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Who you used, who you paired with and why ?


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I really like how Fire Emblem puts a lot of characters and how they can relate to each others so differently. I used about 13 characters on my first run, and the pairs were the follows :

Chrom x Sully --> I knew Sumia was canon, but they never got their supports going and Chrom and Sully were close to each other in most of the fights and when i least expected they were already at A Support and i just went for it.

Chrom is pretty emotional and act first think later, and so is Sully. They are also childhood friends, so Sully actually allows Chrom to treat her in ways others aren't allowed, which is pretty cool.

I don't remember if it was on Chapter 11 or on S Support, but Chrom asks about the weight on the shoulders for being a royal and didn't wanted Sully to pass by this and she gives a pretty nice answer. Yea, that's the kind of woman a guy in power and with a mission needs : one who can accompany him and stay by his side until the very end, whatever it may be.

Frederick x Sumia --> I neglected Sumia a bit and then she ended up a bit behind the others. To make matters worse, she is pretty inexperienced in combat, so here comes captain Frederick to help the recruit with how to survive on the battlefield. She learned a lot with Fred and became a very talented soldier!

Outside battles, Frederick is always serious calm and knows how to do pretty much everything. Sumia, on the other hand, is always tripping on things, forgetting important stuff, breaking things and she actually ends up having a lack of self-worth.

On their supports she messes up a lot again, but Fred actually encourages and motivates her. In return, Sumia ends up relaxing Frederick the Wary.

Lon'qu x Tharja --> I was actually disappointed with Tharja. Everyone speaks of her and when she joins you i thought she was going to be like Jill, who also deserted. But so far i saw her as a ''creepy comic relief''. She ends up stalking you out of nowhere for no reason.

Avatar was also a Sorcerer and had 40 Mag when Tharja was around 24-26.

I was thinking about benching her, but on a chapter she had low health and i paired her with Lon'qu to save her. They fought and after that chapter saw Lon'qu could support Tharja.

That was actually interesting, Lon'qu stays alone and distant and is afraid of woman. Tharja stays alone and distant and other people are afraid of her. Yea, why not ?

I don't know if that happens on other supports, but Lon'qu's past of why he is afraid of woman is revealed with Tharja and she actually acts normal and is compreensive to him. And her proposal to him is very nice and then i ended up liking Tharja.

Vaike x Lissa --> The Vaike smash things. Some guys try to smash the Vaike. Lissa heals the Vaike. There we go. We also learn a bit of Vaike's past and how people look down on him because he is a commoner walking with the nobility. But Lissa doesn't care. Lissa is aldo a prankster and Vaike a boaster, they have a lot in common! And Owain ends up ridicuously high in STR with the Vaike as dad. Also would be cool to see Lissa saying in battle ''Enter Ms.Vaike!''

Avatar x Tiki --> After turning down Tharja, Avatar was on the way to save the world single. Until he meets Tiki. She grew up a fine girl! Love at first sight. Don't even remember who i benched to get her in the team. I think was Anna.

Also this relationship have more deep in it than it shows. You are Grima's avatar and Tiki is Naga's. Too bad the developers didn't explored that side of them. Could even have a special convo with Naga, since she is her daughter.

Also, Tiki spent most of her life isolated and sleeping, everyone she knows come and goes as she has such long lifespan... And now that she meets love, it won't actually last long since Avatar will age and die and she will remain...it's sad and for that it must happen. At least Morgan can inherit some immortality...

Lucina --> Single. After like 5 or 6 levels with 1-2 stats growing, i considered benching her in favor of Cherche. Then i had a Second Seal and used it to see what she could change to. She could be a Wyvern Knight like Cherche. Okay, i decided to gave her a second chance. She really grabbed that chance, even threw her pants off and fought showing a lot of skin!

And as Wyvern Knight all her problems were solved, she became a powerhouse with tons of awesome level ups.

I considered marrying her when i saw it was possible, but then i thought about Chrom, who is such a nice guy : ''Damn, Chrom finds me on a field, takes me in to his group and his palace while i have visions of killing him in the future and i repay him the favor banging his daughter!''. Yea, i turned her down too.

Virion --> Single. I tried pairing her with Anna, but then discovered she can only marry Avatar. It would be funny to see Anna's answers to Virion, but that didn't happend and our womanizer didn't got any woman.

Anna --> Only used her for the Lockpicking. She got benched when not needed in favor of Tiki.

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Avatar x Tiki --> After turning down Tharja, Avatar was on the way to save the world single. Until he meets Tiki. She grew up a fine girl! Love at first sight. Don't even remember who i benched to get her in the team. I think was Anna.

Also this relationship have more deep in it than it shows. You are Grima's avatar and Tiki is Naga's. Too bad the developers didn't explored that side of them. Could even have a special convo with Naga, since she is her daughter.

Also, Tiki spent most of her life isolated and sleeping, everyone she knows come and goes as she has such long lifespan... And now that she meets love, it won't actually last long since Avatar will age and die and she will remain...it's sad and for that it must happen. At least Morgan can inherit some immortality...

Outliving your loved one by thousands of years is the most painful think I could think of.

...man, and that last thing she says hurts so much. "I'll dream of you when I sleep again."

...just... ow.

And considering how the "dream" thing hits home for me. OW.

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The first thing I did was marry Sully and Stahl, Frederick and Sumia, me and Ricken, and Maribelle and Vaike. Wanted to make sure Chrom ended up with Maiden. (hah)

Other than that...for Endgame, here are my main pairs:

Chrom and Lucina: nothing more epic than father and daughter killing stuff together.

My Unit and Henry: because it feels like Henry crits more often when he's paired with me rather than Ricken.

Ricken and Morgan: same with C/L, just bonding between father and child, blowing stuff up with magic.

Frederick and Sumia: It's such a sweet pairing, and F does a good job protecting S, while S can pick off weakened foes.

Tharja and Libra: I didn't expect to like this pairing so much, but they have a beautiful dynamic together.

Lon'qu and Miriel: I made Miriel a Dark Mage, so she serves as a ferry to get Killer Edge Lon'qu closer to foes

Flavia and Basilio: I ended up not benching them because they killed stuff for me in Chapter 23 when both Chrom and MU were low on HP.

Marth and Roy: Even if they're generic units who can't support, I still love the idea of Marth and Roy in the same game, fighting together, outside of Smash Bros.

That's about all I can think of.

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Actually, Sumia isn't the canon choice for Chrom. IS never said she was. Besides, if she was, I don't think Chrom would have other options for wives. So none of his choices are absolutely canon. Besides, someone convinced me that Avatar makes more sense for him anyway, and I always had that feeling that this was the case. I'm not complaining though, I can definitely accept them together.

Anyway, I only have a few pairs picked out so far, and only one already married. I just haven't been able to make any other decisions yet.

Frederick x Avatar

What can I say? I love Freddy, he's awesome! He's by far my favorite character in the game right now! So of course I had to marry my Avatar, Kelli, to him, and I even managed to get a bit of extra dialogue between them using one of those sparkly squares (Freddy was so charming too!). But I love the support too because Avatar calling him Freddy Bear is just adorable and Frederick gets really good development by getting over his meat trouble. And it was cute seeing her feed him all kinds of meat to help him out. x3 And then Frederick's promise to himself that if he can keep the bear down, he'd propose to her. Just lol. AND, his confession! Oh, it's so cute and noble. :3

Chrom x Olivia

So, I liked the idea of Chrom being with a dancer (imagining them dancing together in a ballroom, but not necessarily during an actual ball was just cute) and their support has Chrom deciding to make it his goal to get Olivia to warm up to him. And he helps her get over her shyness too. This support may be a bit difficult to get, but I think it's worth it in the end.

Gaius x Maribelle

I remember seeing some of their support in the sticky thread and it just touched me. These two have such a great relationship when supported! So I was like "yep, those two, for sure!" That is all. :P

And this is all I've chosen so far. I don't know who else to put with who really. I don't use Sumia, Miriel, Ricken, Kellam, or Donnel though.

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Chrom x Olivia

So, I liked the idea of Chrom being with a dancer (imagining them dancing together in a ballroom, but not necessarily during an actual ball was just cute) and their support has Chrom deciding to make it his goal to get Olivia to warm up to him. And he helps her get over her shyness too. This support may be a bit difficult to get, but I think it's worth it in the end.

The assassins are already behind Chrom's door

Avatar x Olivia

I dunno. I just like it.

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Actually, Sumia isn't the canon choice for Chrom. IS never said she was. Besides, if she was, I don't think Chrom would have other options for wives. So none of his choices are absolutely canon.

I.S. does tend to include pairing options that both involve a Lord and aren't so heavily hinted at (cases in point, Eliwood X Lyn, Hector X Florina, Rath X Lyn, Roy X Cecilia) whenever they push a Lord pair in the game. I'm not surprised Chrom was given 3-4 other playable options. And I'm not expecting them to stop anytime in the future at least just yet, considering the nature of pairs in general in this series. (Though the only ones that don't get a heavily hinted pair IIRC are The Renais Twins and Celiph.)
Besides, someone convinced me that Avatar makes more sense for him anyway, and I always had that feeling that this was the case. I'm not complaining though, I can definitely accept them together.
Considering the fact that no canon appearance or gender has been set for Kris, it's a pretty safe bet that any pair involving Robin won't be made canon.

Anyways, the pairings I've made on my current PT were made with two intentions. To get them out of the way, and to get used to the game.

Here's how my list looks so far.

Chrom X Rarity Maribelle.

Frederick X Sully

Gregor X Olivia

Gaius X Sumia

Kellam X Tharja

Donnel X Cordelia

Virion X Nowi

Lissa X Vaike

Libra X Miriel

Henry X Panne

Lon'qu X Cherche

Robin X Lucina

So far, that's all I can list.

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Chrom x Olivia

Out of all of the potential wives, I liked Olivia with Chrom. Even though Sumia would be canon, I didn't like how someone that clumsy could be his wife :/ And for some reason, before I was playing this game, I made this odd decision that Chrom should have a son and Lucina deserves a hot brother so....Olivia!

Gaius x Avatar

When I first started, I just went for speed for the hell of it. Turned out it made a great speed boost for both units. Plus I fell in love with Gaius after watching Rey's LP and stuck with it since.

Morgan x Lucina

I wanna be in-laws with Chrom. Enough said lol

Inigo x Severa

For the hell of it. Women chaser with the ice queen to keep a leash on him. I find that a bit funny.

Henry x Tharja

Currently, Tharja had high speed while Henry had high skill. Didn't use them as much but when I needed to put more characters in, I threw them in and instantly loved the Vengence + Tharja with Nosferatsu + Henry with Ruin combo.

Lon'qu x Lissa

I needed a healer. They manage to hold their own but I seriously need to work on them.

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First File:

Units used

Avatar x Maribelle: She actually gave pretty good magic stats to my flawed magic Avatar so that was a plus, another reason was because I'm a Maribelle fanboy as well. Her personality caught me as well as gave me a "challange of sorts"-basically try to convince her I'm not like she says-and fell in love with her and her supports. She's also a better mom to Morgan and plus I love a blond Morgan so another plus for me. Theres also the matter of Brady who-I admit I didn't like at first but he grew on me-can become a total beast when trained right.

Kellam!Laurent x Donnel!Nah: I just made this pairing on a whim due to Laurents ain't nobody got time for no-nonsense personality and Nahs general frankness(is that the word for it?) Honestly though I came to like it since her res actually complimented Laurent even more and allowed him to fight off mages and higher ups to a degree no matter the class. Plus I'd imagine her bugging him to try on his glasses.

Gaius!Yarne x Olivia!Lucina: Yarnes speed added to Lucinas already well-enough stats made this couple ring in my head instatly. Plus I felt bad for Yarne since he was the last of his race in the future so yeah :/.

Maribelle!Morgan x Chrom!Inigo: Had to make myself related to the royal family somehow and since I wanted Kjelle to whip help Brady look the part, it came down to this. Despite being a royal Azure couldn't keeo himself from flirting and getting rejected which is when Morgan steps in. She comforts him and eventually the two fall in love, further extending the Ylsse bloodline as well as making Chrom and I brothers-in-arms brothers-in-law. Plus the boost they get from each other is pretty decent so no complants there.

Avatar!Brady x Stahl!Kjelle: Ah Kjelle, giving Brady that much needed Str boost when I made him a battle cleric for a while. After that I just kept the two together since she was intent on making him not so weak and he was intent on getting stronger for her sake. I was proud to see my boy growing up :^_^:. Plus that meant he had a bit of his old man in him and that made him all the more awesome.

Chrom x Olivia: To be frank I wanted this pairing just for Lucina to get Swordmaster and Assasin as well as for the heck of it. I've got a little no problems with Chrom x Sumia but I felt that Azure deserved royal weapon considering that the skills I'd have on him need that extra percentage. Plus dancer becomes queen situation?!

Units paired:

Avatar x Maribelle: Same as above.

Chrom x Olivia: Same as above.

Stahl x Sully: The Cain and Abel of this game being able to support and marry? Sign me up, the two are the chrismas knights and have some history as well. It's a natural pairing for me.

Gaius x Panne: Speed Bunny, that is all.

Vaike x Lissa: "Enter Mrs. The Vaike!" or for a more douch way of putting it. "Yo bro, the Vaike just banged your sister and had a kid. We's families now boi."

Donnel x Nah: Nah with some Aptitude is awesome. Plus Donnels country talk makes him the best parent no matter wht-as evidenced by my sig.

Kellam x Miriel: An expiriment on why he disappears? I want to know the results

Henry x Cordelia: Just a crack pairing is all.

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I.S. does tend to include pairing options that both involve a Lord and aren't so heavily hinted at (cases in point, Eliwood X Lyn, Hector X Florina, Rath X Lyn, Roy X Cecilia) whenever they push a Lord pair in the game. I'm not surprised Chrom was given 3-4 other playable options. And I'm not expecting them to stop anytime in the future at least just yet, considering the nature of pairs in general in this series. (Though the only ones that don't get a heavily hinted pair IIRC are The Renais Twins and Celiph.)

Considering the fact that no canon appearance or gender has been set for Kris, it's a pretty safe bet that any pair involving Robin won't be made canon.

True, but that doesn't automatically make them absolute canon. Just given a bit more attention than the others. Take Ike and Elincia for instance. They were sure hinted at in PoR, yet look what RD went and did. Don't get me wrong, I'm usually fine with the pushed pairings (RoyxLilina is cute, EliwoodxNinian I can deal with because I prefer his other options with other men, and of course you know my stance on Ike and Elincia). I'm just saying that just because they're pushed a bit more doesn't mean they're the one true pair for the lords.

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I said Sumia was canon because on the introduction video of the game before main screen you see Chrom paired with Sumia holding Lucina. Maybe just used her to illustrate the marriage mechanic of the game on the cinematic.

Also think Chrom should have a bit more options, i can see why he can't support Cordelia, but don't understand why he can't with Miriel and Nowi. Well maybe they couldn't include Nowi because they would have to make cinematics with Lucina with green hair...

Also, doing a 2nd playthrough, now on Hard and with characters i didn't used on the first run!

Crom x Sumia --> I wanted to see this ''canon'' so i paired them. Sumia is the only character i used in the first run that is being used again, just for the pairing. One or other funny moment, but nothing really outstanding, she wins him by the stomach.

But i got on Chapter 12 and it seems marriage and Lucina toughened her up. Lissa even jokes that Chrom is now ''trained''.

Ricken x Maribelle --> Wanted to do this one the moment i saw them, but they weren't used. Now i did it and it is a pretty good support. They seem so innocent and pure together.

Avatar x Cordelia --> I was a bit skeptical about this one, because it's said she is designed as Catria and have hidden feelings for Chrom. Nothing more disgusting than be with a person while this person idealizes and compares your every move with the other and thinks how things could be better with this other.

But nothing of that happened, Chrom is never mentioned, altough if Avatar didn't steped up liked he did he would get friendzoned pretty bad. I even thought she would'nt accept because of Chrom in a line she says, but she accepted pretty convincingly and her confession scene is pretty nice.

Stahl x Miriel is on A, and from the looks of it Stahl is in for a rough time from what we see so far...Stahl is the ''nice guy'' and Miriel hides a ''dominatrix''.

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Maybe just used her to illustrate the marriage mechanic of the game on the cinematic.

Yeah, I believe that this is the case, honestly. I don't dislike ChromxSumia like I dislike GeoffreyxElincia or anything, but something just tells me this is what IS was going for. To me, Chrom's other options for wives have something reasonable going for them by being with him too. Sully is Chrom's childhood friend, Maribelle is his sister's best friend and has known him for a long time as well (and is supposed to have a crush on him), the Avatar works closely with him because she's the tactician (meaning they interact a lot and get to know one another easily), and imo Olivia's son Inigo looks more like Chrom than any of Lucina's other potential siblings.

But this is just what I think.

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On my first run.

It was ChromxSumia for canon reasoning. Did nicely from early to middle game, then Sumia started sucking, and Chrom didn't get much levels because of lousy damages.

MU paired with Tharja.

Don't underestimate the power of lesbians.

Mercenary and Sorceress vs Grima. Two turns slaughter with turn 1 bolt axe and turn 2 brave sword. Seriously, it was funny watching Grima painfully stripping my hp off and I heal it back with Sol which seemed to just activates almost every hit healing for 6 hp each. With Tharja using Waste, Grima was gone in no time flat.

(Of course, I only abused Second Seal on MU, but only to Merc, Hero, back to Tactician, then back to Merc again up to Hero for the second time giving MU very high stats cap, she had 80 hp end game. 30+ str, 20(?) mag. 40~ skl and 37~ spd. with high lck to begins with despite with it being flawed.

Defense also high enough to shrug off the defenders and heal up.

Resistance decently high...probably the highest of all characters despite being a hero, and ironically, defense being the best.

She also solo'd everything with Tharja paired from the beginning of Walhart's appearance. Yes it was on a normal I am ashamed.)

Lon'qu x Cordelia resulting in an awesome Severa for my playthrough for some part.

The married couple flies together kicking everyone's asses with sword and magic combo. (Cord is dark flier while lon went sm.)

Cherche x Libra (I didn't know who to pair Cherche with so I picked Libra for the hell of it.)

Didn't really use Gerome, but Cherche was completely badass with her Wyvern Lord with Libra joyriding.

Gaius paired with Panne.

Panne needed the spd boost so I gave her Gaius. She did pretty decent with Gaius being an oaf and picking locks. Never promoted Gaius either.

Severa paired with Cynthia for an extra lesbian power because reason.

Severa went Bow Knight and Cynthia Falconknight. Did pretty nice. (Then again, it's normal, what do I know?)

Currently doing a second run through.

Went female mu again.

Chrom x MU right now.

MU still kicking ass when she got to lv 10 and swapped to Merc.

(I have three different save files with her being Dark Mage and Wyvern Knight after the merc got to lv 10, and the third being the class kept the same.)

I guess I'm comfortable in Hard zone atm. (I let some of the characters get killed off. Kellam, Maribelle (she survived somehow damn the power of lesbian), Mariel, Donnel (in the para1 anyway, but he lives.), and Ricken.

I'm on chapter 6 with wyvern knight and merc, while dark mage is ahead a chapter.

I'm not a good player mind you.

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I'll just obsess over MUxLucina some more thank you. Although I did MuxCordelia on this one.

Morgan and Severa both inherited Galeforce. I paired them and made them both Dark Knights, and booted Morgan.


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I only did half my intended pairings because I just couldn't be arsed to micromanage like, 12 pairings in the first generation alone. Whoops. Anyways:

Chrom x Sully

I have nothing against all of Chrom's other marriage candidates, but I felt that overall, with everything that was going on, Chrom needed a strong lady that would support him through losing his sister and running a country and Sully was the best fit. Also Sully is a certifiable badass (though I think Maribelle would have been equally as good in this role).

(F) Avatar x Stahl

I like dorks and Stahl is the king of them all. My only regret is that because of him, my Morgan's RES stat was kind of bad to start out with.

Frederick x Sumia

I feel like a bad person because I try to like Sumia, like really really hard, but most of the time I'm just indifferent to her. However, her supports with Frederick were highly amusing to me and they did create a rather decent Cynthia. Also I figured she'd be best suited to have Mr. Combat Butler by her side. They really did make a good duo when I used them (however I ended up benching both of them for being mediocre. At least Cynthia wasn't too hard to boost up to the same levels as I had the other kids I got)

Lon'qu x Cherche

I picked this pair because I read the translated version of their support in the japanese support thread and I really liked how much backstory it gave for Lon'qu. Also Gerome was in need of a speed boost. They created an awesome Gerome in the end (also the sheer idea of Lon'qu trolling his son in their supports are HILARIOUS)

Maribelle x Gaius

Another case of having read the translated version and liking the backstory it gave. Had a really nice development pace through their supports, and also Maribelle and Gaius are both just winners. I had to grind Maribelle a lot though in order to get her skill and speed up in order to salvage Brady, but he ended up being one of my better child characters in the end. Effort worth it I guess....

Donnel x Lissa

Who doesn't like stories of a country bumpkin marrying a princess. Their supports are just really freaking sweet and I love them. Also Donnel passing Good Growths (Aptitude? I don't remember the english name sorry) down to Owain was great.

Libra x Cordelia

Did this on a whim because it wasn't claimed in the english support thread. Turned out rather hilarious with how much Libra had to babysit Cordelia. They produced a pretty balanced Severa so it wasn't all that bad.

Olivia x Gregor

I vaguely remember thinking it would be a good idea to give Inigo a mercenary father and I have no idea why that was a good plan in my head. Gregor didn't really pass anything useful down to Inigo, but after a few reclasses for both his parents, Inigo came out swell. Gregor is such a ham though with all his flirting, so I like to think that that's where Inigo really got it from haaa.

Vaike x Panne

I got them to an S rank and never used them again. Yarne was terrible for it and it was all my fault.

(M) Morgan x Lucina

I wanted to be Chrom's in-law because I regretted not marrying him in my first file.

Kjelle x Gerome

I thought it'd be funny to see the serious training knight and the grouchy wyvern rider together. It kind of was. My only regret is she never punched his mask off.

Severa x Inigo

I had started working on it but didn't finish it before I hit endgame. I'll probably go back and finish it in my post game sometime.

If I hadn't been so eager to start up a new file to marry Chrom for story reasons, I probably would have taken the time to pair Cynthia with either Owain or Brady. Probably Owain.

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Wut. I knew i was going for this and the results were nice. Morgan ended up with some interesting skills. Also when those two Pair Up, things die. Im not even sure if results are typical, but Virion ended up as Haar 2.0 as a wyvern. O_o Dude is a death machine.


Just felt right. Sumia reminded me of Florina only without the crippling fear of men and introversion. Since i love Hector/Florina, i thought this pairing would be kinda awesome. Lucina has a sister and Cynthia has Aether...wut.


Poor Sully ended up being paired at relatively the last minute. Stahl didnt get much use. Kjelle seems pretty average in terms of skills though. Next run, Sully may end up with someone else.


Seemed kinda funny. Nah turned out to be a lock picking Manakete. HAHAHAHA


Seemed right. Sadly, i did the pairing before Fred got Luna. D: (im not a fan of Severa anyway. Her name is awesome but shes....her attitude is not.)


Lissa is such a nice girl, i thought she could do with a very pretty husband.

OMFG OWAIN IS A DEATH MACHINE! Funny how a ball busting swordmaster has Healtouch. HAR.


Another Pair the Spares thing. Inigo has Focus as a result.


He is so distant and afraid of women. Who better to get with him than the spooky mage? Noire is a little roflstomper. Vantage on a Bow Knight. Wiggy.


Teehee. Those two are so quirky. Gerome likes Anathema and his silverish hair.


So cute. I love Gregor and he likes the rough and tumble types it seems. "Come little bunny, into arms of Gregor!"

Yarne isnt much to write home about but he has Gamble and that makes him miss a bit. (Gregor was reclassed to Barbarian and is now a Zerker)


Because Noire needs the greatest of Heroes!


Just felt right.

Guys yet to be paired:








And most of the other kids.

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Chrom and sumia

Me and Olivia

Freddy and cherche

Virion and Miriel(idk why I did this)

Gaius and Maribelle

Lon' qu and Lissa

Gregor and Panne

Ricken and Nowi

Kellam and Cordelia

Sully and Stahl

Henry and Tharja

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Wait, children don't inherit skills unless their parents get them BEFORE they're paired?!

Damn it. I guess I had Frederick and my Avatar get married way too soon. I don't think Frederick got Luna before I got the S support. >_>

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Characters who were permanently on my team:

Avatar x Cordelia: Cordelia is my favorite female in the game, plus Severa and Morgan turned out to be stupid powerful

Chrom x Sumia: I'm a sucker for the "canon" pairings.

Severa x Owain: I liked their support and I found the idea of the Tsundere character getting together with the guy who acts like he's the Hero of a Greek Epic.

Lucina x Inigo: Liked the support and found Lucina's strange sense of humor kind of funny.

Gerome x Morgan: I liked how Morgan made masks for Gerome to use and I liked how their personalities mixed.

Virion x Cherche: The shared history between the two of them (and their support) made me feel like they were best together.

Gaius x Maribelle: I liked how their support covered a big part of both of their backstories and how Maribelle eventually grew to forgive Gaius for what he had done.

Characters I replaced with Children Characters:

Lon'qu x Lissa: I liked the dynamic between the two of them and how throughout the support Lissa was persistent about getting closer to Lon'qu

Stahl x Sully: I liked their support

Donnel x Olivia: I liked their support, and felt they fit for each other. (I was amused by the reference to Naesala and Leanne as well, especially how they left Naesala's chronic backstabbing disorder out of it)

Characters I paired for the sole purpose of getting all of the sidequests:

Ricken x Nowi: I felt the idea of pairing Nowi with anyone else was creepy.

Frederick x Miriel: I like Frederick's character so I didn't want to leave him unpaired.

Henry x Tharja: Wizard fight!

Gregor x Panne: I like Gregor's character and didn't want to leave him unpaired.

Wait, children don't inherit skills unless their parents get them BEFORE they're paired?!

Damn it. I guess I had Frederick and my Avatar get married way too soon. I don't think Frederick got Luna before I got the S support. >_>

No, just when you go to recruit the children they will have the last skill both parents have equipped.

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No, just when you go to recruit the children they will have the last skill both parents have equipped.

Oh, so my Avatar and Frederick's Morgan will have Luna (it's the last Skill Freddy Bear learned). Good, cause I wanted Morgan to have it.

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Haven't paired everybody yet, but the ones I managed to do during the main game are:

Chrom x Maribelle: I wasn't using any of Chrom's other potential wives, so he had to go with this one to avoid the Generic Village Girl. Was better than nothing, but I wasn't a big fan of the pairing, or the Lucina that I got as a result. I eventually dumped Maribelle in favor of other staff users. I didn't use Brady, either. At least Chrom had a good conversation with him.

Vergil (Avatar) x Miriel: I went in expecting to marry Anna, or maybe Lucina. But then as a mage Avatar, I found myself pairing with Miriel all the time for the Mag bonuses, enjoying the hell out of her support conversations, and eventually deciding to go ahead and S rank her. Totally worth it for her dialogue in the S Support. "By the transitive property, I am yours." The Laurent I got out of it was pretty amazing, too. Morgan was also quite good, but I'm still working on making her a Dark Pegasus after having gone through Dark Knight for Lifetaker.

Frederick x Panne: They found themselves teamed up often enough, and I liked Panne helping Frederick get over his fears. I eventually dumped Frederick from my party, but since Panne was my best Gen 1 character, I ended up with a Yarne who was a literal beast. He eventually managed to overtake his mother as my team's strongest member.

Lissa x Stahl: I don't know exactly why they were paired up. I think I just wanted to support Lissa with somebody, anybody, before I gave her the boot. The supports were completely unmemorable, too. What I do remember is making Stahl an Assassin, passing Lethality to Owain, and watching him do the flashy anime super move that he was always meant to do. Owain was one of my heaviest hitters.

Nowi x Lon'qu: Ugh at the supports. The progression of playing house into getting married was exactly what I was afraid of. I supported them entirely for the purpose of getting a Nah with Astra, and at least on that front she did not disappoint. Nah was probably my second strongest character by the end, beating out Panne by virtue of not jobbing to arrows and wind magic all the time (Panne was a Griffon Rider).

Tharja x Libra: Paired them for the hell of it, found myself very interested in learning more of Libra's backstory, and so I kept them together. The support conversations were pretty great, but I dropped Tharja from the team and Libra stuck around only for his Staff rank. So Noire ended up as a subpar archer in a side chapter full of powerful enemies with forged weapons. I still haven't actually recruited her yet. I probably should, I like what I've seen of her personality.

Gen 2 Pairings:

Lucina x Owain: Wouldn't be Fire Emblem without at least a little incest! Plus, I like seeing Owain's actual personality take the center stage in this support, rather than his melodramatic persona.

Yarne x Morgan: Poor, poor Yarne. They make an adorable couple, though, despite (or maybe because of) Morgan's casual sadism.

Laurent x Nah: Haven't started it yet, but they're the only two Gen 2 characters I have left that I'm still using, so they'll be paired eventually.

I also used Anna, Say'ri, Tiki, Basilio, and Flavia at different points in the game, but they weren't exactly permanent fixtures on the team. Just filler when I needed them.

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Oh, so my Avatar and Frederick's Morgan will have Luna (it's the last Skill Freddy Bear learned). Good, cause I wanted Morgan to have it.

Not quite, it's literally the last skill on their list that will be inherited - if you rearrange them before you enter the Paralogue, you can pass on any skill of your choice. (And you can even exit the chapter and re-enter with a different skill in those positions for different results!)


Avatar/Ricken - I really wanted to romance Ricken and he's still an adorable little thing but the S support felt so sudden and kind of underwhelming and is the only one I've been disappointed in although augh he's cute ;-;. Ricken has started suffering stat-wise though due to a mistake of promoting him super early, and so he's usually seen more with Henry now and their son (as in Ricken/Avatar's, not Ricken/Henry's, not that I object) runs around with Avatar.

Sumia/Chrom - It just kinda happened. One moment I was enjoying fantastic speed boosts and Chrom mopping the floor with everything, then bam, they were in love. Sumia fell way behind in levels, however, so Chrom's usually backed by one of his daughters now.

Vaike/Miriel - It went like this. "Who the hell could I pair up with Vaike who could never possibly get along with him?" "Miriel, of course". And then bam it worked amazingly. Vaike now runs around with Berserker!Laurent, which is the most hilarious looking thing ever because he's still got the stupid giant hat.

Donnel/Sully - Donnel's confession to Sully in S is the sweetest thing in the game (that I've seen). Sully fell victim to the same early promotion duldrums that Ricken did sadly, but their daughter Kjelle is now up there with Donnel as two of my army's strongest.

Panne/Henry - I DIDN'T EXPECT PLOT DETAILS or how well these two actually work together. It makes Henry seem... well still insane, but a lot more sympathetic as well. I dunno, I just really liked this even though I thought there was no chance in hell. They still fight together sometimes.

Gregor/Nowi - I didn't expect to use Gregor based on what I saw of his design, then it turned out he was actually glorious soviet swell sword and I just HAD to use him, and somehow it clicked really well to have him with Nowi since they showed up together. He's got... interesting supports with their daughter, too.

Frederick/Lissa - This far down the list because it took FOREVER because I mostly used Lissa solo for healing for years. They're both really sweet together actually. Fred's retired, Owain plays escort to Lissa.

Cherche/Stahl - This would be one of those supports that would feel incomplete if you don't S-rank them, as it's hinting right from the start they probably both like each other.

Libra/Tharja - Again, I tried to pair up characters that shouldn't have worked. Once again, I failed, and they hit it off miraculously.

As for the kids, Lucia and Yarne are hitting it off together, but otherwise I've been more focused on raising their supports with their parents than the other second generations.

I've been attempting Olivia/Kellam, Cordelia/Lon'qu, and Mariabelle/Gaius whenever I happen to have a low-enough level challenge available to let them fight, but it's taking forever.

Edited by Garlyle
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Oh, so my Avatar and Frederick's Morgan will have Luna (it's the last Skill Freddy Bear learned)Good, cause I wanted Morgan to have it.

If he doesn't start with it, he can get it anyway, since the kids can always reclass to their parents classes. It just saves the time to level the kid to that level, besides starting with a badass kid.

Of course, a male kid can't be a pegasus knight and a female can't be a fighter, they get a new class, but they can inherit skills from these classes.

And you guys made some crazy pairings that for sure...Gaius x Nowi and lockpicking manakete ? That was awesome laugh.gif.Lissa x Libra, people will probably think he is her mother. .. Vaike x Miriel seems so hilarious, since when they first met... Donnel x Sully also looks hilarious, as Donny is so weak and is lacking confidence to be strong and Sully is right to the face..

Continuing my hard mode run, my Kellam failed miserably as a knight and i was about to bench him, when i wanted to reclass Maribelle cuz i didn't wanted to promote her so soon.

But then i would lose a healer... Thought of Anna, but to not drastically fall later in the game she would need a reclass too and she couldn't be a healer...

Then...saw Kellam can become a priest! He started pretty bad with like 4 or 5 Mag, but could get exp easily. That was around map 9 or 10 i think....i started using Olivia just to speed his leveling process and eventually they got a ridicuously hilarious C support convo that now i have to pair them.

Also, Kellam priest is so tanky...22 DEF and 21 RES at level 12...and somehow he still managed to level SPD quite decently, almost on 20. Even if he gets doubled by Falcoknights or Swordmaster he actually soaks the punch...

Also, made Cordelia a Dark Mage to level her MAG because i wanted to see her as a Dark Flier...than to boost some MAG she paired one map with Ricken and they can actually support each other blink.gif Ricken, who is like 13, with Cordelia ? He doesn't even reach her shoulders..That is a dream for every boy his age, so it definetely needs to be done in the next run.

Edited by Lanko
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Not quite, it's literally the last skill on their list that will be inherited - if you rearrange them before you enter the Paralogue, you can pass on any skill of your choice. (And you can even exit the chapter and re-enter with a different skill in those positions for different results!)

Oh, I see. Geez, I really need to study up more on how the inheriting works. xP

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I'm currently before Chapter 8, and I'm doing a bit of a grind to get everyone up to L20 unpromoted (although Chrom's already promoted coz I got a random Master Seal from Anna). Because they're similar in that you can do skirmishes, I think I'll do a "Sacred Stones Run" with the game, where instead of picking and choosing who I use for the rest of the game, I'll play chapters and skirmishes with a rotating cast of characters, the only constants being the Lords (when they're required). I'm a really old-fashioned JRPG guy who just loves the grind, so expect everyone on the Shepherds to be leveled up to 20 of a promoted class, have the best Skills possible, and just pretty much eat baddies for snacks.

I planned my S supports around getting the children, and getting some pretty awesome Skills with the kids. And by awesome, I mean, I'm trying to get either Skills they won't be getting because of class change limits (i.e. Fighter/Barbarian skills for female children), or high-level/high utility Skills. I'll update this post later, but for now, here's my pairings:

Chrom x Sumia - well, the game pretty much told me this should go first, like Eliwood x Ninian, or Roy x Lilina, so there we go. I must admit, though, all that pie talk got me hungry. Good thing there's a Marie Calender's down the street. Also, insert "eating Sumia's pie" jokes here. Lucina and Cynthia will be getting Aether + Pavise.

Lissa x Frederick - ... I'm a sucker for the Butler x Master kind of romances, and the whole "I get to marry my first crush" shtick. Plus seeing Fred suck at something AND blush is hilarious. Prolly the best Jagen, and what Seth should have been if Sacred Stones wasn't so... serious. Owain will be getting Galeforce + Lancebreaker.

Maribelle x Vaike - opposites attract? I also really like the contrast between the characters, and at first, I expected a Takahashi coupling (high-horsed ojou vs. loud, brash and reckless gangster = lots of Slap-Slap-Kiss), but everything turned out nice, so I'm not complaining. Also, anything Vaike-related is guaranteed comedy. Brady will be getting Galeforce + Lethality.

Sully x Virion - another case of polar opposites, the tomboyish girl who's not very... girly/refined (compared to oh, say, Maribelle or any of the Pegasus Knights... I'm aware of Sully's other side, I A-supported her with my Male Avatar) versus Sain with foppy clothes and a bow. Really liked how Sully was like, "I'm not gonna be claimed by men, I will be doing the claiming" part in the S support. Kjelle will be getting Astra + Lifetaker (prolly one of the less stellar pairings, since she can't get any gender-unique skills given Virion's class set).

Cordelia x Stahl - after this, for some reason, I wanna see Cordelia and Stahl do an electric guitar duet and playing some Queen. That would be awesome. Plus, anything with Cordelia's nice, given her Second Love status. Severa will be getting Astra + Lifetaker (similar situation to Kjelle, she can get Luna by class-changing to Great Knight).

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