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What's your 'unstoppable' duo?


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Death Machines Of Ultra Death And Blood:

Virion/Avatar. Virion is roflstomping everything ever with my Avatar riding on his wyvern with him. She procs speed so yeah....

"DIE! With MAGNIFICENCE!!" Indeed Virion, indeed. "Now thats strategy!"

Owain/Noire: They love being together and destroying things with that much dodge...

Henry/Cherche: "Rest in pieces!" "SPECIAL DELIVERY!!!" "Poor you..." "YEAH BLOOD!"

Lucina/Morgan: lol...so much roflstomp.

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I've stated this in another thread, but I don't mind putting it in here as well. :P

Frederick and my Avatar can destroy anything, I swear. Together they have access to every human weapon except for bows (which doesn't matter because they can still use certain other weapons to attack from a distance anyway), their stats cover one another's flawlessly, and they're constantly pumping out criticals and Frederick is triggering Luna quite frequently. My Avatar criticals even the toughest bosses I've faced so far alongside him. Frederick has busted out criticals with 1% and 3% chances of doing so as well, though I'm not sure if that's actually just luck on my part rather than support from my Avatar.

I'm finding Chrom and Lon'qu to be a pretty tough pair to beat too.

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On my beginner's run (Hard Mode), it was Marco(MU)/Chrom, then Chrom/Sumia, then Marco/Cherche. Cherche is a goddess once she promotes.

Fuck pairings though, Morgan(MU/Cherche parents) as a Hero roflstomped everything in the game solo. Her stats were so outrageously high that I only paired her with units that couldn't take a hit.

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Gaius + MU

Morgan + Gaius

Tharja + Henry

Sumia + Chrom

Cordelia + Sumia

and surprisingly, Lon'gu + Stahl ( They defend each other ALL the time, destroy everything, and display affection on the Hubba Tester everytime I check it )

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My invincible pairs are Chrom x Sumia, MU x Lucina, Donnel x Lissa, and Morgan.

Yup, my Morgan is so powerful that she doesn't need a partner. I think that maybe

mixing the bloodlines of Naga and Grima

might not have been such a good idea :p

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I had Owain and Chrom!Fathered Inigo!Morgan pair up and it was beautiful. They all had Galeforce and Morgan also had Rally Spectrum and it was quite possibly the most terrifying and beautiful thing ever seen.

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right now its crom x mu but its still early in the game for me. surprisingly all my ranged characters (mages/archers) are doing *very well*, a lot better than most of my melee characters, but i often pair them up with just about everyone to get a pretty good team. still on my first play through for the game (hard mode) so will have to see about others. sumia absolutely sucks in my game and im only one chapter 8 i think, she needs a lot of babying which is a surprise to me considering in past FE games pegasus knights were my champs. same with sully.

planning on having a few map runs with mu paed with ronku and gaia to see how that goes since she is a speed!MU.

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Of the non-abused things, the pairing I'm happiest with is. . .Virion and Sully. She takes all the hits, he dual attacks and kills stuff. Silver Bows are not to be trifled with.

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Well, technically all of my pairings are unstoppable duos. But if you had to ask me what the most unstoppable duo of the unstoppable duos that my army is? Chrom and Seraphina (Avatar) HANDS DOWN! NOTHING CAN TOUCH US AT ALL!!!

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Well, technically all of my pairings are unstoppable duos. But if you had to ask me what the most unstoppable duo of the unstoppable duos that is my army is? Chrom and Seraphina (Avatar) HANDS DOWN! NOTHING CAN TOUCH US AT ALL!!!

This as well, with Olivia/Donnel as a close second. I'm expecting that pair to get even more broken if/when I get to cap some of their stats.

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Miriel and Stahl

Chrom and Sumia

Lucina and Morgan

Kellam and Sully

Avatar and Lon'qu

Ricken and Tharja

Henry and Panne

Gregor and Cordelia

Lyn and Nergal (lol much?)

Libra and Nowi

I didn't really care about the bonus, so that was just a bonus.

Note: these are just the people i use. There are a LOT more.

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Miriel and Stahl

Chrom and Sumia

Lucina and Morgan

Kellam and Sully

Avatar and Lon'qu

Ricken and Tharja

Henry and Panne

Gregor and Cordelia

Lyn and Nergal (lol much?)

Libra and Nowi

I didn't really care about the bonus, so that was just a bonus.

Note: these are just the people i use. There are a LOT more.

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Chrom and Sumia were doubling everything and the nifty boost that Chrom & Sumia gets from each other equals death. Not to mention that they can dodge quite a few bullets.

I have a great time with Grandmaster MU and Dark Flier Cordelia. My man doubles everything and follows up with a nasty crit or Ignis followed by a crit. My duo wiped out half the map just doing dodge, Ignis & crit.

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I have a couple of duos that I always keep together and consistently kicked ass, but the 2 I like the most that aren't Avatar related are:

Stahl & Cherche - They were both defense-blessed in my play-through, so they were mounted tanks who gave each other +10 Str & Def on Pair Up.

Miriel & Lon'qu - She needed that speed early-game, but they both ended up having perfect synergy in battle.

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