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Who do YOU think Chrom's one true Waifu is?

Ace Tactician


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  1. 1. Who is Chrom's one true Waifu?

    • Female Avatar
    • Olivia
    • Sully
    • Sumia
    • Maribelle
    • The nameless Maiden

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As the people above me have said, that is not what a Mary Sue is. If I am remembering correctly, the term "Mary Sue" is supposed to refer to a character, usually a woman, who is like the "universe's pet". Micaiah, I can actually buy a case for her being a Mary Sue. Leanne? No way in hell. She isn't even that plot relevant. Sumia may be "flat and uninteresting", but that's not what makes a Mary Sue.

Despite MU being customizable, his/her personality and supports are pretty much locked. You can't customize your MU to act differently on different playthroughs. I'm not going to go into details because big spoiler alert, but MU has a lot of TRAITS that scream Mary Sue. More so than Sumia does. But does that actually make the self-insert a Mary Sue? People will disagree on that.

I really couldn't care less whether people want their MU with Chrom or not. But bashing Sumia for being "less worthy" of your "pwecious Chwomy-poo" and calling her more of a Mary Sue than the self insert just makes me facepalm. I can understand disliking Sumia for not being interesting and not wanting her paired with Chrom because you don't find their romance interesting. The bashing is unnecessary.

So you mean to say that the definition and reference that I posted in basically unacceptable? ;): We will just have to agree to disagree then, since debates aren't going anywhere if you dont even bother to listen/read to what the other person is saying.

Kind of like how I said I like Chrom with anyone except Sumia, you know, because I don't like her as a character. Then I even explained WHY I don't like her as a character but apparently my opinion is invalid because it "gets in the way of other's people cannon/OTP."

I don't see how people have the balls to tell me "stop bashing" and "stop starting a shipping war" when I did neither one. All I said was "I don't like this character." What is unnecesary is the 5 or 6 people literally jumping down my throat and rewording things i have said to things I did not say or do.

It's uncalled for, so please stop it.

Besides where it's relevant to a topic... do you see me mentioning "Olivia" in something like say... the FE13 help topic?

I didn't expect that either... but I guess since females have the "self-insert" character option... as well as the trend from Japan's popularity poll for who their favorite male is when Chrom took the number 1 spot on the official FE Background site popularity contest... I'd expect the numbers for the girls after Chrom's "Falchion" is pretty high.

Taking that into account, IS shoving Chrom x Sumia in their faces probably gets in the way of their OTP with themselves.

Or they could just not like Sumia as a character as a lot of people have said. She's boring and still a Mary Sue. Not everyone has to like the same characters as you and MyUnit has A LOT of other options anyway, so why does the deciding factor of whether or not they dislike a character have to do with the potential of 1 romance? She's with noone so far in my game and will probably stay that way since I never use her and is perma benched. For the record, MyUnit is also still single but its because she's playing the field keeping her options open focusing on building "friendships" with all the guys everyone before making a choice. (In all honestly I just want to see as many S conversations as possible in one play through).

I dont understand why if someone doesn't like a FEMALE character it always boils down to "fangirl jealousy". A lot pf people have logical and legitimate reasons to dislike a character.

Sumia is a drab and boring character, plus she sucks as a fighting unit in my game. Therefor I want her to have less screen time in the story and cutscenes, and don't want her crappiness passed down to future units. What part of this is unreasonable?

Even if other people's reasons don't seem legit to you, it's their opinion, and this poll is asking for opinions so why gang up on someone who's opinion you don't share?

I may be new here, but enough is enough. This topic was made to state your own opinion about who Chrom's true waifu is. This is not supposed to be canon first of all, no woman in FE: Awakening is better than the other.

If you like Sumia, everyone should respect that. If you like the Avatar, then we can respect that as well. And goddamn it, if you like yaoi pairings, then give a fuck yeah!!!

This is not a topic made for disrespect for the characters nor to start a pointless argument about Mary Sues. You guys may raise interesting points regarding Sumia's forced relationship, the Sue-ness relevant in the Avatar but this topic is not equipped to handle these sorts of discussions

If you would like to discuss other non-related topics, then please create a new topic where you guys can argue, in a civil manner. I'd like to ask if you could refrain this Sue-talk now, please.

Back on topic, I'm not too sure who I want my Chrom to pair up.

From what I can gather Sumia likes pies and there is a lot of nudity with the Avatar and Chrom.

Regardless when I saw an S- Rank Support I kinda went D'aaaawww at the cuteness in it all. So fucking cute!!!

Can I have an Amen?

Seriously, I didn't call anyone out for liking Sumia, and I honestly don't care if people love her or make her have all the Chrom babies every play through they do. More power to you guys. I just dont get why my one little comment saying "I dont like her because she seems like a Mary Sue to me" got a lot of people's panties in a knot. :facepalm:

Disagree all you want but don't misconstrue people's words or intentions into something they aren't.

Sumia is obviously the canon choice as it's her in the intro holding his kid, having special cutscenes with Chrom and her peggy, and being in the marriage cutscene as the "shadowy wife figure" at the end of Chapter 11. lol

I think I would have liked Sumia and Chrom together more were it less about making pies and asking if it was "her boots again". :l Lame chemistry. She herself is quirky and kind of entertaining, if not a little weak playing the role of a klutzy so scattered but kawaii girl. Chrom's a lot less entertaining though. Wonder why he's so bland as a lord. lol Maybe that's why he needs a quirky girl to punch unblandness into him.. >__>

But in the end I liked Chrom and Sully together the most. Childhood buddies that grew into romance! YEAH! And Sully is woman enough to propose to Chrom instead of the other way around! xD

I read convos for Chrom with everyone else, and I felt they didn't really compare to his and Sully's (well, Chrom and Maribelle seemed good to me too lol She has an air of nobility and good-heartedness to her, and also toughness that you wouldn't expect. Makes it easy to see why a bubbly girl like Lissa and her are best friends).

Agree with most of what you posted. I'm really tired of certain tropes that you see in Japanese games. (not to be read as I'm tired of Japanese games or characters, just certain tropes. and yes, you can still enjoy a game as a whole while still thinking it could be improved.) It's probably why I liked Elencia so much from Goddess of Dawn, because they built her up to something in PoR and completely deconstructed her character in the sequel.

I also really liked Sully and Maribelle both as units and characters. Sometimes Sully seems like she's trying a bit too hard but that's part of her charm and Maribelle, for some reason, reminds me of L'Arachel except with a few more marbles in her noggin. For me, they just both seem like they would make better queens (story-line wise) and the fact they can stay alive on the battlefield is also a major bonus.

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I like Sumia...

Me too. She reminds me of Florina a bit and i <3 Florina loads. SOME OF US JUST LOVE ADORABLE PEOPLE, GAWD!

I was never expecting Sumia to be a fan favorite character, but man I never expected this much hate for her.

Glad shes winning the poll though.

Srsly. Some peeps just dont like nice girls i guess.

still a Mary Sue.
It's uncalled for, so please stop it.

Im gonna ask you to kindly take your own advice. :):

I made a new file, and i think Chrom is gonna get with Sully this time because shes awesome.

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Me too. She reminds me of Florina a bit and i <3 Florina loads. SOME OF US JUST LOVE ADORABLE PEOPLE, GAWD!

Srsly. Some peeps just dont like nice girls i guess.

Im gonna ask you to kindly take your own advice. :):

I made a new file, and i think Chrom is gonna get with Sully this time because shes awesome.

Or basically tell me to shut up, right? Because you don't like my opinion. Let's call a spade a spade. :huh:

It's a discussion forum, and it's an opinion poll. Disagree to your heart's content but I'm still asking people kindly to stop misconstruing what I say rather than tell them they should change what they think all together or to just stop posting in general.

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"I dont like her because she seems like a Mary Sue to me" got a lot of people's panties in a knot. :facepalm:

Disagree all you want but don't misconstrue people's words or intentions into something they aren't.

Because your definition of what you think a "Mary Sue" is "The one who took my Chromnoms from me and I hate her".

You're throwing out the word you don't even know the definition for because you simply dislike a character. THAT's why people got riled up at you. :P:

Or basically tell me to shut up, right? Because you don't like my opinion. Let's call a spade a spade. :huh:

It's a discussion forum, and it's an opinion poll. Disagree to your heart's content but I'm still asking people kindly to stop misconstruing what I say rather than tell them they should change what they think all together or to just stop posting in general.

Because your "opinion" of what a Mary Sue isn't correct.

lololol, I'm totally about to strawman but...

"My opinion is that this car's color is blue."

"But it's red."

"My opinion is it's blue, can't you accept that?"

"It's still red."

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Me too. She reminds me of Florina a bit and i <3 Florina loads. SOME OF US JUST LOVE ADORABLE PEOPLE, GAWD!

Sumia has to be one of the cutest characters in terms of personality in the game, and as you say... ADORABLE! laugh.gif

Huh, Olivia reminded me more of Florina than Sumia did. I mean, both of them are shy girls and think they're weak.

Especially since Sumia slaps people with a closed fist.

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I think people dislike Sumia for PANDERING with her cutseyness too much. (for the record, I also dislike Florina for this lol)

They tried too hard to make her cute and quirky. I normally like quirk, but there comes a point... >___>

Same with kind of trying too hard to make Sully GIRL POWER. I cringe a bit every time she talks about being compared to a man. lol

Olivia has similar issues, but since she's not thrust in front of the player's faces as much, she escapes most Mary-Sue or general "this is a weak and insipid character and I wish I didn't have to see her face" accusations.

Mary-Sueness comes from the intersection of idealism/specialness, pandering (over-engagement of audience to sympathize with or adore the character), and over-focus/attention when it comes to a story. It's subjective though, because lots of characters can overcome this label if they are genuinely entertaining to the viewer.

It no longer really has completely to do with "self-insert" ala original Mary-Sue, so everyone, get your semantics with your connotations aligned.

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I think the point of showing the marriage scene between Sumia and Chrom in the opening was NOT to say this is the canon choice, but rather to tell you that the player can marry the ladies in FE: Awakening and make the babies.

Really they just happened to pick Sumia, it could have been anyone, count your blessings it wasn't the avatar.

On the subject of disliking a character:

It's totally fine if you hate or dislike a character and posting that you DO hate or dislike the character is totally fine. You can also post the opposite, that you love or like a character. Providing why you love or hate that character is... sorta okay, but when it becomes a full blown argument like WE ARE HAVING RIGHT NOW!! Then we need to stop, drop it and move on.

Finally none of the girls are Chrom's Waifu. Instead HE is the waifu for all of us.

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I think the point of showing the marriage scene between Sumia and Chrom in the opening was NOT to say this is the canon choice, but rather to tell you that the player can marry the ladies in FE: Awakening and make the babies.

Really they just happened to pick Sumia, it could have been anyone, count your blessings it wasn't the avatar.

Well, the thing is that it wasn't just the intro. D8 There was when we first see Chrom and Sumia together, when she trips over herself and Chrom worries for her; there's also that unnecessary CG of Sumia calming the pegasus just to make an impression for Chrom; there's also the uneeded cutscene where Sumia saves Chrom from becoming a Chromkebab, and that cutscene is even entitled "Lovebirds"; there is also that scene where Sumia keeps Chrom from falling into a Heroic BSOD with her fist, and Flavia says something along the lines of "get a room you lovebirds", even though Chrom and/or Sumia could have an S-Rank with someone else at that point.

I really want to make it clear that I don't hate Sumia, not at all. Even when I overreacted in that one other thread. It's the Chrom/Sumia pairing itself I hate. Sumia is one of my best units in all 3 of my files. It's the forced-ness of the pairing that makes me hate it. There could have been a better way to show the marriage/child system in the intro, they really didn't need to make Sumia a target by making her the poster girl.

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Well, the thing is that it wasn't just the intro. D8 There was when we first see Chrom and Sumia together, when she trips over herself and Chrom worries for her; there's also that unnecessary CG of Sumia calming the pegasus just to make an impression for Chrom; there's also the uneeded cutscene where Sumia saves Chrom from becoming a Chromkebab, and that cutscene is even entitled "Lovebirds"; there is also that scene where Sumia keeps Chrom from falling into a Heroic BSOD with her fist, and Flavia says something along the lines of "get a room you lovebirds", even though Chrom and/or Sumia could have an S-Rank with someone else at that point.

I really want to make it clear that I don't hate Sumia, not at all. Even when I overreacted in that one other thread. It's the Chrom/Sumia pairing itself I hate. Sumia is one of my best units in all 3 of my files. It's the forced-ness of the pairing that makes me hate it. There could have been a better way to show the marriage/child system in the intro, they really didn't need to make Sumia a target by making her the poster girl.

The forcedness of it makes me dislike the pair too, though I also don't like Sumia (I don't think she's a Sue or anything. I just find her annoying). But I think all of that was to give new players a helping hand in picking a wife for Chrom before they ended up with someone they weren't intending or the village maiden. Because even some veteran FE players weren't familiar with the marriage system, as it hadn't been seen since the Japan-only FE4. I mean, notice how Sumia wasn't so pushed again after that chapter where she comes in and rescues Chrom. It stops all of a sudden.

Also, truth be told, I couldn't imagine anyone except for a Pegasus knight rescuing him without becoming a pincushion themselves.

Oh, and, the term lovebirds is also sometimes used jokingly.

EDIT: This doesn't really matter to me a lot anyway. I've consoled myself that if Chrom does indeed get Sumia, then that just means female Avatar can have Frederick. :P:

Edited by Anacybele
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I really want to make it clear that I don't hate Sumia, not at all. Even when I overreacted in that one other thread. It's the Chrom/Sumia pairing itself I hate. Sumia is one of my best units in all 3 of my files. It's the forced-ness of the pairing that makes me hate it. There could have been a better way to show the marriage/child system in the intro, they really didn't need to make Sumia a target by making her the poster girl.

Agreed with everything you said, I don't hate Sumia, in fact I'm currently in the process of training her as a Dark Flier for Galeforce before I go recruit Cynthia, it's the pairing of Chrom/Sumia that I dislike. I do think IS could have picked another poster girl for the opening scene to showcase the marriage system so all this Sumia hate would not have had to happen.

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I don't see how people have the balls to tell me "stop bashing" and "stop starting a shipping war" when I did neither one. All I said was "I don't like this character." What is unnecesary is the 5 or 6 people literally jumping down my throat and rewording things i have said to things I did not say or do.

Literally? There are people literally jumping down your throat?

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Am i the only one who liked the little cutscene where Sumia picks up Chrom with her pegasus? I thought that was cool.


No, I liked it too. My internal romance sensor tingled a little when Chrom looked at her like "Wow," but still, it was nice to see her actually do something useful for a change. What's also funny is that Chrom can completely forget this and fall in love with other girls. lol

But I also don't think "Lovebirds" was a fitting title. They're not in love at this point, so...

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*is very late to the party*

Um, I really hope that this has all blown over already, but really guys? Are we doing this stupid canon/sue/otp crap wars again? ......I had a feeling this would start up simply with the nature of this topic......good thing I missed most of this....... >.<

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I'll just put this here.

All of your arguments are negated. The deco gummy sticker packs even ship them. It was the last pack to complete the 24 set. And it was these two in the same pack.


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It's not just the fanon shipping wars.IS is just really adamant about shoving Sumia and Chrom down our throats...Even I have to agree with a lot of people at this point. I love Sumia, and I think Chrom is delicious don't get me wrong... but goddamn it the support needs to be... fixed. The actual title for the aforementioned scene should have probably been, instead of 'LoveBirds'"Pegasus Sumia, HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"or "Sumia to the rescue"?I dunno know.

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Shipping wars. Hahahaha.

Chrom/Sumia is the most credible choice. I like Chrom and Olivia's supports more, but you can't deny how much Chrom/Olivia is shown. And the Mary Sue argument is really old. I thought we were done with that when Ike vs. Micaiah was the most popular argument on SF.

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