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@Emerald Ink: Glad you got through it, though also remember you can pair Frederick and Kellam for 20+ Def on Frederick, letting him easily survive tons of attacks. Might be useful in the future. Also, sometimes it's easier going up the right side, after recruiting Kellam, since Frederick can severely damage more stuff with the Silver Lance there.

It should not require any lucky Crits/Dual Strikes/Guards, with the correct positioning.

People get high level Avatars by letting them essentially solo Chapter 1 and 2, taking all that exp Frederick normally takes. This usually requires feeding Avatar kills in the Prologue. The Water trick in Interceptor's guide is one useful way, though it's not necessary (Avatar centric stuff predates the water trick. >_>). Avatar should be at least level 4 or 5 (can get up to 7 or 8) with +Def Asset to reliably beat Chapter 1 with Frederick Pair Up+Fort bonus, getting him/her enough exp to do essentially the same for Chapter 2 and so on.

Yeah, like I said, I wanted to try the water trick, but I couldn't manage to get my avatar into the water without dying, since I'm +MAG not +DEF. If I'm ever crazy enough to try this again, I'll have to look something up, but though I'm obviously not above asking for help or suggestions I want to do as much of the game as I can without relying on a guide (no offense meant to Interceptor of course).

I managed to make it past chapter 4 in only two attempts, so now that I have access to my dlc, I'll probably spend a decent amount of time grinding. I like having everyone's supports filled out anyway whether they're good in battle together or not, so this is as good a time as any to get started on them. Chrom is already up to B rank with Sumia and Frederick, Fred's also got a B rank with Virion, I have a C rank with Sumia and Stahl, Stahl's at B with Miriel, Miriel's at C with Lon'qu, and Sully's at C with Lon'qu and Kellam.

I admit I'm kind of dreading Donny's recruitment, but by the time I attempt it I should have everyone at a decent enough level that it won't be too difficult.

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Yeah, like I said, I wanted to try the water trick, but I couldn't manage to get my avatar into the water without dying, since I'm +MAG not +DEF. If I'm ever crazy enough to try this again, I'll have to look something up, but though I'm obviously not above asking for help or suggestions I want to do as much of the game as I can without relying on a guide (no offense meant to Interceptor of course).

I managed to make it past chapter 4 in only two attempts, so now that I have access to my dlc, I'll probably spend a decent amount of time grinding. I like having everyone's supports filled out anyway whether they're good in battle together or not, so this is as good a time as any to get started on them. Chrom is already up to B rank with Sumia and Frederick, Fred's also got a B rank with Virion, I have a C rank with Sumia and Stahl, Stahl's at B with Miriel, Miriel's at C with Lon'qu, and Sully's at C with Lon'qu and Kellam.

I admit I'm kind of dreading Donny's recruitment, but by the time I attempt it I should have everyone at a decent enough level that it won't be too difficult.

Get them All Stats+2 and Paragon, if you have the episodes to make the no grinding runs a little more pleasant. In fact, these are a must to have on Lunatic(optional)/Lunatic+(A Must).

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Get them All Stats+2 and Paragon, if you have the episodes to make the no grinding runs a little more pleasant. In fact, these are a must to have on Lunatic(optional)/Lunatic+(A Must).

Er, sorry, but what's Paragon? The only DLCs I have are the Golden Pack and the Scramble Pack, if that's what you mean? And I've got no problem with loads of grinding, so a no-grind run is not a thing that I plan on doing.

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Get them All Stats+2 and Paragon, if you have the episodes to make the no grinding runs a little more pleasant. In fact, these are a must to have on Lunatic(optional)/Lunatic+(A Must).

No DLC is a "must" in this game. Everything can be cleared without it.

Water trick: you're supposed to go into the water after the bottom wave is dead. Out of those, Fred usually gets the Myrms and Avatar gets the Barbs, and who gets the Mage depends on skill distribution and enemy movement.

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Chapter 13 and Paralogues 15 and 12

Chapter 13
-Silver Axe
-Silver Bow
-Secret Book(Tharja gets this!)
Difficulty: Normal
Due to constraints of training, I stuck around to kill every foe in the chapter in preparation for the very difficult next chapter. This chapter only took one retry due to reinforcement Counter kill to Miccy. This chapter is meant for training for the next one. Kill every foe here as you will need it next chapter. I mean it. It's so easy that it doesn't need an explanation. No one retreated next try. Plus you can skip this entirely (Absolutely not recommended) by having your strongest character go up north making sure hardly, if not any of the foes have Counter by the boss.
Turns 16
MVP Cordelia&Gregor
I now buy four Noble Rapiers and use a Tiki Tear on King Marth before beginning the next map.
Paralogue 15
Difficulty: Near Impossible
Only way that you can finish this map is either with Vantage+Vengeance combo, Rallies, or Limitbreaker(It's not meant to be winnable through regular gameplay. Sadly.). Otherwise, this map is completely un-winnable. Just paired Chrom with King Marth and had him kill everything with Noble Rapiers to ensure it does enough damage to 0HKO as Counter enemies has to be dealt with accordingly. Noire had to get defeated as they had Pass and could not protect her. This map took two tries to do. It was another luck factoring moment. Noire would normally be unuseable in a no grind run, but with King Marth here, I can get her and to catch her up with everyone else as she is far behind. Just make sure that Counter users don't have Pavise+ as that puts this strategy straight down the tubes.
Turns 24
MVP King Marth(Had to be used as it was the only way that it was manageable as Noire has already had a bad stat inheritance for not using Donnel much(Which I had to do in the DLC to get Tharja an S support with him. Tharja didn't get any experience there, only Donnel.) and needing time to catch up which Aptitude and Paragon will do this.)& Chrom
Paralogue 12
Difficulty: Normal
A Paralogue that you actually can do in a no grind run. It was easy. It was just only a matter of carefully treading experience to my weaker troops to get them started. Make chokepoints to keep Passers from going through and to keep Counters at bay while equipped with a bow, or disarmed. Some characters retreated here, but my weakest troops luckily survived the onslaught. I had Anna loot the lone treasure which had a Second Seal in it as the Thieves got away with the other two (The Bullion(M) and the Fortify). Sorry. No matter. I can get the 5k at the Gaffee anyway. I then have Lucina finish off the boss which he had Luna+, but he was easy enough to deal with especially when he doesn't move. I did, however, keep Noire, Morgan and Lucina at bay earning them alot of experience.
Turns 19
MVP Chrom&Morgan
After settling supports with Morgan, I then buy defensive tonics for Maribelle and some Str and Def tonics for Noire and get a couple Leif Blades, Elixirs, 6 Concoctions and a couple of Thunder Swords before I start the next map.

Chrom LV20/10/17/6 EXP64
Final Class: Bow Knight
Str 38+2
Mag Pwr 8+2
Skill 44(Capped!)+2
Speed 42+2(Capped!)
Luck 46(Capped!)+2
Def 30+2
Res 16+2
Sword A Bow A
Skills: pluq.pngDuel Attack atxg.pngParagon jh0g.pngAll Stats+2 hv73.pngHit+20 mz7v.pngBowfaire
Dia LV20/12/17/2 EXP42
Final Class: Assassin
HP 64/64
Str 37
Mag Pwr 28
Skill 30
Speed 37
Luck 33
Def 33
Res 13
Sword A Bow D
Skills: pvdh.pngVeteran 0zk9.pngSolidary ulaz.pngSol al7x.pngArmsthrift atxg.pngParagon
Maribelle LV13/12 EXP38
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 43/43
Str 6+2
Mag Pwr 19+2
Skill 17+2
Speed 15+2
Luck 15+2
Def 7+2
Res 19+4
Tome E Staff C
Skills: 9iwh.pngRes+2 atxg.pngParagon jh0g.pngAll Stats+2 pbos.pngDemoiselle 9v76.pngRally Res
Freddie LV17 EXP21
Class: Great Knight
HP 46/46
Pwr 21+2
Mag Pwr 3+2
Skill 22+2
Speed 19+2
Luck 16+2
Def 22+2
Res 7+2
Sword C(Close to B) Lance A Axe A
Skills: ydp7.pngOutdoor Battle wlbf.pngLuna jh0g.pngAll Stats+2 atxg.pngParagon 43oj.pngDuel Guard
Lissa LV20/10/7 EXP2
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 45/45
Pwr 12+2
Mag Pwr 30+2
Skill 28+2
Speed 28+2
Luck 26+2
Def 9+2
Res 24+4
Tome E Staff A
Skills: 9v76.pngRally Res pbos.pngDemoiselle atxg.pngParagon jh0g.pngAll Stats+2 9iwh.pngRes+2
Gregor LV20/9 EXP68
Class: Hero
HP 53/53
Pwr 29+2
Mag Pwr 5+2
Skill 33+2
Speed 23+2
Luck 19+2
Def 23+2
Res 9+2
Sword A Axe E
Skills: al7x.pngArmsthrift l9xc.pngPatience ulaz.pngSol jh0g.pngAll Stats+2 atxg.pngParagon
Tharja LV20/5 EXP86
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 48/48
Pwr 7+2
Mag Pwr 25+2
Skill 14+2
Speed 20+2
Luck 6+2
Def 21+2
Res 13+2
Tome B
Skills: b24r.pngHex h412.pngAnathma atxg.pngParagon jh0g.pngAll Stats+2 8kwb.pngVengeance
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/7 EXP79
Class: Hero
HP 52/52
Str 26+2
Mag Pwr 26+2
Skill 35+2
Speed 30+2
Luck 27+2
Def 20+2
Res 13+2
Sword C Axe E
Skills: ulaz.pngSol al7x.pngArmsthrift atxg.pngParagon jh0g.pngAll Stats+2 l9xc.pngPatience


Lucina LV17 EXP60

Class: Lord
HP 58/58
Str 26(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 14+2
Skill 30(Capped!)+2
Speed 30(Capped!)+2
Luck 33+2
Def 27+2
Res 10+2
Sword C
Skills: pvdh.pngVeteran pluq.pngDuel Attack+ jh0g.pngAll Stats+2 dlom.pngAether atxg.pngParagon
Noire LV15 EXP54
Class: Archer
HP 35/35
Str 15+2
Mag Pwr 10+2
Skill 19+2
Speed 21+2
Luck 18+2
Def 16+2
Res 8+2
Bow C
Skills: w8qe.pngAptitude atxg.pngParagon vyem.pngPrescience jh0g.pngAll Stats+2 8kwb.pngVengeance
Morgan LV14 EXP69
Class: Tactician
HP 55/55
Str 26(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 19+2
Skill 24(Capped!)+2
Speed 27(Capped!)+2
Luck 30+2
Def 23+2
Res 14+2
Sword C Tome C
Skills: pvdh.pngVeteran al7x.pngArmsthrift atxg.pngParagon 0zk9.pngSolidary bh2w.pngRightful King
Ta dah! It's...
King Marth LV30 EXP--
Final Class: Lodestar
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 55(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 37(Capped!)+2
Skill 55(Capped!)+2
Speed 52(Capped!)+2
Luck 55(Capped!)+2
Def 53(Capped!)+2
Res 49(Capped!)+2
Sword A
Skills: flxz.pngLimitbreaker szqe.pngPavise 7aaj.pngAegis bh2w.pngRightful King wlbf.pngLuna
To have fun with for the Final Chapter and getting me Noire and the manuals which you cannot do if you can't get her Paragon and Aptitude, or good stat inheritance.
Gold: 20,585G (Got the 5k at the Gaffee...cuz of that stupid thief and didn't feel like starting over for it.)

No DLC is a "must" in this game. Everything can be cleared without it.


Allowing me to use a couple more characters and raising them in a more challenging way evens the latter in this run. We all have our ways of playing. Just like I get any of my characters Limitbreaker when they hit their 40ish caps as I hate those puny caps so much. Which is what I'll do if a few of them get there by the end of the main game, so they at least get a couple more extra stats before the main game is over to further make it epic. :D

Also, I laughed in Paralogue 15 when enemies were slapped with both Hit+10 and Hawkeye. Tells you right there that the run is hacked.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Allowing me to use a couple more characters and raising them in a more challenging way evens the latter in this run. We all have our ways of playing. Just like I get any of my characters Limitbreaker when they hit their 40ish caps as I hate those puny caps so much. Which is what I'll do if a few of them get there by the end of the main game, so they at least get a couple more extra stats before the main game is over to further make it epic. :D

Awakening's caps are enormous compared to the series standard. In Tellius anything above 40 is very rare (possibly enemy and Laguz-only), and in all the other games 20-30 is the norm.

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Awakening's caps are enormous compared to the series standard. In Tellius anything above 40 is very rare (possibly enemy and Laguz-only), and in all the other games 20-30 is the norm.

Ha ha....

The 20's always were classical for the games that started it all. :D


Awakening's caps are enormous compared to the series standard. In Tellius anything above 40 is very rare (possibly enemy and Laguz-only), and in all the other games 20-30 is the norm.

Ha ha....

The 20's always were classical for the games that started it all. :D


Chapter 14

It's only a metter of taking out Counters as much as possible. Wind magic is the key to winning here. It takes out these pesky pegs with no trouble at all. Noble Rapiers also work well though you'd better watch out for Counter foes that have Pavise+. Other than losing Maribelle from a Counter KO, the rest went well and have gathered the treasure here before killing the boss. He had Luna+ and Hawkeye, but he was so easy to kill that it didn't matter at all.
Turns 6
MVP Dia&Chrom
After finishing supports with Lissa+Gregor (C Support) and Noire+Tharja(B Support), I then begin to purchase some tonics and give Chrom, MU, Miccy, Tharja(To fix her flaw), Freddie, Gregor, and Lucina Luck tonics and gave Lissa a Def one. Noire, Freddie, and Maribelle were completely fed tonics as well as selling the Bullion(M) and some unneeded stuff before I begin the next map.
Chrom LV20/10/17/7 EXP56
Final Class: Bow Knight
Str 38+2
Mag Pwr 8+2
Skill 44(Capped!)+2
Speed 42+2(Capped!)
Luck 46(Capped!)+2
Def 30+2
Res 16+2
Sword A Bow A
Dia LV20/12/17/4 EXP10
Final Class: Assassin
HP 66/66
Str 38
Mag Pwr 29
Skill 32
Speed 39
Luck 35
Def 34(Capped!)
Res 14
Sword A Bow D(Close to C)
Maribelle LV13/13 EXP60
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 43/43
Str 7+2
Mag Pwr 20+2
Skill 18+2
Speed 16+2
Luck 25+2
Def 7+2
Res 20+4
Tome E Staff C
Freddie LV17 EXP87
Class: Great Knight
HP 46/46
Pwr 21+2
Mag Pwr 3+2
Skill 22+2
Speed 19+2
Luck 16+2
Def 22+2
Res 7+2
Sword C(Close to B) Lance A Axe A
Lissa LV20/10/8 EXP88
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 46/46
Pwr 12+2
Mag Pwr 30+2
Skill 29+2
Speed 29+2
Luck 27+2
Def 9+2
Res 25+4
Tome E Staff A
Gregor LV20/9 EXP96
Class: Hero
HP 53/53
Pwr 29+2
Mag Pwr 5+2
Skill 33+2
Speed 23+2
Luck 19+2
Def 23+2
Res 9+2
Sword A Axe E
Tharja LV20/8 EXP0
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 51/51
Pwr 9+2
Mag Pwr 25+2
Skill 16+2
Speed 23+2
Luck 8+2
Def 22+2
Res 13+2
Tome B
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/7 EXP79
Class: Hero
HP 52/52
Str 26+2
Mag Pwr 26+2
Skill 35+2
Speed 30+2
Luck 27+2
Def 20+2
Res 13+2
Sword C Axe E
Lucina LV20/1 EXP0
Class: Merc
HP 60/60
Str 26+2
Mag Pwr 14+2
Skill 27(Capped!)+2
Speed 28(Capped!)+2
Luck 34(Capped!)+2
Def 27+2
Res 10+2
Sword C
Noire LV15 EXP54
Class: Archer
HP 35/35
Str 15+2
Mag Pwr 10+2
Skill 19+2
Speed 21+2
Luck 18+2
Def 16+2
Res 8+2
Bow C
Morgan LV16 EXP23
Class: Tactician
HP 55/55
Str 26(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 19+2
Skill 24(Capped!)+2
Speed 27(Capped!)+2
Luck 32+2
Def 24+2
Res 15+2
Sword C Tome C
King Marth LV30 EXP--
Final Class: Tactician
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 55(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 37(Capped!)+2
Skill 55(Capped!)+2
Speed 52(Capped!)+2
Luck 55(Capped!)+2
Def 53(Capped!)+2
Res 49(Capped!)+2
Sword A
Skills: Limitbreaker Pavise Aegis Rightful King Luna
Gold: 22,219G

Chapter 15

-Steel Sword
-Steel Lance
-Master Seal
1 2 3 4
1. Second Seal
2. Manual
3. Physic
4. Bullion(L)
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
If you are planning to get Say'ri, then make sure that her attackers do not have Luna+ and, ...or Counter. Just trained my weaker troops here as well as having Chrom and Dia and spellcasters pick off Counters even though there were only a few. Mostly, they had Luna+ which none had Hawkeye except the boss which wasn't too dangerous. I had Chrom loot the towns and had Lucina+Morgan (C Support) pick off the boss and healing Lucina after every turn which ended the battle in a few turns with no critical. Noire also changed into a Merc for Armsthrift as well as she will be getting the Sol skill soon. Micaiah turned into a sage after getting her Sword rank to B after one strike. After doing the B support with Lucina+Morgan, I now do barracks which nothing. After selling stuff and using some of the tonics that I've bought last chapter as well as using the Talisman on Dia, I then begin the next map.
Turns: 12
MVP: Lucina&Morgan
Chrom LV20/10/17/8 EXP54
Final Class: Bow Knight
Str 39+2
Mag Pwr 8+2
Skill 44(Capped!)+2
Speed 42+2(Capped!)
Luck 46(Capped!)+2
Def 30+2
Res 17+2
Sword A Bow A
Dia LV20/12/17/5 EXP62
Final Class: Assassin
HP 67/67
Str 38
Mag Pwr 30(Capped!)
Skill 32
Speed 39
Luck 35
Def 34(Capped!)
Res 16(Used a Talisman!)
Sword A Bow C
Maribelle LV13/16 EXP48
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 44/44
Str 7+2
Mag Pwr 22+2
Skill 20+2
Speed 17+2
Luck 28+2
Def 7+2
Res 23+4
Tome E(About two strikes and it's Rank D) Staff C(About a few uses and it's rank B)
Freddie LV18 EXP91
Class: Great Knight
HP 47/47
Pwr 21+2
Mag Pwr 3+2
Skill 23+2
Speed 19+2
Luck 16+2
Def 22+2
Res 7+2
Sword C(Close to B) Lance A Axe A
Lissa LV20/10/11 EXP34
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 47/47
Pwr 14+2
Mag Pwr 32+2
Skill 30+2
Speed 30+2
Luck 28+2
Def 9+2
Res 28+4
Tome E Staff A
Gregor LV20/10/1 EXP0
Final Class: Assassin
HP 53/53
Pwr 30+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 36+2
Speed 26+2
Luck 19+2
Def 20+2
Res 7+2
Sword A Bow E
Tharja LV20/8 EXP56
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 51/51
Pwr 9+2
Mag Pwr 25+2
Skill 16+2
Speed 23+2
Luck 8+2
Def 22+2
Res 13+2
Tome B
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/10/2 EXP30
Final Class: Sage
HP 54/54
Str 22+2
Mag Pwr 35+2
Skill 31+2
Speed 31+2
Luck 27+2
Def 17+2
Res 18+2
Tome A Staff D(Used a Manual)
Lucina LV20/3 EXP56
Class: Merc
HP 60/60
Str 26+2
Mag Pwr 14+2
Skill 27(Capped!)+2
Speed 28(Capped!)+2
Luck 34(Capped!)+2
Def 28(Capped!)+2
Res 10+2
Sword C(Close to B)
Noire LV20/1 EXP0
Class: Merc
HP 42/42
Str 20+2
Mag Pwr 14+2
Skill 24+2
Speed 27(Capped!)+2
Luck 21+2
Def 20+2
Res 9+2
Sword E
Morgan LV20/1 EXP0
Class: Grandmaster
HP 61/61
Str 29+2
Mag Pwr 24+2
Skill 26+2
Speed 29+2
Luck 33+2
Def 26+2
Res 18+2
Sword C Tome C
Gold: 34,067G

Chapter 16

-Master Sealx2
-Beast Killer
-Speedwing(Gave to Maribelle)
-Silver Sword
-Killer Axe
-Steel Sword
-Short Spear
-Steel Bow
Boss: Cervantes
Skills: Def+2 Indoors Map Counter Pavise Aegis+
Difficulty: Normal
Time to haul yourself up north before reinforcements arrive. It's all just a matter of taking out Counters while sending Chrom and Morgan up north to finish the fight ending it with no defeats. I even got lucky and had Tharja do Vengeance at near max damage dealing up to 177dmg along with crits and Katarina's Bolt.
Turns 6
MVP: Tharja&Noire(Yes, because she Vengeanced several people even with near max dmg a 2HP left.)
Chrom LV20/10/17/12 EXP78
Final Class: Bow Knight
Str 41(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 9+2
Skill 44(Capped!)+2
Speed 42+2(Capped!)
Luck 46(Capped!)+2
Def 31+2
Res 18+2
Sword A Bow A
Dia LV20/12/17/8 EXP30
Final Class: Assassin
HP 68/68
Str 39(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 30(Capped!)
Skill 33
Speed 41
Luck 35
Def 34(Capped!)
Res 17(Used a Talisman!)
Sword A Bow C(Close to B)
Maribelle LV13/17/1 EXP4
Class: Dark Flier
HP 45/45
Str 12+2
Mag Pwr 23+2
Skill 25+2
Speed 21(Speedwing)+2
Luck 29+2
Def 9+2
Res 24+2
Spear E Tome D
Freddie LV19 EXP53
Class: Great Knight
HP 48/48
Pwr 21+2
Mag Pwr 3+2
Skill 24+2
Speed 19+2
Luck 17+2
Def 23+2
Res 8+2
Sword B Lance A Axe A
Lissa LV20/10/16 EXP98
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 50/50
Pwr 14+2
Mag Pwr 34+2
Skill 32+2
Speed 33+2
Luck 32+2
Def 10+2
Res 33+2
Tome E(1-2 strikes and it's D) Staff A
Gregor LV20/10/3 EXP2
Final Class: Assassin
HP 55/55
Pwr 30+2
Mag Pwr 5+2
Skill 38+2
Speed 27+2
Luck 19+2
Def 22+2
Res 7+2
Sword A Bow E
Tharja LV20/12 EXP60
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 55/55
Pwr 10+2
Mag Pwr 28+2
Skill 19+2
Speed 25+2
Luck 10+2
Def 25+2
Res 13+2
Tome A
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/10/4 EXP94
Final Class: Sage
HP 55/55
Str 23+2
Mag Pwr 36+2
Skill 33+2
Speed 32+2
Luck 28+2
Def 18+2
Res 19+2
Tome A Staff D
Lucina LV20/8 EXP32
Class: Merc
HP 60/60(Capped!)
Str 27(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 15+2
Skill 27(Capped!)+2
Speed 28(Capped!)+2
Luck 34(Capped!)+2
Def 28(Capped!)+2
Res 11+2
Sword B
Noire LV20/4 EXP36
Class: Merc
HP 45/45
Str 23+2
Mag Pwr 15+2
Skill 27(Capped!)+2
Speed 27(Capped!)+2
Luck 21+2
Def 23+2
Res 11+2
Sword E
Morgan LV20/10 EXP60
Class: Grandmaster
HP 70/70
Str 30+2
Mag Pwr 28+2
Skill 33+2
Speed 34+2
Luck 41+2
Def 33+2
Res 24+2
Sword C Tome B
Gold: 35,538G

Chapter 17

1. Boots
2. Angel Robe
3. Master Seal
4. Bullion(L)
Difficulty: Hard/Very Hard
You can finish this quickly by getting to the Thief in time before he ransacks the Boots. Once you advance only your strongest troops up north as these guys REALLY hurt with the Luna+'s. Strong enough to 3HKO even your strongest troops if they are attacked by three of them. Anyway, you don't want to spend too much time here as when Excellus shows up, be prepared to bambared by powerful troops. Some which I had to fight as I couldn't get to the boss in time. This is more of an escape map than anything else as these guys really will hurt you. -.-
Just grab the Boots and Angel Robe and leave. It gets too out of hand when too many reinforcements arrive. A few troops retreated due to some unlucky Luna+ hits and a Counter HKO with one of them. But...the powerful wave were dealt with some before I could get to Pheros ending the map.
Turns: 13
MVP: Dia&Frederick
Chrom LV20/10/17/10 EXP2
Final Class: Bow Knight
Str 40+2
Mag Pwr 9+2
Skill 44(Capped!)+2
Speed 42+2(Capped!)
Luck 46(Capped!)+2
Def 30+2
Res 18+2
Sword A Bow A
Dia LV20/12/17/5 EXP62
Final Class: Assassin
HP 67/67
Str 38
Mag Pwr 30(Capped!)
Skill 32
Speed 39
Luck 35
Def 34(Capped!)
Res 16(Used a Talisman!)
Sword A Bow C
Maribelle LV13/17/1 EXP0
Class: Dark Flier
HP 45/45
Str 12+2
Mag Pwr 23+2
Skill 25+2
Speed 21(Speedwing)+2
Luck 29+2
Def 9+2
Res 24+4
Spear E Tome D
Freddie LV19 EXP45
Class: Great Knight
HP 48/48
Pwr 21+2
Mag Pwr 3+2
Skill 24+2
Speed 19+2
Luck 17+2
Def 23+2
Res 8+2
Sword B Lance A Axe A
Lissa LV20/10/13 EXP14
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 49/49
Pwr 14+2
Mag Pwr 33+2
Skill 31+2
Speed 32+2
Luck 30+2
Def 10+2
Res 30+4
Tome E(Close to D) Staff A
Gregor LV20/10/2 EXP12
Final Class: Assassin
HP 54/54
Pwr 30+2
Mag Pwr 5+2
Skill 37+2
Speed 27+2
Luck 19+2
Def 21+2
Res 7+2
Sword A Bow E
Tharja LV20/10 EXP16
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 53/53
Pwr 9+2
Mag Pwr 27+2
Skill 18+2
Speed 25+2
Luck 9+2
Def 24+2
Res 13+2
Tome B
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/10/3 EXP62
Final Class: Sage
HP 55/55
Str 23+2
Mag Pwr 35+2
Skill 32+2
Speed 31+2
Luck 27+2
Def 17+2
Res 19+2
Tome A Staff D
Lucina LV20/4 EXP94
Class: Merc
HP 60/60
Str 27(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 14+2
Skill 27(Capped!)+2
Speed 28(Capped!)+2
Luck 34(Capped!)+2
Def 28(Capped!)+2
Res 11+2
Sword C(Close to B)
Noire LV20/3 EXP40
Class: Merc
HP 44/44
Str 22+2
Mag Pwr 15+2
Skill 26+2
Speed 27(Capped!)+2
Luck 21+2
Def 22+2
Res 10+2
Sword E
Morgan LV20/9 EXP58
Class: Grandmaster
HP 69/69
Str 30+2
Mag Pwr 28+2
Skill 32+2
Speed 34+2
Luck 40+2
Def 32+2
Res 23+2
Sword C Tome C(Close to B rank.)
Gold: 35,538G

Chapter 18

Difficulty: Very Hard
This chapter REALLY will push your characters to the limit of having to battle such powerful foes while you're getting cooked to death by the lava terrain to make it worse. Bring alot of Elixirs here. You'll need them. As the Counters are already slowing down your progress while you're trying to find a safe place to land. Flyers also get cooked too. So...it's just a matter of finding safe land in the lava (There is some) to fend off the rest of the wave. It's a little lighter colored that others. Stand on those. No rookie 1st class unit should even dare to set foot in here as they will get slaughtered. Only Morgan+Lucina and Chrom were left standing in this onslaught. The treasures all burned in the lava terrain as you are likely not going to ever get them in this mode. Period.
Turns: 16
MVP: Lucina&Morgan
After buying alot of tonics and using them to fix their weak spots...I now begin the next map.
Chrom LV20/10/17/14 EXP72
Final Class: Bow Knight
Str 41(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 9+2
Skill 44(Capped!)+2
Speed 42+2(Capped!)
Luck 46(Capped!)+2
Def 31+2
Res 18+2
Sword A Bow A
Dia LV20/12/17/11 EXP18
Final Class: Assassin
HP 70/70
Str 39(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 30(Capped!)
Skill 33
Speed 44
Luck 37
Def 34(Capped!)
Res 17
Sword A Bow B
Maribelle LV13/17/1 EXP10
Class: Dark Flier
HP 45/45
Str 12+2
Mag Pwr 23+2
Skill 25+2
Speed 21(Speedwing)+2
Luck 29+2
Def 9+2
Res 24+4
Spear E Tome D
Freddie LV20 EXP--
Class: Great Knight
HP 49/49
Pwr 22+2
Mag Pwr 3+2
Skill 25+2
Speed 19+2
Luck 17+2
Def 23+2
Res 8+2
Sword B Lance A Axe A
Lissa LV20/10/17 EXP42
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 51/51
Pwr 15+2
Mag Pwr 35+2
Skill 33+2
Speed 33+2
Luck 33+2
Def 10+2
Res 34+4
Tome D Staff A
Gregor LV20/10/3 EXP36
Final Class: Assassin
HP 55/55
Pwr 30+2
Mag Pwr 5+2
Skill 38+2
Speed 27+2
Luck 19+2
Def 22+2
Res 7+2
Sword A Bow E
Tharja LV20/13 EXP50
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 56/56
Pwr 10+2
Mag Pwr 29+2
Skill 19+2
Speed 25+2
Luck 11+2
Def 25+2
Res 13+2
Tome A
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/10/5 EXP68
Final Class: Sage
HP 55/55
Str 24+2
Mag Pwr 37+2
Skill 34+2
Speed 33+2
Luck 29+2
Def 18+2
Res 20+2
Tome A Staff D
Lucina LV20/9 EXP72
Class: Merc
HP 60/60
Str 27(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 15+2
Skill 27(Capped!)+2
Speed 28(Capped!)+2
Luck 34(Capped!)+2
Def 28(Capped!)+2
Res 12+2
Sword B
Noire LV20/5 EXP92
Class: Merc
HP 51/51
Str 24+2
Mag Pwr 15+2
Skill 27(Capped!)+2
Speed 27(Capped!)+2
Luck 22+2
Def 23+2
Res 12+2
Sword E(Close to D)
Morgan LV20/18 EXP18
Class: Grandmaster
HP 77/77
Str 33+2
Mag Pwr 30+2
Skill 37+2
Speed 37+2
Luck 45+2
Def 35+2
Res 27+2
Sword C Tome B
Gold: 14,553G

Chapter 19

-Silver Lance
-Silver Axe
-Silver Bow
-Silver Sword
Difficulty: Hard/Very Hard
That map is not easy to fend off especially when you already get surrounded with Counter to make this alot more problematic than it has to be. Your best bet is to fend off the wave while on the fort to increase you chance the highest to fend off. have Sol, Nosferatu and Bows...you will NEED these if your going to expect to get through this map. Lissa and Maribelle retreated after getting cut down even on the fort. Their chance of getting hit was no more than 20ish%. But...this is your best bet. To defeat Walhart, you must have a Brave Sword in addition to your second attacker to having one. Just make a clear path to him and have your showdown with him to end the battle.
Turns: 7
MVP: Tharja&Noire
But at least Lucina can promote now into a Hero.
Chrom LV20/10/17/16 EXP16
Final Class: Bow Knight
Str 41(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 9+2
Skill 44(Capped!)+2
Speed 42+2(Capped!)
Luck 46(Capped!)+2
Def 32+2
Res 18+2
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Duel Attack Paragon All Stats+2 Bowbreaker Bowfaire
Dia LV20/12/17/12 EXP40
Final Class: Assassin
HP 71/71
Str 39(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 30(Capped!)
Skill 34
Speed 44
Luck 37
Def 34(Capped!)
Res 17
Sword A Bow B
Skills: Veteran Lethality Sol Armsthrift Paragon
Maribelle LV13/17/1 EXP78
Class: Dark Flier
HP 45/45
Str 12+2
Mag Pwr 23+2
Skill 25+2
Speed 21(Speedwing)+2
Luck 29+2
Def 9+2
Res 24+4
Spear E Tome D
Skills: Iote's Shield Paragon All Stats+2 Demoiselle Duel Support+
Freddie LV20/1 EXP0
Class: Paladin
HP 48/48
Pwr 20+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 26+2
Speed 22+2
Luck 17+2
Def 19+2
Res 13+2
Sword B Lance A
Skills: Outdoor Battle Luna All Stats+2 Paragon Duel Guard
Lissa LV20/10/19 EXP4
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 52/52
Pwr 15+2
Mag Pwr 35+2
Skill 33+2
Speed 35+2
Luck 34+2
Def 10+2
Res 36+4
Tome D Staff A
Skills: Duel Support+ Healtouch Paragon All Stats+2 Res+2
Gregor LV20/10/4 EXP22
Final Class: Assassin
HP 56/56
Pwr 31+2
Mag Pwr 5+2
Skill 39+2
Speed 27+2
Luck 20+2
Def 22+2
Res 7+2
Sword A Bow E
Skills: Armsthrift Patience Sol All Stats+2 Paragon
Tharja LV20/16 EXP22
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 59/59
Pwr 10+2
Mag Pwr 31+2
Skill 19+2
Speed 28+2
Luck 12+2
Def 27+2
Res 14+2
Tome A
Skills: Hex Anathma ParagonAll Stats+2 Vengeance
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/10/8 EXP20
Final Class: Sage
HP 57/57
Str 25
Mag Pwr 40
Skill 34
Speed 34
Luck 29
Def 18
Res 21
Tome A Staff D
Skills: Sol Armsthrift Paragon Shadowgift Patience
Lucina LV20/11/1 EXP0
Class: Bowknight
HP 68/68
Str 30+2
Mag Pwr 15+2
Skill 29+2
Speed 32+2
Luck 34+2
Def 29+2
Res 14+2
Sword B
Skills: Veteran Duel Attack+ All Stats+2 Aether Paragon
Noire LV20/7 EXP18
Class: Merc
HP 53/53
Str 26+2
Mag Pwr 17+2
Skill 27(Capped!)+2
Speed 27(Capped!)+2
Luck 23+2
Def 24+2
Res 13+2
Sword D
Skills: Aptitude Paragon Armsthrift All Stats+2 Vengeance
Morgan LV20/20/1 EXP0
Class: Grandmaster
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 29
Mag Pwr 30
Skill 35
Speed 36
Luck 46
Def 37
Res 30
Tome B
Skills: Veteran Armsthrift Paragon Solidary Rightful King
Gold: 13,217G

Chapter 20

12 34
1. Second Seal
2. Dragonstone+
3. Beaststone+
4. Spirit Dust
Difficulty: Normal/Hard
A fun chapter. It was only a matter of taking out Counters and battling on the left and right sides first as the center blockade strategy won't work due to them having Counter and Pass. Plus it's dangerous with all of the Luna+'s that they throw at you. After having Lucina+Gregor deal with the southern left wave and Morgan+Cordelia deal with the southeastern wave the AI then sent others down, but unaware that I had plenty of Sorcerers and ranged attackers ready for them. When they were dealt with, the reinforcements were easy enough to deal with Morgan+Aversa's Night getting nearly unlimited uses out of it having 48 Luck. The absorb did enough to even deal with Counter foes as he got his restoration from others that didn't have it! After I had Anna loot the treasure, I then had disarmed Chrom lure Walhart and his minions down to me. Brave weapons are the key to dealing with him as he has both Pavise+ and Aegis+ at his disposal. His remaining minions were dealt with Maribelle+Lissa. Noire promoted during this chapter and made her into a Bowknight now. :D
I then finish Walhart off with my remaining characters that were by him with Celica Gales. Oh, and about the Spirit Dust, the Thief got away with it. Sorry.
Turns: 13
MVP: Tharja&Noire
After selling unneeded things and the Bullion(L) then purchasing some tonics and using them to fix their weak spots along with two Bronze Bow forges for Lucina and Gregor...I then begin the next map.
Chrom LV20/10/17/17 EXP14
Final Class: Bow Knight
Str 41(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 9+2
Skill 44(Capped!)+2
Speed 42+2(Capped!)
Luck 46(Capped!)+2
Def 33+2
Res 18+2
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Duel Attack Paragon All Stats+2 Bowbreaker Bowfaire
Dia LV20/12/17/14 EXP14
Final Class: Assassin
HP 73/73
Str 39(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 30(Capped!)
Skill 34
Speed 45
Luck 38
Def 34(Capped!)
Res 18
Sword A Bow B(Close to A)
Skills: Veteran Lethality Sol Armsthrift Paragon
Maribelle LV13/17/2 EXP94
Class: Dark Flier
HP 55/55(Used Naga Tear!)
Str 14+2
Mag Pwr 25+2
Skill 25+2
Speed 24+2
Luck 32+2
Def 11+2
Res 26+4
Spear E Tome D
Skills: Iote's Shield Paragon All Stats+2 Demoiselle Duel Support+
Freddie LV20/1 EXP24
Final Class: Paladin
HP 48/48
Pwr 20+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 26+2
Speed 22+2
Luck 17+2
Def 19+2
Res 13+2
Sword B Lance A
Skills: Outdoor Battle Luna All Stats+2 Paragon Duel Guard+
Lissa LV20/10/20/1 EXP0
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 52/52
Pwr 15+2
Mag Pwr 35+2
Skill 33+2
Speed 35+2
Luck 34+2
Def 12(Used a Dracoshield!)+2
Res 37+2
Tome D Staff A
Skills: Duel Support+ Healtouch Paragon All Stats+2 Miracle
She's getting relooped.
Gregor LV20/10/5 EXP12
Final Class: Assassin
HP 57/57
Pwr 32
Mag Pwr 5
Skill 40
Speed 28
Luck 21
Def 22
Res 7
Sword A Bow E(Close to D)
Skills: Armsthrift Patience Sol Lethality Paragon
Tharja LV20/20/1 EXP0
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 61/61
Pwr 11+2
Mag Pwr 34+2
Skill 20+2
Speed 32+2
Luck 13+2
Def 28+2
Res 16+2
Tome A
Skills: Hex Anathma Paragon All Stats+2 Vengeance
She's getting relooped.
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/10/11 EXP64
Final Class: Sage
HP 60/60
Str 25
Mag Pwr 41
Skill 36
Speed 36
Luck 31
Def 18
Res 23
Tome A Staff D
Skills: Sol Armsthrift Paragon Shadowgift Patience
Lucina LV20/11/2 EXP20
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 69/69
Str 30+2
Mag Pwr 15+2
Skill 30+2
Speed 32+2
Luck 34+2
Def 29+2
Res 15+2
Sword B Bow E
Skills: Veteran Duel Attack+ All Stats+2 Aether Paragon
Noire LV20/10/1 EXP0
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 63/63
Str 31+2
Mag Pwr 19+2
Skill 29+2
Speed 30+2
Luck 25+2
Def 26+2
Res 17+2
Sword D(Few strikes and it's at C) Bow C
Skills: Aptitude Paragon Armsthrift All Stats+2 Vengeance
Morgan LV20/20/6 EXP92
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 31(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 31
Skill 35(Capped!)
Speed 39
Luck 46(Capped!)
Def 38
Res 30
Tome A
Skills: Veteran Armsthrift Paragon Solidary Rightful King
Gold: 10,899G

Chapter 21

-Bolt Axe
-Master Key
1 3
1.Secret Book
It just a matter of disarming and taking out Counters with ranged weapons as you have got to hurry and leave as you have no way to deal with the ranged attackers without Snipers+Longbow/Double Bow as they often carry Hawkeye in this mode which that's dangerous as they can happily pelt you without any faulty. So...it's just a matter of Rescuing and grabbing the 1 and 3rd treasures as I head out. The boss, Algol is not worth mentioning as I've pelt him with the Astra Bow which Dia has now for her primary weapon now thanks to Armsthrift. You only need B rank in bows to use it. Other than losing Gregor to a Rune crit everything else went well.
Turns: 8
MVP: Dia&Frederick
Sold all of my axes and other stuff that I don't need whatsoever and have bought 4 Ill's, 3 Mire's(As they stop Counter from activating!), and a Brave Bow for Chrom.
Chrom LV20/10/17/18 EXP60
Final Class: Bow Knight
Str 41(Capped!)+2
Mag Pwr 9+2
Skill 44(Capped!)+2
Speed 42+2(Capped!)
Luck 46(Capped!)+2
Def 34(Capped!)+2
Res 19+2
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Duel Attack Paragon All Stats+2 Bowbreaker Bowfaire
Dia LV20/12/17/15 EXP60
Final Class: Assassin
HP 74/74
Str 39(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 30(Capped!)
Skill 35
Speed 46(Capped!)
Luck 38
Def 34(Capped!)
Res 18
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Veteran Lethality Sol Armsthrift Paragon
Maribelle LV13/17/3 EXP42
Class: Dark Flier
HP 56/56
Str 14+2
Mag Pwr 25+2
Skill 28+2
Speed 24+2
Luck 33+2
Def 11+2
Res 26+4
Spear E Tome D (Close to C)
Skills: Iote's Shield Paragon All Stats+2 Demoiselle Duel Support+
Freddie LV20/1 EXP80
Final Class: Paladin
HP 48/48
Pwr 20+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 26+2
Speed 22+2
Luck 17+2
Def 19+2
Res 13+2
Sword B Lance A
Skills: Outdoor Battle Luna All Stats+2 Paragon Duel Guard+
Lissa LV20/10/20/2 EXP48
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 53/53
Pwr 15+2
Mag Pwr 35+2
Skill 33+2
Speed 35+2
Luck 35+2
Def 12+2
Res 37+2
Tome D Staff A
Skills: Duel Support+ Demoiselle Paragon All Stats+2 Miracle
Gregor LV20/10/6 EXP2
Final Class: Assassin
HP 58/58
Pwr 32
Mag Pwr 5
Skill 41
Speed 29
Luck 21
Def 23
Res 7
Sword A Bow E(1 strike and it's D)
Skills: Armsthrift Patience Sol Lethality Paragon
Tharja LV20/20/1 EXP98
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 61/61
Pwr 11+2
Mag Pwr 35+2
Skill 21+2
Speed 33+2
Luck 14+2
Def 28+2
Res 16+2
Tome A
Skills: Hex Anathma Paragon All Stats+2 Vengeance
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/10/12 EXP70
Final Class: Sage
HP 60/60
Str 25
Mag Pwr 42
Skill 37
Speed 37
Luck 32
Def 18
Res 23
Tome A Staff D
Skills: Sol Armsthrift Paragon Shadowgift Patience
Lucina LV20/11/4 EXP22
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 70/70
Str 32+2
Mag Pwr 15+2
Skill 31+2
Speed 34+2
Luck 36+2
Def 29+2
Res 15+2
Sword B Bow E
Skills: Veteran Duel Attack+ All Stats+2 Aether Paragon
Noire LV20/10/1 EXP70
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 63/63
Str 31+2
Mag Pwr 19+2
Skill 29+2
Speed 30+2
Luck 25+2
Def 26+2
Res 17+2
Sword D(Few strikes and it's at C) Bow C
Skills: Aptitude Paragon Armsthrift All Stats+2 Vengeance
Morgan LV20/20/8 EXP42
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 31(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 32
Skill 35(Capped!)
Speed 41
Luck 46(Capped!)
Def 38
Res 32
Tome A
Skills: Veteran Armsthrift Paragon Solidary Rightful King
Gold: 28,173G

Chapter 22

-Goddess Icon
Difficulty: Normal
Taking care of these guys really helps if you happen to have rallies. If not...then you definitely need to use your strongest and ONLY your strongest against them. Ike took care of Draco along with Porcus. Canis was dealt with by Chrom. You can afford to take your time here as they don't go Aggro for a few turns within reason. I had Lissa+Maribelle deal with the Bowknight crusader getting lucky duel guards, or Lissa would have been felled. While getting other characters get a crack at the other western ones. The northern ones were dealt with...by the strongest characters of course. Astra Bow is your best bet against the Ill tome foe. After losing Gregor and Miccy to this onslaught towards the end(Northern foes), Aversa was easy enough with the Astra Bow although the Brave ones work just as well. After dropping the Goddess Icon(Which Gregor is getting this...) the chapter ends.
Turns: 9
MVP: Dia&Frederick
After buying some more tonics then tonicing everyone's weak spots and fully tonicing Chrom along with forging a Brave Sword with the left over money as it is needed to combat two bosses.
Chrom LV20/10/17/20/2 EXP50
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 42+2
Mag Pwr 9+2
Skill 46+2
Speed 42+2
Luck 48+2
Def 36+2
Res 19+2
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Duel Attack Paragon All Stats+2 Limitbreaker Bowfaire
Dia LV20/12/17/16 EXP48
Final Class: Assassin
HP 74/74
Str 40
Mag Pwr 31
Skill 35
Speed 47
Luck 39
Def 34(Capped!)
Res 19
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Limitbreaker Lethality Sol Armsthrift Paragon
Maribelle LV13/17/3 EXP60
Class: Dark Flier
HP 56/56
Str 14+2
Mag Pwr 25+2
Skill 28+2
Speed 24+2
Luck 33+2
Def 11+2
Res 26+4
Spear E Tome D(1~2 strikes before it is C)
Skills: Iote's Shield Paragon All Stats+2 Demoiselle Duel Support+
Freddie LV20/1 EXP98
Final Class: Paladin
HP 48/48
Pwr 20+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 26+2
Speed 22+2
Luck 17+2
Def 19+2
Res 13+2
Sword B Lance A
Skills: Outdoor Battle Luna All Stats+2 Paragon Duel Guard+
Lissa LV20/10/20/5 EXP48
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 55/55
Pwr 15+2
Mag Pwr 38+2
Skill 34+2
Speed 38+2
Luck 37+2
Def 13+2
Res 39+2
Tome D Staff A
Skills: Duel Support+ Demoiselle Paragon All Stats+2 Miracle
Gregor LV20/10/6 EXP2
Final Class: Assassin
HP 58/58
Pwr 32
Mag Pwr 5
Skill 41
Speed 29
Luck 21
Def 23
Res 7
Sword A Bow D
Skills: Armsthrift Patience Sol Lethality Paragon
Tharja LV20/20/4 EXP38
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 63/63
Pwr 12+2
Mag Pwr 35+2
Skill 23+2
Speed 34+2
Luck 15+2
Def 29+2
Res 16+2
Tome A
Skills: Hex Anathma Paragon All Stats+2 Vengeance
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/10/13 EXP10
Final Class: Sage
HP 61/61
Str 25
Mag Pwr 42
Skill 38
Speed 37
Luck 33
Def 19
Res 23
Tome A Staff D
Skills: Sol Armsthrift Paragon Shadowgift Patience
Lucina LV20/11/4 EXP54
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 70/70
Str 32+2
Mag Pwr 15+2
Skill 31+2
Speed 34+2
Luck 36+2
Def 29+2
Res 15+2
Sword B(Close to A) Bow E
Skills: Veteran Duel Attack+ All Stats+2 Aether Paragon
Noire LV20/10/1 EXP94
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 63/63
Str 31+2
Mag Pwr 19+2
Skill 29+2
Speed 30+2
Luck 25+2
Def 26+2
Res 17+2
Sword D(Few strikes and it's at C) Bow C
Skills: Aptitude Paragon Armsthrift All Stats+2 Vengeance
Morgan LV20/20/8 EXP76
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 31
Mag Pwr 32
Skill 35
Speed 41
Luck 46
Def 38
Res 32
Tome A
Skills: Veteran Armsthrift Paragon Limitbreaker Rightful King
Gold: 6196G

Chapter 23

-Silver Sword
-Silver Bow
-Silver Lance
-Silver Axe
-Dragon Killer
Difficulty: Hard
It's a simple game of hiding in the pillars for increased avoid and def to go up against these guys. Make sure that your not surrounded by Counter reinforcements like I was when I lost nearly everyone here due to Counter koes. Only Morgan+Lucina, Chrom+Dia, and Basilio+Flavia have made it out alive. Validar was easy enough to deal with either a forged Brave weapon, or with the Astra Bow as the multiple strikes can 2HKO him with 2 Astras worth. Can't attack him up close as he possesses Counter on this mode along with Vengeance to make it worse. Guess your Luna+ skill is now gone. xP
After buying some tonics and befitting everyones weak spots with them as well as selling the spoils I got last chapter(although, I made use of the spoiled Silver Bow during Ch23)along with some Celica Galesx3 for Maribelle...I then begin the next map.
Turns: 11
MVP: Lucina&Morgan
Chrom LV20/10/17/20/4 EXP42
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 43+2
Mag Pwr 10+2
Skill 48+2
Speed 44+2
Luck 50+2
Def 38+2
Res 19+2
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Duel Attack Paragon All Stats+2 Limitbreaker Bowfaire
Dia LV20/12/17/16 EXP82
Final Class: Assassin
HP 74/74
Str 40
Mag Pwr 31
Skill 35
Speed 47
Luck 39
Def 34(Capped!)
Res 19
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Limitbreaker Lethality Sol Armsthrift Paragon
Maribelle LV13/17/3 EXP98
Class: Dark Flier
HP 56/56
Str 14+2
Mag Pwr 25+2
Skill 28+2
Speed 24+2
Luck 33+2
Def 11+2
Res 26+4
Spear E Tome C
Skills: Iote's Shield Paragon All Stats+2 Demoiselle Duel Support+
Freddie LV20/2 EXP54
Final Class: Paladin
HP 49/49
Pwr 21+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 26+2
Speed 23+2
Luck 17+2
Def 19+2
Res 13+2
Sword B Lance A
Skills: Outdoor Battle Luna All Stats+2 Paragon Duel Guard+
Lissa LV20/10/20/6 EXP90
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 55/55
Pwr 15+2
Mag Pwr 38+2
Skill 34+2
Speed 39+2
Luck 38+2
Def 13+2
Res 40+2
Tome D(Close to C) Staff A
Skills: Duel Support+ Demoiselle Paragon All Stats+2 Miracle
Gregor LV20/10/6 EXP2
Final Class: Assassin
HP 58/58
Pwr 32
Mag Pwr 5
Skill 41
Speed 29
Luck 21
Def 23
Res 7
Sword A Bow D
Skills: Armsthrift Patience Sol Lethality Paragon
Tharja LV20/20/6 EXP16
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 65/65
Pwr 13+2
Mag Pwr 37+2
Skill 23+2
Speed 34+2
Luck 15+2
Def 31+2
Res 18+2
Tome A
Skills: Hex Anathma Paragon All Stats+2 Vengeance
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/10/13 EXP60
Final Class: Sage
HP 61/61
Str 25
Mag Pwr 42
Skill 38
Speed 37
Luck 33
Def 19
Res 23
Tome A Staff D
Skills: Sol Armsthrift Paragon Shadowgift Patience
Lucina LV20/11/7 EXP64
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 73/73
Str 33+2
Mag Pwr 16+2
Skill 33+2
Speed 37+2
Luck 38+2
Def 29+2
Res 16+2
Sword B(Close to A) Bow D
Skills: Veteran Duel Attack+ All Stats+2 Aether Paragon
Noire LV20/10/3 EXP22
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 65/65
Str 32+2
Mag Pwr 20+2
Skill 31+2
Speed 32+2
Luck 27+2
Def 27+2
Res 17+2
Sword C Bow C(Close to B)
Skills: Aptitude Paragon Armsthrift All Stats+2 Vengeance
Morgan LV20/20/13 EXP36
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 32
Mag Pwr 33
Skill 42
Speed 42
Luck 54
Def 41
Res 33
Tome A
Skills: Veteran Armsthrift Paragon Limitbreaker Rightful King
Class: Paladin
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 46+2
Mag Pwr 18+2
Skill 37+2
Speed 38+2
Luck 33+2
Def 37+2
Res 22+2
Sword A Spear E
Skills: Aether Limitbreaker Patience Paragon All Stats+2
Gold: 10,633G

Chapter 24

Difficulty: Very Hard
You will need to ensure that no hawkeye+Luna+ers live to tell the tale as these foes really hurt and that this is yet another routing map. So, hope that you have Fortify as you should have two of them already without Spotpass. Make sure that the Counter foes are dealt with from afar with Mire's. You should have at least one from Chapter 21. The fliers with Luna's are to be dealt with accordingly. As they can prey to kill your weaker troops with ease. The boss can be dealt with Brave weapons along with Duel Attacks. This place also goes Aggro to make it worse. Since this is a routing map, it'll be tough. Other than losing Micaiah and Anna, it went ok.
Now I use my Rift Dorr on Ch24. Anna has a Manual, Dracoshield and Angel Robe. All which I happily buy. I use the Manual on Miccy. She now can use Physics. I then give both the Angel Robe and Dracoshield to Maribelle. I then purchase some tonics and use them to fix their weak spots before beginning the next map.
Turns: 8
MVP: Lucina&Morgan
Chrom LV20/10/17/20/5 EXP86
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 44+2
Mag Pwr 10+2
Skill 48+2
Speed 45+2
Luck 51+2
Def 39+2
Res 19+2
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Duel Attack Paragon All Stats+2 Limitbreaker Bowfaire
Dia LV20/12/17/17 EXP98
Final Class: Assassin
HP 75/75
Str 40
Mag Pwr 32
Skill 36
Speed 47
Luck 39
Def 34
Res 20
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Limitbreaker Lethality Sol Armsthrift Paragon
Maribelle LV13/17/4 EXP60
Class: Dark Flier
HP 62/62(Used a Seraph Robe!)
Str 14+2
Mag Pwr 25+2
Skill 29+2
Speed 25+2
Luck 33+2
Def 13(Used a Dracoshield!)+2
Res 27+4
Spear E Tome C
Skills: Iote's Shield Paragon All Stats+2 Demoiselle Duel Support+
Freddie LV20/3 EXP2
Final Class: Paladin
HP 50/50
Pwr 21+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 26+2
Speed 24+2
Luck 17+2
Def 19+2
Res 13+2
Sword B Lance A
Skills: Outdoor Battle Luna All Stats+2 Paragon Duel Guard+
Lissa LV20/10/20/10 EXP96
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 57/57
Pwr 17+2
Mag Pwr 40+2
Skill 36+2
Speed 40+2
Luck 42+2
Def 14+2
Res 43+2
Tome D(Close to C) Staff A
Skills: Duel Support+ Demoiselle Paragon All Stats+2 Miracle
Gregor LV20/10/6 EXP76
Final Class: Assassin
HP 58/58
Pwr 32
Mag Pwr 5
Skill 41
Speed 29
Luck 21
Def 23
Res 7
Sword A Bow D
Skills: Armsthrift Patience Sol Lethality Paragon
Tharja LV20/20/8 EXP56
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 67/67
Pwr 14+2
Mag Pwr 38+2
Skill 24+2
Speed 36+2
Luck 15+2
Def 32+2
Res 19+2
Tome A
Skills: Hex Anathma Paragon All Stats+2 Vengeance
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/10/14 EXP80
Final Class: Sage
HP 61/61
Str 25
Mag Pwr 42
Skill 39
Speed 38
Luck 33
Def 19
Res 23
Tome A Staff C(Used a Manual!)
Skills: Sol Armsthrift Paragon Shadowgift Patience
Lucina LV20/11/8 EXP94
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 74/74
Str 33+2
Mag Pwr 16+2
Skill 34+2
Speed 37+2
Luck 39+2
Def 29+2
Res 16+2
Sword B(Close to A) Bow D(Close to C)
Skills: Veteran Duel Attack+ All Stats+2 Aether Paragon
Noire LV20/10/6 EXP86
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 69/69
Str 34+2
Mag Pwr 21+2
Skill 34+2
Speed 34+2
Luck 29+2
Def 29+2
Res 20+2
Sword C Bow B
Skills: Aptitude Paragon Armsthrift All Stats+2 Vengeance
Morgan LV20/20/16 EXP2
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 33
Mag Pwr 35
Skill 43
Speed 44
Luck 56
Def 43
Res 33
Tome A
Skills: Veteran Armsthrift Paragon Limitbreaker Rightful King
DLC Ike LV20/6 EXP50
Class: Paladin
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 47+2
Mag Pwr 18+2
Skill 37+2
Speed 38+2
Luck 33+2
Def 38+2
Res 22+2
Sword A Spear E
Skills: Aether Limitbreaker Patience Paragon All Stats+2
Gold: 10,801G

Chapter 25

-Thunder Sword
Difficulty: Near Impossible
Seriously. The only thing that you can do here is to watch your soldiers get brutally murdered. This is why that you never want to touch this mode on classic. The only thing that you can do is to have everyone head up north before you completely get slaughtered. This map will surround you no matter what the outcome is. The reinforcements are powerful and never stops coming. Not when your getting long hit to death by usually Hawkeyed Mires while a powerful Dark Peg finishes you off and gets another turn to kill your other paired troop outright. You want to kill Aversa ASAP as the troops hit so hard that any character will die in 2~3 hits. If you're struggling here, bring fourth Limitbreaking characters to get through. Only do this if ABSOLUTELY nothing works. I mean NOTHING. If they aren't able to survive the onslaught(Which very likely they won't), then better bring in stronger characters, or use the DLC map to train some more. I hope and prey that you don't ever touch this mode on classic. Did it after like 50 dies as nearly everyone got slaughtered with minimal effort during every attempt. Aka: Game Overs.
Chrom LV20/10/17/20/6 EXP68
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 45+2
Mag Pwr 10+2
Skill 49+2
Speed 46+2
Luck 52+2
Def 40+2
Res 19+2
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Duel Attack Paragon All Stats+2 Limitbreaker Bowfaire
Dia LV20/12/17/18 EXP16
Final Class: Assassin
HP 76/76
Str 41
Mag Pwr 32
Skill 37
Speed 48
Luck 39
Def 35
Res 20
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Limitbreaker Lethality Sol Armsthrift Paragon
Maribelle LV13/17/5 EXP34
Class: Dark Flier
HP 62/62
Str 14+2
Mag Pwr 25+2
Skill 29+2
Speed 26+2
Luck 33+2
Def 13+2
Res 27+2
Spear E Tome C
Skills: Iote's Shield Paragon All Stats+2 Demoiselle Duel Support+
Freddie LV20/3 EXP2
Final Class: Paladin
HP 50/50
Pwr 21+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 26+2
Speed 24+2
Luck 17+2
Def 19+2
Res 13+2
Sword B Lance A
Skills: Outdoor Battle Luna All Stats+2 Paragon Duel Guard+
Lissa LV20/10/20/11 EXP40
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 57/57
Pwr 17+2
Mag Pwr 41+2
Skill 36+2
Speed 41+2
Luck 42+2
Def 15+2
Res 44+2
Tome D(Close to C) Staff A
Skills: Duel Support+ Demoiselle Paragon All Stats+2 Miracle
Gregor LV20/10/6 EXP76
Final Class: Assassin
HP 58/58
Pwr 32
Mag Pwr 5
Skill 41
Speed 29
Luck 21
Def 23
Res 7
Sword A Bow D
Skills: Armsthrift Patience Sol Lethality Paragon
Tharja LV20/20/9 EXP66
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 68/68
Pwr 14+2
Mag Pwr 38+2
Skill 24+2
Speed 37+2
Luck 15+2
Def 33+2
Res 20+2
Tome A
Skills: Hex Anathma Paragon All Stats+2 Vengeance
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/10/14 EXP88
Final Class: Sage
HP 61/61
Str 25
Mag Pwr 42
Skill 39
Speed 38
Luck 33
Def 19
Res 23
Tome A Staff C(Used a Manual!)
Skills: Sol Armsthrift Paragon Shadowgift Patience
Lucina LV20/11/9 EXP54
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 75/75
Str 33+2
Mag Pwr 16+2
Skill 35+2
Speed 38+2
Luck 40+2
Def 30+2
Res 16+2
Sword B(Couple strikes and it's at A) Bow D(Close to C)
Skills: Veteran Duel Attack+ All Stats+2 Aether Paragon
Noire LV20/10/7 EXP16
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 70/70
Str 35+2
Mag Pwr 22+2
Skill 35+2
Speed 35+2
Luck 30+2
Def 30+2
Res 20+2
Sword C Bow B
Skills: Aptitude Paragon Armsthrift All Stats+2 Vengeance
Morgan LV20/20/17 EXP34
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 33
Mag Pwr 36
Skill 44
Speed 45
Luck 56
Def 43
Res 33
Tome A
Skills: Veteran Armsthrift Paragon Limitbreaker Rightful King
DLC Ike LV20/7 EXP62
Class: Paladin
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 47+2
Mag Pwr 19+2
Skill 38+2
Speed 39+2
Luck 34+2
Def 38+2
Res 22+2
Sword A Spear E
Skills: Aether Limitbreaker Patience Paragon All Stats+2
Gold: 9kG

Paralogue 17

Diffculty: Hard
This chapter is actually easier if Tiki doesn't make it. Try your best to protect her at any cost so that they don't attack you. Which makes this the ideal place to get some easy EXP since you had to skip Ch25. It could be Hard if you do this before going to Ch19 though. I did get some experience, but right after Tiki died several of the pack got slaughtered as they weren't paired. But...this does make it ideal for preparation before battling Walhart, ...or the Final Chapter. If you somehow defeat the wave to the west on Turn 6, you can prevent Tiki from getting slaughtered. In this mode, it takes good timing to do this as you absolutely cannot form a blockade by her due to them possessing Pass. Other than some retreats and Tiki dying, it did exceedingly well.
I now buy better weapons for their better weapon levels that they've achieved before I begin the next chapter.
Turns: 7
MVP: Tharja&Noire
Chrom LV20/10/17/20/7 EXP8
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 46+2
Mag Pwr 10+2
Skill 50+2
Speed 47+2
Luck 52+2
Def 40+2
Res 19+2
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Duel Attack Paragon All Stats+2 Limitbreaker Bowfaire
Dia LV20/12/17/18 EXP96
Final Class: Assassin
HP 76/76
Str 41
Mag Pwr 32
Skill 37
Speed 48
Luck 39
Def 35
Res 20
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Limitbreaker Lethality Sol Armsthrift Paragon
Maribelle LV13/17/6 EXP50
Class: Dark Flier
HP 62/62
Str 15+2
Mag Pwr 26+2
Skill 30+2
Speed 26+2
Luck 34+2
Def 13+2
Res 27+2
Spear E Tome C
Skills: Iote's Shield Paragon All Stats+2 Demoiselle Duel Support+
Freddie LV20/3 EXP26
Final Class: Paladin
HP 50/50
Pwr 21+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 26+2
Speed 24+2
Luck 17+2
Def 19+2
Res 13+2
Sword B Lance A
Skills: Outdoor Battle Luna All Stats+2 Paragon Duel Guard+
Lissa LV20/10/20/12 EXP24
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 58/58
Pwr 18+2
Mag Pwr 41+2
Skill 36+2
Speed 42+2
Luck 43+2
Def 16+2
Res 44+2
Tome C Staff A
Skills: Duel Support+ Demoiselle Paragon All Stats+2 Miracle
Gregor LV20/10/7 EXP84
Final Class: Assassin
HP 59/59
Pwr 32
Mag Pwr 5
Skill 42
Speed 30
Luck 24
Def 24
Res 10
Sword A Bow D
Skills: Armsthrift Patience Sol Lethality Paragon
Tharja LV20/20/10 EXP78
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 69/69
Pwr 15+2
Mag Pwr 39+2
Skill 25+2
Speed 38+2
Luck 16+2
Def 33+2
Res 20+2
Tome A
Skills: Hex Anathma Paragon All Stats+2 Vengeance
DLC Micaiah LV20/11/10/15 EXP96
Final Class: Sage
HP 62/62
Str 25
Mag Pwr 43+5
Skill 39
Speed 39
Luck 34
Def 19
Res 23
Tome A Staff C
Skills: Sol Armsthrift Paragon Shadowgift Tomefaire
Lucina LV20/11/10 EXP56
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 76/76
Str 34+2
Mag Pwr 17+2
Skill 35+2
Speed 38+2
Luck 41+2
Def 30+2
Res 17+2
Sword B(Couple strikes and it's at A) Bow D(Close to C)
Skills: Veteran Duel Attack+ All Stats+2 Aether Paragon
Noire LV20/10/8 EXP98
Final Class: Bow Knight
HP 71/71
Str 36+2
Mag Pwr 23+2
Skill 35+2
Speed 36+2
Luck 31+2
Def 31+2
Res 21+2
Sword C Bow B
Skills: Aptitude Paragon Armsthrift All Stats+2 Vengeance
Morgan LV20/20/18 EXP32
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 33
Mag Pwr 36
Skill 44
Speed 45
Luck 56
Def 43
Res 33
Tome A
Skills: Veteran Armsthrift Paragon Limitbreaker Rightful King
DLC Ike LV20/8 EXP66
Class: Paladin
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Str 48+2
Mag Pwr 19+2
Skill 39+2
Speed 40+2
Luck 34+2
Def 39+2
Res 22+2
Sword A Spear E
Skills: Aether Limitbreaker Patience Paragon All Stats+2
Gold: 8891G

Final Chapter

Difficulty: Easy
Turns: 2
MVP: King Marth&Lucina
Simple matter of Rescue spam, having Pass, defeating the center foe to clear the area, etc to get to the boss in time. Simple to do.
King Marth
Weapon: Forged Brave
Attk 12x4
Crit 0%
The 4 Luna's did to her down to 36HP.
Weapon: Goetia
Attk 4
Hit 68%
Crit 0%
Then DLC Miccy+Ike
Weapon: Book Of Naga
Attk 4x2
Hit 68%
Crit 0%
Two Vengeances with he at 60ish health did 18x2, but she got defeated after the first strike. No matter. Along with Duel Braves.
Then I had Dia finish the job with a Brave weapon while paired up with Frederick
Weapon: Brave Sword
After the last strike the game ends and even Tharja got to celebrate.
Gold: 646G
Just did it with no grind having Chrom initiate the final blow of course.

Edited by Barbie
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Wait... Why would you have Chrom deliver the final blow? Q_Q

Why not have him do it?

I don't want my created character to give up his/her life for eternal disappearance of Grima.

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You have seen the Avatar's ending, right?

DLC skills and spotpass characters generally aren't considered part of nogrind, by the way.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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You have seen the Avatar's ending, right?

DLC skills and spotpass characters generally aren't considered part of nogrind, by the way.

Getting them no exp and gold in the gate is considered no grinding. It was a runthrough without any training in the gate as well as funds.

Edited by Barbie
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Getting them no exp and gold in the gate is considered no grinding. It was a runthrough without any training in the gate as well as funds.

By you, maybe, but I doubt it's the general consensus among the community.

Eh, I don't really care. Call it whatever you want, just keep in mind that most other people don't follow that particular convention.

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Why not have him do it?

I don't want my created character to give up his/her life for eternal disappearance of Grima.

I'd recommend doing a playthrough with your avatar sacrificing him/herself. Or just redo endgame.

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By you, maybe, but I doubt it's the general consensus among the community.

Eh, I don't really care. Call it whatever you want, just keep in mind that most other people don't follow that particular convention.


I never did say I was a master player as I'm not. I only play it in a way to my ability. Though I try to make it challenging as much as possible. Not all of us are high tier like you and Interceptor. xP

Vanilla Lunatic...sure.

I'll try it with no wireless features, but spotpass. But...+. Et uh.

I may play on the vanilla Lunatic commonly(On classic as that usually is what I play FE's 12 and 13 on.), but if I'm to ever touch + Paragon and Casual will be authorized. Int clearly said that + is not for everyone. It isn't for me. Only advanced/expert players should ever touch it. -.-

I'm no expert player. Only advanced as I've never touched Lunatic in FE12 either when H1 is to my level of skill. Difficult in FE's 9 and 10. Will do. :D

Interceptor, your guide has helped a lot in getting past the BS that is Lunatic+ until the Outrealm Gate appears (heh, no shame).

Glad to hear it; I don't judge. Lunatic+ is ridiculous, and everything is fair game when trying to beat it.

Hee hee...

I rest my case.

Especially when Counter, Dragonskin, and...or Hawkeye+Luna+ combo absolutely breaks this game with a sledgehammer.

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He wasn't saying that you should play any specific way (the majority of people aren't going to look down on you for deciding to fight fire with fire in order to beat Lunatic+), just that the term "no grind" as generally accepted by the community doesn't apply to your run.


It doesn't. It was more of an inflation of enjoying the mode for the first time as I doubt that it will ever happen with me playing it without wireless features.

Edited by Barbie
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I just finished chapter 6 and now I'm torn on who mai husbando is gonna be for this run - Gaius or Stahl. I'm not going for optimal pairings (which is probably gonna come back to bite me in the ass later on, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it), but I don't want to support grind too much because a few of my units are dangerously close to level 20. I have managed to pick up one each of a master seal and a second seal, though.

Current levels:

Chrom - lvl 19 (married to Sumia)

MU - lvl 17

Frederick - lvl 18

Lissa - lvl 13

Sully - lvl 19

Virion - lvl 16

Stahl - lvl 15

Vaike - lvl 16

Miriel - lvl 15

Sumia - lvl 16 (married to Chrom)

Kellam - lvl 16

Lon'qu - lvl 15

Donnel - lvl 10

Ricken - lvl 11

Maribelle - lvl 6

Gaius - lvl 5

Panne - lvl 6

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If you're using DLC and don't care about levels (or just don't want to waste exp), you can use Master Seals from Harvest Scramble and then Dread Scrolls/Wedding Bouquets to keep resetting your level. As for purely ingame utility, I'd advocate for Gaius because having a well-trained thief with a good place to hide makes chapters with chests a lot safer.

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If you're using DLC and don't care about levels (or just don't want to waste exp), you can use Master Seals from Harvest Scramble and then Dread Scrolls/Wedding Bouquets to keep resetting your level. As for purely ingame utility, I'd advocate for Gaius because having a well-trained thief with a good place to hide makes chapters with chests a lot safer.

You can just reset DLC class level with a Second Seal.


It does make the game easier if they are a Bride, or Dreadfighter as they grow at an accelerated rate even without Veteran/Paragon.

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Can't buy Second Seals post-cht.6. If you want them in any sort of bulk quantity before post-Cht.12, you're at the mercy of the RNG (Merchants, Rift Doors and Outrealm villages).

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STUPID QUESTION TIME cuz its Loki's First Lunatic Run.

I noticed some of the DLC like LB is a little...amped up in Lunatic but the Golden Pack and Scrambles arent. Does anyone know just which DLCs are affected by mode?

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As far as I know, the only ones that aren't buffed are the Golden Pack and Apo (well, one Warrior has a different forge on his Bow but that's it).

Scrambles are buffed, in Harvest at least the Revenants have at least twice as much HP.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Yeah, the buff to the scramble maps is why I don't have more master seals. I tried to farm seeds of trust in the Summer Scramble and got my shit well and thoroughly wrecked - silver weapons, killer weapons, and powerful tomes all around, most of them forged, along with more hp and better overall stats. On Lunatic+ I imagine they have the same terrible cheap abilities as enemies in regular chapters do. I don't have the DLC that lets me get Dread Fighters or Brides, so that's not really an option, but I've passed chapter 8 now and have managed to get one more second seal and two more master seals, bringing my total up to 2 second seals and 3 master seals. Chrom and MU have hit level 20, but I don't mind wasting exp grinding on DLC maps, so it's not that big a deal. I'll promote them before I take on chapter 9 and just focus on supports.

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