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Favorite Characters so far?

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Who are your favorite characters so far, now that a lot of us have played the game?

Favorite character design/character wise?

Favorite character in terms of stats and junk?

If theres already a topic on this, oops. But i havent lurked this forum until i got the game, so bear with me.

Im very fond of Virion as you can see. I think hes hilarious and i adore his design. I also am digging him gameplay wise. Probably because i kinda abused the hell out of him, got him married to my Avatar, reclassed him to a Wyvern Rider and now hes like Haar 2.0. Holy crap.

Im also fond of Tharja. She reminds me of Lute and Soren put together and a little creepier.

My Avatar's kid...wut the hell...dude is hella overpowered...

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In terms of design/personality, I'll continue on with my routine and go with Lucina because if you S-Support

D'aaww she can't bring herself to kill you even if you ask her to....

In terms of gameplay (excepting Morgan because s/he varies too much) OH MY GOD GEROME IS SO OVERPOWERED GUYS IT ISN'T EVEN FUNNY

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Virion is my favorite character (plus his design was one of the few that didn't make me go "lolwtf" before I got used to them and it kind of reminds me of a mix of Dunban and Miles Edgeworth), followed with Cordelia, Severa, Owain, and Frederick tied for second.

Stat wise, it's totally Morgan and Severa (with Avatar has her father).

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Noire so far because her evil laugh entertains me a lot for some reason, and I kinda feel bad for her for putting up with Tharja. Stat wise is pretty amazing (VaikexTharja),

she makes a pretty epic bow assassin.

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Virion!?!? Tharja!?!? blink.gif

While I like all characters in the game, those two have personalities I'm not fond of. Well made, but they get under my skin. Don't get me wrong, I do like those two characters and find them hilarious, but I would never get along with them.

And I'm kind of repeating myself a bit from another thread, but here are some of the characters I like the most.

Gregor: Kind yet totally hilarious dude.

Chrom: Hard to find any faults in him.

Lucina: Just like her father.

Noire: Split personality is adorable.

Henry: Creepy, kind and hilarious at the same time.

Emmeryn: Completely selfless and kind.

Basilio and Flavia: Great source of humor.

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it kind of reminds me of a mix of Dunban and Miles Edgeworth)

YES! Virion takes two character designs i adore and puts them together! I HAD TO HAVE MY AVATAR MARRY HIM!!!! I just imagine her kicking his ass every time he hits on someone.

Others i enjoy:

I really like Sully character wise. Her design is meh because toilet armor, but her voice clips and personality make me smile. "Hell NO!" <3

Libra. I like those androgynous dudes. Hes really pretty cool and he married Lissa in my run.

OWAIN! OMG OWAIN! This guy cracks me up! "By the red hair of Eliwood!" Holy shit this guy!

Gregor is great and i love him.

Henry. Oh wow. This guy is fantastic. His cheeky laugh after he owns something is great. His crit quotes are oh yes. Hes like "Dont die too much lol."

Noire is pretty funny.

Lon'qu for gameplay. Why is it the Super Serious Faced Swordie always ends up as a crit machine?

Panne is cool.

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It would be easier to mention the character I don't like= Virion, I love almost everyone but the standouts for me are Stahl, Cordelia, Donny, Miriel, and Cherche.

All the Children are great! They all have such great backstories. My least favorite would have to be Cynthia. I just think her design is hideous. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I really like Brady. I thought since he was ugly and a support unit that I wouldn't like him but he is easily one of my favorites.

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Let's see, my favourite characters personality-wise are:

1. Gaius

2. Henry

3. Cordelia

4. Virion

5. Inigo

6. Owain

7. Severa

8. Kellam

9. Vaike

10. Stahl

HM: That Valmese general's mustache

Favourite Designs

1. Cordelia

2. Lucina

3. Inigo

4. Chrom

5. Gerome Nananananananana

6. Stahl

7. Yen'fay

8. Cherche

9. Virion

10. Slifer Grima the Sky Dragon

HM: Walmart and Tiki

Gameplay wise

1. Ricken

2. Stahl

3. Avatar

4. Chrom

5. Gaius

6. Cordelia

7. Gangrel (fun boss)

8. Lucina

9. Morgan

10. Sumia

HM: Cherche

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My favorite character, as in, out of all of them? That's a tough one. I think... maybe... Emmeryn. I don't know why, but something about her personality, her actions, and her story just made me like her.

I only wish I could pair her with someone so she could be happily married without being married to my Avatar. She doesn't deserve to be alone by the end of the story.

Aside from that, I also really like Gaius, Gregor, Henry, Chrom, Sully, Olivia, Frederick, Lissa, and Cherche.

I actually like all of the characters, but there's no point to listing all of them, so I'll leave it at a list of ten.

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Lon'qu really grew on me. I love some his fighting dialogue. Henry as well, "I'm going to kill you!" is priceless. I also love Gaius' voice, it reminds me of Sly Cooper (another game franchise). Gregor's poor English cracked me up a few times.

I played through with MU marrying Chrom, it is definitely the OTP in my eyes. Try it out if you plan to have another playthrough. They became my other favorites. Because of this, I don't think I'll ever change my avatar. :D

Ugh, too many lovable characters to list them all, this is the only game in which I have this problem...

Time to do another replay.

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I LOVE Libra. Him x Avatar are definitely my OTP. Other favorites include: Gerome, Virion, Chrom, Emm, Lissa, Stahl and Cherche.

I honestly don't dislike anyone though, so it's pretty hard to rank them. D:

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I started out not really liking Donnel, but... He's kind of grown on me... Also, Armsthrift + Capped Luck + Really Powerful Weapon = Instant Death for EVERYONE.

Gregor mainly because of his supports with Nowi... And he kind of destroys everything.

I like Gerome because he looks like Batman. And with black hair, holy crap does he look wicked.

Sully has become an impenetrable shield.

I like Noire because she's cute as a button. Also she's apparently a Reaper from the Mass Effect games.

I like Cynthia because she's clumsy. Also... Something that happens when you meet her but I won't mention because it's the kind of thing you need to see for yourself.

That one General dude who's like, "I am invincible because of my MOOOOSTACHE. Also spiders."

... That's all I can think of right now.

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Since I don't actually own the game I don't have any statwise faves. :<

But in terms of personality, thanks to the supports thread, I like Flavia, Sully, Miriel, Lissa, Fred, Virion, and Gaius the most. Lon'qu also has that g9tastic line of "He gives orders, I stab people".

Basilio has that Nick Fury design though so I love him no matter what. Chrom is also adorable. I'll need more of Lucina's dialogue to determine her character but god she has a great design.

Not fond of Vaike and Tharja. Idk, Vaike's speech patterns irritate me.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Stahl: We're alike in a way. Lazy but hardworking for friends and come with hidden talents.

Donnel: Like stahl except we're both considered "weak" at first.

Vaike: He's awesome plus same skin tone.

Sully: She's a tough woman, I like tough women. It isn't a bad thing to be hooked up with her especially since I know that she'd be doing it for my good.(this doesn't make sense)

Miriel: Female mage with glasses, what more can I say? Anyway Miriel seems like the one I'd more than likely be friends with in real life since she can teach so much stuff.

Lon'qu: Cowboy bebop Spike, thats all I have to say.

Maribelle: My over-all favorite, she's the kind the girl that once you get to know her, then you'd just want to hug her all day long-well thats just me cuz I'm a weird kid :P.

Henry: Just one crazy S.O.B

Tiki: Still debating this one but I loved how she grew up but yet still retained some of her child like features. Even though would it be considered sis-con-I always called Tiki my little sister.

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Yeah, I'm most similar to Stahl too. I'm very lazy and I don't really care much about myself, but I'll do anything for my friends. He is the kind of guy who doesn't stand out, but you can always rely on him to be there for you.

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So far I've only gotten up to the part where we get


So here's my favorite characters so far are.


Chrom: Bros for life! A bit of a stale choice, but hey, he's cool

Donnel: Critical phrase, "Get'er done!" Now I picture Donnel as Larry the Cable Guy or Mater from Cars.

Henry: First battle, he gets a critical, says "Have some death!" with a smile on his face. Instant favorite,


Miriel: I don't understand a lick of what she's saying half of the time but I've grown to like her, dunno why.

Cordelia: My waifu. Need more of a reason?

Tharja: She was always my favorite, but not as my waifu. Creepy as hell, but funny sometimes, especially with Henry. "WIZARD FIGHT!"

Cherche: "Someone's falling in love with me? Feed them to Minerva."

Edited by Naui
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As I don't have the game yet, I'm not familiar with most of the characters.

But from what I've seen, I like Lissa, Stahl, Sumia, Maribelle, Henry, Gregor and Lon'qu.

I hate Vaike though. He reminds me of those douchebags who hit the gym just to look good.

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