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Support Conversations you've made up? Some Spoilers

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EDIT: Oh, and by the way, you guys write some funny, yet cute conversations, even if they're simplistic. XD

I've just finished writing a support for Frederick, and a character I made up myself. Antoinette, who would be his daughter from the future if she existed in the game. Her starting class is Troubador. :3

[spoiler=Frederick and Antoinette]

[spoiler=C Support]

Antoinette: Ah, Father, there you are.

Frederick: Oh, hello, Antoinette. What’s on your mind?

Antoinette: Well um...since I’ve found you again, can I ask you a favor?

Frederick: Sure. I’d help you with anything you need.

Antoinette: Great! Thanks! Could you possibly…teach me everything you know about being a retainer to Ylisse’s royalty? I learned how exceptional a knight captain you were and I want to be just like that!

Frederick: Really? But didn’t I teach you this in the future?

Antoinette: Well, yes, but... Unfortunately, you never got to finish because...well, you know.

Frederick: ...Oh, right. I’m sorry about that. I’d be more than happy to teach you what I know. But you must work hard every day and put in as much effort as you can in every task.

Antoinette: I will, Father, don’t worry! I intend to do the best I can for Lady Lucina!

Frederick: Excellent! We can get started right now. A retainer and knight captain to Ylisse’s royal family performs many duties. And they vary greatly in difficulty, importance, and simplicity. They include basic tasks like scouting paths in the mornings during outings, polishing armor, and cleaning weapons to more complicated duties like checking weapons and armor, attending meetings, and training and teaching new recruits. When we’re away from the palace, I also build campfires and keep the paths clear of any rocks or such that someone could trip over.

Antoinette: Oh, uh, wow... I see, Father, but that’s quite a lot. Must I learn all of this right now?

Frederick: Antoinette, if you want to properly serve and protect the Ylisse royal family in my stead, you have to be hard-working and perform many duties. Not just ensuring their safety and satisfaction on the battlefield, but also within the palace and on the road.

Antoinette: I know, Father, but are you sure all of this is really necessary? I want to be as good as you are and serve Lady Lucina at my finest, but I’m not sure if I could handle all of this or if I’m suited to be a captain or lieutenant. I can’t even fight, and I seem to recall Prince Chrom and Princess Lissa needing to tell you to just chill sometimes.

Frederick: Er...well, yes, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep doing our best. Everyone makes mistakes, you know. Even I do still, as much as I hate to admit to it. And there’s more to being a leader than merely having combat skills.

Antoinette: I suppose that’s true. But you’re still trying to teach me an awful lot here at once.

Frederick: Well, I only seek to bring out the best in my daughter. You can’t properly perform your duty if you don’t learn everything there is to know about it.

Antoinette: Yes, I know, “knowledge and history are your most basic tools for success.” You only told me a hundred times.

Frederick: Well, I did good then. That’s exactly what I was about to say.

Antoinette: But of course it was. And I understand it, but can’t we take it a little slower? I wish to learn more, Father, but I also wish to do so at a reasonable pace.

Frederick: I’m sure you can manage. If you don’t learn quickly and efficiently, you can’t do your best as soon as you can. What if there came a time where Lucina was in a certain situation in which she needed your help, but you hadn’t yet learned what you need to do in such an event? You’d both be in quite a predicament.

Antoinette: Sigh... You always were so paranoid. I guess I can give it a try, though.

Frederick: Not exactly the word I would use to describe myself, but good. Let’s get started then.

Antoinette: Yes, Father...

[spoiler=B Support]

Antoinette: *angrily* FATHER!

Frederick: Aaah! Antoinette, don’t scare me like that! What’s the matter?

Antoinette: Father, how could you?! You’ve totally ruined my life!

Frederick: Wait, what? What are you talking ab—?

Antoinette: I’m talking about that boy I’d made friends with the other day! When you stuck your nose into my business and spied on us!

Frederick: Oh, that? I did what I did for your own good. I wanted to make sure you were meeting good people. But no daughter of mine is going to be taken advantage of by a boy like that. I saw the way he was trying to touch you and then he took you into a tavern for way too long! You’re too young for that kind of business and I did not want him getting you into it. That boy is not right for you.

Antoinette: Ugh! You thought he was trying to get me drunk or something?! How shallow are you?! We went to that tavern because his older brother works there and he had needed to run an errand for him! I tagged along because he needed to let him know he was finished! And he wasn’t touching me in any way that made me feel uncomfortable!

Frederick: W-What? But...then...why didn’t you come out for several minutes?

Antoinette: The boy decided to talk with his brother for a little while. Is that such a crime?! And now he won’t talk to me, nor will his brother or any of the other people I met! They’re all scared of you! I’m not as stupid and untrustworthy as you think I am! I can take care of myself! So just butt out!

Frederick: But I... I’m really sorry! I honestly thought—!

Antoinette: You THOUGHT?! You never THOUGHT at all! You’re just a paranoid, nosy, annoying jerk! And you don’t think I can take care of myself! You think I’m weak and naïve!

Frederick: What?! That’s not true! Please, just listen to me! I’m truly sorry!

Antoinette: NO! I hate you and I hate your lessons! I wouldn’t follow in your footsteps if someone paid me a thousand gold! So just LEAVE ME ALONE! *runs off crying*

Frederick: Antoinette, wait! Please! I swear I didn’t mean to—! ...Damn it all! What in the name of the gods is wrong with me?!

[spoiler=A Support]

Frederick: Antoinette? Are you here? Gods, where is that girl? I won’t ever forgive myself if my own daughter hates me forever. And her mother will have my head. I’ve got to keep looking...

Antoinette: AAAAAAH!

Unknown: Graagh!

Frederick: *jumps* What the—?! Antoinette! I’m coming! *runs away from the camp and finds it came from the woods nearby*

Antoinette: Get away from me, you horrible things! Somebody, help me!

Frederick: *sees Antoinette getting grabbed by a Risen while two more move in for an attack* NO! She’s being attacked by Risen! Antoinette! Hold on! Let go of her, you scum! *un-slings a silver lance and knocks away the Risen holding Antoinette captive*

Antoinette: Father?!

Frederick: *as he’s being attacked* Gaah! I’ll protect you! Run away!

Antoinette: What?! But these things are ganging up on you!

Frederick: I don’t care! YAAA! Aagh! I just want you to be safe! Aaaaaugh! HAAA!

Antoinette: Father! No! I don’t want them to kill you! I’m staying right here!

Frederick: But—GAAGH! *continues taking blows while dealing them*

*a bit later, Frederick finally having defeated all three Risen, though he’s bruised and bloody*

Frederick: Ha...finally... You’re safe…Antoinette… *collapses to his knees*

Antoinette: Oh no! Father! You’re bleeding out! Let me heal you with my Mend staff!

Frederick: Ah... Thank you... *Antoinette’s staff glows and soothes his wounds*

Antoinette: Father, what are you doing here anyway? I thought you’d be doing what you usually do for Chrom and Lissa, or maybe spending a bit of time with Mother!

Frederick: I was looking for you and I heard you scream. So naturally, I came to help you.

Antoinette: But...even after all those things I said? You still decided to risk your life for me?

Frederick: Of course. Antoinette, you’re my daughter. And I love you, your brother, and your mother more than anything in the world. I spent hours looking for you after your mother gave me a scolding for that incident about the boy you met, and I even sacrificed doing some of my normal duties to find you. Regardless of what you say to me, it’s still my duty to take care of you and I would never let any harm befall you. No matter what the cost.

Antoinette: Oh...Father... *sniff* I never thought…you cared so much...

Frederick: Of course I do. I would be a terrible father not to. And yet, I think I’ve been one to you already. I still feel horrible for what had happened before. I’m truly, very sorry.

Antoinette: I know... I’m really sorry too. I was too hard on you and I overreacted. I didn’t really mean any of those things I said. I’m sorry! *hugs her father and starts crying*

Frederick: *returns the embrace* It’s alright… I should take much of the blame myself. I should’ve spoken to you first about it instead of jumping to conclusions. And I caused you to lose potential friends.

Antoinette: Yeah, but some of them might not have been very nice to me anyway. And all you wanted to do was look out for me.

Frederick: That’s right. Except next time, I’ll be more careful and less nosy about that.

Antoinette: Thank you, Father... I don’t hate you. I never really did. I love you...

Frederick: I’m glad. I love you too.

Antoinette: And you think maybe we could still do those lessons a teensy little bit slower? I just...I like a more free lifestyle... And Lady Lucina is a capable girl, I don’t think she needs me around every hour of the day.

Frederick: *smiles* You know, I can go along with that. I should’ve paid more attention to your feelings and how you learn best as well. We’ll move along at a pace that’s just right for you.

Antoinette: Oh, thank you, Father! *hugs tighter*

Frederick: Heh, you’re very welcome. I also have another idea. We should also spend some more father-daughter time together. So we can get to know one another even better. What do you say?

Antoinette: Oh, that would be wonderful! You really are the best father I could ask for!

Frederick: Antoinette, you don’t know how much it means to me to hear you say that. You’re the best daughter I could ask for as well. But we should get back to camp. Your mother is probably worried about us both.

Antoinette: Oh, you’re right! Let’s go!

Btw, "brother" would be replaced with "sister" if Antoinette actually has a sister instead. But I'm pretty proud of this. ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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well ok I will do more cause I feel like it hmm this one will work

Kal x Tiki C PS my first male Avatar made up support yay NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Tiki:Hello Kal.

Kal:Oh um Hello your highness?

Tiki:Kal it's fine call me Tiki.

Kal:Okay Tiki then how do you do?

Tiki:Good you?


Tiki:Your cute you know that?


Tiki:Teehee well then anything you want to talk about?

Kal:Not really sorry

Tiki:Me nether well I should go okay then bye see you soon

Kal:Bye you to

"Tiki leaves"

Kal:My god she talked to me she talked to me ME of all people.

Kal x Tiki B

Tiki:Hello again Kal mind if sit next to you?

Kal:Oh umm not at all please go ahead.

Tiki:Thank you.............

Kal:Ummm why are you staring at me not that I mind.

Tiki:What is wrong Mar-mar oh god I am so sorry I just was thinking about how you remind me of Marth.

Kal:Marth THE hero king Marth of old?

Tiki:Yes I knew Mar-mar oh that is what I called him

Kal:Tiki can you tell me more about Marth I want to know why I remind you of him.

Tiki:Okay sure but not today I am kinda tired okay I will tell you about him tomorrow.

Kal:Okay thanks Tiki a lot I mean it.

Tiki:I know you do thank you.

Tiki x Kal A

Kal:Hello Tiki

Tiki:Hi Kal do ou want to know about Mar-mar

Kal:You knew huh well can you tell me about how you met him?

Tiki:Sure my mother put me into an eternal sleep prior to her death and ordered Gotoh to watch over her. One day, an old Manakete named Bantu took pity on me and awakened me, taking me to the human world and caring for me, until we were separated. Eventually I was brainwashed by Gharnef to fight against Mar-mar, but Bantu snapped me out of the trance and I joined Mar-mar, I grew infatuated with him. During the war I had a seemed to have a friend named with Xane even if I hated when imitated me, but in fact, Xane was sent to watch over me by Gotoh. sorry but if you don't mind can we stop there I don't really want to think about what is next.

Kal:Sure I don't mind I will come tomorrow ok bye.

Tiki:No please stay while please tell me something about you.

Kal:Okay sure what do you want to know?

Tiki:I don't know anything

Kal:Well okay but I really don't remember anything after Chrom found me.

Tiki:I know but you can tell me stuff after then right?

Kal:Sure ........................................................................................................................and then Lissa said a bunch of gumbled up words


Kal:Well mind if I stop at there I am kinda tired.

Tiki:Me to good night Kal!

Kal:Good night!

Tiki x Kal S


Tiki:Yes what is it?

Kal:Can I talk to yo alone right now?

Tiki:Okay sure.

Kal:Okay in and out IN AND OUT okay I can do it I can do IT Tiki here this is for you.

Tiki:A ring is this what I think it means?

Kal:Tiki ever since I saw you I loved you but only now I have the courage to tell you will you marry me?


Kal:Thank you with one word you made me the most happy person in the world!

Tiki:Thanks to you for stealing my heart My love.

Kal:My Love.


Tiki:Even when you go away I will always dream of you My love. Kal:Even if I go away I don't care as long as I can be with you

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm just going to restore this topic with one of my another OC(Alicia) and Libra supports.

I wish this game has Light Magic and Light Mages since Alicia is actually a Light Mage. But seeing how this game works, she's a Cleric.

A bit of story: She's a girl working as a Ylissean clergy. She decided to follow Libra when she heard the execution plan. She actually survived the attack, but she was asked by him to search a safe area. But she decided to return to him because she feels pretty bad for leaving him behind. Apparently, she joined the Shepherds along with him.

[spoiler=C]A: Hello, Libra. What are you doing?

L: Ah, Alicia. I'm praying to the gods, as usual. Care to join?

A: Well, I guess it won't hurt at all to join. But I've always wondered why you decided to join the clergy.

I mean, of all of the other priests in there, you seems to be a bit...different than the others, so I'm just curious.

L: ...You really want to know?

A: Er, you don't seem to want to tell me about it...forget what I said, I'm just curious anyway.

L: No, that's okay.

...You see, I was abandoned by my parents when I was still young. I wandered bitter and alone since then; I apparently joined when I found the faith.

A: Hmm...

But in the end, you persevered that and decided to join the priesthood, which I think is a good thing.

L: Well, it's not the only reason for me.

I also wanted to live a priest's life, but...

A: But?

L: ...I actually didn't persevere at all. In fact, I can't seem to forget the past. I tried but I just couldn't forget it...

A: Well...but your acts and kindness contradicts that. But really, I never knew...

L: I'm afraid all the efforts I've done is not genuine.

A: Huh?

L: Despite my acts, I'm empty inside. What you saw is probably just my mere act.

A: Wait a sec. You said that you wanted to live a priest's life, but why do you said that?

L: Well, there is something that's clashing on my mind...and that's why, even though I've helped many people, I still can't avoid the thought.

A: ...

L: I still have something to do. Now, if you'll excuse me...

[spoiler=B]A: Libra, we need to talk.

L: You seems like there's something urgent you wanted to tell me. What is it?

A: You remember when you said that your current personality is an act, right?

L: Um...

A: I decided to give that a thought...

I don't think you're playing acts. Your kindness are genuine to me.

L: Really...?

A: Of course. I've been watching you since that day, and I could assure you that your acts are pretty much spontaneous. If anyone was on trouble, you always tried to help them. If you're just playing acts, I think you'll never try to push yourself to that.

Also, you said that you wanted to live a priest's life before. I think that words actually showed your motivation to do such things. And you're pretty honest when you're saying that too.

L: Well, you sure gave that a thought...

A: You know: you're genuine. You just can't feel it because you're doubting yourself too much and meddle too much with your past. I think you shouldn't doubt yourself and try to move away from your past.

L: If you say so...but how?

A: Just trust on what you're doing right now and try to forget your bad memories. Although it's somewhat a bit hard to do, but when you finally get used to it, you'll be fine!

L: But I'm afraid it's not an easy thing to do, especially for someone like me.

A: You're doubting yourself again! But yes, it might be hard at first but when you get accustomed to it, you'll be fine!

And try to socialize with other allies. They're not called allies for nothing; you could share your troubles to them too.

L: Well then, if you say so...and thank you for the advice.

A: Not a problem! I actually was glad to help.

[spoiler=A]A: Hello, Libra. You seems to do well today.

L: I decided to give your advice a try, and much to my surprise, it worked. I admit it was a bit hard at first, but later, I got accustomed to it. It makes me feel a bit better now...but there's one thing that makes me wonder.

A: Huh? What is it?

L: You seems to really care about me and my problems...is there any special reasons why you paid so much attention on me?

A: Why would you ask that question? After all, we're friends, right?

L: ...Friends?

A: Yeah, I always thought you as a friend, and I'm just doing what I could do to my friends.

Also, I asked others about their opinion about you, and they say that you're a valuable ally and friend.

L: I never knew they thought me as a friend...

A: Well, as I've said before, you should learn to trust your allies too. They're not bad people, I could assure you. In fact, they're really nice and open. You can share your troubles with them.

L: Perhaps I should've get to know more about the others...but first, I should thank you for your advice.

A: Well, not a problem. I was glad to help!

L: Admittedly, I'm comforted with the encouraging words you gave on that time.

And when you said that you're my friend...it warms my heart a bit. I never felt this feeling before.

A: Well, I think it's saying that you're actually accepting me as my friend!

L: Perhaps so. And thanks to you, I've felt much better now. I think the gaps on my heart was already filled because of you and your words.

A: Oh, now you're just flattering me!

[spoiler=S]A: Well! You seems brighter than before. Have you finally managed to forget the past?

L: Yes, I finally could forget my past and focus on my current self. And it's all thanks to you.

A: You owe me nothing, I'm just trying to aid your problems.

L: But that's not only the reason why I'm here too.

A: Oh? So what is it then?

L: When you said that we're friends...I thought that we could be more than just friends.

A: What do you mean?

L: Perhaps this will explain.

A: A...ring? Wait...did you just proposed to me?

L: Yes, I do. I wish I could realize faster that you really care for me. You even tried to delve into my problems just to aid me so that I could be a better man in future.

And you've guided my heart to a new light. If it wasn't you I would probably still stay in the darkness of my pasts.

A: Are you being serious on this? Or perhaps this is just your act for getting my empathy?

L: No, this is not an act. In fact...I've been never so serious. Will you marry me?

A: Gods, I don't even know what to react on this...

L: I'm sorry if I startled you. I'll just take this away-

A: No, I'll take it! Because I like you, as well.

You seems to always draw my attention. Also, in my eye, you're special. You seems to stood out from everyone else...in fact, I actually think that you're special since the first I saw you!

So, I'm going to take this ring gladly!

L: Oh, you make me so happy...it feels like my prayers have been answered!

A: Well, I haven't seen you really happy before. May this happiness last, until death do us part!

For Libra's justice, I've finished the long-time brainstorming at last!

going to do Lon'qu/Libra soon

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