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FE13 Song list


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Just unlocked the Unit Gallery, so I decided to compile all the English song names to put on the site.

Prelude: Option for skirmish music

Prelude (Ablaze): See Prelude

Storm Clouds: Option for skirmish music

Storm Clouds (Ablaze): See Storm Clouds


Duty (Ablaze)


Destiny (Ablaze)

Divine Decree

Divine Decree (Ablaze)

Chaos: Option for skirmish music

Chaos (Ablaze) See Chaos

Conquest: Option for skirmish music

Conquest (Ablaze): See Conquest

Champion: unlocked for use during skirmishes after beating the game

Champion (Ablaze): See Champion

"It appears the capital was spared the chaos."

"Here we are! The Shepherds' garrison."

"Negotiation's not my style."

"Something is very wrong."

"I mean it. Go!"

"You may call me Marth."

"Someone has to save you from your good intentions."

"You don't know the first thing about peace. No man does!"


Assault (Galvanized)


Aggression (Galvanized)


Annihilation (Galvanized)


Training (Galvanized)

"Farewell…my friends…": Plays whenever a character dies

"Dry your tears, love. This is not good-bye."

"I've never seen one fall so gracefully."


"Don't speak her name!": Plays through the entirety of Chapter 10.

"And what if I can't? What if I'm not worthy of her ideals?"

"Let's see what I'm capable of now."

"Oh, it's not so bad, Lissa. Just a healthy little walk!"

"We'd best prepare for combat, just to be safe."

"We should turn in for the night."

"I carry only the finest.": Plays in the map shops

"Open for business!": Plays in a Merchant shop

"Gods, have the Risen spread this far?"

"Now that's a declaration of war if I've ever heard one!"

Menace (Intro)


Miscreant (Intro)



Malefactor (Intro)


Mastermind (Intro)

Mastermind: Gangrel's boss theme

Monstrosity (Intro)


Rival (Intro)

Rival: Plays during the fight with "Marth" and other Avatars

"But Frederick, it's nearly dark!"

"The Vaike never forgets! I just don't always remember."

"Agh! Won goph in mah mouph! Blech! Ptooey!": Played during humorous situations

"Shhh… Easy now, girl. I won't hurt you."

"Such bonds are the true strength of this army."

"You have power… like mine."

"Run all you like—you can't escape fate."

"Don't you put any stock in this destiny hogwash!"

"The life force here shall renew me!"

"Ha ha! Yes, it will take some getting used to!"

"Grima has returned to slumber." :Plays after Gangrel's defeat and during Chrom's ending

Id (Serenity): Plays during Avatar's first meeting with Chrom, any of Avatar's S supports, and during Avatar's ending

Id (Sorrow): Plays during confrontation with Lucina, and at the beginning of Chapter 23

Id (Dilemma): Plays when the Hierophant (the Pontifex) is on screen

Id (Darkness): Plays during the final chapter when Grima tries to absorb you

Id (Return): Plays when Chrom and co. are supporting you against Grima during the final chapter

Id (Purpose): Map theme for the final chapter

Id (Beginnings): Plays during Avatar Creation

Edited by Mercury
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Thanks, I haven't had time to update the list yet.

Since this topic's here, would anybody like to contribute descriptions for the songs (kind of like here)? I won't be getting the game until April, but I don't want to leave the table blank for that long X D

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Grima has returned to slumber." -plays after Gangrel's defeat and during Chrom's ending

Id (Serenity) - plays during Avatar's first meeting with Chrom, any of Avatar's S supports, and during Avatar's ending

Id (Sorrow) - plays during confrontation with Lucina, and at the beginning of Chapter 23

Id (Dilemma) - plays when the Hierophant (the Pontifex) is on screen

Id (Darkness) - plays during the final chapter when Grima tries to absorb you

Id (Return) - plays when Chrom and co. are supporting you against Grima during the final chapter

Id (Purpose) - map theme for the final chapter

Id (Beginnings) - plays when you're creating your Avatar

Rival - plays during the fight with "Marth" and other Avatars

Conquest/Ablaze - plays during skirmishes

Champion/Ablaze - unlocked for use during skirmishes after beating the game

Some of these are kinda spoileriffic but it can't really be helped, can it?

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