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Depends on how good you are at feeding kills. I never go for Maribelle's Galeforce in Lunatic, and Olivia usually takes all of Cht.12. If your Avatar is buff enough, park him in the middle of a crowd of ranged enemies unequipped with a good defensive support, and break all the enemy weapons so Olivia/Maribelle can easily take their exp (this is tedious, but skill-wise the easiest way). Do keep in mind that even once you get Galeforce, their children will come too late with too low of bases to seriously help out, and may never make it out of the liability phase without similar treatment as their mothers (at least until they're strong enough to reliably get kills).

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This might be the wrong place since this isn't for the campaign, but does anyone have any Lunatic RaR3 strategies that require minimal setup?

If you have a maxed out unit with Limit Break saved in your Logbook, play some Golden Gaffe to rehire that unit (use Spotpass teams to buy suitable weapons for the unit).

Watch shadowofchaos' vid for how to easily grind on RaR3 -- it works well in Lunatic mode if you're using a character that has an A or S support with Chrom. Any other unit that can't do that can still work, but may take several tries assuming that Chrom is low-levelled (and doesn't have Dual Guard+ equipped) and no support between the characters.


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...When I was farming the hell out of Limit Breaker for "Takeru's Charge", which was the L+ file I turned into "GET ALL THE SUPPORTS".

...I used a capped Sorc (+MAG/-DEF) Guest MU. [+Boots]

With Limit, Vengeance, Vantage, Tomefaire, Armsthrift

Ran Aversa's Night +5/15/0


Paired Chrom [@Falchion, didn't care] with Sorc, ran Sorc down as close to Marth as possible.

Went left towards Ike, and smashed IKE [not the counter guy, despite Counter being a thing, Ike's Aether can kill].

Went right as Hardin et al approached. [Don't attack Hardin on PP at first approach, since if you don't kill, he'll heal to full, and you don't want him mucking up Jaffar.]

Went up, and sat just south of the chokepoint [so Jaffar can't reach, and ends his turn at Range 2]

Kill Jaffar.

Move left towards Camus and mop up.

...Take 8-9 turns.

Only real risks are Ike Aethering you to death and the exceptionally rare combination of Hardin + Vengeance + Miss on something.

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Thanks, that's really useful to me because I am starting over my minmax file (again), this time on Lunatic+ at my cousin's request. I will follow your strategy. Doing an Avatar solo on Hard to prepare the Guest MU right now.

Any advice on beating the first five chapters of L+ with a +Skill -Def MU?

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I just beat chapter 4 of lunatic classic on my first blind run, haven't done any paralogues yet. Honestly, not that bad compared to FE12 so far. Obviously this is a no grind no dlc run and I'm not using those ridiculous bonus weapons.

However im kind of wondering if my chars are turning out badly/if it's going to bite me in the ass soon.

UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                    SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        07.62       26    10    01    14    10    09    10    04       C SWORD                   B SUMIA C ROBIN C LISSA C FRED
Robin      Tactician   08.50    (+)31    09    07 (-)07    10    09    09    08       C SWORD D TOME            C CHROM C LISSA C FRED C MIRIEL
Fred       G.Knight   ??/04.64     31    14    02    12    12    08    14    03       A LANCE C AXE D SWORD     C ROBIN C CHROM C LISSA C SUMIA
Stahl      Cavalier    04.67       24    10    00    09    07    05    10    01       D SWORD E LANCE
Sumia      P.Knight    03.61       19    06    04    13    13    08    06    07       D LANCE                   B CHROM C FRED
Lissa      Cleric      06.10       22    03    07    06    07    11    04    07       D STAFF                   C CHROM C ROBIN C FRED 

Anyone else is pretty much just base.

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You've still got plenty of time to get your team in gear before the hammer falls (around Cht.12), but you'll definitely want to go easier on Fred and give more exp to your Avatar. Chapters 7 and 8 and Par.1 and 3 are the big ones for lucrative training opportunities, so make the most of them.

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Any advice on beating the first five chapters of L+ with a +Skill -Def MU?

Keep repeating Prologue and Chapter 1 until you get suitably stat-blessed in each one. If you can get +5 SPD and +4 MAG over base, you can use the trick in my sig for Chapter 2.

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Wow chapter 5 is pretty annoying. Actually, really annoying. Its like C2 but even worse, way too many enemies on immediate aggro, nosferatu, fliers and the myrmidons double too many units...

I'm beginning to properly understand why people encourage lowmanning, chars like Robin and Chrom are only like, a few stat points away from being able to fend for themselves here decently w/pair up bonuses, and it's not like Stahl is actually being helpful. Ugh. No easy way out by legging Fred for a fort here anymore either and luring stragglers. I dunno, should I forge a bow or something? I've been spamming +str tonics but those only go so far lol.

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^ You can try turtling in the SE corner if you have the units for it. Wyvern Riders are the only units that can attack you from the cliff, and they are easy to blow up with Wind magic.

But yeah, this is why people focus training into Robin for Lunatic. Once you get him/her to some critical mass of defensive power, you can handle rush chapters a whole lot easier.

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I need too many dodges to happen for that to work, my Robin and Chrom just aren't tanky enough to survive since they get doubled and shiz without Sumia/Lon'qu and have bad durability in pairup without Fred. Chrom has better luck since he has a B support with Sumia but he's a little speed screwed so yeah...idk I might go back to that and figure it out but..

I started a second run to experiment a bit more via toning down on Fred and some other chars, (kept the second on backup, awesome feature) but I'm currently in dismay at how much Robin snowballs if you even let her start taking just a little bit of exp. There's like no off switch lol, once it's started I end up being dependant so she gets more exp, eternal positive feedback loop. I mean to be fair, my first team was basically letting Fred have to ORKO or feed kills all the time instead of Robin but obviously he grows much slower so the problem presented itself in a different fashion entirely. (although Fred proccing speed twice let him ORKO a lot of things w/Sumia so that was basically how I survived C3 and 4 with meh Robin)

I'm trying to figure out how best to handle some kind of middle ground, but at the same time idfk who I really want to feed kills to anyway. I picked Stahl first time because of his higher Hp and Def made me think he could actually take a hit but his abysmal base speed really hurts vs faster enemy types and he can't take hits very well anyway. So I ended up leaving him paired up with Kellam to just not get 2RKO'd all day. And then he gets merked half the time and has to be fed kills regardless. Plus he gives overall meh pair up bonuses compared to someone like Sumia or Fred, too spread out.

I really don't want to end up turning this into Robin-stomps-the-game Emblem, but I do want a stronger Avatar for C5, at least one that isn't getting doubled when paired up with Fred. There aren't very many elegant ways I can see to approach C1 2 4 and 5 that don't involve somebody taking on a bunch of enemies by themselves, but I'm going to assume the game lets off a bit after that until the apparent Chapter 12 smackdown (Anri's Way anyone?). FE12 lunatic sort of throws you a bone because Palla pretty much puts the world on her shoulders for a few maps if your Avatar isn't smashing everything for you already, and then growth units kick in, but I was forced to bench half my early team in that game as well because I spread exp too thinly there too.

I'm going to try to like, focus on Robin and Chrom having somewhat even levels of power w/Fred and Sumia and hopefully Robin doesn't become totally retarded. Maybe I'll try raising Sully instead of Stahl, and probably Lon'qu as well. Most of the others look pretty hard to use.

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I finished the prologue and my stats are 10 Str, 10 Mag, 9 Skill, 9 Speed, 6 Lck, 7 Def, 6 Res. Only two Defense levels, and I had to use back-up saves to get either of them ._. Is it worth continuing with this despite the loe Defense, or should I start over? I have a save at level 4 with 1 Def level, just after killing all dangerous enemies.

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Vanilla Lunatic is pretty much Snowballing: The Game. You can't really do a fair distribution of exp in the early chapters. I'd advise just pouring everything into Avatar for the first few chapters, and once you're sufficiently ahead of the curve use Avatar to train up a few other units like how you used Fred to train up Avatar. Try not to train more than one non-Chrom/Lissa unit from before Cht.6 though, you get several very good units a little later (Panne, Cordelia and Nowi). If your Avatar and Fred can each reach tanking threshold on Cht.5 and all your other units are strong enough not to get ORKOed, you should be fine there.

Speaking of Cht.5, remember to remove your weapons on Enemy Phase if you want to fight fewer battles then and increase your odds of survival.

Chrom can train very easily in Cht.7, and Nowi/Cordelia can train very easily in Cht.8. The main problem in Cht.12 is that it's where promoted units start showing up in force, the only promotes below Cht.11 are bosses and Cht.11's are very spread out. In 12, there are lots of Paladins and Bow Knights that rush you from all sides.

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The prologue is the easiest chapter to reset in (prior to Chapter 2), as there are 3 'waves' and a pretty uniform strategy, so it shouldn't be too much hassle to restart and rig the level ups.

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I've been trying to beat L+ Chapter 1 but my Avatar only has 7 Def and she always dies on turn 2. Is it even possible or should I start over?

It's possible, you just need to change what you are doing. DEF flaw Robin is not going to be able to tank w/Fred on a Fort, not unless you get very few Luna+/Hawkeye enemies. By the way: 7 DEF for level 6-7 is pretty average for a DEF flaw; it's not like you got stat-screwed.

Frederick by himself can weaken a Merc for Robin to kill. Robin + Chrom can double the Fighters (and ORKO if Chrom gets a DS). Frederick + Sully/Virion can OHKO a Merc. You just need to be creative about Enemy Phase placement.

Quick tip that might help: have Fred weaken the first Merc on Enemy phase for Robin to kill, and then next Turn run him southeast to weaken two more guys on Enemy Phase in a forest (avoid the Hammer guy for obvious reasons). If you throw Sully on him, he'll kill the Merc. Then your next problem will be figuring out how to deal with the Archer. Fred can handle him if you can kill the Hammer guy. Etc.

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Hey, this is a thing!

I beat Lunatic Classic about a week back; Robin + Frederick pair soloed, with Morgan replacing Fred as Robin's butt buddy and Fred becoming Chrom's armored car against reinforcements. I regret not using Chrom, and I regret it hard. I timed my endgame classes really poorly, and it was just... oh, a mess. Messy, messy, messy. I did manage to shrek Grima without rallies, Limit Breaker, or Falchion, which I'm honestly pretty proud of.

So now I'm doing Lunatic+ Classic, because bragging rights and masochism. I'm up to Chapter 3, and sacced pretty much the entire Shepherds because I had no clue what I was doing and I didn't rig at all for Ishtar to be actually... y'know... good. I'll be sure to drop stats and ask for advice if C3 proves to be unbearable, and I figure after that should be more straightforward (I can pick deployment, Chrom's actually gonna get trained in Paralogue 1, more Aegis/Counter as opposed to Luna, etc.)

As far as other units go--sadly, Morgan and Lucina can't support, buuuuuuuuut I'm more than a little tempted to keep staffbotting with Lissa, then slap her and Henry together for some magic-spamming action... even though that does result in two teams needing training at the same time, even if Morgan and Lucina train up really quick. Hrm.

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I managed to beat Chapter 1 with your advice, Interceptor. My Avatar is missing the Chrom support though, so I don't know if I can use your method. If I can't, I give up. Vanilla Lunatic Chapter 2 with a Defense asset was bullshit enough before the new method. I don't even want to think about -Def Luna+ the old way.

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I don't have extra Speed... Is it needed on the first wave? I'm planning on save scumming to beat the second one.

It's needed for the first Turn, basically, but the Chrom support provides the bulk of the reliability for the method. If you can't double the Barbarian on the Mountain, you are effed.

How did you whiff getting C Support? Robin only needs 36 points to establish it, and that's only 5-6 combats Paired with Chrom (spread out over both chapters, due to per-map limits). Did you not milk the Prologue boss for extra EXP while Paired with an unequipped Chrom? I guess if you are close, you could repeat Chapter 1 until you get a support bonus on a sparkly tile, but that will only work if they actually fought together a bit in Prologue.

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I kept the fight with the boss going as long as I could, but that wasn't very long because I got magic-blessed.

I think I may have found a solution. My Avatar is level 9.96, so I just need to get Speed on leveling after chipping her first enemy. Less consistent, but I'm not that impatient. If it takes less than 50 tries I don't mind.

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Unfortunately you don't have that kind of freedom. The first thing that Robin needs to do in Ch. 2 is to double and kill the guy on the Mountain. There's no step before that; it has to happen on Turn 1, otherwise your positioning gets wrecked.

So if you want to follow the strategy, you need to be able to reach 15 SPD w/Chrom by the end of Chapter 1.

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Oh my bad. Actually what needs to happen us that she gets a DS with Virion so she can level up. I have a back-up save in which exactly that happens (and she gets a great level up too, the only stats that don't go up are Strength and Luck). So I got saved by luck even though I'm a bad player.

The problem I'm having now is pairing up Stahl to Sully on turn 3. She has Vaike to her north, Miriel+Lissa to her south, and a mountain to her east. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Never mind. Figured it out.

I'm sure you've already been told this many times, but this clear is really amazing. I was impressed by your Luna+ walkthrough when I found it (that was why I started lurking here), but you've outdone yourself! How long did it take to figure out?

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