. And I think Gangrel's kinda snapped now... Anyway, Chrom hurries forward with Sumia, while the others edvance kinda slowly. Libra, as I expected, got shot with a few arrows. But then a Dark Mage attacked and... derp, nothing. Speaking of which, Nowi is a freaking tank when trained up: about three enemies piled in on them, all doing nothing. I love than Manaketes are 1-2 ranged now! They can counter Archers!

Though actually her stone is running very low. Man those go out fast now. At least I saw Gangrel has one on him and... wait. Dragonstone, not Beaststone. Ah. This could be a problem, I was banking on Panne getting another beaststone soon...

Anyway, Libra does great at killing mages, but not so good against everything else. Fortunately, he talks to Chrom automatically when he's in range. Nice, that saves me a lot of work. And their conversation is gold. What is it with this game and hilarious recruitments.

"Man, sir. Man of the cloth."

"Well this is rather awkward."

Libra assures him it could have got a lot more awkward. A LOT more. Errrrr...... Yeah, I believe Virion can attest to that. I do like Libra's boice though. Actually it reminds me of Haku from Naruto, which makes a lot of sense, but that's certainly no bad thing.

So we now have Grilymonk and his Ward Staff. Which... is ranged in this game? Eh? Still, I preffer to use it as "free exp yay" staff, so off to Lissa with you! (Seriously, I think the Khadein chapters in FE11 and 12 are the ONLY times in the ENTIRE series I've used Ward for its intended purpose.) One recruit down, one to go.

The boss wonders where the Wyvern Brigade that'll be cutting off our escape is. So nice to tell us that this map will use the "reinforcements from the start that will trip up players who bring weak units and keep them back" trick. I remember that being most annoying in FE7 due to Merlinus. Especially in Cog of Desting, which combined it with a recruitable character. Anyway, we've long past the start point now, but that means someone will need to be on Wyvern duty...

That'll be the Vaike, the Cordelia, Ricken and Mariabelle. Do your worst, demon-spawn! (In case you guys don't know, I hate Wyverns and anything resembling or refferencing them. FE12 Wyverns traumatised me.)

...I didn't expect reinforcements from the forts near the boss at the same time though. Fortunately they were nothing I couldn't handle.

In other news, I kinda like Pairing Up Stone users (Nowi and Panne), as Dual Strike kills help conserve stone usage. Donny's doing just that for his soon-to-be-dragon waifu. Oh, and she keeps getting ridiculous level ups. Which means they're perfect for eachother.

...Actually, speaking of which, does Armsthrift work with Stones? Because although Donnel can't pass it down (he needs to pass Aptitude, after all), he will pass down the Merc class so Nah can learn it... that has interesting prospects.

Meanwhile Vaike hit something with a hammer. Does that make it Hammertime or Vaike Time? Or both? Vaikehammertime? Hammer Vaike time?

Tharja gets lured with Panne. This is kind of a statement to her: don't go all stalker on me, or my bunny waifu will murder you. Anyway Chrom recruits, and now we have another female to pair. I think I'll grind her in skirmishes for the moment.

Now boss time. Ah, the obligatory early-game General... with over 20 def. I would just Magic him into oblivion, but Chrom really should be the one to do this. Well, he DOES have a Rapier, maybe it's about time I use it...

So he does about 10 each hit, 20 with doubling. Crit rate about 10. What's annoying though is Sumia's Dual Strikes can't even scratch the boss. Dang it. Still, after a few rounds....

Chrom: "NOW I'M ANGRY!!!"

Bye bye boss. That was soooooo fitting. And he then proceeds to level up and get everything except Skill, which he doesn't need much of anyway. Yes Gangrel, you'd better watch out, he's REALLY angry today. No-one stands between him and his BSBFF. (That doesn't have quite the same ring to it...)

Okaaaay, spoilery stuff next, so I'll put it in tags:

So we've got a plan, send in the NPC Pegs! That'll work. Of course Aversa out-gambitted us and summons a bunch of Risen in one turn. That's against the rules, isn't it? Screw the rules, the has Shadowgift. And speaking of screwed...

BANG! No more Plila. I kinda figured that had to happen sooner or later. Actually she remings me a lot of FE4's Manya: a powerful Pegasus commander who gets unavoidably killed off as an NPC. That means no Triangle Attack in this game, sadly. But with all these broken support bonuses, who needs it?

The generic pegs with her don't get the honour of battle animations. And now the plan's gone horribly wrong. You know, if in-game-me and real-me swapped places, I'd have done things differently. I would have planned for the inevitable ambush and has a backup-backup plan ready. Something like:

Aversa: Heeheehee. I summon Archer Death Squad!

Me: Oh NOOOOOOOO... psyche! Turns out my Pegasus NPC Squad are all equipped with Iote's Shields! I've also brought Phila's husband, they're going to Dual Strike you into oblivion. ...Oh, and Sumia's already rescued Emmeryn.

But no, we have to have the inevitable plot tragedy.

Speaking of which... things get worse. We have a choice: give up the Emblem and doom our country, or keep it and lose Emmeryn. You get a Yes/No propmt for "Do you want to sacrifice Emmeryn", of course I chose No, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't make a difference either way. Likda like the choice you have in Justice for All's final case, in which I incidently also chose not to sacrifice the hostage. In games, there's always a way you can end up saving both...

Expect here, where, as I LONG since guessed, Emmeryn does the obvious. And turns Chrom emo. DAMN IT, HE WAS A LIKABLE PROTAGINIST! I kid. Anyway... yeah. I kinda knew this was coming, and I also know she's not dead, which cheapens the wham factor of this a lot. But still, powerful stuff.

...Aaaaaaaand naturally the game would have to provide some moodclash! A paralogue is now available... another Bandit Bros one. Umm.... way to kill the mood, seriously. I won't do this just yet.

But what I WILL do is a skirmish: Risen just spawned at the Border Pass, and there's an Anna there! You know what that means: Rescue the Anna Mission, everyone's favourite...

Though it's a lot better than the last one, as she starts close to us and there are few enemies. I think Chrom and Sumia will sit this one out, they need some time alone after... what happened. Me and Panne need to keep grinding our suppot though. And now I can bring back Kellam to support Tharja. I feel a little sorry for him, really, but I do kinda like their supports.

Speaking of Tharja, she'll love this: there appear to be THREE droppable Nosferatus here! So I can go crazy with hers as much as I want...

Though two things soon became apparent: fiestly, she has awful Skill. REALLY awful skill. I know I keep saying Skill is the least useful stat, and that's true... unless it's REALLY low, and your weapons have low it rates too. Gonzales in FE6 really has a problem with that, and Tharja seems to be basically a magic version of him, gameplay-wise. I know you're meant to reclass her to Archer to make up her Skill, but Datk Mage is more in-character for her, so...

Secindly, Nosferatu's been nerfed. Instead of healing you by the full amount you do, it now works like draining moves in the Pokemon games: you recover half the damage you did. Though given Dark Mages are REALLY tanky now, and you can rack up huge amounts of damage in this game, I'd say that's fair.

Kellam is a pretty nice Pair Up partner for her though. They compliment each other's Defence and make for a great chokepointer. And they kill stuff, but slowly...

Unlike me and Panne here. Now that we're at A, we now have like 20% crit rates at minimum ALL THE TIME. I think I heard the game breaking. The boss attacked us, the inevitable happened, and he drops an Arcwind... which I can use. FINALLY! It's about time we got some good magc tomes. Now we just need a shop that sells them...

And for saving the Anna, we get a free Brave Axe! Great, much better than those Three Stooges a few hours ago...

Nowi and Donnel are now A. THe conversation hasn't really changed much, so they actually kept most of Nowi's quirks, while makeing them less creepy. She's kinda more 'weird' rather than 'childish' now. And I took this time to give Tharja that Secret Book I got in Chapter 6. At least that'll go SOME way at helping her hit rate...

Panne just learned Beastbane, so as you guys recommend, it's reclass time!

Thief Lv 1

HP: 35

Str: 17

Mag: 2

Skl: 18

Spd: 20

Luk: 19

Def: 12

Res: 3

Aaaaand shes' blowing Gaius out of the water. Shame, I do kinda want to use him more. But I guess she'll stay like this until Lethality. Though I found out something interesting which I never knew was the case. I'll explain it here:

When you promote to a new class, you can see the types of Bonus Damage thay're weak to in the top right corner of their stat profile. Now Panne as a Wyvern Rider showed Pegasus, Dragon and Horse icons, which means she's weak to weapons good on fliers, dragons and beasts. But as a thief, the Beast icon was still there.

This means that Beast and Dragon weaknesses are not only determined by class, but by race. Even when not a Taguel, Panne is still weak to beast-killing weapons. The same should hold true for Manaketes.

So if you're using either of these two and are thinking of reclassing, remember they'll keep their racial vulnerabilities. Keep them away from Beastkillers/Wyrmslayers.

That's something I'm going to have to keep in mind, because I hear later enemies start using Beast Killers. They are going to be first on my death priotity list.

Now to go to the convoy and equip Tharja with all those Nosferatus I got. Hmm, that's odd, I don't see any here. That's strange, I felt for sure... wait a minute.

They were FORGED, not droppable! Damn it! The colours is kinda similar, how did I not realise!

Forged weapons in skirmishes already. This can't be good.

And now we go on to:

Chapter 10: Don't you dare mock my sis Renewal

Okay, the opening makes no sense if you went and did skirmishes, or even the Paralogue, as you're apparently now escaping the place you were in Chapter 9. But still...

The... music.... and it keeps playing on the prep screen. Sniff. Okay, who goes in... lol, we get 13 deployment slots now. Kinda fitting considering how unlucky that last chapter was, plot-wise. Chrom and Sumia are DEFINATELY in, as are me and the now-thief Panne. Lissa and her husband will go too, and the Vaike and the Cordelia will want to be there for Chrom as well. I remember there being Wyvern reinforcements here, so Virion will go. Libra respected Emmeryn a lot, so he'll go too, and Miriel to support with him. Donnel and Nowi and... is that everyone? Yep. Okay, let's do this. AWESOME MUSIC GO NOW, IT'S PAYBACK TIME!

And dang, why'd they have to make the boss such a nice guy. He may be possibly the nicest generic boss in the series. Heck, he DOESN'T EVEN WANT TO FIGHT YOU! Nor do his men, apparently. I'd feel sad for them...

But this chapter more gets me in the mood for a Roaring Rampage of Revenge. Seriously, this may be hands-down one of my favourite FE chapters ever, just for how emotional it is. Only FE4's Chapter 5 came this close. Sure it's sad, but it also makes you go I WILL NOT FAIL AGAIN, EVERYONE HERE IS GOING DOWN. DON'T YOU DARE MOCK MY SISTER'S WORDS!!!! The music exemplifies this too.

So basically this chapter consisted of a bunch of Doubled pairs going around like this:


More? What did you say... I thought I heard you mock my sister's words? DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MOCK MY SISTER'S WORDS!? *CRIT* *CRIT*

Sumia: Don't you dare mock my sister-in-law's words!!! *CRIT*

Donny: Ah don't really know who this 'sister' was but AH'M STILL GONNA DESTROY EVERYTHING! YEEEEEHAAAAAAAW!

Donnel has officially become a one-man-army by now, seriously. Has has better stats than Ogma did im most of my FE12 runs... as a Lv 15 Hero. And Donnel's only a quarter of the way through his UNPROMOTED levels!

Okay, so there are thieves getting away with items, like Master Seals and Seraph Robes. And the boss hates them as much as we do? Argh, stop it game!!! Sumia chases them all down easily.

You know what, it was about now that I wished the volume went higher on my 3DS. It's aready at max, but this music deserves higher!

Oh, what's that? You're bringing in reinforcements? Great! More exp and RAAAAAAGE for me! Bring them on, bring them ALL on!

There's a lot, but none of them were real threats. The hand axe Wyverns insisted on attacking Virion from range, for one... anyway, lots of crits and exp later and only the boss was left. Sniff, this may be the hardest thing I've ever had to do so far... why'd they have to make him so nice? And supports and background material reveal he both helped Olivia hide and gave Henry food, i.e. he helped both halves of my sister's OTP. Nooooooooooo!

I wanted to see if Chrom had a convo with him, but he doesn't. That's strange. But I did notice this guy has a droppable Beaststone. I knew we'd get another sooner or later! That means I'll want to have Panne finish him, but I want Chrom in on this too... so I did the unthinkable: I separated him from Sumia. Turns out doing that prevented him being able to double. Anyway, after a bit of weakening, Panne was able to do the honours. I'll keep that second Beaststone on her for the time being, though she won't be back in bunny form for a while yet.

...And so it ends. We then get a scene that's so depressing Chrom quotes his death voice clip during the dialogue. Yeah. But then we get awesomeness:

Nowi says a line. Then Tharja. Then Lon'qu. Is this what I think it is? It's an "everyone says a line" moment! This early?! Wow, this game is amazing. After Lon'qu is Virion and Ricken.

There's a bit more talking, then we get Lissa, Mariabelle, Stahl, Sully, Libra, Sumia, Kellam, Vaike, Gregor, Panne, and finally Frederick contributing to cheer up Emochrom. Wait, did I write that down right? I don't see Donny here... maybe Paralogue characters are excluded. Anyone know if Anna says something if you do Paralogue 4 before Ch 10?

And so after that we're resolved to defeat Gangrel once and for all... but first, we've got another AID! (Anna In Distress) And at the same place too! I kinda like leaving merchants on the map, it means more free stuff! We deal with that quickly for some free Spirit Dust. And...

Vaike and Cordelia reached S...

and my Avatar and Panne did too!

What, is that 4 Ses in one day? I'm on a roll here! Vaike and Cordelia's was pretty much how I remember it from the Jp. Conversation thread, except for this:

Vaike: Truly? You’ll marry me?! Gods blow me down if this ain’t the best day of the Vaike’s whole life!

Cordelia: Well the Cordelia feels the exact same way, hee hee…

Aha, I knew it! I was calling her that before it was cool.

I promised wouldn't post any of the S convos my sister has scribed, but I guess since it's my avatar this one's kinda special, so here:

Panne: Mmm, that was excellent. Delicious, as always, [Name].

MU: Not a widely held opinion, but thanks.

Panne: That suits me fine. I get your food all to myself. More warmth for me.

MU: I suppose it’s warm, at least…not a very high bar, is it?

Panne: No. Not the warmth. I mean it warms my heart. I had forgotten what that felt like. I was alone for so long…

MU: ……

Panne: …Heh, I am being gloomy again. Forget I said anything.

MU: Panne, I…Here.

Panne: Wait, this is…?

MU: It’s a ring, Panne. I want you to marry me.

Panne: …Marry?

MU: Oh, well…Marriage is when two people promise to stay with each other for life. You mean so much to me. It tears me up to think of you being alone…You’ve had too much of that already. …Let me be your family.

Panne: You would do that?

MU: If you’ll let me, yes.

Panne: And I would never be alone again?

MU: Not for as long as I lived.

Panne: And will you cook for me every day?

MU: If you want, sure.

Panne: …I knew you were kind, Name. But this…I’m happier than I believed possible! This is better than the first time I tried your carrot stew!

MU: Well I should HOPE I’m better than that!

Panne [voiced confession]: To think that I might love a human. Oh, what a strange world this is…

Funny, ol' BigKlingy pretty much stated my exact reasoning for doing this pairing right there. That's kinda a weird coincidence. Plus, it means Yarne gets to have a sibling, like he wants, apparently. (According to event tiles with his parents) And he's not the last of his kind anymore. (Except Morgan's circumstances are weird so it's not entirely the best outcome, but still.)

Funny how the Avatar's cooking is apparently terrible by human standards, but non-humans love it. One more thing: I seem to remember her confesssion being a little different in Japanese. I didn't look at any of their jp. supports (this was the one pairing I decided not to spoil myself on), but I did hear her confession once, and I'm pretty sure she specifically said something about not being alone there. Still, the English support got that point across enough as it is.

After that, we have... what's THIS!?

Risen? In Ylisstol?!?! After THAT tragic fiasco??

This cannont, this will not stand. DON'T YOU DARE MOCK MY SISTER'S CASTLE!!!!!!

Several minutes and many re-dead Risen later... (including an Entombed I decided to have Virion test out his shiny new Blessed Bow on). I'm pretty sure that was Aversa being a troll and rubbing salt in Chrom's wounds. She's going to PAY for that one day...

From that we get Kellam and Tharja C, which is interesting. Firstly:

"The last person who snuck up on my like that isn't a person anymore!"

Heh, I admit Tharja can be hilarious in a dark way sometimes. Though this conversation shows she's not completley heartless: she cares about her family, apparently, and was writing a litter to them.


Donnel and Nowi S!!!!!!!

Oh come on. That's 5. 5 S Supports in one session! I guess since the children sidequests will be available soon, they make them fast, but still...

This one is, again, almost the same as the Japanese version, just with less 3rd person. Donnel and Nowi is actually kinda sweet, they both seem to be on a similar maturity level, at least in this localisation. Though I'd appreciate if they lay off talking about rabbit trapping around Panne... (Speaking of which, I heared Donnel/Panne is one of the most hilariously awkward pairings you can make. They bond by her falling into his traps.)

Phew, that was a BIG update. Next time will be Super Bandit Bros 2: Revenge of the Anna.

Edited by Big Klingy
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Ha, we actually share a good number of ships~ and if you're worried about Tharja, I'd pair her up with Virion, at least until you get Cherce (at least I think that's who you're pairing him with). His skill bonus really helps her out, and they seem to preform quite well together, even though I didn't have them married to each other (Virion X Cherce and Tharja x Henry yay~).

And yeah, Donny-boy is such a beast once you get him out of his rut as a Villager. I swapped him into Mercenary at level 10 I think (Underdog wasn't really worth it IMO) and he capped all but his HP, MAG and RES by level 16. :D

Oh, and if you plan on training Olivia, I'd swap her into the Myrmidon class once she hits level 15, grind her up to a level 15 Swordmaster to grab Swordfaire, and then swap her into Dark Flier for that lovely Galeforce skill. It's a bit tedious, but it didn't take me long at all once I paired her up with Chrom and summoned some spotpass characters~

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Quick warning about beast bane. It will only work in the taguel class. Not as a thief or assassin. So you should probably put her back to the taguel class chapter 18 or was it seventeen? When ever you kill yen'fay.

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Quick warning about beast bane. It will only work in the taguel class. Not as a thief or assassin. So you should probably put her back to the taguel class chapter 18 or was it seventeen? When ever you kill yen'fay.

I know that. I'm curious as to why that chapter in particular though. Don't spoil it for me.

I'm guessing Valm uses lots of cavelry, to compensate for the massive lack of them in Plegia. I immagine I'll be facing Griffons too.

Okay, on to...


So, yeah, thanks to Wheels' advice, I managed to get both the Champions Pack and Golden Pack. Since we're in need of grinding as it is, and I had a lot of free time, I decided to do a Champions marathon and beat all three back-to-back. And so I give you...

Xenologue: OTPs vs Champions!

Okay, Champions 1: the Marth one. I've already seen lots of videos of this, so I pretty much knew what I was doing. We get 7 units, but I didn't realise Chrom was forced. Dang it, he's overleveled enough as it is! Still, given how easy the enemies sre here, I filled the rest of the part with 'side' characters who need to grind a little, Kellam and Tharja, Miriel and Libra. But I also brought Virion, 1: he needs more exp as it is. 2: come on, it'd be cruel to deny him a chapter full of all these lovley ladies.

Speaking of which, his first battle was...

Virion vs. Derdrie. FIGHT!

I plan to keep track of all these legendary clashes. Or not-so-legendary, in this case, Derdrie missed and got critted.

The village gives me a Glass Lance. Maybe I'll forge it.

Erika vs. Kellam and Tharya. FIGHT!

Predictably, Erika did 2 hits of 0 damage, though Tharja pointlessly Dual Guarded the second one. Kellam proceeds to level up anyway and get... HP, Mag and Res?! Uhh... I think his partner is rubbing off on him too much. On the ally phase, Ike joins the party and killsteals. Curse you NPCs!

Virion vs Elincia. FIGHT!

She hit me at close range, so I couldn't counter. But on my phase, I made sure to return the favor. Sadly, my Killer Bow didn't crit, but it did more than enough regardless.

Tharja and Kellam vs Micaiah. FIGHT!

Taken down by a Dual Strike before she even lifted a finger.

Caeda vs Tharja and Kellam. FIGHT!

Scarily, she crit with a 3%, but did nothing anyway. Tharja takes her down a bit, but then Ike AND Alm pile in and killsteal. Not again, NOOOOOO!

Lyn vs Tharja and Kellam. FIGHT!

She hits for 1 damage. Irritatingly, Nanna heals her. Which may have been a good thing: Alm then attacked her and got doubled to death. HAHAHA! That's what yoy get for killstealing from me!!

Ike then attacks Nanna, but thankfully doesn't kill her.

Chrom and Sumia vs Julia. FIGHT!

Do I really need to say anything?

Kellam finishes Lyn, and Lilina hits Ike hard. He sacrifices himself to weaken her. Heh, looks like Ike's violent allergy to mages is present even here. And yay, only one killstealer left!

Than one dirty killstealer has now reached Celica. They each hit once, but he's going down next phase. Yay!

I get a Silver Bow from the next village.

As I expected, Celica kills Marth. Kellam and Tharja finish. Because most of this chapter was spent grinding for their supports, I took much longer than I would have liked (10 turns). I'd also like to try letting the NPCs live next time but... who am I kidding, the killstealers deserved it. Anyway, on to...

Champions of Yore 2: Yes, Roy and Marth are in this game, stop asking!

I've already seen this one too. So not much to say except lol Old Hubba and Aversa. Oh, and he has the same voice as the THUNDERATION! guy.

Our party is split into two groups this time, we have to take on the champions in a pincer formation. This also means both villages are easy to access. Oh, and it's sunset now.

The village gets me a Shockstick. Hmm... maybe a Dark Flier could use that?

Uh oh, Roy has an Armourslayer. Keep Kellam away! And hilariously enough, the second village also gives me an Armourslayer.

Seliph vs Kellam and Tharja. FIGHT!

He can't hurt us.

Roy vs Sully and Stalh. FIGHT!

He gets Dualed into oblivion. It doesn't matter how hard you believe, for I believe in The Power of the Waifu!

Eliwoood vs ditto. FIGHT!

And hey, special dialogue!

Eliwood: “End this battle, brigand, and leave this place forever!"

Sully: “Right. Because I really LOOK like a Brigand… You know, saying dumb crap like that gives us redheads a bad name!”

Lol. He met the same fate as his son, but at least he got a hit in before he went down.

"It's up to you, Roy..." Umm... Roy's kinda dead right now. Sorry bout that.

On the NPC phase, Erika ironically goes for her brother. They have a pretty epic battle: she crits him, but he hits her back pretty hard. Still a deadlock for now.

Tharja finishes Seliph, while Chrom and Sumia step in to settle the sibling debate themselves. It ends as quickly and messily as you'd expect.

Virion and Sully vs Ike. FIGHT!

Yeah, Virion just happened to be next to her, so we get a surprise repeat of their introduction. And Sully Dual Strikes! I guess she can tolerate him more now she can pull the "back off I'm married" line at any time.

Stalh and Sully vs Sothe. FIGHT!

Battle of the S'es. He gets his face Dualed off.

Leif fights Erika and... WTF why is Leif's crit so high??? And who in their right mind decided to make him a thief? The first question is answered by a quick look at his weapon: Leif's Blade (Leif's "Prizesword" in Japanese) has pathetic power, but 30 crit. It's also got a Luck% chance of stealing gold from the enemy, like thieves in FE4. I've got one of my own, and since it activates on Luck, guess who'll be getting in...

Anyway Erika goes down.

Alm vs Tharja and Kellam. FIGHT!

Of course Tharja would be so quick to turn on a former ally. Anyway Kellam duals but it's still not enough to kill.

Marth vs Tharja and Kellam. FIGHT!

Another special conversation.

Tharja: “You know, you remind me of a certain someone in a not-so-subtle way.”

Marth: “Beg pardon? Who are you? And, uh… could you not stand so close?”

Tharja: “Oh don’t be shy, just hold still while I pull a few strings."

I think this one might be a bit of a spoiler for something that hasn't happened yet. Unless she's talking about Chrom.


Celica fights Sigurd. He hits hard, she hits twice, you know the deal.

Lyn proceeds to killsteal Sigurd. NOOOOOOO! My favourite character here! Oh well, at least I wasn't forced to kill him.

Chrom and Sumia finish off their great great great x who-knows-how-many grandfather/grandfather-in-law/daughter's doppleganger.

Tharja got a 1-up in this chapter. Her quote is "I hope you don't hold this against me..." Is it just me, or does it sound like she's addressing me, the player. *Shudder*.

Leif vs Tharja and Kellam

He gets a no damage crit, and gets brutally killed for his trouble. Phase 2 complete!

Champions of Yore 3: Echoes of Nightbreak

Yeah, anyone else think it's weird that Echoes of Daybreak is playing at night? Then again the Japanese name of the track is "late-sounding bell" or something, so I guess it fits more there. speaking of which, I actually really like Echoes of Daybreak. It's nice, kind of relaxing, and fits Micaiah's party well. It also brings back nice memories. Yeah, say what you want, but RD is still one of my top 3 games in the series. (I think the order now goes Awakening, Geneology, RD though.) But we're not here to talk about that...

Okay, this opening I HAVEN'T seen before and...

Chrom: “Your phantoms haven’t a ghost of a chance Aversa.”


Oh please, tell me I immagined that. I didn't immagine thay, did I. Seriously, I almost cried out of sheer pain.

Since the rest of the localisation is otherwise so AMAZING, I'm pretty sure this was deliberately bad. Or an intentional YugiOh Abridged shout out. (I'd be REALLY surprised if that was true) But still, bad 4Kids flashbacks...

We're surrounded this time, and the Champions are all Lv 15, with nice weaponsHOLYMOTHEROF! Veeeery nice in some cases: Julia has the Book of Naga (thank goodness it doesn't give +20 everything anymore...), Ike has Ragnell, Lyn has Sol Katti (which no longer sucks), and Caeda has a Beast Killer! Nooooooooo, not my Waifu! That's it, she's going down first.

Speaking of my Waifu, we'll be going to this battle. I'm pulling out all the stops here: the enemies are around our level, so I'm bringing in the main party, including Donnel McBroken.

And Virion and Sully reached a C support from last time, lol. It's not as awkward as I thought it would be, with her being married now. He just wants to be a knight and protect people. Though Archers aren't the best class for that... unless they're named Ryan, man he was such a freaking tank! I miss him...


Seliph vs Donnel and Nowi. FIGHT!

He can't hurt me. "You like dragons?", Nowi asks as she obliterates him. I guess he does, since Forseti was nice enough to help him.

Roy vs Lon'qu and Lissa. FIGHT!

Hit hits, and Lilina tries to finish Lon'qu with Dying Blaze. Hey, I'm supposed to be the only one who can use Waifu Power! Speaking of Dying Blaze, it's pretty painful. As is Micaiah's pyre. And wouldn't you know it, they're both close to eachother.

Donnel and Nowi vs Julia. FIGHT!

Naga misses, thankfully. She also says "I fight for Seliph, my lord brother!" lol spoilers.

Marth vs Chrom and Sumia. FIGHT!

Once again Marth gets taken down by his descendant and his waifu.

Eliwood vs BigKlingy and Panne. FIGHT!

Finally some Waifu action for me! She Dual Guards and we tag-team him to bits.

"Perhaps they'll never make a warrior of me..."

You know, I actually think they're intentionaly refferencing Eliwood's "pansywood" status in the fandom. Even Lyn goes on about how she has to do all the work for him.

Caeda vs Chrom and Sumia. FIGHT!

Aha, the battle we've all been waiting for. Which Blue-Haired Lord's Pegasus Waifu will reign supreme! ...Oh who are we kidding, it's a no-brainer. Though for some reason the RNG decides to troll me here, I neither Double nor Dual Strike.

Ricken finishes her with Elwind.

Back on the east frount, and hey, maybe I'll let Nowi get the kill on OH MY G... myabe not. (Yeah... kinda forgot Naga was good against Dragons. That would have been painful.) So I guess Donny'll be getting the honurs. Leif has 30% crit, but he's weak, so Julia is still the priority.

And the final showdown was epic. Donnel hits, Nowi Dual Strikes... and MISSES! Julia attacks with Naga... gets Dual Guarded! And then Donnel crits! That was awesome.

Though I'l kinda scared of Derdrie's Ruin and its ridiculous crit rate. Though it later turned out that, like Leaf, her actual base damage is pretty low.

Sumia and Chrom vs Leif. FIGHT!

Dual Strike, what more to say?

Lyn vs Panne and BigKlingy. FIGHT!

In a case of horrible irony, despite the Sol Katti's massive crit rate, it's Lyn who ends up on the recieving end of one.

Erika vs Chrom and Sumia. FIGHT!

Erika misses both her attacks, but Chrom misses his Dual Strike. So guess I'll call it even.

Sigurd vs Sumia and Chrom. FIGHT!

Ouch, Sigurd's Lance is PAINFUL.

Next turn, the Vaike crits him. That's gotta be embarresing.

Donnel and Nowi vs Ephriam. FIGHT!

He goes down to a Nowi dual. Donnel levels up and hits his speed cap!

And in another moment of irony, Chrom crits Erika... with Erika's Blade.

The Vaike and The Cordelia vs Derdrie. FIGHT!

Having developed some strange vendetta against Sugurd's family, the Vaike proceeds to crit her too.

Right, now the east flank is pretty much clear, but on the west, Lon'qu is in trouble, and we have a whole lot of angry mage girls with powerful tomes at oir throats.

I also appear to have discovered Panne's Achilles Heel. (Yes, she has one) As a Thief, her Res is really REALLY bad. Kinda like RD Ike actually. So she needs to rely on dodging, and that's not always reliable.

So I took a weird gamble here: I moved Lon'qu onto the fort, and switched to Lissa. Crazy, I know, but Lon'qu would have died otherwise. Now the enemies should go stacks-on Lissa, and if I'm lucky...

Everything will miss or get Dual Guarded. Loveley. Now just keep it up while Panne and I pick them off one-by-one.

Now Sothe's the biggest threat to Lissa, so I'll take him down first. And he's actually got special dialogue with Panne, so here:

Panne: “Thet flash of surprise in your eyes… you’ve seen my race before.”

Sothe: “Why? Looking for a wildlife lesson, brigand?”

Panne: “Careful what you call me, man-spawn. I might just overreact.”

I didn't bring her to Champ. 2, but it seems this one continues on from that. And annoyingly, neither of uss crit. Sothe still went down quickly though.

But Panne takes a hit from Mikky afterwards! Argh, again, I'M supposed to be the one with the Waifu Power! This could be bad, unless...

The Cordelia's here! She flies over and takes out Lilina... but then I realise that Celica's Gale is wind magic... brave wind magic. Oh oh.

Fortunately she misses, and Vaike gets her with a Dual. Only Ike is left!

And he has Ragnell. But my Avatar is very close to 20, so I'll have him do the honours.

FINAL BATTLE! Ike vs BigKlingy and Panne. FIGHT!

lol, Ike throws Ragnell now. He hits me for 18, and I double for 2 hits of 15. Panne Dual Strikes but only does 5. Ike is left on 4 Hp... but next turn, I find my swords (which I want to finish him with) only do 3! But Panne is all to willing to make up the extra damage. You complete me!

And... it's over. The Champions have been bested for the third and last time. With that we get the Mary Sue of Tellius: Micaiah!

...Actually, It's my personal opinion that she's NOT a Mary Sue. I consider Mary Sues to be exclusive to fanfiction, and are defined by only existing as blatant wish-fulfilment for the author. I don't think Micaiah fits this, because seriously, who would want to be in her position? It's even obvious here: her question to you is "would you resort to evil to save a friend". This no doubt reffers to all the questionable actions she was forced to do in Part 3, which she DOES get called out on and DO blow up on her in a very big way. And she doesn't even dominate the story, the other main mary sue trait: she's barely mentioned in part 2, Ike steals her spotlight in 3 and she spends 90% of 4 posessed. If anything there's more evidence for Ike being a Mary Sue, but since he's cool he gets a free pass.

I'm not defending Micaiah in any way: I'm prefectly fine with people calling her a flat, underdeveloped, badly written character. That's just a little different from being a Sue. I guess Mary Sue has just become a catch-all term for any poorly-developed "fanfictiony" character, while people forget the main definition of the term. I could say more, but I don't want to get off-topic.

One more thing about DLC before I go. Regarding future DLC, and conversations involving people I'm using a lot. In particular, looking at Panne's, whe has Sothe, Zihark (which makes a LOT of sense) and... Oliver?! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew... I have a feeling I know where that one's going and... ick! I'm killing him FAST when the time comes.

Others of note: I'm looking forward to Lissa and Mist, Kellam and the Black Knight (lol), but most of all... Donnel and Nephenee! That last one is easily my most anticipated. That's going to be AWESOME!

Okay, back to reality...

With a Lv 20 Avatar. And I've got 2 Master Seals handy, so why hold back? (The second one will go to Chrom. And I'll be able to buy them pretty soon, I think.) And interestingly, it seems you can Use items directly out of the convoy without needing room in your inventory. Don't know if you could do that in past games. Anyway...


Lv 1:

HP: 40

Str: 18

Mag: 20

Skl: 16

Spd: 17

Luk: 12

Def: 19

Res: 19

Sword C, Tome B

There are no averages for this game up yet, so I can't tell if these stats are good or bad. (Seriously, averages for this game would be a bloody nightmare. I pity whoever has to do it.)

...Though as I type this, I realise I never reclassed my Avatar, which means a traditional Growth x Level average method could still work. Hmm...

Before I go on, I'd just like to mention some freaky real-life stuff. Ever since my Avatar married Panne, I've been hearing about bunnies a lot more than usual. This cumulated in a show on TV yesterday... that involved trapping rabbits, stripping their fur and melting them down into glue. I literally couldn't watch. It was just really, really disturbing in light of recent events. No seriously, it actually made me feel sick. What better way to feel better than by letting her SLAUGHTER AN ARMY OF BANDITS! It's finally time for:

Paralogue 4: Super Bandit Bros 2: Return of Anna the Derpchant!

Or rather, Super Bandit Bro, singular. Vincent isn't taking his brother's death well, never mind the two seem alive and well in the outrealm. Unfortunately, it seems he's taking it out on the wrong Anna. This is Anna C. Anna, not Anna D. Anna. I'll leave you to figure out their middle names yourself.

Now that I can use Steels and Panne can use Iron, I gave her my old Iron Sword. There are lots of doors and chests here, so time to put her new class to good use! (Though you're supposed to use Anna for that...) The enemies here are all Lv 10, a mix of Barbarians, Archers and Mages, plus one sneaky Thief who wants to pilfer the chests. We're not gonna let that happen, are we?

Okay, so nothing interesting happened for the first few tu... wait, WHAT?! ANNA CRIT WITH A 1%?!?!?!?! Oh come on, why does she have to get that kind of luck before she joins... Actually, Anna's first combat on my side also resulted in a crit. I'd say this redeemed Anna in my eyes, but this is a different one. Anna D. Anna is still a jerk.

So we approach gratually killing everything in our path. The enemies here are a big step down from what we normally face, even Champions of Yore 3 was tougher. Kellam and Tharja build up their support, as to Miriel and Libra. The Vaike and the Cordelia come along for a bit of training, and Chrom and Sumia go after the thief. Oh, and recruit Anna, who can be put to use unlocking and healing immidiateley. I was half-expecting her to charge a fee for locks like Volke at first, it certainly wouldn't be out of character...

But we've got a lockpicking bunny on our side too, so we can split the duties. The closest chest contained a Large Bullion (Great! Just what needed with Master Seals and buyable Stones coming soon), but my real concern is the two in the top right corner, next to the boss. The thief is making a beeline for them. Chrom and Sumia are my only hope of stopping him, but if I rush them in... they'll kill everything and leave no exp for the others! (Well, there IS an Archer there, so it's not like they'll be totally invincible, but...)

I decided to hold back, thinking the thief would try to plunder both chests before escaping, and this game uses Shadow Dragon's multiple drops system, so I could just kill him after to get both.

...This logic turned out to be flawed, but first another surprise: Vincent moves! That'll teach me to always check bosses ranges. Thankfully he can't hit Sumia even with WTA. (Well he can, it's just the chance is too small to worry about) Speaking of Sumia, it happened.

Yes, it happened. I KNEW this would end up happening some time after I heard this line in the demo...

Chrom said "thanks, friend" after a Dual Strike... to his wife. Yeah. Awkwaaaard.

I guess they can't really change the voice clips for married pairs... or could they have? Then again, if they did it could easily have got very cheesy. But still, this one stands out as weird. Shouldn't they have realised he could potentially say this to... nevermind.

Wait a minute... he's going to say this to his kids too, isn't he. That's even more awkward.

I digress. More pressing was the fact that the thief didn't act according to my predictions and fled as soon as he swiped his fiirst treasure (an Arms Scroll). I was wondering whether to accept this or not, until the game decided for me: Chrom and Sumia lured Vincent back a little too far, and let's just say even with her husband Mariabelle's definately not ready for the frontlines yet. Restart time!

And so this time, I made sure to run Sumia forward early, killing the only threat to her: the Archer, up close first. Sure she and Chrom then slaughtered the rest of the enemies, but the others didn't lose out on much. And I want them to promote first anyway. They came out of the ordeal each Lv 19. And more importantly, killed that pesky thief early.

Which meant the rest of the map was now a struggle to keep the remaining enemies alive long enough for me to get all the chests. Fortunately Vincent seems keen to just sit there throwing axes at Sumia, so it should be fine.

We get a Killing Edge, Arms Scroll and... a Mend staff. Which I'd normally groan at, except that I was just thinking about how Mariabelle needed a new one. Funny thing that.

And now that I have no reason to stay, Sumia is now free to Killer Lance the boss. I admit, his death quote was hilarious. Is this the last we'll see of the Super Bandit Bros? We shall see...

With that done, we recruit Anna C. Anna, not her moronic sister Anna D. Anna. Thank the gods for that.

Returning to the world map, we're greeted with a Risen spawn... with two Entombed!! Yes! Gimmiegimmiegimmie!

Two re-dead entombed and LOTS of re-dead pegasus knights later, Kellam and Tharja reached A and Miriel and Libra got to B. Kellam's one was surprisinglt sweet (her threatening to turn him into a newt besides), and Libra's are... interesting. Miriel is using scientific method to help Libra reach the most people with his sermons. Again, interesting, but I still kinda preffer Frederick so far, so unless their A is really something spectacular...

And that's all for today. Next time will probably see the Mad King's demise once and for all... until Paralogue 18. And then we move on to the Valm arc, hopefully filled with promotions, OTPs (my sister will FINALLY be happy once Henry comes, and Virion FINALLY gets his Waifu), BBBFFs, moustaches, and Totally-Not-Ansem.

(Again, no spoilers please.)

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1. Firstly, a merchant spawned... selling Hammerne??? Wow, that's generous. I'll take that even if I have to sell some of my weapons

2. The village nets us a Blessed Bow, which not only recovers HP every turn, but it's effective against zombies (read: Revenants and Entombed). Didn't Gaiden have a weapon like that? Or am I thinking of Tear Ring Saga?

3. Log...






4. Let's look through the Spotpass teams again. Let's see now... not Nino... but Serra looks promising. After all, we get a boss that can't fight and lots of innacurate axe users. As well as her three "husbands".

So it's decided.

Team Dragonkin VS Serra and her Harem!

5. And not to feel left out, Ricken and Mariabelle reached S too! How fitting that the two best friends get engaged at the same time.

Now this one I found really sweet, especially the end. I actually really like this pairing, for some reason I can't quite explain. A few hilights:

Maribelle: …This is a signet ring. And it bears your house crest! Ricken, I cannot accept this. Such a token is best reserved for your future wife.

Ricken: Yes. I know.

:facepalm: I picture him facepalming here.

Maribelle: Oh, moldy caviar! How could I have been so daft? It seems you and I are proposing the same thing.


Ricken: Oh, Maribelle! I’ve been in love with you since the moment we met! I’ll make you happy! I swear it!



No, NO. NO. Oh come on. That's just ridiculous. There's no way that could have just happened. That can't possibly be...

Okay, it's official. Mariabelle is reminding me a little too much of a certain somepony now. Now I need to promote her. And get her a forged weapon. I already have an idea what I'll call it...

On an unrelated note, all the talk of tea in her supports makes me picture her going Tea Time. I'm soooooo playing this when she promotes:

Chapter 9: Emmeryn

6. Nice short, simple chapter title. I like it. Anyway, a random Plegia reports to Gangrel and Aversa that they can't tell for sure if Chrom is with the attacking force due to the desert. Nice plan in-game me, nice. Though I would appreciate you telling out-of-game me first.

Anyway, first law of evil empires: never EVER report your failure to your boss. Especially if they're know as "Mad King". Seriously, just send a letter. "Just wanted to tell you I let them get away. And that I'm taking an extended, unplanned vacation. With my family and everyone you could possibly hold hostage. Bye." But this guy's an enemy grunt in an FE game, of course he's an idiot. And so the inevitable happens. I preffer to immagine the scene going something like this:

Avera: ...Actually you've done a very good job. I think you deserve a hug...

Soldier: Oh wow, yeah, of course I'ld like a GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH [Chainsaw noises]

Avarsa: Aaah, that was a good hug.

Weirdly enough she executes him with a sword. Which she can't use. Hmm...

7. Tharja on the other hand is an enemy, presumable with Matthis Syndrome. But that's fine: she's long-ranged so I don't have to worry about accidently counterkilling her.

Okaaaay, spoilery stuff next, so I'll put it in tags:

8. So we've got a plan, send in the NPC Pegs! That'll work. Of course Aversa out-gambitted us and summons a bunch of Risen in one turn. That's against the rules, isn't it? Screw the rules, the has Shadowgift. And speaking of screwed...

BANG! No more Plila. I kinda figured that had to happen sooner or later. Actually she remings me a lot of FE4's Manya: a powerful Pegasus commander who gets unavoidably killed off as an NPC. That means no Triangle Attack in this game, sadly. But with all these broken support bonuses, who needs it?

9. The... music.... and it keeps playing on the prep screen.

10.including an Entombed I decided to have Virion test out his shiny new Blessed Bow on). I'm pretty sure that was Aversa being a troll and rubbing salt in Chrom's wounds. She's going to PAY for that one day...

11. Heh, I admit Tharja can be hilarious in a dark way sometimes. Though this conversation shows she's not completley heartless: she cares about her family, apparently, and was writing a litter to them.

1. Not knowing why they sell Hammerine is beyond expatations.

2. About the Blessed Bow,

it was an FE2 reference.

3. Rage quit. xP

4. Battling against the feistiest cleric on the land has to be very interesting.

5. As for Ricken and Maribelle'sengagement. =3

6. I could have sworn that in the Japanese version, Aversa would just smirk manically and impale him with her claws.

7. No. Matthis is just an idiot.

About Libra, he's the Lucius syndrome.

8. Yeah, but she never will be forgotten in the pages of history.

9. And it bothers me the the 3DS has horrible sound quality. x.x

About Donnel, despite all the positive things that you say about him, he's still a neverused tier character. As his horrible base stats will not get him to stand a chance on Lunatic. x.x

10. Can't wait for the Entombed Heaven chapter to come out. I would like to have access to the best EXP chapter in the game!

11. Of course.

That explains why she wears all those see through clothes looking delicate. ^-^

Xenologue: OTPs vs Champions!

1. Virion vs. Derdrie. FIGHT!

I plan to keep track of all these legendary clashes. Or not-so-legendary, in this case, Derdrie missed and got critted.

The village gives me a Glass Lance. Maybe I'll forge it.

Champions of Yore 3: Echoes of Nightbreak

2. Donnel and Nowi vs Julia. FIGHT!

Naga misses, thankfully. She also says "I fight for Seliph, my lord brother!" lol spoilers.

3. Panne: “Thet flash of surprise in your eyes… you’ve seen my race before.”

Sothe: “Why? Looking for a wildlife lesson, brigand?”

Panne: “Careful what you call me, man-spawn. I might just overreact.”

I didn't bring her to Champ. 2, but it seems this one continues on from that. And annoyingly, neither of uss crit. Sothe still went down quickly though.

But Panne takes a hit from Mikky afterwards! Argh, again, I'M supposed to be the one with the Waifu Power! This could be bad, unless...

The Cordelia's here! She flies over and takes out Lilina... but then I realise that Celica's Gale is wind magic... brave wind magic. Oh oh.

Fortunately she misses, and Vaike gets her with a Dual. Only Ike is left!

And he has Ragnell. But my Avatar is very close to 20, so I'll have him do the honours.

FINAL BATTLE! Ike vs BigKlingy and Panne. FIGHT!

lol, Ike throws Ragnell now. He hits me for 18, and I double for 2 hits of 15. Panne Dual Strikes but only does 5. Ike is left on 4 Hp... but next turn, I find my swords (which I want to finish him with) only do 3! But Panne is all to willing to make up the extra damage. You complete me!

4. And... it's over. The Champions have been bested for the third and last time. With that we get the Mary Sue of Tellius: Micaiah!

...Actually, It's my personal opinion that she's NOT a Mary Sue. I consider Mary Sues to be exclusive to fanfiction, and are defined by only existing as blatant wish-fulfilment for the author. I don't think Micaiah fits this, because seriously, who would want to be in her position? It's even obvious here: her question to you is "would you resort to evil to save a friend". This no doubt reffers to all the questionable actions she was forced to do in Part 3, which she DOES get called out on and DO blow up on her in a very big way. And she doesn't even dominate the story, the other main mary sue trait: she's barely mentioned in part 2, Ike steals her spotlight in 3 and she spends 90% of 4 posessed. If anything there's more evidence for Ike being a Mary Sue, but since he's cool he gets a free pass.

I'm not defending Micaiah in any way: I'm prefectly fine with people calling her a flat, underdeveloped, badly written character. That's just a little different from being a Sue. I guess Mary Sue has just become a catch-all term for any poorly-developed "fanfictiony" character, while people forget the main definition of the term. I could say more, but I don't want to get off-topic.

One more thing about DLC before I go. Regarding future DLC, and conversations involving people I'm using a lot. In particular, looking at Panne's, whe has Sothe, Zihark (which makes a LOT of sense) and... Oliver?! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew... I have a feeling I know where that one's going and... ick! I'm killing him FAST when the time comes.

5. Others of note: I'm looking forward to Lissa and Mist, Kellam and the Black Knight (lol), but most of all... Donnel and Nephenee! That last one is easily my most anticipated. That's going to be AWESOME!

1. Derdrie has always been a glass cannon.

2. ^__^

And that explains why that they can never be paired without a glitch.

3. I lol'd.

4. I would love to have Micaiah. She's one of my favorite Tellius characters.

5. BK has always been an Uber tier character, so this should be an interesting fight!


And can you post the characters that your using and their stats? It would very much be appreciated!

Something like this...

Tharja LV20/18 EXP87

Class: Dark Knight


HP 64/64

Power 22

Mag Pwr 31

Skill 21

Speed 36

Luck 22

Def 29

Res 14

Sword B Tome A

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Slow Start, Life Absorb

Edited by Katarina
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ARRRGH! I spend nearly all day typing this up, and the server goes down before I can post!!! But hopefully this should be up now.

1. Derdrie has always been a glass cannon.

2. ^__^

And that explains why that they can never be paired without a glitch.

3. I lol'd.

4. I would love to have Micaiah. She's one of my favorite Tellius characters.

5. BK has always been an Uber tier character, so this should be an interesting fight!


And can you post the characters that your using and their stats? It would very much be appreciated!

Something like this...

Tharja LV20/18 EXP87

Class: Dark Knight


HP 64/64

Power 22

Mag Pwr 31

Skill 21

Speed 36

Luck 22

Def 29

Res 14

Sword B Tome A

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Slow Start, Life Absorb

1. At least Derdrie doesn't have to worry about weapon weight anymore. That Aura REALLY wighed her down in FE4, it was one of the reasons she sucked so much.

2. And it's rumored that in the beta version, they got paired automatically. And people say the game has enough incest as it is...

5. I'm more interested in what Kellam has to say to him. That's going to be hilarious.

I do intend to post stats, but since I'm going into the story blind I'm not sure when appropriate 'breaks' to post stats would be. I'll do it as much as possible, I'll just have to work out the right times.

Okay, back again for... woah. Just, woah. I did NOT see Chapter 13's... events... coming. Yikes. I knew you'd get Lucina at the end, but I didn't realise the REST was so... woah. But I'll get to that later.

First, we have a Mad King to dethrone!

After a couple of skirmishes, of course. After which Kellam and Tharja reached S! Since this is such an obscure pairing, I thought I might as well post the conversation.

Tharja: Kellam?

Kellam: Gah! Y-you scared me! How did you see me?

Tharja: Heh. At last, revenge for all the times you crept up on me…I just had to modify a little invisibility spell I’ve been working on.

Kellam: Gosh. It must be handy being about to use magic like that.

Tharja: Here. I brought you something.

Kellam: What is it?

Tharja: It’s a charm. It protects the wearer from misfortune and bad luck. I made a big pile and had some spares. I thought you could give it to your nephew.

Kellam: Aww, thanks! My brother and his wife will be so excited! You’ve been so nice to me, Tharja. I don’t know how to repay you.

Tharja: I had some left over. That’s all. Don’t freak out.

Kellam: So actually, I have something for you, too. It’s…Well, here.

Tharja: …A ring? Did you win this at a carnival or something?

Kellam: I like you, Tharja. You’re smart, and pretty, and you’ve been good to me and mine. Anyway, I’ve been thinking that maybe you and me could…be together?

Tharja: You are so very strange, quiet man. But I suppose I’m not exactly the harvest-festival queen myself.

Kellam: Don’t say that! You’re perfect!

Tharja: Now I know there’s something wrong with you. But all right. Let’s get married and make a strange life for the both of us.

Kellam: Wonderful! I can’t wait to tell my brother the good news!

I don't know about you guys, but I actually kinda like this. You get to see a surprisingly sweet side of Tharja, heck it made me like her a lot more. Since I mostly see her paired with the Avatar, and if not, Henry (but I prefer him with Olivia) I'm not sure what other pairings with her are popular. But anyway, she's paired now.

And NOW it's time to dethrone the Mad King.

Chapter 11: Mad King Gangrel

At the start, we see Gangrel giving a villain speech. "A man is either strong…or he is dead! BWAHAHAHAHA!" Stop trying to be Ashnard!

After we cut to Chrom, my Avatar is wearing his promoted outfit in the cutscene! Nice touch. We then go to preparations. Looking at the map, I see something intering: there's a single brown bird flying over the battlefield. Hmm...

That's the same kind of bird that appeared in Emmeryn's death cutscene. Chrom's right, she is watching us!

The second things that sticks out about the map is there's a ''Hero'' and a ''Sage'' among the enemies. lol at generic heroes having blue hair. And why do Sages have those roman numbers on their robes? Emmeryn had them too. But anyway, promoted enemies. Yeah.

And lots of forts. And we all know what that means: reinforcement party! Hmm... and the goal is Rout, not Defeat Boss, which means I don't have to worry about missing out on that sweet, sweet exp.

Speaking of sweet, there are some chests here, so I'll have my darling waifu get those. Glad I reclassed her before this, although it's a shame that means I'm not using Gaius much. So anyway, I'll take on the mages and sage around the chest immidiately south of us, she'll get it once the coast is clear. (I mentioned her Res issue before)

Meanwhile Chrom and Sumia will head straight for Gangrel. They're both Lv 19, and Chrom has a Master Seal ready for when the time comes. What better way to take down the climactic boss of this arc.

13 units to take, so they'll be: Chrom/Sumia, Avatar/Panne, Lissa/Lon’qu, Nowi/Donnel, The Vaike/The Cordelia, Maribelle/Ricken and Virion. My sister suggested I bring the newlyweds Kellam and Tharja... until I pointed out: "What a great way to spend her honeymoon: brutally murduring dozens of her former countrymen!!" So we kinda decided against that.

Olivia joins the moment the chapter begins, taking the total up to 14. Sadly, her Hasbando is not here yet. But at least she can be put to use dancing, which will be useful since we start so far from the action.

I only just realised though just how awful her starting stats are. She is going to did FAST if the enemy reaches her. But before we worry about that, let's actually SEE the enemy.

Gangrel: "You ARE me!"

Wow, Gangrel just loves his Generic Villain Madlibs. But it's not like Chrom's one to talk, as he starts giving a fairly generic Power of Friendship speech. At least he gets to give a big WRONG!!! to Gangrel's "men are beasts" speech.

So, let's fly! The pegasi are ready and... wait, are there any archers? No? NO ARCHERS! OH SWEET JOY!!! We can go as crazy as we want, not caring whose range we get into! Well... apart from Gangrel's... but only because I don't want to kill him too early. Despite having Skill and Speed over 20, he doesn't seem like much of a threat. Though that Lucky 7 skill is annoying. +20 Hit and Avo until after turn 7. That means we should hold off fighting him until then.

So the whole Panne and me thing went as well as I'd expect, even the Sage fell easily. Panne also dual guarded several hits that would have done no damage anyway. SIGN OF TRUE WAIFU!

Meanwhile, the Vaike and the Cordelia are heading to the east, towards that cluster of forts. I know reinforcements are coming, and I want to leech off them for exp um, I mean, stop them from overwelming us. Yes. Quite. Anyway, the Vaike gives the Cordelia a freaking +8 str bonus, so she's doing ridiculous damage even with nerfalins.

Donnel and Nowi are also headed that way. She'll get a new Dragonstone soon, but until then her husband's going to handle most of the fighting. Well, more than handle. He's the only person in the army so far who's ever reduced his enemies to "triple zeroes", to put it in perspective. (That's 0 damage, 0% hit and 0% critical. Probably the best possible result of a combat forcast) On clear terrain, I might add. The annoying thing though, is despite her stone only having 3 uses, "I can't stop her Dual Striking. This could be an issue.

Anyway, typical combat with him: 27 damage, x2 with 40% crit. Leif's Blade, natch. Speaking of which: capped Luck at 33 means he's got a 1/3 chance of getting gold for every enemy. I've earned a fair bit this way.

Meanwhile in the centre, Chrom and Sumia are doing well, except they couldn't one-round the Hero, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Oh well, he'll die next turn.

Meanwhile in the east, Panne now 1-shots Mages with Iron weapons. Enough said.

Next turn, we finish the Hero. Generic Heroes' "damaged" face is really weird. It's like they're the Frustrated Celtic Guardian: "I'm so frustrated." And for our efforts we get another Master Seal! This'll go to Sumia.

Okay, turn 4 enemy phase and WOAH THAT'S A LOT OF REINFORCEMENTS! Didn't expect them to spill out of every fort at once. And the mages are near Panne... I won't stand for that. Hands off the waifu!

But what's worse... Gangrel just started moving. This early, seriously!? Oh well, we'll certainly be ready for him. Right, Chrom?

Chrom lv 20

HP: 35

Str: 18

Mag: 7

Slk: 18

Spd: 17

Luk: 19

Def: 17

Res: 7

What? Chrom is promoting?


Lv 1 Great Lord

HP: 40

Str 22

Mag 7

Skl 20

Spd 19

Luk 19

Def 20

Res 10

Congratulations, your Chrom evolved into Super Chrom-nom-nom! Super Chrom-nom-nom equipped Shield of Spoiler!

In all seriousness, I'm guessing those stats are about what you'd expect. Chrom's a real King-Of-All-Stats guy: he's pretty much somewhat above-average at everything except Mag and Res.

And naturally, the very first battle Chrom fights after promotion, he gets a Crit.

In other news, I dual guard Panne 3 times in a row. Again, hands off the waifu!


WHAT?! Th... no... THAT MEANS YOU TOO GANGREL! Gah, didn't expect him to go for her first. And I can't get my revenge, as I want Chrom's conversation. Curses. Luckily he missed Panne despite a hit rate in the 70's.

Okay Chrom, let's... wha?

Falcion only has 63% hit on him, and I won't double. Curses, it's turn 5, so Lucky 7's still on. That's gonna make things difficult. But I have to take him down now, or he could get to Maribelle or... even worse, Olivia.

Rapier has 73 hit, but that's not quite enough. I know that whenever I really need a crit or a Dual Strike, the game lets me down, so I won't risk it.

Erika's Blade on the other hand is guaranteed a double, and has the best hit rate he's got. Okay, here goes...

Gangrel: Come, princeling! I’ve sharpened my sword just for you!

Chrom: [Now I’m angry! voice clip] My sister wished for our people to know peace, Gangrel . But as long as you draw breath, it can never come. For Ylisse!

Sumia tells him "Good Luck" and...


"To hell with... all of it..."

Well that was anticlimactic. Looks like I didn't need to worry about hitting. Aww, that means Sumia didn't get in on the action. Oh well, the Mad King is down.

And I'd just like to comment: his death quote is a lot less cheesey than in the Japanese version.

Summary of the fight in the Jp version:



Yeah, I like the localised version much better. Moving on.

Fighting the above reinforcements, which I seem to remember including an axe hero, the Cordelia was angry. Literally, she said "now you've angered me!" and crit. A lot. Even the hero didn't stand a chance.

Okay, we may have a problem: the left chest has been plundered by a Thief, and the only one in range is Nowi. Unfortunately Nowi only has one use left in her Dragonstone, so if Donny doesn't dual strike, 1: the thief will get away, 2: Nowi will be stuck stoneless and open to attack.

But seriously, when has Donny ever let me down this playthrough? Of course he Dual Struck!

And it looks like the reinforcements are gone. I felt for sure there'd be more. I guess they stop once Gangrel's gone. I seem to remember Gangrel not moving until later in ShadowOfChaos' run though, maybe just got too close too soon? Anyway, it's not like waiting out reinforcements is important, there being infinite exp on offer in this game and all.

So we got the Big Bullion from the thief, who got it from the left chest. So what's in the right chest? A Goddess Icon. Of course, it's not like I need that, Panne is already my goddess. (I'm sorry, I just hand to)

One more weird thing before it ends: both Lissa and Maribelle leveled up and gained Strength. Olivia managed to sneak in a level up too.

Sumia did the final honours, though it left her JUST off Lv 20. She did say "victory" though, how appropriate.

And so, it's over. The first war is over. The Avatar and Panne got Heroes, Chrom and Sumia got married, and we get a confetti celebration, which reminded me of Phoenix Wright.

I now declare Ylisse to be:



[cue cheering and confetti]

Sorry. Anyway, we know all can't be well, so two years later (during which I presume everyone has their weddings. I like to think male Avatar was best man at Chrom's.) war was beginning... again.

Here on will be totally new territory for me. I'm so excited.

So firstly... hey, Raimi's back! Wow, for a one-time boss you sure have a lot more screentime than I thought! And we get the Chrom and baby Lucina scene. Sumia says " the Brand in her left eye is not your only gift to her." Well duh, she also got, oh I don't know, Aether and super asskicking powers.

And so Valm has invaded us, and we've got a special guest to tell us more... Virion?! And who's his lady friend? Yep, it's his soon-to-be-waifu! Finally!

I just love Virion's dialogue here, in particular, the fact that he disguised himself as "a mere above-average man". Still as hilarious as ever, but now he has the perfect "dedpan comic foil" in Cherche. Yeah, I really like togeather .

Ah, and they mention Valm has the best cavelry on the continent. Yup, I called it. This should be interesting... (woah, Beastbane is really going to come in handy!)

Okay, before we begin Arc 2: Valm proper, there's a couple of teensey things to take care of: namely, Sumia needs to be promoted like her husband!

Falcoknight Lv 1

HP: 37

Str 17

Mag 8

Skl 25

Spd 31 + 2

Luk 17

Def 14

Res 15

Lance A, Staff E

Skills: Speed +2 and Relief

Woah, look at that speed. That's the kind you wouldn't get until 20/20 in other games. You know, Sumia really benefits from the raising of unpromoted caps this game has. In earlier games, the "speedy" peg knight would pretty much always become inferior to the "power" peg towards the end of their unpromoted levels, as they'd generally both max out speed at 20, but the speedy one wouldn't be able to keep up in Str and Def, and would be stuck for ages not being able to make use of their best growth. But now with higher caps, as well as individual cap boosts, both are sure to remain useful. The extra speed and avo Sumia has over Cordelia is a pretty big thing.

Oh, and she can heal now. Yeah, I went Falco and not Dork Dark Flier, because I think it just fits Sumia more. Though I will need to get Galeforce eventually. I love that skill.

And coming back to the game after a few days break, I find Panne was the first to greet me at the barraks. Twice in a row actually. Daww. Anyway...

Virion and Libra got a talk in the barracks, lol. I immagine their thoughts went something like this:

Virion: (Wow, a totally hot babe!)

Libra: (Oh no, not again...)

And for some reason, Olivia sparkles naturally for some reason. Must be a dancer thing.

Okay, before we go on, how about a stat update at the close of the first arc?

Panne: Lv 10

HP: 44

Str 22

Mag 3

Skl 25

Spd 26

Luk 18

Def 15

Res 3

Skills: Even Rhythm, Beastbane, Locktouch, Movement + 1

Comments: My one true love, how could she possibly be any more perf- okay, seriously, pretty amazing so far, though it's REALLY annoying Bestbane only works in Taguel form. Like I've said before, Res is her real Achilles Heel. A lot like RD Ike, actually. Except she has me to Dual Guard them for her... if they can hit her in the first place.

Lissa: Lv 17

HP: 30

Str 7

Mag 12

Skl 10

Spd 11

Luk 17

Def 7

Res 14

Skills: Miracle, Healtouch

Comments: Not much has changed. Healer, that's pretty much it. But it only 3 levels it's NUNSWITHAXES time!!! (FINALLY she'll be able to Dual Strike with her husband!)

Promotion: Since we're getting so close to the time, I thought I'd share my thoughts on each characters promotion I'll be going with. For Lissa, I was originally going to go Sage, and I still think it's better gameplay-wise. But from a story perspective, I think War Cleric suits her personality more. Plus, NUNSWITHAXES!

Lon’qu: Lv 19

HP: 31

Str 12

Mag 5

Skl 21

Spd 25

Luk 14

Def 14

Res 6

Skills: Avoid + 10, Vantage

Comments: Going SM soon. He's actually been a little less disappointing in these last 5 levels, but that Str is still REALLY low by Navarre archetype standards. It might seem better now, but he has 9 for quite a while before the growth co-operated. That's pretty sad. Still, read on...

Promotion: Swordmaster. No contest. How can I have a Navarre achetype promote to anything else?

DonnelMcBroken: Level 10

HP: 42

Str 27 max

Mag 5

Skl 22

Spd 25 max

Luk 33 max

Def 23

Res 10

Sword C

Skills: Aptitude, Underdog, Armsthrift, Patience

Comments: KRRRRRRCK! The game just snapped in half. You know, of all characters in the FE series with "Magikarp Power", as Tv Tropes calls it, I find he's the most comparable to Magikarp itself. Like Donnel, you can obtain Magikarps very early. Like Donnel, they require the assistants of teammates to train, and are near useless until a certain point. And like Donnel, they destroy everything once they evolve. Donnel now is very comparable to a Gyarados in the early patrs of a Pokemon game. That's the best I can describe it.

Promotion: Hero, I descided on that early. He looks way to weird as a Warrior anyway.

Nowi: Level 14

HP: 30

Str 9

Mag 5

Skl 7

Spd 10

Luk 16

Def 11

Res 9

Skills: Odd Rhythm

Comments: Not as good raw stats as the Taguel, but better stone boosts, except spd. Doubled with Donny she's been doing pretty well. She won't be my main mamakete though, once Nah comes she'll be used for that. (and shipped with Yarne)

Reclass Considerations: If she's ever reclassing, she'll go Mage -> Dark Knight. Mostly because her Def growth as a Dark Knight is INSANE by mage standards, so I need to try it.

Virion: Lv 18

HP: 31

Str 17

Mag 4

Skl 21

Spd 14

Luk 10

Def 12

Res 8

Skills: Skill +2, Prescience

Comments: While Ryan had great Def for an Archer, Virion here is the same to Strength. Seriously, thet's pretty good for an unpromoted Archer. Overkilled Skill means he Dual Strikes often even with no Supports. Spd could be higher though.

Promotion: Bow Knight, definately. Sniper has better Def, but Bow Knight gets the ability to attack directly, as well as Bowbreaker. Gerome is going to LOVE that skill, so I want his father to get it as fast as possible.


HP: 42

Str 21

Mag 3

Skl 15

Spd 12

Luk 10

Def 14

Res 2

Skills: HP + 5, Zeal

Comments: His Spd has lagged behind a bit lately, which is annoying. But at least his waifu can help him in that area.

Promotion: Warrior, obviously. I have too many future Heroes as it is.

The Cordelia: Lv 17

HP: 34

Str 17

Mag 6

Skl 19

Spd 17 + 2

Luk 12

Def 17

Res 12

Skills: Speed + 2, Relief

Comments: Wow, nice Def! And strength is great too. Spd, as you can see, is MUCH lower than Sumia, thaugh it's still pretty high by any standards.

Promotion: Dark Flier. Though it has worse Def, one of her good stats, I want variety in my pegasi, and Sumia is going Falco, so...

Maribelle: Lv 16

HP: 23

Str 5

Mag 11

Skl 7

Spd 15

Luk 15

Def 5

Res 15 +2

Skills: Resistance + 2 and Secluded Lady/Demoiselle

Comments: Heeheehee, Secluded Lady... sorry. Anyway, again, healer, not much else to say.

Promotion: Valkyrie. She'll be able to use magic alongside her husbando, and Dual Support+ sounds like a nice skill.

Ricken: lv 15

HP: 31

Str 8

Mag 14 +2

Skl 15

Spd 10

Luk 21

Def 11

Res 8

Skills: Magic +2, Focus

Comments: I'm a little sworried about Spd, but at least his Def isn't paper-thin. And that Str is oddly high, which means...

Promotion: Dark Knight, I'm thinking. It suits his good Str and Def (Miriel has literally no str, so that option is out for her), plus, he can keep pace with his Waifu. I am a little concerned about missing out on Tomefaire, but I can always reclass for that.


HP: 19

Str 3

Mag 1

Skl 9

Spd 10

Luk 6 + 4

Def 3

Res 3

Skills: Luck + 4

Husbando: HENRY

Comments: Sorry, my sister scribed the stats. Anyway... uh, yeah her stats kinda suck. At least she can Dual Strike... but she's pretty bad at it. She's never managed more than 1 damage. Actually, I haven't been using her dancing much either. Maybe...

Reclass Ideas: I may have her go Peg soon. Her son needs to get Galeforce, and she's not going to be doing much dancing while Paired Up with Henry. So maybe... I should start working towards Galeforce now? Afer all, the only other skill I can get out of Dancer is useless for inheritance. So I think I might go grinding on this, actually.

Tharja: Lv 16

HP: 28

Str 4

Mag 14

Skl 9

Spd 15

Luk 3

Def 14

Res 8

Skills: Hex and Anathema

Comments: She's been getting pretty bad Level Ups for a while. I don't think I've ever seen her 5-6 stat up quote. But her def is almost impenetrable when paired with Kellam, so it's sort of fine.

Promotion: Sorcerer. I'm not giving up her Dark Magic.

Kellam: Lv 16

HP: 32

Str 18

Mag 2

Skl 13

Spd 10

Luk 8

Def 21 + 2

Res 5

Skills:Defense +2, Indoor Fighter

Comments: Typical armour. But that's still very useful at times. Not much else to note.

Promotion: General. I like Generals, and I have enough Great Knights as it is.

Libra: Lv 2

HP: 40

Str 14

Mag 16

Skl 13

Spd 14

Luk 10

Def 11

Res 16

Skills: Heal, Touch and Miracle

Comments: The only level up he's had so far was just HP. What more can I say?

Miriel: Lv 16

HP: 26

Str 0

Mag 14 + 2

Skl 13

Spd 17

Luk 14

Def 6

Res 9

Skills: Magic + 2 and Focus

Comments: Nice Spd, but note her total lack of Str and Def. Again, typical mage, not much else to say.

Promotion: Sage, what else?

Sully: Lv 15

HP: 32

Str 12

Mag 2

Skl 15

Spd 14

Luk 15

Def 9

Res 6

Skills: Disipline and Outdoor Fighter

Comments: I'd expect Skl and Spd to be higher. Def is kinda a problem too.

Promotion: Paladin, to make better use of her good stats.

Stahl: Lv 15

HP: 33

Str 16

Mag 2

Skl 18

Spd 11

Luk 13

Def 16

Res 3

Skills: Same as his waifu

Comments: He's looking kinda better in his specialty areas than Sully. But that's just me.

Promotion: Great Knight, to make better use of his good stats.

Fredericku: Lv 2

HP: 29

Str 13

Mag 2

Skl 12

Spd 11

Luk 6

Def 15

Res 4

Skills: Same as the Bull and the Panther

Comments: Haven't used him much.

Gaius: Lv 8

HP: 24

Str 9

Mag 0

Skl 16

Spd 17

Luk 6

Def 5

Res 3

Skills: Locktouch

Comments: See Fred.

Okay, now that that's done...

Chapter 12: The Seacomers

Aaaaaand we're hit with preparations right away. And a nostalgia rush: wow, this map REALLY reminds me of Chapter 3 back in Path of Radiance. Fighting our way through a seaside town to a ship. This game really does bring back good memories.

Okay, so we've got lots of Cavs, lots of Knights, a few Pallies and some Bow Knights (who have ridiculous headgear, I might add). Yep, that lack of cavs before was for a reason: it's cav overload starting now.

Now, I've heared this chapter is a pretty big difficulty spike from Ch 11, so I was worried. But I've also heard it requires chokepointing, which I love.

But the Knight just ahead has a Beast Killer! Well, we know which direction my Waifu isn't going!

The bunch of cavs and Paladin to the left scares me the most, because they could charge into our flank and get at the squishies like Olivia. And there's so much space I can't chokepoint them all off. Only one thing for it then: charge in and kill them all before they do the same to us! Fortunately Panne and I happen to be experts in that area. But they could use a bit of help...

We're back to 12 units, but Cherche will join us at the start to bring it up to 13. I decided The Vaike and the Cordelia will sit this one out: defence matters more than mobility in this map, and there are a lot of bow knights too. Kellam and Tharja will take their place.

And due to the massive amount of Armours, both Lon'qu and Panne will be getting Armorslayers. Though Panne is pretty close to C and when she does... Killing Edge time. Giving a whole new meaning to the phrase "killer rabbit"...

So, the point immidiately above us will be choked by Kellam/Tharja and Virion/Cherche. The right chokepoint will go to Lon'qu/Lissa, as well as Donnel/Nowi after they deal with the cavs to the left. Speaking of which, the rest of us will take that side until the threat is passed.

Virion's first fight with Cherche resulted in a Dual Strike... and they're not even supported yet! Other amazing things, just realised realised Donnel and Nowi have a 22% Dual Guard rate, that's pretty impressive.

My Avatar gets hit, and just as I remarked "my waifu won't stand for that...", she crits. Good one!

And I'd also like to point out that Armorslayers are really huge in this game. Seriously, they look kinda like Ashnard's sword in PoR.

And speaking of swords, Lon'qu has actually decided to be amazing for once! He's critting a heck of a lot, and I don't even think he's got hit at all for two whole turns! That's more like it! And he hits 20 too, so soon be SM time!

...Just as soon as I get another Master Seal. Fortunately one of the Pallies is all too happy to oblige. The game is given lots of not-so-subtle hints that your party should be strating to promote by now. Another guy has a Second Seal.

And it was sometime during the mountain of corpses created during the enemy phase that I started to wonder: could Panne and I solo the whole game togeather?

...Aaaaaand she can use the killing edge now... woah, 55% crit. Yeah. As for other awesome couple moments, Tharja just got 2 consecutive crits, and Kellam dual guarded her a lot too.

Okay, most of the enemies are gone, but we don't want to provoke the enemies on the ship yet. There's this one weakeded Bow Knight I'd like to have Cherche kill, but she'll have to crit to kill, and if she doesn't well... we know the result. Fortunately, she did. "Rest in pieces!"

Next, I used a not-so-cunning (more like reckless) plan involving exposing Olivia to the enemy in order to dance and have Cherche kill a Paladin too. Fortunately, the only enemy in range was a Knight with javelin, but it still left Olivia near-death. Methinks she needs some grinding.

Sumia finds something she can't wait to show Chrom, from an event tile. It is... Tiki's Tears? Wow, that... sure is something.

Now the boss. A few things about the boss: firstly, he has the weirdest goatee ever. Secondly, he's kind of a dick. His bio says he hates foreigners, though that doesn't show much in the actual game. But he does kill a random civilian at the start of the chapter, because he was pissed off. Yeah, something tells me we don't want to get invaded by these guys.

So we weaken them a little and, great, now he's only on 13 HP. Cherche can... NOOOOOOOOOOOO! She does exactly 12! Oh, wait, I have Olivia. Aren't dancers great?

In other news, Panne maxed Strength.

And... it's over. Hey, that wasn't so hard. Not nearly as hard as I'd heard the chapter was, anyway. Hmm...

Though it seems Basilio's entire army lost to them offscreen. Um... what? Oh yeah, the whole Worf Effect thing: "these guys must be tough, they beat the tough guy", snd all that. Feels strange seeing as I didn't have much trouble at all.

And so we have a new plan: seek aid from... Plegia?! I didn't expect that. "I hope their new king will aprove..." Hmm... just who is their new king, I wonder. I get the feeling he won't be goon news...

And so the Plegians have agreed to meet us for negotiations... on a place called Carrion Isle. Yeah, that's totally not going to end horribly... and to my surprise, Frederick echoes my sentiments exactly. See, that's what I want to see more often in game plots: characters who are actually savvy and not utter morons!

But hey, at least we can buy Master Seals now. And Stones too.

And Virion and Cherche reached C. This one's mostly the same as I remember.

So, selling two big bullions and lots of small ones, I now have 39169 gold. Emough for all the Seals we could possibly need. So I go and buy 13, giving me 14 including with the one I got last chapter. That should do me for a while.

And first up on the promotion bandwagon is...


SM Lv 1

HP: 36

Str: 15

Mag: 6

Slk: 24

Sod: 29

Luk: 15

Def: 17

Res: 9

Alright, I guess. But something strange: the SM graphic seems to carry two sheather swords, and their map sprite shows them dual weilding. But they can't. That's... stupid.

And now... hoo boy... get ready for lots of spoiler tags.

Chapter 13: Of Scared Blood

The title makes more sense later, trust me. Anyway, I knew this was the chapter where you find out about the kids, and when you get henry and Lucina. I did NOT expect, well... a LOT else. This may have been THE most emotional chapter for me so far, even more than 10 and that's REALLY saying something. So much was the pure uncondensed awesomeness I got from this chapter, that I could hardly sleep last night. I'm not kidding, I'm really damn tired while I'm typing this now. But it was totally worth it.

Anyway, we are greeted by... Aversa. Great, this'll end well.

And... hi Malefaffar. Oh boy, I see where this is going...

Yep, he's the new king. This is worse than I thought. MUCH worse.

"The honour is ours, good prince. [evil laugh]"

But once again, the characters are actually smart! Chrom immidiately catches on that this is the guy who attempted to assassinate Emmeryn, and realise this is probably a bad sign. Phew, no repeats of the whole Master Xehanort fiasco. "Hey look, it's a bald guy with a goatee, yellow eyes and hunched back who flails his hands around and keeps talking about darkness! ME TRUST HIM COMPLETLEY!" (Sorry, I really hate Terra.)

Anyway, Mr Definately-Not-A-Villain has someone he wants us to meet. Hello Mr Heirophant. You're a mysterious character shrouded in mystery. He wears a hood and speaks only in riddles. So naturally. we're not going to find out who he really is until much, MUCH later in the...

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

Okay, didn't see the reveal coming so early. Anyway, spoiler tag time.

So yeah, hi me. And Validar and Aversa claim this is a "trivial detail". They're somehow trying to pass this off as a coincidence.

Okay, my best guess is that's posessed me from the Bad Future. Which means we might need security codewords in case he tries the whole "infiltrate and kill" trick. Then again, his voice is a lot more... vilainy... than mine. And Panne could probably tell a fake from their scent, so I think we're probably safe.

Anyway, after... that, Avarsa tells us to be careful on our way back, because the road could be... dangerous. So let's get ready for the inevitable ambush.

But first, the Avatar can't sleep. And who could blame him, after THAT. But now, we get a mysterious voice... and an incredibly ominous "heed my call!" Oh oh, it's Malefafar. And he has Vloxymort's mind powers, apparently. So he appears, says a few evil things and...

“How dare you take such a tone… with your own father?!”

Oh oh. I knew this, obviously. (Damn you TV Tropes!) But I never expected it to be revealed this early.

My sister didn't at all, and she said her heart literally stopped for a second. Yeah, it's kind of a cliche, but it's still pretty shocking considering this is meant to be YOU. Oh in-game me is going to have to have a little talk with Panne about this...

Although you know what I think? This is just my personal fanon for this particular playthrough, but here's my theory: Panne knew. She knew ever since they foungt Validar back in Chapter 6. It's not hard to immagine she could tell they had the same scent or something. She didn't say anything because he never did, so she figured she shouldn't bring it up. I guess that kinda makes sense.

Anyway, that happened. But more pressing concerns, we're under attack! Who here isn't surprised? Apparently we have some surprisingly stealthy Risen on our hands. Perhaps a whole bunch of Ylissian soldiers were trained by Kellam and that art... and then got invited to a surprise party over on carrion isle where... you know the rest. Anyway...

We've got ranged troops on cliffs either side of us. The boss is on an aquaduct to the north, but we'll get slaughtered if we go that way. And there are forts below, and we know what that means. Yeah, we're going to need a plan.

Okay, plan is this: I have three fliers: they can ferry people up the cliffs to kill off the Archers and hand axe troops. Of course, the fliers can't do the fighting due to all the archers, so they'll need to switch to their partners. So we've got three pairs:

Chrom/Sumia, Cordelia/the Vaike and Cherche/Virion. That's an uneven number, but it should be fine.

My Avatar and Panne (I think he needs to be with her for a while after... that happened.) will head toward the forts, with Lissa and Lon'qu for backup. Donnel will unfortunately have to be alone this chapter, but he should be fine.

And last, but certainly not least, Olivia will go too, because...


Ahem, let me introduce my co-commentator for this part, my sister, a.k.a the world's number one Henry/Olivia fangirl. Just thought I'd show you just how insane she really is. She doesn't mind.

Disclaimer: Apologies to anyone who doesn't ship Henry and Olivia. I completely respect everyone's right to choose whatever pairings they wish, and I don't mean to force Henry/Olivia on anyone through my above comment and any similar remarks. :)

So anyway, let's introduce the second half of that OTP, shall we? You know, I half expected him to start as an enemy, but no, he's automatic. And... he makes lots of CAW puns. It's... kinda interesting. To me, the whole thing seems meant to feel forced: he's kinda trying too hard to stay cheerful. I find him an interesting character, although he's a little controvertial. I'll discuss this later though.

For the time being, I'll just say those Warriors are looking very scare, both their portraits and stats.

So Henry has a 50% crit rate. That should help him get leveled up a little. But first...

First thing's first...Henry and Olivia double!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 Then save. Henry didn’t crit on his first attack so we restarted just to see if he would the second time...But he didn’t. But he's paired with Olivia so all is good.

Except I kinda overestimated Henry's Defence on the enemy phase. It's not terrible, but it's no Tharja Doubled with Kellam Level. Basically, not enough to survive everyone ganging up on him at once. Oops. Okay, this may be tougher than I thought.

On the plus side though:

Henry/Olivia time again!! We asked Henry to “Please crit, please” and he did!!!! Because his love for Olivia gives him so much strength that he can tap through the forth wall to hear what players tell him or something along those lines. :)

Meanwhile, in non-fangirl land, the flier plan is going relatively smoothly. Virion only needs one more level to promote, so I want him to get some kills... unfortunately most of the archers have Longbows, so he can't counter them. Damn it!

And speaking of frustration, lower down Lon'qu left an archer on exactly 1 HP. Argh, seem that's why you GAIN Strength in your Myrmidon levels! Sigh.

Aaaaand the scary Warrior is moving. This can't be good. 50 HP, hooo boy, this could be bad.

But speaking of bad...

Henry missed on a 90% hit chance. :( But then Olivia dual struck as if to say "It's ok, sweetheart!".

Fortunately, he crit in his next round of combat. And my crit string continued, Virion got one and hit Lv 20 to boot! And since Chrom is nearby I gan pull a Seal out of the convoy next turn.

Oh, and I'd just like to point out Chrom and Sumia are now at Lv 2 and they both have exactly 70 exp. Strange coincidence, or proof of them being joined by destiny?

- Henry critted again: Line em up! And Olivia dual guarded.

And wow, Virion had kind of a close call. Well, 'kind of' is an understantement, he got taken down to 2 HP. If there was ONE more longbow archer, he would have been cat down before hit time to shine. Thank goodness something bad didn't...


Three Warriors? THREE WARRIORS?!?!?! All spawning at once?! In the same area?! Wow, I really hope Henry isn't in range of all thr... dang it. Restart!

Grrrrrrr. Okay game, that's it. No more Mr Nice Klingy. You're not going to play fair, fine, I won't either.


Say hello to Panne's little friend: 55% crit Killing Edge. Go on, do your worst.

Warrior 1: Hit Panne with 23%, gets crited. Waifu 1, Warriors 0.5 (I have to give them some credit for actually hitting her)

Warrior 2: Critted. Waifu 2, Warriors 0 (and decucted again for that)

Warrior 3: No crits, sadly, but he still dies horribly. Waifu 3, Warriors 0. Waifu levels up.

See game? See what happens when you mess with me and my waifu?! Now don't pull any crap like that on me again.

There's been reinforcements for a few turns now, a lot actually. Chrom, Sumia and Virion are holding the left cliff fort, Donnel alone is enough to hold the right. The lower three... well you already know. Henry picks off the stragglers for exp.

Speaking of Henry...

It's his-and-his-VERY-soon-to-be-waifu's-time again! Just before Henry hits, Olivia says “I believe in you”, filling Henry with so much love that he critted and then proceeded to level up!!

Oh hai more reinforcements. You know this is really getting old.

Evidently the game disagrees, because we get MORE next turn, from everywhere. Boy, Henry wasn't kidding when he warned us about them! Donny still holds the right fort by himself, and my dear waifu has the lower ones.


What? Virion is promoting?


Lv 1 Bow Knight

HP: 41

Str: 21

Mag: 6

Sl: 24 +2

Spd: 19

Luk: 12

Def: 13

Res: 9

Congratulations! Your Virion promoted to "The Look"!

And phew, it looks like the reinforcements are done.


And after one more heal...

What? This joke is getting really overused!


Lv 1 War Cleric

HP: 41

Str: 13

Mag: 15

Sl: 12

Spd: 15

Luk: 20

Def: 13

Res: 14

Congratulations! Your Lissa promoted to NUNSWITHAXES! Lissa learned Meme Attack!

Now I checked her portrait to see her animation and... hey, why's her portrait blushing. Wait, I vague remember people mentioning this... when someone's Paired Up with their wife or husband, their portrait blushes in their battle demo. Nice touch!

Okay, boss lefy. Who should do the honours...

The Boss has 3% crit chance against Cherche/Virion, noooOOO!! AND HE ALSO HAS A 1% CRIT CHANCE AGAINST HENRY&OLIVIA!! :(

So, let's stack a whole bunch of supports on him. And the crit chance is gone, phew. Okay, boss time.

Risen Chief: “Grrr…kill…prince…Bwaaarg!”

Wow, they can speak? Didn't see that coming. Unfortunately, no crit from Henry... for three turns. Even with an Olivia dual strike... which did nothing.

Now technically Henry and Cherche need the exp the most, but... after what happened with the avatar, I think he and hos waifu should get the final kill. Aaaand gone. With a crit. And level up.

And the boss' death quote. Okay, so he's Denning 2.0.

So with that over... more epic stuff happens. Since everyone knows this, I won't bother with spoiler tags.

So Lucina. Which is pronounced Loo-SEE-nah, apparently, not Loo-KEY-nah like the Japanese Katakana. Interesting. Anyway she has the mark, and Chrom's same Falcion from the future, which is proof enough. (Still cheap that it's better though) Didn't expect a cutscene of the bad future though.

I also didn't expect her mother to be in the scene either! Wow, so I'm guessing all the potential mothers get different dialogue, just like the Chapter 12 opening. At least that's nice.

So chapter complete, and putting that subplot on hold, we have Lucina! Here are the bases I got on her:

Lv 10 Lord

HP: 32

Str: 14

Mag: 5

Skl: 12

Spd: 20

Luk: 17

Def: 13

Res: 6

She got the auto-Aether from Chrom, and ended up getting Relief from Sumia. I didn't have time to rearrange skills before the chapter, but Relief was still the one I'd preffer out of Sumia's skills. Lucina can learn Galeforce on her own anyway.

And with that... a whole heap of Paralogues opened up! And we can get to all of them now... except one that appeared in north Valm. This one seems to be Maribelle's kid. Dang, I love her pairing! Still, most of them are out of our league for now. A rundown:

Owain: Lv 20 Unpromoted enemies, Lv 3 promoted, boss 10.

Seems doable... except he's one of the ones that needs to inherit Galeforce. So I can't do this for a while...

Cynthia: All Lv 3 promoted at minimum.

Uhh... maybe not.

Severa: Lv 6 promoted minimum.

Definately not.

Yarne!: Lv 6 promoted minumum.

Awwwww, nooooooo! Looks like my bunny boy's going to have to fend for himself a while longer...

Morgam=n!: Lv 20 umpromoted, Lv 3 promoted, boss 10.

But his sister on the other hand... I might just ba able to manage this. Hmm...

Kjelle: Lv 19 umpromoted, Lv 3 promoted, boss 8.

Wow, this one's the easiest by far! I guess Sully's one of the earliest pairable females, but still. I'll hold off until her parenta are at LEAST Lv 5 promoted though.

Noire: Lv 7 promoted minimum, WITH FORGES!

Eep! Now way. Oh well, at least it can't possbly get any...

Nah: Lv 7 promoted minimum, FORGES of B Ranked Tomes and weapons, long range tomes, Lv 25 Entombed.

:o: [faints] Right, let's stay FAR away from THERE... (aww, so no Lil' Miss Gamebreak for a while... :sob: )

So no kids for a while. But you know what? Morgan just may end up being my first...

And HENRY AND OLIVIA REACHED C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...yay!

And woah. This one's... actually quite different from the Japanese. That's interesting. It's both good and bad:

The good: It's no longer explicitly stated that Henry was going to put the dog down. On the contrary, he goes on about how much he loves dogs, and he's very enthusiastic when Olivia goes to get bandages to heal it. This makes him come off as less creepy.

The bad: Olivia now openly thinks he's creepy. And he thinks the same of her. Oh dear.

Hmm... this is shaping up to be interesting. I'm a little scared, to be honest. This was one of the sweetest pairings I read in the Japanese version (heck, you've seen firsthand what it did to my sister...), and I SERIOUSLY hope they didn't ruin it. There seem to be some people out there who claim Herny only exists to appeal to the Draco In Leather Pants fetish, and I really don't think that's the case. He's not malicious, just... mentally damaged. VERY mentally damaged, for reasons that are understandable. He puts on a cheerful facade to hide from his inner depression. I don't know, I kinda like complex characters like that. Maybe it's because I play Ace Attorney and so are used to crazy people with traumatic backstories. And I really believe Olivia can help him, or at least, that's the vibe I got in the Japanese version. Again, I seriously hope they didn't ruin this just to make Herny more "dark" and "edgey".

Don't spoil the rest of their suppots, by the way.

And in other news, we can FINALLY buy decent Magic tomes now! Don't know about shopping on a place called Carrion Isle, but still, nice! Now if you'll excuse me, I have some Henry and Olivia ship grinding to do. My sister wants them to be married within the hour...

EDIT: Okay, a short amount of DLC grinding later, and they're at S. And... argh, damn it. You know, I haven't had a single bad thing to say about the localisation, but it seems I do now.

They. Killed. This. That's how I feel, seriously. I still don't know why, but they seem to have TOTALLY turned the Japanese version's dialogue on its head. It just... lost all the sweetness it used to have. Instead of teaching him to get over his trauma and genuinely smile, they now may it seem like his happiness was always genuine. They also play up his crepyness quite considerably. Seriously, why? Did they think fangirls would like him more if he was just a total sociopath with no redeeming qualities or something?! You know, he used to be one of my favourite characters, now I've lost a whole lot of respect for him. He was going to be my main magic user too, but I'm actually starting to rethink that.

Now if there was SOMe way you could hack the game and replace ONLY their supports with the original Japanese... because seriously, I'll say it now: I ship Jp Henry/Olivia, but I REALLY don't like En Henry/Olivia. Strange, NONE of the other supports really changed at all. And yet of all things, THIS?! You turn one of the most heartwarming things I've ever read into something that actually, genuinely creeps me out. Again, what the hell happened, localisers? Why did ANYONE think this was a good idea.

Sorry, I felt I needed to rant here. Argh, why?! WHY?!?!

Edited by Big Klingy
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1. Tharja: Kellam?

Kellam: Gah! Y-you scared me! How did you see me?

Tharja: Heh. At last, revenge for all the times you crept up on me…I just had to modify a little invisibility spell I’ve been working on.

Kellam: Gosh. It must be handy being about to use magic like that.

Tharja: Here. I brought you something.

Kellam: What is it?

Tharja: It’s a charm. It protects the wearer from misfortune and bad luck. I made a big pile and had some spares. I thought you could give it to your nephew.

Kellam: Aww, thanks! My brother and his wife will be so excited! You’ve been so nice to me, Tharja. I don’t know how to repay you.

Tharja: I had some left over. That’s all. Don’t freak out.

Kellam: So actually, I have something for you, too. It’s…Well, here.

Tharja: …A ring? Did you win this at a carnival or something?

Kellam: I like you, Tharja. You’re smart, and pretty, and you’ve been good to me and mine. Anyway, I’ve been thinking that maybe you and me could…be together?

Tharja: You are so very strange, quiet man. But I suppose I’m not exactly the harvest-festival queen myself.

Kellam: Don’t say that! You’re perfect!

Tharja: Now I know there’s something wrong with you. But all right. Let’s get married and make a strange life for the both of us.

Kellam: Wonderful! I can’t wait to tell my brother the good news!

I don't know about you guys, but I actually kinda like this. You get to see a surprisingly sweet side of Tharja, heck it made me like her a lot more. Since I mostly see her paired with the Avatar, and if not, Henry (but I prefer him with Olivia) I'm not sure what other pairings with her are popular. But anyway, she's paired now.

Well...it's true what he says about you, Tharja. Kellum gets a cookie for having the most interesting life. ^^

Amd that's why she gets two astriks in mah luv list. ^^

2.That's the same kind of bird that appeared in Emmeryn's death cutscene. Chrom's right, she is watching us!

Now she's playing Yune's role. =)

3. Donnel and Nowi are also headed that way. She'll get a new Dragonstone soon, but until then her husband's going to handle most of the fighting. Well, more than handle. He's the only person in the army so far who's ever reduced his enemies to "triple zeroes", to put it in perspective. (That's 0 damage, 0% hit and 0% critical. Probably the best possible result of a combat forcast) On clear terrain, I might add. The annoying thing though, is despite her stone only having 3 uses, "I can't stop her Dual Striking. This could be an issue.

Anyway, typical combat with him: 27 damage, x2 with 40% crit. Leif's Blade, natch. Speaking of which: capped Luck at 33 means he's got a 1/3 chance of getting gold for every enemy. I've earned a fair bit this way.

Yes. Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold!

4. Next turn, we finish the Hero. Generic Heroes' "damaged" face is really weird. It's like they're the Frustrated Celtic Guardian: "I'm so frustrated." And for our efforts we get another Master Seal! This'll go to Sumia.

Sumia is an Underused tier character, so this'll be good!

4. Okay, turn 4 enemy phase and WOAH THAT'S A LOT OF REINFORCEMENTS! Didn't expect them to spill out of every fort at once. And the mages are near Panne... I won't stand for that. Hands off the waifu!

But what's worse... Gangrel just started moving. This early, seriously!? Oh well, we'll certainly be ready for him. Right, Chrom?

That's bad when reinforcements start arriving and that the rest of his minions advances along with the boss moving is very bad. Especially when you should defeat most of his minions before the boss, like Ashnard (Hard/Maniac) goes looking for a fight.


Chrom lv 20

HP: 35

Str: 18

Mag: 7

Slk: 18

Spd: 17

Luk: 19

Def: 17

Res: 7

What? Chrom is promoting?


Lv 1 Great Lord

HP: 40

Str 22

Mag 7

Skl 20

Spd 19

Luk 19

Def 20

Res 10

Congratulations, your Chrom evolved into Super Chrom-nom-nom! Super Chrom-nom-nom equipped Shield of Spoiler!

In all seriousness, I'm guessing those stats are about what you'd expect. Chrom's a real King-Of-All-Stats guy: he's pretty much somewhat above-average at everything except Mag and Res.

Also the only lord in the series that doesn't promote only in storyline events.

6. there being infinite exp on offer in this game and all.

On Lunatic, skirmishes are removed from the game!

7. So we got the Big Bullion from the thief, who got it from the left chest. So what's in the right chest? A Goddess Icon. Of course, it's not like I need that, Panne is already my goddess. (I'm sorry, I just hand to)

Give it to Tharja, seriously. She doesn't really grow Luck all that well averagely.

8. So firstly... hey, Raimi's back! Wow, for a one-time boss you sure have a lot more screentime than I thought! And we get the Chrom and baby Lucina scene. Sumia says " the Brand in her left eye is not your only gift to her." Well duh, she also got, oh I don't know, Aether and super asskicking powers.

And that she grows up to be very pretty.

9. kay, before we begin Arc 2: Valm proper, there's a couple of teensey things to take care of: namely, Sumia needs to be promoted like her husband!

Falcoknight Lv 1

HP: 37

Str 17

Mag 8

Skl 25

Spd 31 + 2

Luk 17

Def 14

Res 15

Lance A, Staff E

Skills: Speed +2 and Relief

Woah, look at that speed. That's the kind you wouldn't get until 20/20 in other games. You know, Sumia really benefits from the raising of unpromoted caps this game has. In earlier games, the "speedy" peg knight would pretty much always become inferior to the "power" peg towards the end of their unpromoted levels, as they'd generally both max out speed at 20, but the speedy one wouldn't be able to keep up in Str and Def, and would be stuck for ages not being able to make use of their best growth. But now with higher caps, as well as individual cap boosts, both are sure to remain useful. The extra speed and avo Sumia has over Cordelia is a pretty big thing.

Here's what I've made Sumia and her final stats at 20/20

Sumia LV20/20 EXP--

Class: Dark Peg


HP 48/48

Power 16

Mag Pwr 20 (No surprise. Since her mag is only 35% in the Dark Flier class)

Skill 38

Speed 42+2

Luck 27

Def 18

Res 22

Lance A Tome A

Skills: speed2n.pngSpeed+2, 005kb.pngRefresh, 051fe.pngMovement Cry, 009mw.pngLightening Speed

10. DonnelMcBroken: Level 10

HP: 42

Str 27 max

Mag 5

Skl 22

Spd 25 max

Luk 33 max

Def 23

Res 10

Sword C

Skills: Aptitude, Underdog, Armsthrift, Patience

Comments: KRRRRRRCK! The game just snapped in half. You know, of all characters in the FE series with "Magikarp Power", as Tv Tropes calls it, I find he's the most comparable to Magikarp itself. Like Donnel, you can obtain Magikarps very early. Like Donnel, they require the assistants of teammates to train, and are near useless until a certain point. And like Donnel, they destroy everything once they evolve. Donnel now is very comparable to a Gyarados in the early patrs of a Pokemon game. That's the best I can describe it.

Promotion: Hero, I descided on that early. He looks way to weird as a Warrior anyway.

Same with Feebas, only that they're much more difficult to evolve and that they're obtainable later. Feebas is very pretty once it evolves. ^-^

11. Tharja: Lv 16

HP: 28

Str 4

Mag 14

Skl 9

Spd 15

Luk 3

Def 14

Res 8

Skills: Hex and Anathema

Comments: She's been getting pretty bad Level Ups for a while. I don't think I've ever seen her 5-6 stat up quote. But her def is almost impenetrable when paired with Kellam, so it's sort of fine.

Tharja's one of the only few characters in the game that is good in any of her Master Seal Choices. (Sorcerer/Dark Knight)

12. The good: It's no longer explicitly stated that Henry was going to put the dog down. On the contrary, he goes on about how much he loves dogs, and he's very enthusiastic when Olivia goes to get bandages to heal it. This makes him come off as less creepy.

The bad: Olivia now openly thinks he's creepy. And he thinks the same of her. Oh dear.

His behavior always has been irritable. x.x

13. Maybe it's because I play Ace Attorney and so are used to crazy people with traumatic backstories.

Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban) is a MUST play if anyone hasn't touched the series yet.

14. They. Killed. This. That's how I feel, seriously. I still don't know why, but they seem to have TOTALLY turned the Japanese version's dialogue on its head. It just... lost all the sweetness it used to have. Instead of teaching him to get over his trauma and genuinely smile, they now may it seem like his happiness was always genuine. They also play up his crepyness quite considerably. Seriously, why? Did they think fangirls would like him more if he was just a total sociopath with no redeeming qualities or something?! You know, he used to be one of my favourite characters, now I've lost a whole lot of respect for him. He was going to be my main magic user too, but I'm actually starting to rethink that.

Makes me glad that I've killed him in both of my runs. He died in his joining chapter in both runs.

Ace Attorney II

Matt Engarde is the only one alot worse.

15. Now if there was SOMe way you could hack the game and replace ONLY their supports with the original Japanese... because seriously, I'll say it now: I ship Jp Henry/Olivia, but I REALLY don't like En Henry/Olivia. Strange, NONE of the other supports really changed at all. And yet of all things, THIS?! You turn one of the most heartwarming things I've ever read into something that actually, genuinely creeps me out. Again, what the hell happened, localisers? Why did ANYONE think this was a good idea.

Sorry, I felt I needed to rant here. Argh, why?! WHY?!?!

I'll have to read the Japanese support topic here about them as I'm not completely fluentant in it yet only having about 2 years experience in it and that I wouldn't know anyway as I've already dealt with him as his Psycho laughter made me want to kill him so badly.


(This is also for you folks that haven't read my Second run logs as I've only posted them all in the FE4 Thread)

You can read these in case you've missed seeing them...

These are my summaries of my entire 2 Japanese runs.

First two runs....



This one has to be my utmost favorite in the game! Especially good listening to this while your outside in the dark. :evil:

Edited by Katarina
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You can erase this reply as I've already put my 2nd run summaries in my topic. Thanks.

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Phew. So it took me a while before I got back to the game, after that disappointment. Seriously, I'd like to hear more opinions on this: Katarina always hated Henry, so it's only naturaly they'd still do. But are there any others out there, like me, who used to be major fans of him who now utterly despise him? I seriously LOATHE this guy now. Just LOOKING at him makes me angry, and part of me wishes I was playing on permadeath mode so I could kill him. I've NEVER hated an FE character that much, not even Bantu or Zealot.

And are there any other people out there who used to be Henry/Olivia shippers who now hate the pairing? I actually feel really uncomfortable about her being with someone like him now, and part of me wishes I didn't save after I paired them. Oh well, at least this means Inigo can use the Vantage-Wrath-Vengence combo, which I've heard is amazing. Too bad we won't be getting him until Olivia gets Galeforce. That'll take a LOT of grinding. Speaking of grinding...

Actually, that'll be later. For now:

A few things before moving on in the story. First, we now have Lucina. Interesting thing about her: she unlocks C Supports with both her parents automatically. Her one with Sumia is hilarious and cute at the same time. I find Sumia works really well as a mother, personally. Her character just pulls it off really well. Anyway, let's have Lucina get some experience and Father-Daughter bonding time... by killing some zombies! She leveled up a fair bit, got to B with Chrom and got her first Aether... which was also a crit! Already, she's being awesome.

Right then, let's go to sea.

Chapter 14: Flames on the Blue

Funny, in hindsight the chapter name is a spoiler, but anyway, Chrom and Lucina has a little talk, and the Avatar gives an oddly philosophical speach about how "we're not pawns to some scripted fate, but linked by invisible ties", or something. Obviously this is foreshadowing the name of the chapter where you fight Validar. Though apparently it also echoes Chrom's A Support with the Avatar, which I haven't got yet. (My priority in supports goes Marriages -> Family (Parents/Children, Siblings) -> Friendly, and since Lucina arrived she's been with Chrom for support grinding. Come to think of it, I have NO IDEA why I haven't supported Chrom and Lissa yet. I'll have to fix that soon.)

And now for the chapter. And another nostalgia rush. This is another one of those "ships at sea" battles, feeling like a combination of Chapter 17 of Blazing Sword (the layout) and Chapter 13 of Path of Radiance. (the Chests and... you'll see) I like the nice throwbacks here. Anyway, we're greeted by lots of Pegasus Knights and Armours, with a few Generals (one of which has Rally Defence! That could be a problem...) and Great Knights. Pretty much what I expected, though I didn't guess Valm would use Pegasi so heavily. Very few "enemy nations" in FE history specialise in Pegasi, Silesia and Begnion are really the only two others that come to mind. (Illia doesn't could because they were occupied by Bern at the time) This should prove interesting...

So there's two chests on the rightmost ship and one on the one below. There's also only one droppable chest key on the map (near the two chests), so you'll need to bring Thieves or keys of your own.

I settled on both. Nowi with a Chest Key will take the lower chest, and who else to get the right ones but my sweet waifu. Right then, let's go!

Chrom's newly-expanded family goes to chokepoint the leftmost ship (Lucina Pairs Up with her mother this time, they're still onl at C. Chrom stands beside so as to still benefit from the support and Dual Strikes.), while Panne and I take the right. Nowi and Donnel head to the lower one, while Cherche grabs Virion and flies off the stern to take on the Pegasus Knights in the sea below. I'm actually really liking Cherche so far, she's been doing pretty well. She can't double the pegs, but it's not like that matters when they can't even scratch her.

Speaking of which, the pegs can't even scratch my Avatar either. Lol. So I proceed to slay them in droves and... learn Ignis! YES! (I also go two 10% crits in a row) Now, who will be the skill's first victim...

On Chrom's front, things are going okay, though Lucina is not exactly the best character for chokepointing at the moment, with her low Def and HP and not high enough support for reliable Dual Guards. She's still doing okay though. Unfortunately the General proceeds to Rally a big clump of 9 guys at the end of the enemy phase. That's going to take some doing to break through... but then again, this is Chrom's family we're talking about.

Speaking of Chrom, it's only NOW that I've FINALLY started using his Rapier. It's strange, really, most FE games make the Rapier really useful early on but fall behind in the mid/late game. This game almost seems the opposite: with the Falcion being infinite-use it's generally more useful against generic bandits, and it's also effective against the Wyvern Riders Plegia loves to spam. Meanwhile Armours are better dealt with by Hammers or Magic, and cavelry are few and far between...

Until the Valm arc, which has Cavs and Armours up the wazoo. Not only that, but due to the new "beast" effectiveness clasification, the Rapier is now effective against Pegasus Knights too, and guess what else Valm is fond of? Yep, the Rapier really does a number on Walhart's armies in general, meaning that, strangely enough, it's best saved for now despite being obtained so early. Never seen THAT before in an FE game...

The whole Chrom family is helping too: Lissa is behind them offering support. Well, when her husband isn't taking point to kill some Pegasus Knights. Which, really, I'm surprised he doesn't find harder, you know, them being women and all. (I actually feel a little bad when I hear their death cries. It kinda reminds me of Brutal Legend's line "Don't tell me I've been killing hot chicks this whole time...")

Aaaaaaand Chrom learned Aether! Sorry, your daughter kinda beat you to the punch there. At least it games them another father/daughter activity to do: overkilling stuff with extreme prejudice.

Nowi reaches the lower chest (I didn't write down anything that happened fighting her way there because seriously, you all know how it goes with her and Donnel by now: everything dies.) It's a Second Seal. We still can't buy them yet, but at least they're giving them to us.

I also get Lissa's first Dual Strike. She says "what a loser!" lol.

And WOAH, okay, Pegasi just spawned from the bottom of the map, and for the first time EVER there was NO warning this time. I guess the gamr has officially come out of "training-wheels mode". Fortunately, they're only Pegs.

Speaking of "only pegs", Cherche finally killed enough of them to promote! Unfortunately, it seems I forgot to write down her stats. But I remember her Str being high, and her Skill and Spd roughly equalling her Def, which was in the low 20's.

Next turn Pagasi came from the right of the map. All of them went for Donny and... you can guess the result.

Now, seeing as we had Pegs from the bottom, then the right, I'm guessing they'll come from the top next tur... haha, I knew it! You may not have LOUDLY PROCLAIMED THAT YOU'RE SUMMONING REINFORCEMENTS (seriously, bosses in this game are dumb!), but you're still just as predictable as ever. Of these pegs, one went for Donny and two attacked Lucy. All died horribly.

Now it's time for the boss, a General who was content to sit on his ship while all his men failed miserably. Now, the story implies this mission to be a "get in, kill the leader fast, get out" type job, but I', not one to miss out on any experience, am I. Anyway...

Woah, your Def is high. Even Rapiers only do 5 damage. But still, can you stand against the power of Lucina and her mother?!

...Didn't think so. "You...have...lost!", he claims. Little does he know...

That in-game me is going to pull yet another of his brilliant plans that out-of-game me doesn't get to hear about beforehand. This one involves turning half of our fleet into GIANT FLAMING MISSILES and intentionally chrashing them into the enemy, setting the entire sea on fire. That should make the Valmese think twice before attacking us by sea again. Interestinly enough I'm pretty sure this tactic has been done in real life. Or at least the Demolition Ship unit in Age of Empires would imply that. (I proudly admit I learned 50% of my history from Age of Empires. The other 50% was from Carmen Sandiago. Yep, even as a primary school kid, I learned best through gaming.)

Oh, one more thing I want to mention about the chapter. My Avatar and Panne got an event tile towards the end of the chapter. It was one of the "I love you" ones. I think it went something like this:

Panne: I love you, [Name]. It pleases me to be joined with a human like this."

Avatar: You're embarresing me. But I love you too."

HNNNNNGH. STOP DOING THIS TO ME GAME! I think it's time those two thought about having kids...

Right, after all that, three skirmishes pop up: one of which is a Hero... on Carrion Isle. This can't be good... Back at the barracks, Viron and Cherche are talking. (It's meant to be, people!) I also get a Katarina's Bolt. That thing has one mean crit rate, which should come in handy.

Right, there's another skirmish over at the Southtown, the prologue location. I've never actually had one yet, this should be interesting. Hmm... only level 5-7 enemies, but we only get 6 deployment slots. Oh well, might as well.

The enemies here don't give us much. But Stahl levels up... and he's gaining quite a bit of Speed. Oh oh. Is the Curse of Cain and Abel striking again? (He'd better hope, for his sake, that he doesn't outclass his now-wife Sully. She'd hurt him bad...)

In another skirmish, I think it was at Breakneck Pass, Ricken coincidently manages to pick up ANOTHER Katarina's Bolt JUST as he's in range of the enemy!

Now time for Carrion Isle... Level 19 enemies, the boss is a Lv 3 Hero. Not NEARLY as bad as I was expecting. Early on in the game skirmishes were often tougher than the main story chapters but now, not so much. We cleared this one easy.

But that's nowhere near enough grinding. I wanted to get everyone promoted before progressing the story, as we've now reached a point where non-promoted characters can't really handle the large numbers of enemies here. Fortunately, EXPonential Growth just got released, perfect!

Xenologue: Plants vs Zombies vs OTPs

...I won't bore you with a direct account of the chapter. I played it far too many times to count, and it's not very interesting. (The enemies don't even attack) But I will give a few general tips/observations/interesting points from my various runs.

General Tips:

-You only get 6 people.

-This map is one of the few times where you probably DON'T want to Pair Up. Unpaired, your two characters can each kill an enemy on the same phase. Paired they can only kill one. Unless you've got a weak character who needs the Pair Up stat boosts to kill enemies (and for that they'd have to be REALLY weak, as in Lv 1 Donny weak.), it's generally best to have everyone go it alone.

-It's downright impossible to kill everything without some serious Galeforce spam. ShadowOfChaos showed this in his recent video. The Galeforce spam part, I mean. Go watch it if you're interested.

-The only characters this map doesn't help to grind are unpromoted healers, as you won't be taking any damage here unless you're REALLY weak or are dumb and attack the Counter guys in melee. (Don't do this. Seriously. You'll die.) I had to Rescue spam to get Maribelle ready to promote.

-Speaking of the counter guys, Bows and Magic actually make short work of them. Just, again, be sure not to attack them in melee. Espeecially with Astra.

-The map will generally be over in 4 turns. If you're lucky, you may get one Risen who's still around on the 5th turn, but you won't get any more than that. So remember you're essentially on a timer here.

From my run:

-Donnel has 100% hit even against enemies with Swordbreaker. You know you're broken when that happens...

-Frederick lampshades his status as a Jagen in his battle quote, lol. Although actually the irony is I WILL be doing most of my training for him here. He needs to be leveled up for... actually, I'm jumping the gun.

Levels weren't the only thing I grinded for though... Miriel now has potential S'es with both Libra and Frederick! I read both supports first, restarting each time, to see which I liked better. And the lucky winner is.....

Drumroll please...





Frederick! There were a few reasons for this, actually. Firstly, it was my first choice and it was what my gut was telling me. Second, I like the two "logical" Shepards togeather. Third... I realised I could do a bit of a compromise.

Libra's supports were still pretty nice, though they had a more "science and religion harmony" vibe than actual romance or even friendship. But it still gives Laurent MASSIVE Mag, and Libra's such a nice guy he deserves to be paired with someone... And then I realised something.

In my second playthrough, with a Female Avatar, she'll marry Chrom. (I don't approve of this in any way, I'm doing it mostly for humor value) This means I need to find someone else for Sumia... and out of her other potential husbands only Frederick really appeals to me. (Gaius will be with Panne, as there's no male Avatar, and Henry... no.) This means I won't be able to pair Miriel with Frederick in that playthrough... so I can pair her with Libra! So that's it, I've got a compromise: it'll be Frederick this playthrough and Libra the next. That way everyone's happy.

So basically, Frederick and Miriel are now togeather. And now only Cherche and Virion remain. They're at B now, but come on... get waifu'd faster! Anyway, I don't think I'm quite ready for the Laurent sidequest, despite people telling me it's one of the easiest. I'll have to grind Frederick until he learns Luna first, anyway.

Speaking of grinding, after that little Entombed re-killing spree, we're all ready to promote (Lucina actually reached Lv 20 during the last chapter, but I waited for the others first.) This time, in the interests of saving space, I'll do Before > after comparisons.

Let's get started!


HP: 41 > 45

Str: 19 > 22

Mag: 6

Skill: 24 > 27

Spd: 27 > 30

Lck: 27

Def: 14 > 16

Res: 9 > 12

Skills: Dualstrike+, Charm, Relief, Aether

Comments: She doesn't actually look too different, apart from a little extra armour. And something else I didn't quite catch until Chapter 15. Anyway, she's being AMAZNG so far. She's Aethered more times than her dad, easily. The only stat he's really beating her in is Defence. Sure her Str is lower now, but she's only Lv 1 promo, and he's 5. I figure by the time she reaches 5 she'll have equal or even better Str than him. Def is her only real issue, but she dodges so much it's pretty much a non-issue.

Panne: > Assassin

HP: 54 > 59

Str: 24 (max) > 29

Mag: 5

Skill: 31 (max) > 38

Spd: 31 (max) > 35

Lck: 25 > 25

Def: 18 > 21

Res: 3 > 4

Skills: Even Rhythm, Beastbane, Locktouch, Movement+1

Comments: R.I.P Game Difficulty. You will be missed. Res is still her Achilles Heel, fortunately I won't let any spells come near her. And soon she'll have Lethality too... I regret nothing in making her my waifu.

Sully: > Paladin.

HP: 36 > 43

Str: 16 > 19

Mag: 4 > 5

Skill: 19 > 21

Spd: 17 > 19

Lck: 17

Def: 10 > 13

Res: 7 > 13

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Fighter

Comments: Nice Res boost. And she's gone a deeper red now, with a nice looking shield. I seriously hope she didn't get speed screwed though...

Stahl: > Great Knight

HP: 37 > 45

Str: 19 > 24

Mag: 3

Skill: 21 > 22

Spd: 15 > 14

Lck: 16

Def: 17 > 24

Res: 5 > 6

Skills: Same as his waifu

Comments: He's VERY green now. Much brighter than his Cav form. Other than that, what can I say, the class suits him. And that Spd penalty will make sure he doesn't overshadow Sully...

THE VAIKE: > Warrior

HP: 46 > 54

Str: 25 > 29

Mag: 3

Skill: 18 > 21

Spd: 14 > 16

Lck: 12

Def: 18 > 21

Res: 2 > 5

Skills: HP+5, Zeal

Comments: Looks like the Vaike just got even Vaikier. Spd could be higher, but nice Str and Def. Heh, that's the strength I'd expect from a maxed out warrior in the past games.

The Cordelia: > Dark Flyer

HP: 36 > 39

Str: 20 > 21

Mag: 7 > 11

Skill: 22 > 23

Spd: 17 +2 > 19 +2

Lck: 13

Def: 18 > 19

Res: 13 >16

Skills: Speed+2, Relief

Comments: Falco would benefit her unusually-high-for-a-peg Defence more, but still, I need a Dork Flier, and she'll have to do. Though it seems that among them only Aversa has anything resembling a decent Magic growth...

Miriel: > Sage

HP: 28 > 32

Str: 0 > 1

Mag: 16 +2 > 19 +2

Skill: 16 > 18

Spd: 20 > 23

Lck: 15

Def: 6 > 8

Res: 11 > 13

Skills: Magic+2, Focus

Comments: Nice speed. No str and def. Yeah, she's the more typical mage.

Ricken: > Dark Knight

HP: 36 > 45

Str: 10 > 14

Mag: 15 + 2 > 16+2

Skill: 17 > 20

Spd: 14 > 15

Lck: 24

Def: 12 > 19

Res: 10 > 12

Skills: Same as Miriel

Comments: While this guy's... the more unconventional mage. Oddly high Str and Def makes him perfect for Dark Knight, though funnily enough I didn't think I'd end up making him one at first. But at least now he's mounted like his waifu.

Maribelle: > Valkyrie

HP: 27 > 30

Str: 5

Mag: 13 > 15

Skill: 8 > 10

Spd: 16 > 19

Lck: 18

Def: 5 > 7

Res: 16 +2 > 19 +2

Skills: Resistance+2, Demoiselle

Comments: Speaking of which... actually Maribelle is RIDICULOUSLY fragile. I've had her one-shotted by enemies often. I guess she'll hide behind her hubby until she gets a bit more levels. At least she can support him with Dual Strikes now!

Kellam: > General

HP: 36 > 46

Str: 19 > 23

Mag: 3 > 3

Skill: 15 > 18

Spd: 12 >

Lck: 10

Def: 23 +2 > 27 +2

Res: 6 > 9

Skills: Defense +2, Indoor Fighter

Comments: Nice Def. Huge HP gain. Nothing much else to say: he's pretty much the same as before, just better.

Tharja: > Sorcerer

HP: 31 > 36

Str: 6 > 7

Mag: 17 > 20

Skill: 9 > 11

Spd: 17 > 18

Lck: 5

Def: 15 > 18

Res: 9 > 12

Skills: Hex, Anathema

Comments: Ever since learning to hate Henry I've liked using her a lot more. Strange, I always thought SHE was the one I'd end up hating... Still, she's a giant talk when paired with Kellam.

DonnelMcGAMEBREAK: > Hero

HP: 54 > 58

Str: 27 (max) > 30

Mag: 7 > 8

Skill: 27 (max) > 30

Spd: 25 (max) > 28

Lck: 33 (max)

Def: 26 (max) > 29

Res: 14 > 17

Skills: Aptitude, Underdog, Armsthrift, Patience

Comments: Heheheheheheheh... yeah, the game's difficulty is kinda dead now. Again, not much to say, I mean, he may as well have been promoted beforehand...

Nowi: > Dark Knight

HP: 48 > 55

Str: 19 +8 > 21

Mag: 8 +5 > 13

Skill: 11 +3 > 16

Spd: 19 +2 > 23

Lck: 26 > 26

Def: 19 +10 > 26

Res: 19 +7 > 22

Skills: Odd Rhythm, Wyrmsbane

Comments: A reclass, not a promotion. Still, I actually grinded her up to Lv 30 Manakete just so I could reclass her to a promoted one. Though it was only afterwards that I realised that may not be such a good idea... She's got crap Magic, and is stuck at E with both Swords and Tomes. Perhaps if she'd gone through Mage first her Mag would have been better. Oh well, at least she's a massive tank. (Seriously, ever seen that much Def AND Res on one character?)

Phew. With that done, let's move on.

Chapter 15: Smoldering Resistance

Wow, that intro was kinda short. Okay, this chapter doesn't remind me of any past ones like the others, though there is a beach that impedes our movement. Also, Say'ri's here! She's trapped against a wall by two armours, with no weapons and... better strength than Lon'qu. Better. Strength. Than Lon'qu. And he's Lv 5 SM, she's only Lv 1. Umm... what? Wow, you KNOW you're Strength screwed when pre-promotes lower than you beat you. Is his Str supposed to be this low?

We've also got Dark Knight enemies, and a Dark Knight boss with Slow Burn. We should take him out quickly then. I'll bring Kellam and Tharja seeing as there's so many Armours.

Beginning the chapter... wow, Say'ri's panting voice clip lasts a while. And the generic soldiers chasing her have thair "don't let he get away!" fully voiced. That's a surprising amount of effort. And apparently those doors in the housing strip above are... villages? Okay.

So, as we start, Kellam and Tharja head across the beach to take on the enemies there. Meanwhile Cherche flies ahead and spots a guy with a hammer. So she hammers the hammer guy to get his hammer so she has more hammers to hammer more guys. Um, yeah.

Say'ri is in a bit of a dilemma. She's already trapped against the wall getting speared. So you either need to rush to her as fast as possible or bring a Physic staff. Fortunately Lissa has one on her right now, and Chrom and Lucina are already om their way (I presume Chrom has to talk to her).

So, on the beach Kellam and Tharja are having no problems holding their own. Seriously, their defences are MASSIVE. Tharja is kinda getting most of the kills, but I don't think she minds. "Killing is her job", after all. Though Kellam WILL need some more exp. He can't be overshadowed all the time.

Back on the other front, we haven't gotten far, as the enemies have all clumped up and clogged the first intersection. Though with a strategic combination of kills, Chrom and Lucina were able to slip past towards Say'ri. Funnily enough Virion Dual Struck with Sumia a few times despite them not supporting. Anything for a fair maiden, I guess, though that'll have to stop once he marries Cherche. Good thing her Wyvern has that under control...

And it was only now that I noticed Lucina's shield is shaped like a butterfly. That's interesting. It goes with the motifs in the opening movie, at least. I wonder if there's some significance to this... I know butterflies have been used in time travel stories before.

And around now the Dark Knights (I was about to call them Mage Knights) are on us. Man, those Arc spells hurt! I've faced them before, but never in this many numbers.

Speaking of which... I only just realised the Dark Knight on the beach, now in range of Tharja, has Anathema. Which, combined with her awful Luck, means he has a scarily high crit rate on her. This could be bad..........

Except SHE was the one who crit. Heh, I should have expected that. Looks like we have no problem then.

We've broken the chokepoint, but... Panne isn't getting much exp anymore. Understandable, seeing as this is essentially her THIRD class now. Still, she needs to get to 5 for Lethality at least, before we can recruit the kids.

And at last, we recruit Say'ri. Fortunately, Lucina found a Steel Sword from an enemy on the way here, so I gave it to her. Her first battle was with one of the Knights trapping her. She doesn't do enough to kill... but Lucina saves the day with a crit Dual Strike. Yeah, it's official, she's awesome.

Only the boss is left, so now it's village time! From right to left we get: Big Bullion, Physic, Arms Scroll and a Second Seal. We also find out people don't really like Walhard much. Resistance movements are springing up all over the continent. Okay, at least we know Valm isn't some generic pure evil nation...

Given that Panne hasn't had much oppertunities to level up in this chapter, I thought I'd let her get the boss. Well, her low Res could make this a problem, but knowing her, this'll probably be over before that's even a factor.

Wow, your quote is generic, mr boss. "Long live the empeor, blah blah blah..." Panne crits him. Long live the waifu.

And Kellam and Tharja got Heroes. I guess that makes sense, without them the beach guys would have swarmed us from behind. And she deserves the award alone for managing to NOT get critted by the Anathema guy.

And so with that chapter over, we recruit Say'ri, who happens to be the leader of the rebellion. I didn't expect that. Unfortunately, we learn that Walhart has Tiki, (just read her supports with Avatar. Must resist urge to call her Tikiwiki...) the Voice Of Naga, locked up in his coney island disco palace the Mila tree. If we freed her, the people should be able to unite against him...

And the next chapter also features a certain infamous mustached boss. This should be interesting...

But we won't be going there just yet.

Firstly, Virion and Cherche have reached S! Finally, now everyone is Waifu'd! The conversation is pretty much the same as I remembered it. So now we have access to Gerome's Paralogue... in Wyvern Valley... uh oh. Yeah, I have an intense phobia of Wyverns. This should be fun. Though it won't be till later, it looks a little too tough for me at the moment. Though the map is very pretty: it kinda reminds me of Makna Forest from Xenoblade Chronicles. Also, the boss is one of the few who ISN'T a reused portrait, for some reason.

Now that I've got all the marriages I wanted, I can finally give my impressions overall. I was originally going to rank them from most favourite to least, but seriously, there's no way I can do that. So I'll just give a few words:

The good:

Stahl and Sully: I still like the pairing. The supports are more 'training partnery' than romantic for the most part, except for the 'nice skin' moment in their B. They work well togeather on the battlefield though.

Chrom and Sumia: Still love this, but this is probably the second most-changed, localisation-wise. I understand turning the Bento in the B into a pie, but I still wonder if they wen't a little overboard in the S. I know some people actually preffer Sumia's Auto-Marriage dialogue in Chapter 11 to her actual S support, and I can kind of see why. Still, like I've said, Sumia actually makes a great mother, story-wise. Her interactions with Lucina are very sweet.

Lon'qu and Lissa: Still like this. My sister says she'd like to try Lissa/Frederick though, and I can understand that. Lissa is probably one of the few characters I don't have a definate OTP for, I very much support Frederick and Vaike too. Still, Lissa is the first girl he Lon'qu meets in-story, which is nice.

Ricken and Maribelle: One of the few supports I wasn't spoiled on, as for some reason the Japanese ones were never uploaded to the site. I, for one, think this is SIMPLY CRIMINAL. This is probably one of my favourite, if not THE favourite pairing in the game now. Their supports are sweet, they have shipping material in-story and they look of a closer age than him and Miriel. Their S was really nice too. I didn't expect this, but I've become a serious shipper of the pair.

The Vaike and The Cordelia: I still think it's nice she at least gets to be with Chrom's best friend. I do admit I understand why Cordelia/Male Avatar is so popular, and I read their supports. Their nice, but there's one problem: Chrom is never brought up at all. Now this is probably a good thing on one level. But on the other hand, with Vaike you really get the sense he's helping her get over Chrom and move on, there's none of that with Male Avatar. (Plus, the CBA part of the support is identical to Female Avatar, so it can't be very romantic) No offence to anyone who likes the pairing, it's still up their with my favourite male Avatar ones.

Donnel and Nowi: Still very sweet, but mostly identical to the japanese version, with Nowi's childishness toned down slightly without ruining the character. See, THAT'S how you do it, people! Anyway, I still generally don't feel comfortable pairing her with anyone but Donny or Ricken, though I may try Gregor some time. But I'll likely NEVER do Ricken, because, well, see above.

Kellam and Tharja: Strange. What started out as a total crack pairing turned out to be one of my favourites. You get to see a sweet side of Tharja that doesn't come out often, and like people have pointed out, it's one of the very few Supports where she never mentions the Avatar at all. I personally think those are the best pairings for her, they make her come off as less creepy. I hwar Ricken is another one, but well... you know. This alse made me like Tharja a LOT more than I thought I would.

Virion and Cherche: Again, the ship makes sense in-story. She's also probably one of the only ones who can 'tame' him. Plus he seems to genuinely like her, not think of her as another conquest. Character development!

Male Avatar and Panne: Last, but certainly FAR from least, yeah, I still think this is my favourite Male Avatar pairing, though I see why Lucina and Cordelia are popular too. It lets the Taguel race continue, probably makes her very happy (she finally has a family) and she's pretty nice to him right from the start, unlike some of her supports. Oh, and she also likes his cooking, which is a big deal. But yeah, I may try Tiki and Lucina in the future, but I'm pretty sure Panne will always be my Waifu of choice.

And the bad...

Henry and Olivia: WHY?! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?! This was the pairing I, not to mention my sister, was most looking forward to! And they totally destroyed it! I probably won't rant anymore, you already know why I dislike this one so much. But seriously, to go from one of the most heartwarming things ever to totally creeping my out... that's a REALLY big deal. It's almost as if the localiser here was different to whoever localised the rest of the game. Some say he's funnier this way. Maybe. But it's at a price: he's now become someone I would NEVER approve of being with a nice girl like Olivia. In fact now I never want to pair him up with anyone ever again. Anyone know any better people for Olivia? (Excluding Rey)

Okay, that took longer that expected. I actually had to type this over the course of two days. I actually have one more chapter I played through this session, but I have to go out soon, so I think I'll just post this first. And so I leave you with this not-so-subtle teaser:

You know, Panne my Avatar are thinking of having kids.

You know what? We just did...

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I'm actually really liking Cherche so far, she's been doing pretty well. She can't double the pegs, but it's not like that matters when they can't even scratch her.

Cherche also has a heart touching personality.

I know butterflies have been used in time travel stories before.

Like Persona.

And the next chapter also features a certain infamous mustached boss. This should be interesting...

Great, it's greybeard!

Edited by Katarina
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My my...well that whole situation seemed to escalate a little quickly blink.gif. While I take note of your argument, I still like Henry. He's an interesting character and yet his dark nature is quite apparent. He's the type of character that SHOULD creep you out a little. You have to admit though his battle quotes are just so creepy/hilarious.

Now then to the main point, isn't it a little harsh to hate a character just because of a bad support? I respect your decision but remember, you have the freedom to not pair them again. There are plenty of other candidates for Olivia (Ex: Lon'qu, Gregor, Donnel, etc). I must say though, Henry and Lissa was unexpectedly adorable as well as Henry and Nowi. It just seems unfair to hate on a character like Henry just because a support wasn't as good as its Japanese counterpart.

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My my...well that whole situation seemed to escalate a little quickly blink.gif. While I take note of your argument, I still like Henry. He's an interesting character and yet his dark nature is quite apparent. He's the type of character that SHOULD creep you out a little. You have to admit though his battle quotes are just so creepy/hilarious.

Now then to the main point, isn't it a little harsh to hate a character just because of a bad support? I respect your decision but remember, you have the freedom to not pair them again. There are plenty of other candidates for Olivia (Ex: Lon'qu, Gregor, Donnel, etc). I must say though, Henry and Lissa was unexpectedly adorable as well as Henry and Nowi. It just seems unfair to hate on a character like Henry just because a support wasn't as good as its Japanese counterpart.

Yeah, I will admit I was a little harsh. I'm really sorry about that, to all you Henry fans out there. I guess I was just a HUGE fan of that pairing in the Jp version, so I was disappointed that it changed. And you all saw how much of a crazy fangirl my sister was for the pairing... It was just pent-up disappointment, really, and I kind of had to let it out. Sorry. I can feel my sislike kinda subsiding, so Henry will probably be back in battles soon.

And yeah, his battle quotes are still some of my absolute favourite in the game, up there with Panne, Virion and Frederick. And with Ruin (and later Vengence, on account of its ridiculous activation rate) I get to hear them a lot. And I'll need to train him before I get Inigo, so I can pass down one of Vangence or Wrath. Inigo is going to have the Vantage-Wrath-Vengence combo, like I said. (Henry himself can't have that, but Olivia passes down Myrm for Vantage.)

Actually, I should probably start condidering inherited skills for the kids now. As of writing, I've already got Morgan (I'll wait till the next "official" update to put that up), and I think the next kid I get will be Kjelle. Her chapter looks easy, and Stalh and Sully were my first married couple, it's perfect! After that... well Owain is the next easiest, but he needs Galeforce, which will take a while to get. Cynthia is high on my priority list due to Aether, lv 3 promoted enemies aren't THAT tough, really. After that... I don't know. Nah, Noire and Gerome will be late though.



-From Lissa: Galeforce, obviously.

-From Lon'qu: I guess Astra. Always nice to have it early.


-From Olivia: Galeforce.

-From Herny: Vengence or Wrath. One off the two.


-From Maribelle: As funny as Demoiselle is, I'd much rather Dual Support+ from Valkyrie. Though actually Maribelle can pass Galeforce too... and he's going to be my massive power mage...

-From Ricken: Lifetaker, maybe?


-From Sully: Aegis.

-From Stahl: Luna.



-From Chrom: Aether, not like I have a choice...

-From Sumia: Eh... something from Falcoknight?

The Severa:

-From The Cordelia: Probably Galeforce

-From The Vaike: Counter and Wrath most appeal to me, but Rally Strength sounds good too...


-From Cherche: Hmm... maybe Dual Support +?

-From Virion: Bowbreaker. No contest.


-From Panne: Lethality

-From Avatar: Ignis


-From Miriel: Rally Magic or Tomefaire. (I know I should go for a Cleric branch skill, but I can't be bothered. He's nowhere near my favourite of the children anyway.)

-From Frederick: Luna


-From Tharja: Probably Vengence, but Tomebreaker isn't bad either. It'd make her a nice mage-killer.

-From Kellam: Probably Pavise.


-From Nowi: Err... Lifetaker?

-From Donnel: Aptitude, obviously. Yeah, I know in the long run she'll end up maxing everything anyway, but so what? I want to see her lv ups go crazy!

Feel free to make suggestions. Just remember I want to keep reclassing of main party members (I'm making an exception for Panne, obviously) to a minumum. I don't want to kill ALL the challenge of the main story, after all.

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Opinion time~!

Owain: If you can stand the grinding, I'd pass, uh, Pass. Run through enemy units in a hurry. :P:

Inigo: Figure out whether you want him to be physical or magical, then pass down the other one (Vengeance for physical, Wrath for magical).

Brady: If you're going massive mage, pass Tomefaire. +5 Magic is nothing to sneeze at!

Cynthia: Eh, Rally Speed would work.

The Severa: One of Counter/Wrath works; I kinda prefer Wrath, as it doesn't require her to be hit all the time (just enough until it triggers).

Gerome: I went Deliverer for giggles, and didn't regret it.

Nah: Nowi's options are painfully limited (like, Panne can get something like Pass/Acorbat, which is well worth it). I'd probably go Deliverer just for the extra movement.

Now I want to make a unit with Move+1, Pass, Acrobat, Deliverer, and Dual Support+/Galeforce. It'll be the perfect ferry!

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A note about this update: it's a little all over the place. I got a bit distracted at this point, firstly by the few child paralogues we can actually do, and secondly by DLC. There'll only be one main story chapter here, despite this accounting for maybe five hours of play, give or take. (A lot of that was grinding for Galeforces in EXPonential Growth though...)

Let's begin with...

Paralogue 12

I forget the name. Anyway, we're headed to the Timey-Wimey Ruins up north, supposedly because of treasure, but really bacause Panne picked up a scent that isn't supposed to exist in this timeline...

So we're greeted by a nice watery temple map, which reminds me a lot of Night of Farewells (I think that's the one. The Jaffar Sonia sidequest from FE7). Except without the disappearing paths. In it are lots of risen (unpromoted enemies Lv 20, a few Griffon Riders and Swordmasters Lv 3, and a Lv 10 boss), a couple of thieves (for something amusing, try pressing on their portrait. They're clearly living humans, but they have Risen voices. Maybe they're just really heavy smokers or something.) and...

My bunny baby! Or one of them at least. Anyway, here she is:

Morgan: Lv 10 Taguel

HP: 44

Str: 16 +3

Mag: 11

Skill: 20 +5

Spd: 20 +5

Lck: 16 +4

Def: 15 +1

Res: 11

Skills: Even Rhythm, Lethality, Ignis

Ah, so Morgan inheriting a "special" class (Manakete, Taguel, maybe Villager, I still don't quite know whether Fem!Avatar/Donnel produces a Villager Morgan. Could anyone confirm?) is one of the only cases where the child won't have both their initial class' skills already. Interestingly, both Yarne and Nah do start with their "bane" skills (learnt at Lv 15) despite only being Lv 10. So I guess Morgan is the exception.

Anyway, she's looking pretty good. Panne was around Lv 5 Assassin at the time (Remember she went 15 Taguel -> 20 Thief -> Assassin, so her stats are a lot higher than they should be) and I was... maybe around 5? I forget. I know I had 20 or over in everything but Luck though.

The other thing I noticed was that Panne!Morgan doesn't have bunny ears. However, you can't actually see Morgan's ears through her hair, which means she could still have them burried under there. I doubted they'd make a unique portrait just for this case, but I admit the hair thing is a nice get-around. You can still prenend she has them if you want to.

Right now first things first: have Sumia ferry me over to Morgan on Turn 1. The less time she spends at the evil NPC AI's mercies, the better. Seriously, doing some test running of Inigo's paralogue, I found definitive proof that the NPC AI in this game is deliberately suicidal. As in, Inigo picked a fight that could not have POSSIBLY ended without him dying. (It was a Dark Flier that did 34 damage, doubled and had 100% hit. He had 33 HP. And before you ask, no, a crit from his Killing Edge would not have killed. Meaning, yes, there was NO way he was ever getting out of that alive.)

Yes people, the NPC AI in this game is PURE EVIL!!! Recruit children as FAST AS POSSIBLE!

So thanks to Sumia, I was able to free Morgan from its evil clutches. And apparently she woke up with amnesia in the middle of a field too. Is that like a job requirement of tacticians or something? (Pretty sure Mark had it too. Katarina's only an aspiring tactician, so she's not affected. Until she graduates at least. Maybe they hit you over the head really hard as part of the ceremony?)

So it was about here that I started getting my head around the Transfer system. I know I'm going to need to master this if I'm ever gong to call myself an expert at this game. Basically, selecting Transfer gives your inactive character over to the other if they're unocupied, or swaps your inactive characters if you're both Doburu'd. So I had to

-Have Avatar Pair Up with Sumia

-Fly Sumia next to Morgan

-Switch Avatar to lead and talk.

-Switch Sumia back to lead and Transfer.

I am now paired up with my daughter. That's... kinda complicated, but I'm getting the hang of it. And speaking of kids and pairing up... I only just realised I forgot to bring Lucina. I KNEW I was forgetting someone! Eh, she would have hogged all the kills anyway. Chrom and Sumia are here, as are Virion and Cherche along with the Vaik and the Cordelia. (I wanted lots of fliers to bypass the tricky terrain here) Donnel and Nowi are here too because... they're awesome. And obviously Morgan's parents are both deployed. Though since I was unable to Pair Up with her, Panne is going to have to catch up with us herself. Which didn't take to long on account of her Mov +1 skill and Olivia (I don't think I had enough room to bring Henry. Which means she's going to have to STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THE GRIFFONS. At this point Olivia was still in one-hit-death mode.)

Damn it, the Thief below got the first chest before Panne! It's an M Bullion. Eh, he'll suffer Death By Adorable Bunny Child soon enough. Speaking of which, our fight fight togeather was a Dual Strike. That's gotta be a good sign. Then I Dual Guard a SM attacking her. She doesn't one-round them yet, but she will be soon.

Meanwhile the others take the northern chokepoint, the newly wed Virion and Cherche leading. And one shotting Griffons. Which was exactly why I brought him anyway.

Uh oh. I should have known to expect reinforcements from the suspicios-looking stairs. Good thing my little bunny baby can hold off the lower ones, but I want her to get as much exp as possible, meaning we'll soon have to join the others. And then who will stop them from reaching Olivia...

And an enemy thief swiped a Fortify staff! Okay, I am going to be NEEDING that later, so he has to die fast. Good thing I brought so many fliers, eh? I forgot which of Sumia, Cherche or Cordelia did him in though, but it doesn't really matter.

Ah. The next wave of reinforcements is somewhat more deadly: it has Swordmasters. I've seen promoted reinforcements before, but never in numbers. And I swear some of these SMs have Swordfaire despite being nowhere close to Level 15. Bloody hacking AIs, it's Lance and Ghetsis all over again. Next turn, it gets worse: Wyverns. Sure they're unpromoted, but if they get to Olivia...

And sure enough, just as I was thinking "please don't spawn a Wyvern from the lower stairs because Olivia's still there", A Wyvern spawned from the lower stairs near where Olivia still was. Thankfully it's out of range for now, but I have to retreat her fast.

And at this point I just have two words written down in my notes: Rolling Lissa. Yeah, I saw a VERY strange looking Dual Strike animation for her somewhere around here. It's... kinda hard to describe, other than saying "Lissa used Rollout!", but I laughed when I saw it. Anyone who's seen it probably knows what I'm talkinf about. (She's a War Cleric btw) She's a little higher Level than the others by this point but STILL hasn't got past E in Axes.

Now it's Morgan and her mummy vs the boss. Yeah, the rest of the enemies were THAT pathetic that I literally had nothing to say until this. Also, the boss's battle quote is interesting...

"Risen Chief: Must kill...future... child..."

Morgan: "Just try, Dead-spawn!" [Acticates Ignis)

Okay, Morgan didn't actually say that, but I like to think she did. She really activated Ignis though. She's actually been getting it more than me. Lucina's been similarly getting more Aethers than Chrom lately, so it must be a kid thing. So the boss takes a big hit, but he's still kicking. For fun, I thought I'd see what happens if the Avatar tries to... Ignis. [Reloads battle save] I know you love your new daughter, but would you just let her get the kill? Anyway, attacking with her this time, and her mother blasts the boss out of the sky with a dual attack. (Have I mentioned yet that Panne has been using Bronze weapons this entire time? She seriously isn't needing anything else.) At least that means Morgan still gets the EXP.

Morgan leveled up a grand total of 5 times during that battle, an acceptable result, though Donnel and Nowi ended up getting Heroes. For our trouble we get Naga's Tear, which I belive is a permenant everything-booster. But the real reward... in-game me is now a dad! After Lucina showed me just how broken children can be, rest assured you'll be seeing a LOT more of Morgan in chapters to come, especially now that she has Beastbane. Walhart's armies are nothing against the power of the bunny.

Okay, post battle, time for a little family bonding time! Like Lucina, Morgan gets auto-Cs with both her parents. I won't show the Avatar one since it's the same for all pairings so most of you will have seen it already, but I will say Morgan is kind of a troll. I'm a little scared what will happen when she gets a sibling: are they going to team up to pitfall me?

Her mother one I will show here. Anyone know if Panne!Morgan is up on the supports thread?

Morgan/Panne C:

Morgan: Hmm…I wonder why I have no memory of my mother…All my

memories of Father are so crisp and clear…I remember what an amazing

tactician he was, all the time we studied together…But nothing at all about my

mother. It’s one big blank.

Panne: What are you mumbling about?

Morgan: Mother! That’s amazing! I was just thinking about you? Is this fate?! This

is totally fate! Family-style fate! …Wait, no. How did Father put it? “We’re not

pawns of some scripted fate. It’s the invisible ties we forge that bind us.” So yeah,

it’s not fate. It’s the whole invisible bond-link…thing!

Panne: If you say so…

Morgan: Yup! Even without my memories, there’s an invisible thread that links

us. Er, but that reminds me…I was just wondering how I could have possibly

forgotten you, Mother. Do you think maybe you could help me get those

memories back?

Panne: I suppose I could make time. After all-

Morgan: Yay! Thanks so much! I’ll start preparing. Oh, I can’t wait to get started!

Panne: For only half a taguel, she sure was born with energy to spare…

The invisible bond-link thing was priceless. But there is one thing I have to say in advance here: personally I find the Morgan and Non-Avatar Parent conversations to be disapointingly uninteresting, at least compared to other Parent-Child convos. So far, I've only seen two other "generic" Parent supports (Lucina-Sumia and Kjelle-Stalh), but both of them actually felt like real supports and made me forget they were generic at all. In Morgan's case though, you REALLY get the feeling the parent is acting as the generic placeholder. Admitedly this is understndable, as Morgan has no memories of his/her other parent, but that very plot device means the parent lacks any kind of presense in these supports at all. Again, all they have to do is say a few generic, non-descript lines. It's a shame, really. I guess I'll have to come up with a backstory for their parent-child relationship myself.

At least they actually mention the Taguel thing.


Okay, only other thing I have written down is that I did a Skirmish and Maribelle called Ricken "darling" in a dual quote. Insert HNNGH here.

I now found out to my dismay that Female Morgan can't support Lucina. NOOOOOOOO! So much for me and Chrom's kids bing BFFS. Come on, they're the only two kids I have at this point... Anyway though, what's the best form of parent-child bonding activity in this game? Killing zombies! So after a few skirmishes...

Panne/Morgan B:

Morgan: Mother? Do you have a moment?

Panne: Yes. What is it?

Morgan: Perfect! Then let’s get started on Project Get Memories of Mom Back! Step one – figure out how we’re going to trigger some flashbacks. I’ve already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing. I mean, it did make me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn’t unearth any hidden memories. What do you think, Mother? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?

Panne: …Or perhaps you could stop smashing your head and try staring at me instead.

Morgan: Argh, that’s perfect! You’re a genius! I must have seen your face a million times in the future. It’s bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough. Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but…Here goes…





Drats! It’s not working! I don’t remember a thing. It’s like…Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart? And you think, “Is that how that’s spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!” Except here it’s “Is that what Mother looked like?”

Panne: Er, right. Perhaps that’s enough of the memory project for one day?

Morgan: Sure…I’m still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest…But this doesn’t end here! I’m not giving up until I remember you, Mother!

See? How much of a percentage of those lines did Panne get? And all of it could easily have been said by anyone. You'd think she'd at least be worried about a member of a dying race bashing her head against a post repeatedly... The future of the Taguel, ladies and gentlemen: this and...Yarne. This may not be a good sign.

Oh, and Morgan and Avatar B. Again, she's being a troll and hiding his books. But it ends with a surprisingly sweet moment.

Let's FINALLY go on with the main story!

Chapter 16: Naga's Voice

So we have to go to some big tree to find Tiki, surely it can't be muc... HOLY FREAKING CRAP WOW! Okay, I've said this game was pretty before, but THIS. THIS is just... the kind of thing you drool over. I purposefully left the camera running on the first line of text for about five minutes. And then we come to the map itself... WOOOOOOOAH! Preeeeeeeeeeetyyyyyyy....

Ahem. Sorry. Also, in this playthrough's personal fanon, I think the Avatar and his bunny family are going to live here after the war is over. I think they'd like it here.

Okay, so this map is roughly equal to the past Paralogue in difficulty: a few Lv 20 unpromoted enemies, mostly Lv 3 promoed. Hmm... I may just be ready for Cynthia after this...

And yay, we get 14 units now! Since I now have two 3-strong families, I deployed them both: Chrom, Sumia, Lucina and Me, Panne and Morgan. Otherwise I mostly brought the same people I took to the paralogue, except I could now include Olivia's husband. Okay, let's go!

And be greeted by one of the most awesome bosses EVER. Meet Cervantes, who is so pringles on account of his CURLEH MUSTACHE! His opening dialoge is AMAZING. Seriously. “Yes, come closer,” said the hairy spider to the flies… This localisation is all kinda of awesome.

Oh, and if you press on his portrait, you'll see that, unlike most other generic General bosses, he's bare-headed. The better to show where his curleh mustache's at. (sorry)

Okay, so my first attempt at the first turn went pretty well... Morgan Ignis'd the first enemy, everyone set up chokepoint... until I moved Cherche into the middle rives, and she proceeded to get one-shotted by a Silver Bow armed Warrior. Oops. Note to self: CHECK ENEMY EQUIPMENT THIS TIME!

Take 2. And actually it was probably a good thing that happened: Morgan's first attack this timr was a Lethality! Taguel Lethalityy looks really cool, I must say. Behold the Dark Bunny of Death! Also, she has 20 Def at only Lv 18. That's actually getting up to mine and her mother's...

Unfortunately, her bonding with her mother means I'm left partnerless and alone for a while. :sob: And irritatingly, the Warrior I attack gets left on exactly 1 HP! Worse is on the first attempt I actually DID kill the guy. Again, beware of random stat changes when restarting chapters. They can really mess with you.

But to make my feel better, I found out that Donnel now one-shots Thieves with BRONZE AXES. Yeah.

This time Virion and Cherche make sure to take a safer route. And get an event tile.

Virion: “My love, you have been too reckless on the battlefield as of late. I worry.” Heh, that's kinda funny given what happened last time. Oh, and that 1 HP guy? He gets Ignis'd next turn. Clearly in-game me was just as angry as I was at him, and had to go for the overkill. Too be he doesn't have a "Now I'm angry!" voice clip.

Speaking of in-game me, he became kind of a magnet on the enemy phase. Hmm... I'm noticing the enemy kinda likes to pounce on any solitary characters, and later I found out why.

Uh oh. Chrom was eqippping a Lance to get his rank up (Swd is already A), but along comes a Warrior with a Silver Axe. This could be ba... oh, thanks Lucina. Phew.

Meanwhile Donnel and Nowi take the eastern route. Or is that root? Root route? Whatever it is, nothing there can even scratch them, and Donnel gets 2 consecutive crits on the enemy phase.

And then Cervantes gets possibly the best enemy line in the game:

Cervantes: “’Come, reinforcements’, said the spider to…the…other spiders”

So now they're back to warning us about them. But where are they coming from...? There's certainly no obvious reinforcement spawn points like stairs or forts here...

And it was about now that I realised the map lacked one other thing: chests. So why are there thieves... oh, right, carrying rare items and trying to escape. Well Sumia happens to be an expert at dealing with that.

And THERE are the reinforcements! From the rear... LOTS of them. A whole pack of Warriors. Yikes. I think I need a Waifu on the scene. So let's just use Olivia to get Panne and Morgan down there.

And they're not done yet, as it turns out. Next enemy phase we get Pegasi from both sides of the map. Some of them are Falcoknights actually. (You hardly EVER see them as generic enemies, as a matter of fact. In previous games at least.) One of them goes for Nowi. It can't hurt her, but the fire tome she has can't hurt it either. (Seriously, 2 might?! And oddly enough higher-ranked magic is actually really good...) Thankfully, Donnel Duals. Twice. So I guess that's a Dual Dual Strike.

And now we've got Bow Knights from below. Yikes, this is getting intense. The initial enemies here weren't actually that bad, but now I see why they're calling the Valm backup "Asshole Reinforcements." Yeah, this is actually pretty tough. Avatar gets taken down to 9 HP, that was WAAAAAY too close. (Strangely he got a crit with a Levin Sword, but no cut-in. Kinda the opposite of Chrom's double "I won't lose" that recently got uploaded)

And it's here I realise something: at this point solitary characters are surprisingly weak. They actually take lots of damage really fast. But you Pair the Up and suddenly they turn into game breaking machines. It's a really stark difference. So technically I could make the game an actual challenge by not using the Pair Up system... but seriously, where's the fun in that.

I felt this doubley, as Chrom got caught alone by a few reinforcements, and he really struggled too. So this is a pretty interesting phenominon.

After some grueling fighting, only CervanteCURLEH MUSTACHE Ahem, sorry. I just can't look at him without thinking about it. Anyway, he's the only one left and...

Ah crap. Morgan can't hurt him. And only JUST too! (She has 32 attack, he has 30 Def, plus the Def +2 skill. Damn, so close!) But I wonder if Ignis or Lethality would still go off...

I guess Donnel and Nowi will get the first hit. Donny Dual Duals AGAIN. This is getting riduculius.

Okay, so my Avatar totally obliterates him, but maybe if i use Wind I can just barely spare him for someone else to-Ignis. What's with that activating ehen I DON'T want it!

But still, I just beat Cer-freakin'-vantes. Where yo' curleh mustace at?!

Thankfully, this is not the last we'll see of him. You know, a minor antagonist this awesome makes me wish this game had trial maps, then maybe you could unlock him there. Or they could have made him a spotpass bonus character... oh well. (Actually I remember how everyone asssumed he'd be a playable character when he was first revlealed. Kinda like a Lorenz archetype. Oh how wrong they were...)

And so we meet Tiki and HER THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Sorry, this is just AMAZING. I just can't get emough of it, really. So she says we need the five gemstones in the Fire Emblem to preform the Awakening. [Claps] (It's a Title Drop thing.)

And she says we only have Argent. So.... which one is that again? Tiki has Azure, which I presume is the Starsphere. Say'ri's family had Vert (Geosphere?), but it got stolen by Walhart. No doubt we'll get that later. The West Khans of Ferrox used to have Gules (which seems to mean red, so I presume that's the Lifesphere.) but they've lost it now. Dang. All that leaves is Sable, which is still unaccounted for. Seeing as that one made Hardin invincible and Gharnef go insane, that's a very bad sign. By process of elimination our one is the Lightsphere.

It's still strange these have been renamed. I know it makes sense that their names kinda mutated in legends over the 2000 years since Marth's time... but the problem is Tiki was alive then, so she should know their original names. Sure she's probably gotten into the habbit of using the 'current' names around other people, but you'd expect she'd at least say "In my time we called this the Starsphere" or something.

Maybe they're just trying to cover-up the call-back to Mystery because they refused to localise that game. Bastards.

So after all that, we don't get Tiki yet, sadly. But we do get... the ability to buy Second Seals! Great, we now have everything we need for infinite level ups!

And on that note: grinding begins! Firstly I needed to get Stalh and Sully to learn Luna and Aegis for Kjell, which will be my next Paralogue. Aaaaaaand I realised Aegis is Lv 15, not 5. That means I'll have to grind them a LOT. Sigh...

About half an hour of EXPonential Growth later, and they're both Lv 15. They'll have to stay out of main story chapters for a little while.

Olivia reached Lv 10, so I also took this time to reclass her to Peg and grind her too. Eventually...


Lv 20 Peg -> Dark Flier

HP: 39 -> 42

Str: 15 -> 16

Mag: 11 -> 15

Skl: 29 (max) -> 30

Spd: 28 +2 (max) -> 30

Luk: 20 +4

Def: 13 -> 14

Res: 14 -> 17

Surprisingly good magic, actually. Has her hubby been tutoring her? Anyway, more grinding later...

Lv 15 Dark Flier -> Dancer

HP: 52 -> 49

Str: 25 -> 21

Mag: 20 -> 15

Skl: 42 (max) -> 39

Spd: 40 -> 38

Luk: 29 +4

Def: 19 -> 17

Res: 22 -> 14

Skills: Luck +4, Speed +2, Relief, Rally Movement, Galeforce.

So Galeforce. Which went off the moment she learned it, actually. I thought it was a strange coincidence at first, until I looked at the skill description. Huh, I don't see a percentage anywhere... wait a minute. Are you telling me this is a guaranteed effect, not a random one?!?! Wow, it's even MORE broken than I thought it was. The only footage of this I saw before was of endgame Japanese parties, and I just assumed their stats were high enough that it would activate 99% of the time or something. Nope, it always works. That's... powerful.

Anyway, if I really cared about Olivia's combat potential I'd go SM after this, but I don't really. To me, just her being able to survive on the frontlines as a Dancer is what matters. With those stats i think it's safe to say there'll be no more one-hit-deaths.

And Inigo's getting Galeforce, which is what really matters. (Oh, Henry has Vangence now too.)

But before we think about more kids... I figured we were about at the right level to take on Lost Bloodlines 1, sooo...

Xenologue: Geneology of the Bunny War

I've already had a few practice "attempts" due to having to get Lewyin's special convos for the site. Mostly, I found out that Leif will ALWAYS cross the river to Katarina's team if you don't get in his range on turn 1. And Katarina's team just LOVES do die easily. I did find out a method that buys them a little time, so that'll be my first port of call.

But first, let's analyse the competition:

To the west: Sigurd's First-Gen Fighters!









The final three are easily the biggest threats, but I've had a few... issues with Jamke in the past. Let's just leave it at that.

To the southeast: Seliph's Second-Gen Soldiers!











Scariest here are Altena, Julius, Ares, and kind of Juilia and Ced.

In the centre: Leif's Thracian Thrashers!











Leif and Raydrik are the only real threats here, but Saias' Rally Spectrum could get REALLY annoying, so taking him out will also be a priority.

Opposing them we have our canon-fodd, er, I mean, Akaneians.

In the centre: King Marth's Marvelous Marauders!

King Marth





The King and Hardin are really the only two that can put up a decent fight. (Marth's Rightful King + Luna combo means a 40% chance to halve defence, and he usually doubles. Hardin can do a heap of damage with Vengence.) The rest will die fast.

To the southwest: Katarina's Kontract Killers!






Legion is the only good one, really. Katarina has a high crit rate, but not enough accuracy to make good use of it. She can take down someone if she gets lucky, but don't count on it.

Legion on the other hand has a great crit rate, high HP and Swordbreaker nullifies what would otherwise be his one weakness. He'll be sticking around for a while.

And of course, the ones who'll take them all on:

BigKlingy's Bunny Batallion!













Let's do this!!!

Firstly, I'd like to point out Sigurd and Quan being proud of Leif, and Sigurd's "I'd expect no less from any son of yours." It's actually kinda heartwarming to see this, as in their home universe both of them died before they got to truly know Leif. It's kinda nice to see them finally getting a chance to interact like this.

Ahem, back to the battle itself! First, I use a combination of Rescue and Dancing to get Panne to the end of Leif's range with her Bow equipped. This is the only sure-fire way I know to stop him from crossing the river and slaughtering Katarina's squad. If no-one's in his range on turn 1, he goes after them, and you probably won't be able to stop him.

Sadly, Panne doesn't Lethality him, and she gets hit into the bargain. Like I've said before, Panne does NOT like magic. And then Olwen came at her. She's only got a 33% chance of hitting but... she did. Panne is now on VERY critical health, but out of range of the rest of the enemies. That's it, now I'm angry. NO ONE MESSES WITH THE WAIFU!!!

On the ally phase, Dagda goes down to Hardin. I find he's generally one of the first to go down, despite being promoted he... kinda sucks. And King Marth lands a lucly double Luna on Raydrik, which pretty much puts him out of the picture as I'll easily be able to finish him next turn. Good, that's one big threat neuturalized.

But just as I was reveling in surprisingly good NPCs, Catria suicides herself against Leif. Like the Inigo example above, the AI picked a fight it could never have possibly survived. That's okay here, but for recruitable children? Argh.

My second turn begins with Olivia helping me and Morgan across to Raydrik, where I finish him. Panne then takes our daughter off me for better stat boosts to help kill Leif. He doesn't stand a chance. The Thracian Thrashers have officially been defanged.

Meanwhile Sumia attempths to take down Finn, which would have worked were it not for CHROM MISSING HIS DUAL STRIKE! Next on the Thracian front, Donnel and Nowi can't double Eyval even with Sumia's Rally Speed. True to form though, they still kill with a Dual Strike.

On the enemy phase, Marth VERY NARROWLY avods being Bolganone'd to death by Saias. (Raydrik managed to hit him with a 40% earlier) And Donnel CAN double Larcei... ouch. He also gets his first Sol. Hey come on Larcei, you used to be broken! What happened?

And speaking of broken, it's now Donnel vs Ced. Oh yes. WHo's brokennes will reign supreme? We'll have to wait till later, because Donnel can't counter yet.

Which leads me to think: What if FE4 had the Pair Up system? Would Lewyin and Ced be EVEN MORE BROKEN?! Gods, they're evasive enough as it is...

Mareeta goes for Lissa, who I curse myself for leaving exposed. I had to heal Panne though, so it was worth the risk. Just please don't Astra or Luna... phew. And Lissa hits even with an axe. Lon'qu Duals but doesn't do enough to kill. I have a feeling he's REALLY getting Strength screwed.

Will Ulster (strange choice of localization seing as it's VERY similar to the name of a place in Manster) make up for his sister's failing? Well, he hits Lucina with only 12%, but it's only 4 damage. I don't have what happened next written down, but it was probably bloody and painful.

In the west, Ayra attacks Legion! Noooooooooo, you idiot, don't you see the Swordbreaker skill?! Actually, I get the feeling the AI doesn't take skills into account. Why else would they do this. She's seriously going to... ASTRA?!?!?!? Come on come on come on...

She misses 4 out of 5. Drat. Now she's going to get critted... wait, she didn't? Wow, she may be badass here after all. She's still dying next turn though.

Not to leave without a totally one-sided fight, Lewyn now attacks Horace. Massacre was an understatement.

Oh crap, Julius just Vengenced Donnel... just kidding, he's still at full HP so it doesn't do anything. Thoron still hurts though. And from Prince of Darkness to Earl of Light, Seliph is next in line and OH CRAP HE ASTRA'D THIS CAN'T END WELL CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP


"Hey, watch it!"

Oh, you Guarded one. Like that's going to hel...



No, NO. YOu're not seriously going to


One more...


Yep, she did it, ladies and gentlement. She Dual Guarded ALL FIVE HITS OF ASTRA FOR HER HUBBY! I was looking forward to the day when this would happen with one of my pairings. OTP. OTP right here. That was amazing.

But I can't stop to breathe here, Altena just went for Lucina. Badass daughters of princes: Battle!

...Well, that was anticlimactic. Altenna misses and eats a crit. And here she had me worried.

Lucina can't rest yet, she's now got Ares to deal with. He gets off another useless Vengence, gets Aethered and hit with a Dual Strike... and yet still stands with 5 HP left. His Def is freaking HUGE, that combo would have killed nearly anyone else twice over. I don't remember him having THAT much back in FE4... at least he doesn't have his crit-happy legengary weapon.

In the ally phase, Norne killsteals finishes Mareeta for me, and Malice fights Salem to a stalemate. Athena and Katarina double-team Derdrie down. Etzel MAJORLY overkills Arden (34 damage, 4 attacks, and he Lunas on the second hit) and Legion crits Ayra like I predicted.

Next turn, I take down Salem so my waifu and kid can get at Saias with support from me. Naturally, he gets Ignis'd and Dualed. The other parent-child team (Lucina and Chrom) finish Ares, don't want him still around on 5 HP with Vengence. Chrom and Lucina are both Lv 7 now. Their Strength stats are 27 and 26 respctively, which was about what I guessed: almost equal. Though Lucina has CONSIDERABLY higher Speed and Evasion. She does have lower Def, but that doesn't really matter much when she either dodges or killes everything anyway.

Now we're on to Julius. He's got massive Def and the Wrath + Vengence combo. That's going to be nasty.

I had to do a bit of a reset here. Sumia got caught out alone and... she got lucky against Seliph, Julius and even Ced, but ended up falling to Julia.

Right, let's try that again. This time I make sure to take out Ced, his wind magic is a huge threat to Sumia. He goes down to the unstoppable Donnel/Nowi pair. I'm really really sorry...

This time, Sumia takes Chrom. That should help her out more. Finn survived the pair last time, but how does he like the SUPERIOR LANCE...

MIRACLLLLLLLLLLLLLE! :angry: Oh, and then Chrom misses his Dual. ARRRRRRRGH!

On the allied front, Jamke kills Athena and Galeforces over to Katarina. Fortunately he doesn't kill her, but she won't last another hit like that... Etzel misses twice against Arvis, who hits back hard but doesn't kill.

Lucina and her mother finish Seliph. “The Archaneans are as strong as the books say…” he says. But wait: didn't Seliph livve 1000 years before Marth's time? At the time he lived the only Archaneans were Manaketes. Maybe that's what he was reffering to, seeing as the dragons from Akaneia were considered gods to the Jugdrali (this game reveals that's the term for the people of Jugdral). But does that mean he thinks all of Marth's army are manaketes? I'm confused.

Strangely enough, it's Ethlin who finishes Etzel, Quan takes down Katarina and Lewyn doubled Legion to death. And that's the end of Katarina's squad! At least they survived longer than I thought they would...

Unfortunately, Marth and Hardin are headed for Sigurd, looking willing to join them...

And now it's time to take on Julius. I've held off to avoid bringing him into Wrath range, but now it's time. Let's go Chrom and Sumia!

Erika’s Blade. 1 hit, Sumia duals. Aether, Sumia hits again. JULIUS ACTIVATES VENGENCE… misses, phew. Chrom crits. Owned.

“A fine retort… but you will die when next we meet…”

Oh yeah? I'll take that as a challenge. Let's see if we can't get a repeat preformance next time, eh?

And with Lucy Aethering Nanna, the Thracians and 2nd Geners are all gone! Sigurd's team is all that's left.

Arvis finishes Etzel while Ethlin goes after Hardin. He triggers Vengence but misses. I have to say, Ethlin is being really awesome here. Funny when she always kinda sucked in my playthroughs. In the ally phase Hardin takes on Arvis. Battle of the tragic villains who went mad for love-related reasons, let's go!

It's pretty evenly-matched so far. Hardin Vengences for 22, Arvis Bolganones for 27.

Unfortunately before I can get there, Arvis Vengence Crits harding for over 100 damage next turn. Youch. Norne (yes she's still alive) narrowly survives a run-in with Ethlin. Marth goes after Arvis to avenge Hardin, he Lunas but still eats a Bolganone. Norne then, surprise surprise, suicides herself against Ethlin. (Well, she DID dodge Ethlin's first attack. If only she dodged the second...) Which makes Marth, fittingly, the last NPC alive. And I'm not going to lose all of them, am I?

We'll start by ending Ethlin's surprising killing spree with a Beastbane crit from Morgan. I will admit, Ethlin impressed me here. Arvis, meanwhile, is finished by a Sol from Donnel. Emperor of Jugdral beaten by a farm boy, that's gotta be humiliating.

Jamke and Quan are lured over to us while Marth heals. Quan gets a Sol off but misses Panne.

But now it's time for the one I've been dreading: the master of Forseti himself. This guy's got crazy speed and a very powerful tome on his side. But I have something greater.

The power... of the Waifu.

Yes, Panne is fast enough to DOUBLE LEWYN. Seriously. And a dual strike by Morgan ensures he goes down. “I know when I am outmatched”, he says.

You hear that people? Lewyn McGamebreak himself just admited my family outmatch him. My life is officially complete.

Now where on to Sigurd. Nowi only does 7 damage with her magic, but she manages to reduce him to 2 HP. How, you may ask? An 8% crit and two Donny Duals. Hearing a loli dragon call Sigurd himself a "stupid bully" is priceless.

And before we finish this we have JUST enough time to get to the top village and... A BEASTSTONE+?! Hell. Yeah. I'm saving that for the time being.

Now I thought it only fitting for Chrom to get the final hit on Sigurd. You know there's a bit in Tiki's Supports with the Avatar, where she says Chrom is more like one of Marth's ancestors from 1000 years ago than Marth himself. That can't be Anri, because Anri only lives 100 years before Marth. So was it... Sigurd? It's actually a plausable theory.

But anyway:

Chrom vs Sigurd:

Sigurd: “Are you the enemy commander? You can still leave here with your lives.”

Chrom: “I appreciate the offer, but would it shock you if I refused?”

Short and to the point. As was the battle.

With that done, we get Leif. He talks about "the Brand" and those who recieve it getting godlike powers. This seems to be a refference to Holy Blood, but he says his sister recieved the brand and not him, implying brands go with MAJOR blood only. FE4 did imply that those with Naga blood had a brand, so I guess this makes sense. Come to think of it, minor blood not giving the Brand may be the reason why Lissa has no Mark of the Exalt despite still being a direct descendant: she has minor blood, while Chrom and Emmeryn got major, kinda like Sigurd and Ethlin's situation.

He goes on to say that those with the brand have godlike powers, and asks if you do. (You know, mark of Grima and all) I answered Yes because that's technically true, it's just not the god you'd really want to associate with. Then again Derdrie and her ancestor Maira (is that how you spell it?) were pretty nice people despite having Loptian blood. I guess it's not the power you have but what you do with it that's important.

Not that Leif doesn't have godlike powers when promoted, in FE4 at least. So anyway, he joins and...


Oh come on. I feel both cheated and ripped off here. He was using it the whole time there I... ARRRRRRGH!!!! Stupid AI getting all the cool skills! Oh well, at least that's another DLC character to add to my collection.

All in all though, I actually really enjoyed that. You get to see awesome characters from past games, and it's actually kind of challenging without feeling overly cheap. Once I get my capture card (which might not be for a while) I'll probably be recording runs of these, maybe with commentary, as I've got a lot to say about all the characters and why they have the skills they do. (Saias has Rally Spectrum, a Tactician class, because he was the enemy's cheif tactician in FE5, to name one) Again, I really loved this episode, and I can't wait for the other "Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny" sagas.

I think I'll call it a day here. Next time... more kids! And maybe some main story if I feel like it.

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Anyone who's seen it probably knows what I'm talkinf about. (She's a War Cleric btw) She's a little higher Level than the others by this point but STILL hasn't got past E in Axes.

War Cleric is a terrible class with usually their bad Str as to say why. If you're to bother with this class at all, it's for the Renewal skill.

All that leaves is Sable, which is still unaccounted for.


Why not Darksphere?

Firstly, I'd like to point out Sigurd and Quan being proud of Leif, and Sigurd's "I'd expect no less from any son of yours." It's actually kinda heartwarming to see this, as in their home universe both of them died before they got to truly know Leif. It's kinda nice to see them finally getting a chance to interact like this.

Especially, since they have never seen their kids grow up.

Once I get my capture card (which might not be for a while) I'll probably be recording runs of these, maybe with commentary, as I've got a lot to say about all the characters and why they have the skills they do.

Which it's 258.00 dollars.

Edited by Katarina
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I can confirm that Fem!Avatar and Donnel produces a Villager!Morgan, and I noticed that Morgan didn't have Underdog when I picked him up. I wonder if that only happens when Morgan is in one of the special classes because he's only programmed to get his natural skills up to level 10. Oh well, It's not that big of a deal anyways, since s/he's such a beast (literally in your case ;P).

And I'd definitely take Olivia through at least Swordsmaster. Astra and Swordfaire do wonders for her, especially in her Dancer class since it has a kind of low Strength cap.

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Hey guys. Just a note: updates may be slower than normal because I'm back at uni. On that note: today, after plotting all my assignments on my Google Calander, I also plotted every character's birthday in this game. Just so I don't miss any. Coming up in only a few days is Lissa's (ironic, considering... you'll see) and next up on the 14th is Yarne's! So I'll need to recruit hikm before then, obviously. After that is Gangrel, but I HIGHLY doubt I'll get him by then.

Sadly, my Waifu's is not till November. On the plus side, by then this year of uni will be finished, and I'll probably have a capture device. I may go ahead and make an entire tribute video for the occasion.

Okay, the next update shall begin with...

Paralogue 8: A Duel Disgraced

Remember when Stalh and Sully were my first wedded couple? Well, it's only fitting that the first non-Avatar child I recruit is theirs. Plus, this is probably the easiest Paralogue for some reason. I know difficulty kinda goes by when the mother was recruited in the story, but Lissa's still has higher level enemies than this. Weird. Anyway, here are my Kjelle's starting stats:


HP: 42

Str: 24

Mag: 4

Skl: 19

Spd: 17

Luk: 19

Def: 21

Res: 8

Skills: Def +2, Indoor Fighter, Luna, Aegis

Little did I realise how much of a beast she would end up becoming...

I may have over-grinded her parents, but anyway, she starts all the way up the top of the map behind a locked door, facing off against two Archers. The basic premise here is the boss killed her master, so Kjelle has come to tell him her name and bid him prepare to die. Unfortunately, she didn't coult on one thing: the boss is a massive dick. He has absolutley NO intention of fighting honourably. Instead, he's content to sit back and summon a bunch of reinforcements on her. Interestingly, he actually doesn't move, he's stuck in the corner for the whole map. Which is probably a good thing, seeing as he has "that dark tome that lets you hit twice", and Kjelle has poor Res. Actually, if this guy was even the least bit "honourable", saving Kjelle would be a VERY daunting task...

Fortunately, it isn't. The archers are no threat to her, provided her parents are somewhat decent, and you probably don't have to worry about her AI being suicidal. Which is good, since it'll be a while before we reach her...

I used mostly my standard party here. (Pretty much everyone I brought to Lost Bloodlines) Except with the addition of Stalh and Sully, of course.

Towards the start, Virion gets a MAGNIFICANT 3 crits in a row, while Morgan pulls off a 9% Ignis crit. Meanwhile Kjelle Lunas one of the archers. I'm glad I gave her the skill, but I will say her animation for it as an Armour is ridiculous. Stop trying to be a penguin! Wow, and to think the Luna skill was more-or-less exclusive to this class in PoR. Immagine the Black Knight doing it like this...

Speaking of the Black Knight, I have a little more to say about him in this update, but that'll be later.

So, we carve opur way through the enemies, not much to say here, they're all pathetic. Even the archers aren't much of a threat to Cherche. Who, by the way, crits with a Hammer against an Armour she would have killed anyway. Meanwhile Panne and Morgan head over to the chests, but find their way clogged with Knights. Morgan needs the exp more, but she's only chewing her way through them very... slowly...

Reaching the door, fittingly Sully crits the guy carrying the Door Key. Next turn we'll open andd get her to her daughter. Now reinforcements arrive: one Archer from Kjelle's area, and enemies from the middle and bottom groups of stairs in our area. They come for a few turns, but they're mostly weak, unpromoted Archers and Dark Mages.

Next turn I make good on my promise and unlock the door... before realising that means the General on our side (who I didn't manage to kill last turn) can now get through and go for Kjelle! Fortunately he's not that big a threat, and Sully dispatches him with ease. like to immagine a cinematic moment here: the general looms over Kjelle, readly to bring down the axe, when suddenly Sully rides in and stabbs him in the back. They then look at each other, speechless for a few minutes and...

Don't recognise eachother as mother and daughter, apparently. Seems some of the kids know immidiately, like Morgan, but some still don't. I gues I'll have to wait till the end of the chapter. Well, at least she's controlable now and, more importantly, can gain exp!

The reinforcements get a little more deadly this time: Generals and Sorcerers. Fortunately none come from Kjelle's area. Still, one of the Sorcs attacks Nowi, whose Fire only does 3 damage (blasted low-might E tomes!)... but Donnel steps in and cuts him down with no trouble. "What a team!" she says, and I couldn't a agree more.

The second Sorcerer is even dumber, he attacks Sumia despite having 0% hit on her. lol.

Meanwhile, in bunnyland, Morgan has been slowly wearing down a General for about 3 turns. And, naturally, Lethality only activates on the turn he had low enough HP to kill anyway. Why is it always like that??

Right then, reinforcements have stopped and only the boss is left. See, I told you this would be easy! But the boss' demise will be delayed until Panne can get all the chests. Here's where a second Thief would come in handy. They turn out to be a Short Spear and Medium Bullion. Now bad, but could be better. At least Kjelle can have a ranged weapon now.

Now we're ready. And by 'we', I mean Kjell and Sully. For refference, the boosts she gets from her are Str 4, Skl 4, Spd 4, Luk 2, Def 5 and Res 2. But will that be enough, especially seeing as the boss has Waste... If he hits her twice it could be trouble...

The boss has a special convo with Kjelle, and a pretty long one at that. Here it is:

Kjelle: “If you believe in any gods, you’d better pray to them now!”

Cassius: “My my, aren’t we confident?"

Kjelle: “I don’t fear you, coward!”

Cassius: “Aye, I suppose not. Most fools assume that lairs and sneaks like me are weak. They want us to be weak, see? They NEED it. It lets them hold on to the fantasy that right prevails in the end.

Heh… They can think what they want. A cocky fool is an easy target. Truth is, in the end, it’s the clever ones who always survive.”

Kjelle: “A man who takes hostages in order to win a duel has no claim to cleverness. Even an animal would not stoop so low! But enough, I’ve no more words to waste on the likes of you. My master will have vengeance!”

Cassius: “Wrong, girl. Your master will have COMPANY!”

The first line is kinda funny if Frederick is Kjelle's father. But anyway, I didn't expect such a long and surpsisingly philosophical conversation. But what happened next?

He misses. Twice. And Sully Dual Strikes him in the face.

Next turn, he fares no better, and gets Luna'd. Can you say owned?

And so Kjelle and Sully finally realise their relationship, and we have our second child! Who I'm already REALLY starting to like... her stats are getting pretty damn good already. And like all children, auto-Cs with both parents. Heh, and just like both of them, she like training. But her support with her dad was hilarious. Most of you probably already know, but she poisons the whole army with her cooking. Apparently it's hereditary. Hmmm... I wonder if she's 'burned juice'-level bad...

Speaking of bad, a Risen Sage AND Great Knight just showed up on Carrion Isle. Hmm, could this be good grinding or an accident waiting to happen? Only one way to find out!

...Okay, the bosses are a Lv 2 Great Knight WITH LUNA. And a Lv 6 Sage with a FORGED REXCALIBUR (I keep forgetting it's lost its legendary status in this game. It's now on par with Bolganone and Thoron. Perhaps they finally realised "Tornado" sounded too mundane?), droppable regular Rexcalibur and a Recover staff. Eep.

But the actual battle was pretty pathetic. My only notes are: Kjelle leveled up and got everything except Mag, and Kjelle Luna'd then critted with a 6%. Yeah. The Risen really must have sucked. Actually Kjelle is just that awesome, seriously. For our troubles in taking down a double-skirmish, we get a Brave Ave and 3000 Gold.

Oh, and I get Kjelle's B with Stahl. What's hilarious is that, apparently, Kjelle's cooking made the army so sick we only won the last battle because the enemies were so disgusted by us. The last enemies we fought we're RISEN. Yeah. I laughed a good while at that.

Aaaaand here we run into a bit of a blank area. The next time I played the game I had no time for another chapter, but was still really bored. So I grinded Lissa up to Galeforce. It took a lot longer than Stahl and Sully did because she was already Lv 20/10 before I switched her to Dark Flier, so most Entombed didn't even give a full level. After a while, she got there. And Kjelle managed to reach 20 too, so here we go:

Kjelle: Lv 20 Knight > Lv 1 General

HP 52 > 62

Str 32 (max) > 36

Mag 4

Skill 23 > 26

Spd 22 > 24

Lck 25

Def 25 + 2 > 29 + 2

Res 12 > 15

Skills: Defense +2, Indoor Fighter, Luna, Aegis

Comments: Her strengh. HER. STRENGTH. Seriously, it's off the freaking charts. To put it in perspective, The Vaike as a Lv 5 Warrior has 1 point less Strength than her Lv 20 Knight stats. After promotion, well... um, yeah. She also has Luna.

I also noticed one limitation of grinding in EXPonential Growth. Because you need so few enemies to level up, your weapon ranks end up being much lower than they would if yoy leveled up "normally". This is actually a pretty big deal: Kjelle cane out of Knight and she STILL only had a C in Lances. Then again, her Str is so crazy she doesn't really NEED anything better than Steel. So not such a big deal for her, but other characters could have problems here.


Lissa: Lv 20/10/15/1 War Cleric

HP: 58

Str: 29

Ag: 26

Slk: 24

Spd: 26

Luk: 35

Def: 18

Res: 25

Skills: Miracle, Healtouch, Rally Luck, Rally Movement, Galeforce

Comments: Her Str is oddly higher than I expected. And she now has enough Mag to reach almost anywhere with long range staves. Sure she's VERY overleveled compared to everyone else, but still. I'm not finding War Cleric anywhere NEAR as terrible as some people say.

Lon’qu: Lv 10 Swordmaster

HP: 44

Str: 19

Mag: 7

Skl: 29

Spd: 36

Luk: 18

Def: 18

Res: 10

Skill: Avo 10, Vantage, Astra

Comments: Why his stats too. You'll see... But anyway, I've been... really disappointed with him this whole playthrough, really. I haven't mentioned this yet, but I grinded Say'ri up to Lv 15 in preparation for Yen'fay, and... she's pretty much blowing him out of the water. And I hear this is not just me, it's actually pretty common: she's just THAT good of a pre-promote. Depending on how Owain turns out, I may end up benching him...

Speaking of...

Paralogue 5: Scion of Legend


Ahem. Sorry. I seriously won't be able to keep that up this whole chapter. But to sum up, Owain is awesome. He's now one of my favourite characters in the series.

So we get into this map andd are greeted with... chickens. Yeah. There's a few running around on the map, but they're just for show. Fortunately they don't posess super revenge powers like a certain other NIntendo francise...

There's also NPCs to save. Oh joy... actually, I find the fact that these ones don't move makes them EASIER to protect. No need to worry about Derping AI, just kill the enemies before they reach them, or block them off. Either works. There are three Sages, I'll just call them The Northern One, The SouthEast One and The SouthWest one. They all have Physics, but only the SouthEast one is in range of any others. The rest are out. I'm pretty sure their stats are slightly random just like enemies, so this may vary for different players.

Speaking of enemies, there aren't really that much here, mostly axe users as fodder for OWAIN, SCION OF LEGEND! But the Assassins with Bows are the ones you have to worry about, as they pose the biggest threat to the NPCs. Fortunately, my darling Waifu just so happens to be a 1000x better "Assassin with Bow" than them. This shouldn't be too bad...

First thing's first: I danced Lissa so she could recruit OWAIN on turn one. We wouldn't want to leave such an awesome character at the mercy of the incredibly stupid AI now, would we? (I forgot to write down his initial stats. Sorry.)

Next, I transfer Lon'qu over to him, so father and son can start cutting stuff. And for his first fight, Lon'qu Dual Strikes, and he Astras. Galeforce lets him go for a second kill... which he doesn't quite make. He doubles moast enemies but doesn't do quite enough damage for a OTKO without either a Dual Strike or an Astra. (Lonq'u does have a 33% chance of Dual even though they aren't even at C yet, so it's not TOO bad) That will chance soon though...

So the rest of us just focus on killing everything we can reach. That's pretty much it. Waifu and Morgan take out the nearest Assassin. The others aren't quite in range of the Sages yet... but they are in range of Cherche! Ooops... phew, it missed. Damn, I should have reallt learnt my lesson from the Warrior back in Chapter 16. I won't do THAT again, I promise.

Interestingly enough, it seems that characters other than OWAIN THE INVINCIBLE HAMMY ONE can talk to villagers. Since Owain needs to get his sword though, I figured I'd use him anyway. Do you know what happens if someone else taks to the Missletainn guy?

I wasn't quite sure which the Missletainn guy was, but I knew he wasn't North. Unfortunately, SouthWest just got hit by a Short Axe and I can't quite get over there yet... but Lissa does have a Catharsis! So I should be safe for a bit, at least.

But for now, let's rescue SouthEast. In a SPECTACULAR DISPLAY OF AWESOME HEROICS, Owain and his dad double-team a Dark Mage, Galeforce over to the Assassin and Owain Astras. That's what you get for going up against a HAMMY HERO OF JUSIIIIIIIIIIICE!

I'm REALLY loving Galeforce, by the way. Do not regret passing it down in the slightest. And here I thought it wouldn't be seeing use until the postgame...

My Avatar is meanwhile doubled with Lucy, since she was free and I may need another support in the future. Don't worry, I'm not cheating on Panne. Lucy is just a friend. A friend with a habit of slaughtering everything in her path, which is handy to have around. We go to block off the North sage's house, while my Waifu and kid head around the back to intercept some Wyverns.

Speaking of Wyverns, this is actually the first time I've observed the effects of Parallel Falcion on Wyvern faces. It's not pretty. For them. For me it's absolute bliss. DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE! People for the Ethical Treatment of Wyverns can kiss my Excalibur! (p.s. I hate Wyverns. Play New Mystery on higher difficulties and you will too.)

And so OWAIN, MASTER OF HAM reaches SouthEast and... SUCCESS! THE SEMI-LEGENDARY BLADE IS HIS AT LAST!! Okay, I actually kinda guessed that, just because I had a feeling the furthest sage would be too obvious. Unfortunately the Missletainn is basically a Steel Sword with less hit, 10 crit and a tiny Skill boost. (Which funnily enough is enough to raise Owain's Dual percentage from 33 to 35) Still, it looks REALLY cool in battle.

kay, only the boss and his flunkies left, but he's got a Bow which means Sumia should stay away. Or not, as he and his guys don't seem to be moving. I'll just take this time to have Owain get the remaining two sage treasures: North gives an Elixer while SouthWest gives Spirit Dust. And funnily enough Lissa finds a Ladle on an Event Tile, which she can use right now. The boss is still staying put.

So let's BRING THE HAM TO HIM! LIGHT AND SHADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So yeah, Owain carves his way through the boss' mooks with Galeforce, all except the boss himself have 0% hit on him. So i kill two and end the turn in front of him.

Did I mention the boss is basically Wario? I'd love to see someone dub his voice clips over his lines. Anyway, he hits, but Lon'qu Dual Strike and...

SouthWest Physics Owain in the Ally Phase! Wow, NPCs actually being useful, who'd have thought? He's seriously getting my award for best NPC of the playthrough. (not that he has much competition...) Hmm... The P-5 Sage? ...Nah, doesn't have the same ring to it.

Anyway, let's finish off th WOAH, forgot you had Vantage there! Good thing for that ally healing, huh. He goes down.

Random note about the chickens: due to them being small things moving in 3D I sometimes think they're bugs on my screen. Yeah, it's weird.

And fittingly, the last enemies goes down to a Lethality crit from Morgan, with her saying "This ends here!". Yes, it most certainly did.

This map's HEROES OF LEGEND were, naturally, Owain and his dad. The Sages thank us for saving them but we don't get any more items. And interestingly the shop at this Paralogue sells Iron, Steel, Silver and Killing Edges. Nice!

Speaking of nice, I proceeded to promote Owain in EXPonential Growth. His stats are:

Owain: Lv 20 > 1 Swordmaster

HP: 48

Str: 23 (Max) > 26

Mag: 14 > 15

Slk: 29 > 31

Spd: 32 (max) > 35

Luk: 23

Def: 15 > 17

Res: 15 > 18

Skills: Avo 10, Vantage, Astra, Galeforce

Yep, DEFINATEY benching Lon'qu. After I've got their supports, that is.

Actually, seeing as he's AWESOME and he's probably going to be in my main party, I'm thinking of marrying him to my Morgan. That just might work...

So anyway, I might have to stop for the moment, but I'll update again later with Chapter 17. For now, one more thing:

I sifted through the spotpass teams I currently have, now that FE7-10 are all available. I can probably get Karl now if I want, and a few others. But here's something kinda funny: who's the only Shadow Dragon guy I have?


But that's not all. The first RD guy I had was Sephiran. The first PoR guy was Ashnard. And the first SS guy was Lyon. WHY DOES THIS GAME KEEP GIVING ME VILLAINS!? Not that I have a problem with that...

Speaking of Villains, I thought I'd try summoning the Black Knight for lolz. Yep, he's pretty overpowered, but the main thing is:

WARNING: For those few out there who haven't played Radiant Dawn, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, click on the Black Knight's portrait. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. It's possibly THE single most blatant SPOILER in existance.

What's funny is after showing off his unhelmeted and 'extremely-obvious-who-he-really-is' head for a while, he seems to realise his mistake and cover it up with his shield. It's hilarious. Not only that, but he has the same coloured armour as... who he is. Seriously, couldn't they have just named him


, used that guy's portrait, and avoided all this? And unlike most other custom characters in this game, he actually REALLY looks like himself. So again, for those who like hilarious spoiler shenannigans, go summon him. It's worth it.

Will add more soon, got class now.

Edited by Big Klingy
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Okay, let's more on.

Chapter 17: Inexhorable Death

Heh, only just realised that means 'unstoppable/unavoidable'. Wow, THAT's an ominous chapter title. Though it actually reffers to something that happens AFTER the chapter, not before. Whatever that case, I hear a certain infamous character makes his first appearence here. I'm not looking forward to that.

So we've got an indoor battle on our hands, with lots of doors and chests. As well as some staircases in the middle of the floor that are making me very nervous...

Also, the enemies here are mostly War Clerics/Monks and Valkyries. You don't see that often. All the enemies are promoted too. Man, the game sure steps things up fast, doesn't it? I guess that's what Paralogues are for. And I've heard of the boss. She has a special conversation with Chrom too, which I'm going for.

So, going in are Lissa's new family, Chrom's family, the bunny family, Cherche and Virion and Kjelle, because she's really impressed me so far. Also Ricken and Maribelle since I haven't used them in a while.

I realised the Avatar and Chrom aren't BFFs yet (read: A Support), so I'll pair them up for now. Panne and my bunny baby will go for the locks. And on the way, a VERY unfortionate Valkyrie got Beastbane Ignis'd. Ouch.

Argh, Wall Snipers. I hate those. The far left ream has little in the way of ranged attacks (Virion and the Mages are on the right), which was a dumb move in hindsight. Still, they're nowhere NEAR as bad as those bloody Gatling Bow guys in Tear Ring Saga Chapter 26 B. You couldn't even TARGET them until you unlocked that room, and by the time you did, the threat was already passed. But that's behind me, thankfully. It's Awakening time now.

Man, those Valkyries have some powerful spells. They're actually hurting us quite a bit.

It's been about 5 turns, and still nothing from those stairs. I'm getting really paranoid now... OH CRAP FORGED KILLER BOW GUY! Aaaaand it didn't help him. Good thing the enemies don't know how to forge the crit up on their weapons... yet.

Right, now Say'ri is warning us about reinforcements. I knew it. Wait a minute... this is the first reinforcement warning we've gotten in a while. Something's off here...

Several turns pass, and still no reinforcements. Okay, now this is really getting creepy.

The right chests give me a Large Bullion and a Master Seal.

Aaaaaaand they're finally here and... they're ALLIES?!?! Well, I guess they're still 'reinforcements', but... I don't buy it. For one, they're the same classes as the enemies here. And lo and behold, I was right. Teleporting in it...


Okay, deep breaths now, calm, calm, just try to avoid looking directly...at...it. Anyway, meet, sigh, Excellus. Though rest assured, his own side hates him just as much as you do. I find that interesting. Anyway, he tells us he was... ways of making sure the resistance betray us. Lovley. Then again, I appreciate the EXP.

And the chapter theme now changes from Destiny to Storm Clouds. That's a nice touch.

More and more traitors are pouring in every turn. I've got Sumia and Lucina covering the left side, but everyone else is bunched up in the centre. These guys actually are kind of a threat, meaning I've needed to heal with Lissa a lot. Which unfortunately means she's exposed a lot... and despite her overleveledness, she's still taking quite a bit of damage.

Also, irritatingly, Pheros managed to use her Fortify staff once. Dang, that's one less use on it for me.

And not to be outdone in the overkill department, Kjelle gets a Beastkiller Luna. Still, nothing compares to a Parthia crit on a Wyvern. Ahh, the sweet sound of painfully-exploding wyvern...

Ahem, where was I? Ah yes, BOOTS! From the left chests, I mean. (You know, as of writing, I still don't know who I'm going to give it to.) Also a Seraph Robe. I really need to use one of those on Maribelle, she's dying REALLY easily at the moment.

Okay, it's Chrom vs the boss now. I don't fancy being hit by that Bolganone twice, so I'll let her make the first move... and forget to equip the Rapier. Dang it.

The conversation is pretty interesting. Basically, she used to be an Emmeryn follower like you, then she took a Walhart in the philosophy. She also mentions serving Naga and "the Earth Mother". I presume this is a refference to Mila. Nice they're getting all this obscure FE lore in there. Anyway, she goes down and we win.

Without seizing. Yeah, I want to talk about that: it seems there aren't any real seize missions in this game. Anything that would have been is now "Defeat Boss" instead. This... may be the first FE without this. (Did Gaiden have it?) I don't object to this, really all it is is saving one turn. But that does mean there's no "victory is near" theme in this game. I would have liked to hear that, given the game's awesome soundtrack.

So, post-chapter strategy session. We apparently need to distract Walhart while we deal with Say'ri's BBBFF Yen'fay. And Basilio volunteers but...

Lucina forsees his death!

That... I did not see coming. Oh oh. But we can't stop him now so...

After saving, we're immidiately greeted with an epic battle in the midst of a raging storm. Wow. Our troops are being scattered by "some elite cavelry", though I know that shade of red... It's...

Walmart the Conqeror!

Sorry, I coudn't resist.

You know, I'm really surprised this is the first time we've seen him in person. With the promotional material pre-release spoiling him, the impact of keeping him hidden is really ruined. I mean, this would be a great reveal for someone who doesn't know what he looks like, but... that's a dying breed now. Anyway, he seems to be a one-man army. Basilio gives the appropriate reaction:

"Awwww crap!"

Did I mention he's awesome?


We get a BATTLE SCENE! Holy crap that's epic. Although I have a feeling it's not going to end well.

I pause the action, and realise that, according to the combat stats, Basilio will be left on exactly 1 HP! And realised something else: If Basilio has Counter, Walhart would be dead right here, right now. Unfortunately, he doesn't. Aww.

Wow Walhart's axe is frekin' massive!

Ouch, it's not looking good for Basilio...

And then Flavia DOUBURUS!!! You know, my sister took this moment to point out she ships them. I admit I kinda do too. Why can't they get to S?? I understand they'd probably have no children but... come on! She even say "there's the oaf I love" at one point! I remember it being reported they could get married when the game first came out but... alas, that wasn't true.

Back on topic: Flavia dual guards, and...

Okay, this is just insane. Basilio crits. With a 0% chance. Yes, he's so awesome he breaks the rules of the game.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to save him. Walhart gets a crit of his own. (No cut-it. I guess we'll have to wait till' he's on our side for that) Bye-bye Basilio. Flavia yells out his name, fully voiced. Sniff.

...Except not. Unfortunately, the impact of this scene is ruined for me for several reasons. 1: I know Basilio is a playable character who joins in Chapter 23. 2: I know he's a marriage option for famale Avatar. Given that he hasn't joined yet, it's safe to say he's not really dead.

So now it becomes a case of "I know he's alive, but I don't know when it'll be revealed." No spoilers please.

So anyway, that happened. And we're back on the map.

So, let's honour that by... getting sidetracked by paralogues! Yes, it's time for:

Paralogue 9: Pega-Pony-Princess

It is time. So our mission is to recruit Chrom's other kid, Cynthia. Who is awesome. Though she seems to have 'Terra Syndrome'. So there's this guy who looks nothing like Chrom, and often laughs smugle and cheats villages out of their money. And she thinks he's her loving father. I know people have made the point that Chrom probably died before Cynthia knew him, but...

The hair. Couldnt' she tell that her hair looks nothing like his?? Argh. Someone has to save her from Terra's Curse, before she starts thinking Validar is a swell guy who only wants good for the world...

So, by our levels now this chapter is actually pretty easy. Only difficulty is keeping our many fliers away from those Snipers, and making sure Cytnthia doesn't get killed by her own parents. (Seriously, it actually happened once. It killed me.)

So anyway, her stats:

Cynthia: Lv 10

HP 35

Str 16

Mag 8

Skill 21

Spd 25 +2

Lck 21

Def 13

Res 14

Skills: Speed +2, Relief, Rally Speed, Aether

My team is mostly the same as last chapter, but with The Vaike and The Cordelia. Just because.

So Morgan got an Ignis then a crit. Forget Pega-Pony-Princesses, she's my little Bunny-Baby-Princess... or something. She's awesome.

Case in point: OH CRAP HERO SOL'D LUCY... and Morgan crits him with a dual strike despite having no support at all. And then a Berzerker attacked her despite having a 0%b chance of hitting. ALL HAIL THE BUNNY!

On a less uplisfting note, Cordelia can't double the berzerkers. That doesn't bode well. At least they can't double her.

On the eastern front, five enemies attacked Ricken and Maribelle dual struck all of them. OTP.

I was seriously considering saving Olivia's dance for Owain, until I realised Owain need no dancing, for he has THE POWER OF GAAAAAAAAAALE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

So, we recruit the Peg-Pony-Princess. I can't get over that. For the moment though, she'll have to hide behind her sis while the Snipers are still on the loose. But they're already Dual Striking togeather and being awesome.

In the meantime, Ruger is going up to the green mercs and saying" Halp! I am Chrom I am being chased by brigands if you help me I will see to it you are handsomely rewarded!!!!! I’m also Captain Basch of Dalmasca. DON'T BELIEVE ONDORE'S LIES! ...I'M DEFINATELY NOT A VILLAIN!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, the mercs are suffering from Terra Syndrome too.

So the gimmick here is that the boss sways one green merc to his side every turn. They're Level 8, compared to the Lv 3 regular enemies here. But unless you delibearately let this map go on FOREVER, there's no way he's getting all of them. In my attempt, he only managed to get three. Though it might be interesting to purposely fight them all...

Like he says, they don't fight you until you've cleared the pillars. And when you do... the blasted coward starts running away. After him Pega-Pony-Princess, for great justice!!

Okay, his mercs are kinda slowing him down. But he's cornered. There's no hope, he has nowhere to run...

HE RAN OFF THE MAP?!?!?!?!?!?!?!











Okay. That's it. Reloading save time. No more Mr Nice Chrom. How, how do you like the real thing... AETHERING YOUR FACE OFF, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I'd gone a little crazy by this point. But serioulsly, a boss who's THIS big a jerk... getting away?! I won't stand for that. Man, that's really irritating.

And what's worse? He doesn't even have a convo with Chrom. Or Cynthia! Despite her vowing to personally put a hoof through his face? Aww, that's a real letdown.

So, through an intricate combination of Rally Movenent, switching, and Dancing, Cynthia gets her JUSTIIIIIICE!

After the chapter, Cynthia gets Cs with her parents AND Lucy. And I have to say, they're great. Especially her C with Lucina. That may be my new favourite non-romantic support so far. They're just so sweet and hilarious as a family. Her C with Chrom is hilarious too.

Time for some Cynthia grindng. First, some Generals. Just when I was thinking "how will I get passed their defence"... Cythia Aether crits. Yep, you take after your dad.

Then she leveled up and got everything except Def.

Then, NOOOOOOOOO, she left an enemy on 1 HP! But Daddy to the rescue: Chrom dual strikes!

And now Cynthia has MUCH more Strength than her mother despite not even being promoted yet. Her mother is promoted and Lv 10. Yeah. The game just broke AGAIN.

Not only that, Cynthia didn't get hit at all the entire skirmish. And then she went through another... and still kept her perfect dodge-record! Yep, she's definately going in the main party.


Cynthia: Lv 20 Pegasus > Dark Flier

HP: 45 > 48

Str: 22 > 23

Mag: 11 > 15

Skill: 27 > 28

Spd: 32 +2 > 34 +2

Lck: 29

Def: 15 > 16

Res: 18 > 21

Why Dark Flier not Falco? Galefore. Nuff said.

Also she's broken.

So, what next, you may ask? Well, there's just one more "easy paralogue" left. First:


Lv 10 Sage

HP: 40

Str: 3

Mag: 27 +2

Skill: 25

Spd: 29

Luk: 21

Def: 9

Res: 16

Tome A, Staff E

Mag +2, Focus, Rally Mag


Lv 14 Great Knight

HP: 42

Str: 18

Mag: 4

Skill: 18

Spd: 16

Luk: 14

Def: 25

Res: 8

Sword D, Lance A , Axe D

Discipline, Outdoor Fighter, Luna

Grinded them a bit in EXPonential. Miriel is doing good, but Freddie Bear... umm... like the pre-promos of FE12, the real problem isn't his growths, it's his bases. They're just... not good by promoted standards. That's why he's looking sub-par in everything but Def now. I realise he can be pretty good with reclassing, so I guess I'll try that.

I'm sure you know what's coming now...

Paralogue 14: IT'S A MIRAAAAAAGE!

Ahem. Anyway, we get a really short intro. Apparently there's a Brigadoon style village here somewhere, where the Goddess Staff is. Yeah, they had to change it from "Ashera".

But there's someone else with his eyes on this prize... Generic Steve III! Yep, it was only a matter of time efore he showed up again...

But enough about that, it's time for something unexpected!


Lv 30 Taguel

HP: 61

Str: 22 +3

Mag: 14

Slk: 32 +5

Spd: 34 +5

Luk: 25 +4

Def: 26 +1

Res: 18

Skills: Unchanged.

Yep, my little Bunny Baby is all grown up. Sniff. And that means it's time for her to go...


Lv 1 Tactician

HP: 59

Str: 24

Mag: 17

Slk: 28 (max)

Spd: 29 (max)

Luk: 25

Def: 28

Res: 19

Skills: same + veteran.

Yeah, she could have gone straight to Grandmaster, but she already has half the skills from it. Tacticial, meanwhile, holds the awesome Veteran and the pretty nice Solidarity. So yeah. But she'll most-likely be promoting at Lv 10.

Also, I'd like to point out there wasn't a single unpromoted class she could switch to where her Skill and Speed weren't maxed. That's my girl!

...Oh sweet lord. I just realised that, apart from Mag and Res, she's beating me in everything. As a Lv 1 unpromo!

Okay, those are some trippy maragy villages. And... you can walk right through them, apparently. How unscientific, Miriel would think... but who she meets in the first one is real enough...


Lv 10 Mage

HP: 31

Str: 4

Mag: 15 +2

Skl: 16

Spd: 16

Luk: 15

Def: 8

Res: 10

Skills: Mag +2, Focus, Rally Magic, Luna

Uh oh. That's... a little less broken than I'm used to from the children. Could this be bad?

Speaking of bad... DAMN IT, WHY DOES TACTICIAN GET SLOWED BY SAND! How dare my broken bunny baby be hindered!

But on the bright side, Laurent gets a Luna in his first fight, with an awesome quote: "Get thee hence!" As a Shakespeare fan I couldn't help but smile...

But the Luna was pointless, as the enemy has no Res anyway. And then he died on the enemy phase. Sigh. Restart!

And remember to put Morgan near the plain this time! Anyway, Virion, Cherche, The Vaike and The Cordelia head east. I took as many fliers as I could, for obvious reasons. They'll head for the northern village, those bandits are already making their way over...

And as Virion took a few hits on the enemy phase, I suddenly realised... I forgot to bring any healers! Damn it. oh well, at least there aren't many enemies here, or so I though. Oh how wrong I was...

In other news, Morgan's first fight as a Tactician ends in an Ignis Crit.

Cordelia has enough movement to fly to the northern village right now. They say they're totally not a mirage village. Then it vanishes. Okay.

So things were pretty normal so far. Sadly, it would not last. Possibly the strangest thing in the playthrough so far happened:

First, a village spawned. Yeah, village reinforcements. Really weird,

Accompanied by more traditional reinforcements: a bunch of bandits and Berzerkers... right where Laurent is. Needless to say, he died again. TAKE 3!

Okay reinforcements, this time I have a bunny-shaped surprise for you... heheheh. The first one attacked Morgan and got a Lethality for his trouble. How do you like them carrots?

The spawning village gives a Speedwing, and they still claim they're definately not a mirage. Then they vanish.

Okay, another village just spawned. Along with... Falcos from the bottom. Sigh, guess who's in their range. R.I.P Laurent x3.

TAKE 4@@$#$!!@!$%!!!!!

Okay, who said this was the easiest child paralogue??? These reinforcements are BRUTAL, and REALLY good at killing said child.

Next turn, lots of Warriors from the top left, and falcos from the top right. Where Donnel and Nowi happen to be. Needless to say the Falcos all died horribly.

And I notice one of the Warriors has a Silver Bow and is in range of Cynthia. But he won't kill even if he does hit... which he doesn't. Yeah, you keep channeling Ced there, Cynthia!

Now the final village gives some direct directions to the Staff. And I proceeded to forget them. SF time! Okay, three down from the boss... got it! And... it only has one use. Aww.

Speaking of the boss, it's brokenbunnybabytime! And... WOAH CRAP FORGOT HE HAD COUNTER! Thankfully, Morgan's first strike onld does 18 damage. A Dual Strike and Ignis later, and it's over. That coukd have gone VERY badly.

Oh, by the way, Morgan has now maxed everything except Mag and Res. By now, the game's difficulty is already dead. That didn't stop Morgan resurrecting it just to kill it again.

So, afterwards, Laurent asks Miriel how she'd assess his performance. Well...

You died three times in one chapter. I'm not going to lie to you, it's not looking good. Not even Villager!Donnel performed that badly...

Yeah, it seems my Laurent may be slightly less broken than the other kids. Maybe I should've tried Libra...

So that's all for now. Coming up: is Say'ri's big brother still her best friend forever? And we see... actual inteligence from the AI? Shock horror! What am I talking about? You'll have to wait and see...

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